Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Be my savior, and I'll be your downfall ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
3. Be my savior, and I'll be your downfall

The Highwind's engine was humming softly, and Aeris found the sound almost comforting. She'd been awe stuck when they'd entered the huge airship back in Rocket Town, hanging in the window at the front to stare at the ground passing underneath them. It was amazing to say the least!
Cid had been like any proud father at her reaction, having forgotten that she never got the chance to ride his pride and joy before she died.
Or, semi-died or something...
Glancing over her shoulder, the brunette saw the dark figure of Vincent Valentine in the shadows and she gathered her courage before wandering over.
He didn't look at her as she approached, but she was keenly aware of he knew she was comming. Like invisible eyes inside him was watching her. A darkness that was alive under his pale skin.
"Vincent?" Aeris softly called for him to look at her as she stood beside him. She wanted to speak with the man, not whatever was looming inside him.
Crimson eyes watched her from behind pitch black bangs, and Vincent turned to face her. "Yes, Aeris?"
The flower girl smiled gently to him, "I wanted to thank you for your help back at Midgar. You sure surprised us when you showed up out of nowhere like that."
"I was too late," Vincent merely stated solemnly, wanting to turn his eyes away from her again. Her kindness was hard to look at. Her light sent his demons hiding in the blackest pits of his soul, and left his tortured heart free to suffer his faults even more clearly.
He was the reason Tifa Lockhart was now sleeping deeper for any of them to reach, like the young Yuffie. Vincent Valentine had promised to look after her, and he'd failed.
Aeris smiled carefully and reached out to place a hand to his arm, "you did what you could, Vincent. I know Tifa would want nothing more. And with the help of the Ancients, she might not be lost to us after all."
Tensing at the light touch, Vincent had to look away, "your kindness will destroy you, Aeris."
Aeris blinked surprised at his harsh words spoken so silently and withdrew her hand. She'd thought at one point that there was no way to save Sephiroth, but Aeris wondered if Vincent Valentine might not be deeper in the darkness than her now beloved companion.
"Where is Sephiroth?" Vincent asked, as if he'd been able to read her mind.
Who knew what his inner monsters were capable of anyway?
Aeris cleared her throat and gazed down at her boots, "I'm not sure. I think he spoke something of feeding Trigger..."
The gold chocobo that was presently enjoying the luxury of a lone, fresh stable in the Highwind.
Vincent's eyes narrowed slightly in thought, "you love him."
Starting, Aeris gazed quickly at him, "what did you say?"
The former Turk wouldn't meet her eyes, but his voice was calm, "you love Sephiroth, am I right?"
"Yes, I love him," Aeris stated almost defiantly. "He's not the one you were chasing after."
Vincent let out a soft sound, almost like a laugh, but not quite succeeding. "People cannot change, Aeris. You would do well to remember that."
Aeris shook her head, "I don't believe you. People can change if they want to, if they try hard enough."
"And that belief," Vincent declared darkly, "is what will destroy you."
She could only watch as the former Turk left the room, an uneasy feeling in her hammering heart. What did he mean? Surely he still thought Sephiroth would turn on them, but Aeris knew the silver haired man would never do such a thing.
Sighing, Aeris returned to stare out the window. There was so much pain on this airship.
Sephiroth was still struggling, his soul barely beginning to heal. Vincent Valentine was wandering in dark places no human should, and seemed to think he did not deserve any better. Cid was acting like his old self, but Aeris could see he was uneasy. It's not nice to have someone out to kill you, even less nice when you don't even know who or why.
And Rufus ShinRa.
Aeris might have lost her ancient powers, but his agony was thick in the air and made it almost hard to breathe. She could only pray that the Ancients would help...

Sephiroth petted Trigger's golden neck, "there! You're better fed, housed and more spoiled than the rest of us, feather brain."
The chocobo warked affectionately and rubbed it's head against Sephiroth's chest, making the swordsman chuckle silently and add a few scratches on it's head. "I have no idea why you're sucking up to me, bird. I gave you all the greens you're gonna get! I won't fall for big eyes and your coo'ing like Aeris does!"
A blink of big eyes, a soft coo later, and Sephiroth was grumbling annoyed as he dug out a few of the more expensive greens. "Tell anyone and I'll..."
The cheerful wark was as much of a promise that he was going to get, and the silver haired man nodded satisfied before handing the greens to the big bird.
Walking over to sit down on a crate, Sephiroth began his search inside his coat while fanning away Trigger's curious face. The damn chocobo had it's beak full with greens, but still was hassling him for more!
"No, this is mine, you greedy cretin!" He quickly shoved several pieces of chewing gum into his mouth before getting into a comfortable position while pulling out the carefully hidden comic book. There was no way he was going to join the others only to be glared at.
