Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ When She Found Out ❯ When She Found Out ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When She Found Out

By Karasu ( )

Content: yaoi implication, dark-ish, tortured character(s), general description of sex in one part

Disclaimer: Sephiroth, Cloud, and Vincent are not my property (neither is Nibehiem, the lab, Hojo, Tifa, or Jenova). I also doubt I'm the first one to us "the busty one" as a reference to Tifa. However the idea and plot line for this short fic is my own although I wonder if someone else has done something like it.

May 12, 2002

She knew. And that terrified him more than his involvment in the murders of all those people who had dared to cross the path of one of his clones.

She had always known the name. She had always known at least a little about the one with that name. She had even allowed him to communicate with the little lost one. But she hadn't known then what the lost one meant to him. She knew now. She knew everything after attacking his mind with all the viciousness of a rabid beast and with the skill of a vampire. As always, he had no control over it. She overpowered him with no effort and took all of it from him.

And she had been so angry. At first, that is. She had been furious and continued to attack him, leaving alone the cloaked ones to wander mindlessly, offering no harm or resistance to the group in which the little lost one was traveling in. After she had dealt with the fury consuming her, she had been amused, extremely so. Her playful pity churned his insides and made him feel even more cold and bitter. She had then charmingly let ideas slip to him, letting him know of every little tiny bit of torture she was going to place on the lost one. 'Oh,' she whispered to him, 'you will still talk to him... you will bring forth the torture...'

Once she knew, he was force-fed images of all incounters with the small band of justice-seekers. She danced images of the lost one before his eyes, taunting him to reach out and touch the intertwined minds in that body. Two consciousnesses in one being, how amusing. He tried harder to move, to get free of his prison, but he could do nothing. He was immobile and helpless. He was in her grasp and he could do nothing about it. When she showed him the entrance of Nibelheim he nearly panicked; his mind stopped functioning for a moment in horror as he watched the lost one tear open doors and desperately shake the people there, trying to understand what happened. He thought he remembered.

'Wake up...' he called quietly, helplessly to the lost one. 'I'm sorry... please, please wake up...!' She laughed darkly and he could see a vision of himself smiling cruelly as the clone entered the mansion and descended into the basement. It would be night before any of the group visited the mansion. The hesitence of the lost one and the busty chic made the others ask to take a rest before continuing. The lost one couldn't wait for that long, however, nor could he bear to go with company to that dreaded place where memories had been twisted about.

'Don't!' he shouted, even while she bid: 'continue.'

As the lost one pushed through the gate, he felt himself go numb with sickness. She was showing him all that she would do to the lost one. 'Please...' he begged her, almost whimpering, 'please don't...'

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

He paused only a moment when he heard the mixed cry of "Don't" and "Continue." The next instant came a more firm and convincing tone: "Come to me... you need answers."

Shivering slightly, Cloud pushed open the door and went through. The mansion was even darker than the night outside and he felt his body chill to the bone with the sight of its emptiness. Ghostly voices drifted round his brain with scattered images he couldn't pick out clearly. As he slowly shuffled forward and ascended the stairs he could see clearly fire flickering in jade green eyes. 'Why?'

He found himself in the old bedroom he had rested in while waiting out the days of madness while the General had been in the library. Cloud blinked quickly, trying to clear his thoughts as a roar deafened his ears. He turned carefully and looked across the hall. What little light leaked into the room reflected off the dial of a safe in the opposite room. He was curious to open it, but then he felt the tug and the call again: "I am here, my little lost one."

As if in a trance, Cloud followed the sense of the tug on his mind and crossed the landing to the otherside and entered the library. Without stopping he moved to the rounded bookcase and touched the trigger which moved the shelves away and allowed him entrance. He descended in a circle around the boards lining the inside of the tower and he felt the heavy sense of deja vu fall all around him with the weight of a wet blanket. He felt like he was suffocating, but he didn't fight, still hoping that all would be answered when he reached that voice he had been hearing. He knew that voice. He knew it in his heart and soul as easily as he could identify it with his mind - as he had already - but somehow he needed one final confirmation. And he needed to see the source of that voice alone and without the interference of the others, especially Aeris or Tifa.

The hallway seemed impossibly long as he crossed it and once again entered a half-hidden door. When he saw the fully-lighted inside, he choked on the bile that was rising in his throat. Something had happened here. Something incredibly important and horrible. It made him sick, seeing this awful laboratory, set up for observation of something that he should know but didn't. He gripped the doorframe for support as his wide blue eyes took in everything with its fine layer of dust. He was paralyzed.

Then the voice sounded. And this time it was aloud and not just in his mind. "My lost, wandering soul." It was the sound of a voice attempting to be loving, but there was a mad tinge to it that signaled instability. Cloud slowly pulled himself into a self-assured stance as he looked towards the being he had been called by. And there, just inside the small corridor leading to the lab library he stood. Magnificent as always with his long, pale silver hair and black clothing. The green eyes sparked with a strange light that sent a ripple of fear through Cloud. He wanted to turn away, he realized, but his body wasn't obeying and he was trapped in that steady gaze.

The perfectly sculpted lips parted to reveal shining white teeth. "Finally you have come to me. Now let me touch you, my lost one." The tongue appeared briefly to shape words with the teeth and lips and Cloud found his focus thrown off when the mouth closed up again. Unconciously he had taken a few steps forward and when the tall being approached him, he couldn't move away fast enough and soon he felt the leather-covered fingers trailing his arms.

Trembling suddenly, Cloud stared straight ahead and found his gaze resting on smooth, pale skin unmarred by battle. His mind tickled with the knowledge that there should be scars on that chest. He couldn't grasp that fact, however, since memories of things much more sensual and passionate were filtering through the fog as those fingers traced his well-muscled arms.

"You have grown." One hand slipped onto the blue fabric of his shirt to feel the muscles beneath.

Now gasping from time to time, Cloud closed his eyes and whispered, "Sephiroth-"

A finger pressed against his lips to cut him off. Green eyes twinkled with amusement before the madness dominated the perfected face. With a force beyond human compacity, the tall being threw Cloud away from him so that the blonde ended up half-sprawled on the laboratory's old, solid table. Hopeless sadness and fear settled into his gut as he glanced back at Sephiroth in pain. His hip throbbed in pain where he had slammed into the edge of the table.

Sephiroth strode forward with the presence he had always contained. His face had become blank, his lips slightly turned down. He towered over Cloud for a time before his hand reached out and almost gently stroked the yellow hair that was flung over the pale blue eyes now full of apprehension. Without warning the hand pulled violently on the strands of hair, making the blond cry out and lift his arms to struggle. Sephiroth slapped the hands away and relinquished his hold on the hair, watching in mild amusement as strands fell from his gloves and landed to stick in the small mass of red that was appearing on the scalp.

Whimpering softly, Cloud attempted to reach the other end of the table and pull himself across. In an instant black-gloved hands covered his wrists in talon-like grips. In a soft hiss, Sephiroth warned, "You will not get far." Cloud flinched and struggled against the oppressing body what was getting too near to his own. Smiling slightly, the body above him pressed down more, basically stopping all movement from the small blond.

"You like this sort of thing. Don't you remember it well? Cold tile digging into your flesh..." the sculpted lips were beside his ear and teased the skin there. "You would beg for release as I pounded into you and took you completely. My little slave. How terribly decieving is that innocent face of yours."

"No..." Cloud denied in a whisper, turned his face against the wood so that he didn't have to see the terrifying, beautiful face above him.

Chuckling softly, Sephiroth trailed one hand along the inside of the blonde's thigh. "But you cannot say no, lovely. You who teased me with slow strips in the locker rooms and that delectable ass of yours"-a covered hand smacked said ass-"before saunturing off into the showers. You would pretend to be so shocked when I appeared behind you. I would take you right then and there without a care in the world to who would hear your screams. All I had to do was lift you up and press you against the wall and push into you. You gripped my shoulders in a deliciously simple sort of way. I could cover myself with you as you turned utterly limp with the extreme high you got. One time you half-drowned with the water flooding your mouth." Sephiroth moved his hand up the inner thigh and started stroking lightly the clothed organ at the legs' junction.

"Don't. God, don't...!" Cloud half-cried, renewing his struggles as tears broke into his eyes.

With ease Sephiroth flipped the blond over and had him laying full out on the table on his back. Within moments he had closed the restraints over both ankles and wrists. Cloud stared at him with terror pouring from his expression. He twisted against the steel cuffs but felt no movement. As the edges cut into his skin he felt another memory eating his mind.

Glasses. Scalpul. Mad laugh. Whispered words of strength. Pain. Such pain. Anger. Disappointment. Those glasses, reflecting the lab lights.

Involuntarily Cloud screamed. "NO!" echoed loudly for minutes on end before he started babbling out other cries that tore from his throat in an insane pattern. "OhgodstopitpleasestopitIwon'tdoitanymoreI'llstop... Don'tpleasepleasepleasedon'tdothisohgodohgod... Help...helpmepleasehelpme... Zack? ZACK? NO!" His screams continued until his voice gave out on him and he was left with his gasping and heaving. The pale eyes were wide as saucers now and staring straight at the ceiling.