Ok, so he could understand that they weren't about to start trusting him anytime soon, but that didn't mean he had to endure those nasty looks!
Sephiroth blew a bubble and popped it as he flipped through the pages to find the place where he had left off. Something was telling him to enjoy the peace while it lasted, as he could sense trouble brewing.
And there was of course the minor concern what would happen when Aeris would have to face the puppet...
Sephiroth shook his head slightly to correct himself. No, not 'the puppet' anymore. Cloud.
After being manipulated by Jenova as badly as he himself had been, Sephiroth figured he didn't really deserve to call others for puppets.
'Idiot' maybe?
There was a time when Sephiroth wasn't so hostile against the blonde man. He'd had a mild indifference towards the ShinRa soldier that always seemed out of place.
That was, of course, before Sephiroth fell in love with the woman the blonde wanted as well.
And Aeris had feelings for Cloud, that much Sephiroth knew. He only hoped her feelings for him were stronger...
If not, he'd just have to kill the little twerp, didn't he?
Smirking, the silver haired man chewed merrily on his gum before blowing a bubble.
Aeris had shown him how to create bubbles, with her awfully pink gum of choice, and Sephiroth had been utterly fascinated!
Now he'd found a blue brand as his favorite, and was aiming to get the bubbles as big as possible before they burst and he would start all over again.
And this one was one of the biggest he'd ever made!
"Well, this is a sight to be remembered..." Cid's voice suddenly broke the concentration and tranquility.
Starting, Sephiroth had barely time to hide the comic behind his back before there was a pop and the world turned blue.
The former general slowly opened his eyes to the realisation that he had gum all over his face.
And the damn pilot was laughing from where he was leaning against the door frame.
Sephiroth raised a hand to gingerly pull at the sticky gum, knowing he had ages of fun in front of him trying to get it off.
"Something you wanted, Highwind? Besides a good laugh at my expense?" Sephiroth's pride was mortally offended at being caught like this!
Trying to calm himself, Cid quickly realised he couldn't look at his former arch-nemesis if he were to sound somewhat sane and not like a snickering brat, "uh, well, I just wanted to make sure you weren't sabotaging the engine or doing whatever you personality-changing psychos do..."
"Actually," Sephiroth replied drily, trying to pry a silver bang loose from the blue glue, "we prefer decapitating bothersome pilots, who do not know when they should just leave."
Choking his laughter behind a hand clamped over his mouth, Cid gave a nod and left in a hurry.
Sephiroth let his hand sink with a sigh as he heard the laughter ring through the hall. How was he going to get Aeris' help without subjecting himself to more ridicule by the others on this damn airship? At least this day couldn't get any worse...

A couple of hours later, which included intense gum removal, Sephiroth was the last to exit the Highwind.
As it was impossible for the great airship to manoeuvrer between the narrow mountains, they were going to have to walk the last miles.
The lost city.
Absently placing a hand on the hilt of the Masamune, Sephiroth tensed as he studied the path in front of them.
The last time he'd walked this path he had been on a mission. Jenova's voice had still been whispering in his brain, and anger was rushing through his veins.
It seemed like so much more than just over a year ago... It seemed like a different life...
The feeling of a small, warm hand taking his made Sephiroth glance over and smile at the reassuring look Aeris sent him. She knew, as always.
The last time they had been together at the lost city was when he tore the life out of her with his own two hands...
Guilt made him divert his gaze, but Aeris tugged his hand for his attention again.
Sephiroth forced himself to glance over, shivering as he saw her mouth the words that would take away any pain he had; 'I. Love. You.'
The silver haired man smiled softly to her, wanting to pull her into a tight embrace, but didn't dare in front of the others.
They probably would think he was going to kill her again...
It was amazing how a couple of words had such powers! Sephiroth felt the weight lift from his shoulders and he was a little more ready to face his past.
He was a little surprised at the surge of empathy that went through him when his gaze met the lone form of Rufus ShinRa.
The young man had spent the entire trip alone on deck, not speaking to anyone and barely replying to what was asked of him. His body only moving because of an iron will, while his soul was left behind with Tifa Lockhart.
Sephiroth forced himself not to wonder what he would do if it had been him, and Aeris had been lost in the darkness. The thought was too frightening to finish.
He considered briefly if he should walk over and try to say a few encouraging words, but Sephiroth knew expressing kindness was not one of his best skills and would have wanted to be left alone if it had been him. No words could make Rufus ShinRa feel better.
Sephiroth then glanced over impatiently at Cid Highwind saying his goodbye to Shera.
He liked Shera, not completely sure why, but something about her eyes made him trust her. Like Aeris, Shera probably didn't have an ounce of darkness in her.