Sephiroth merely stood over him with a thrilled look on his face. He quickly descended to swiftly kiss the dry, cracking lips and laughed. The blonde wasn't acknowleding him anymore, perhaps he couldn't. It didn't matter. Things would proceed one way or another. He just needed to trample over the broken pieces again and drag out the pain until this body was a hallow shell with nothing but the connection to //her//.

He crawled onto the table, straddling the stomach of the small blond and slapped the pale cheeks until they were red. Slowly the blue eyes were focusing on him again, but they were so empty. "Wakey, wakey, lovely. We have more to bring to you. And then we'll see just how those travelers with you will do." There was no reaction at any point, only the wide, dumb-eyed stare.

"Oh? You are this weak. Damn, you're disappointing. Let's see, what would that bastard Hojo do...?"

The blue eyes flickered in fear. Sephiroth smiled. Out of nowhere a bullet rammed straight through his shoulder.

Surprised, Sephiroth turned just as another bullet pieced the skin of his arm. The next shot followed immediately after and buried itself into the middle of his chest. Angered that he was choking on the blood rising in his throat, Sephiroth was off the table in a moment and drawing his long sword against the attacker standing in the doorway. The shadowed figure had not stopped shooting and other bullets were grazing past him in a dizzying succession. Sephiroth's eyes narrowed as he advanced. Along the way he blocked many of the bullets, but the attacker was extremely skilled and had the upper hand considering the distance between the two.

Another two bullets lodged themselves in Sephiroth's chest, making him falter but not completely stop. More firing and the attacker was slowly entering the room. Hard, glitering eyes glared between a high collar on a red cloak and a head of black hair. The last three bullets tore through Sephiroth's heart and throat. The sword clattered to the floor, soon followed by the tall body. His expression was of complete shock.

The man in red took only a few more paces forward and stared down at the body. Another two bullets were shot to ensure the death. Then with the slowness of a sleepwalker, the man moved forward towards the table where the blonde lay. He didn't look around the room, for this lab held so many terrors for him. Perhaps this boy strapped to the table had as many frightening memories here as he did. Setting his gun aside, the man brought out one pale, well-defined hand and freed the restraints. He took a step back afterwards, watching the boy silently.

There was no movement. Uneasiness floated to his mind, for he was unsure how to handle this; he did not even understand how he was standing here now with a dead man on the floor - whom he had killed - and a boy on the table who he was attempting to save. He couldn't speak, no words would come to him and he found them useless. Approaching the table again he carefully touched the blonde's arm and peered at the blank face. Firming his grip around the forearm, he shook the boy a bit.

As he waited for a while, blue eyes were slowly starting to lose their sheen of tears and terror and began to focus on the new face above him. The blonde was confused as he stirred. Questions formed on his lips but he found no sound came out but little gasps of air. He moved with sluggish movements and the man hesitantly helped him sit, facing away from the dead man.

When the blonde looked over him inquiringly, he found his voice for the first time in decades. "I believe you will be all right now. You won't be able to speak; I think I heard screaming." The blonde looked even more confused but seemed to let it slide. The black-haired man looked over at the dead man and then returned his gaze to the boy. The boy was frowning at the corpse and slowly went closer to it.

The man in red picked up his gun again and followed the boy, gazing down at the dead body. He paused, and studied the form harder. The corpse looked different. Similar black clothes covered a skinny deathly form. The hair was a dirty brown cut in a rough style to hang at the shoulders. A hand was half-covered by cloth but the boy pulled that back to point at the tatoo of a number 23. The boy's solemn face turned up and his lips shaped the words "clone."

"He didn't look like that." The man stated. The blonde raised an eyebrow in question. Slowly the boy rose and looked around the room, body shivering in discomfort. He shook his head, confusion still tracing into his features. With a thought, the man in red questioned, "Do you know why you are here?"

Uncomfortably, the blonde shook his head, then looked at the table. Recognition flashed briefly, but the next second the blonde rolled his eyes in what seemed like amusement and he headed for the door, motioning for the man to follow. Frowning, the black-haired man started after him, both disturbed and relieved the boy now couldn't recall anything that had occured in the accursed lab. He shut the door and wished he could lock it forever. The blonde waited for him a few feet ahead.

"No. I must stay. I must think on my sins." He turned away from the blonde and entered the side door that led to a cyrpt lined with coffins. The blonde stood in the doorway, watching with a look akin to sadness as the man drew near an open coffin. He felt a strange compassion for this boy and it urged him to turn and say, "Perhaps you will come to me again." It was all he had to offer before slipping into his resting spot and closing the lid.


Weird ass ending, huh?