The pilot finished giving his orders, repeating the self-defence operational system once again without bothering to remember it was Shera herself who had designed it, and grumbled a final; "just... stay inside the ship, ok?"
The brunette gave a faint smile as she gazed up at him, "I know, Cid. But please be careful..."
"Hey, don't worry. Put some tea on, and I'll be back before the water is even warm!" Cid took a gentle hold of her chin, returning her faint smile. "Just make sure you stay safe! Don't make me regret bringing you along!"
Blinking, Shera drew a sharp breath, "You wont, Captain! I'll do as you've instructed!" It was clear that she was terrified that he would send her back to Rocket Town.
Placing a soft kiss on her lips, the pilot turned and walked away. He didn't look back once.
Sephiroth pulled out the Masamune, feeling it's familiar weight in his hand, before he was the last to follow.
Vincent leading the group towards the lost city, the others following him, and Sephiroth making sure nothing came up from behind.
The former general was sure they wouldn't reach the lost city without any kind of trouble, the only question was when and where.

Smaller monsters attacked, but nothing that was cause for alarm. The journey a year ago had toughened the members of AVALANCHE, and Sephiroth had to grudgingly admit they were decent fighters.
Dusk came quicker than they had hoped for, and soon they were forced to make camp for the night.
Rufus said nothing, but they all felt his restlessness. His constant staring into the distance. He would have walked through the night if Aeris hadn't gently persuaded him otherwise. Traveling alone by night would surely get him killed, and Tifa would not want that. For him to talk to the ancients for their help, he would have to be alive, didn't he?
The fiery haired man now sat in the outskirt of the light of the fire, arms resting on his knees and his shotgun ready. One hand on the hilt, the other on the barrel. A blank look on his face.
Vincent had mumbled something about paroling and had vanished easily into the darkness.
Cid appeared asleep on his back, hands behind his head and legs crossed by the ankles. The Venus Gospel ready by his side.
Sephiroth could feel the consciousness radiate from the pilot.
Aeris was safely asleep beside Sephiroth, a hand resting on his knee. She trusted him to keep her safe, and he would not betray that trust even if it killed him.
Hours passed and everything appeared to be quiet and even the silver haired man was starting to relax.
That was his first mistake.
There was this strange sound, like someone had put on a gas stove and forgotten to turn it off again. No, wait, make that several stoves!
A false sense of security and drowsiness made Sephiroth react a few seconds slower than he ought to have, and the silver haired man had barely time to pull the Masamune as he jumped up.
Aeris started awake, scrambling up and Rufus jumped to his feet as well with shotgun raised to shoot.
They both stared in disbelief at the sight that met them.
Sephiroth trembled slightly strained as the huge snake he'd impaled through it's mouth were slowly sliding down the shining blade of the Masamune, coming to a halt at the hilt as it's blood soaked his hands, while it's seven other heads were raised high up in the air and were hissing threateningly.
A drop of blood fell and landed on Cid's cheek. The pilot was staring wide-eyed at the sight, frozen with fear.
"Get up, Highwind," Sephiroth managed to sneer, eyes locked on the multi-headed snake.
The pilot's eyes flickered and he seemed to regain his senses. "If I move, they'll attack."
The former general gave a slight smirk, "I know. You'd better move fast. And I'm counting on that shotgun of yours, ShinRa."
Rufus held the weapon on a straight arm, eyes locked on the huge monster, "just keep out of my way, Sephiroth."
Aeris numbly gazed from one to the other, feeling awfully helpless. "B-be careful..."
Sephiroth drew a slow breath, then yanked the Masamune free as he threw himself to the left, "now, Highwind!"
Cid rolled to the right, jumped to his feet, and ran as he heard a snake impact with the ground just behind him in a failed attack.
The shot gun sounded impossibly loud in the darkness, and Cid spun around to come to a scudding halt. He was no fool, running when he was cornered, but he was not letting the other fighting his fight for him.
Sephiroth leaped high in the air, the Masamune blinking, and a snake head fell to the ground as it was severed from it's body.
"Stay away, you idiot!" The former general snapped as he saw the blonde man aim for an opening while spinning the Venus Gospel. "Are you that desperate to get yourself killed?"
Cid hesitated, the shot gun's roar making him flinch again, "I can fight!"
Aeris placed a calming hand on his shoulder, "it's not a matter if you can fight or not, Cid. It's you they're after. Interfere and they will focus all their attacks on you!"
The pilot pulled a frustrated hand through his ruffled hair, "I... I don't understand! Why me? I-I'm no one special! I'm just Cid Highwind!"
"Maybe that is the reason," Vincent's voice came from behind them, and Cid started around to face him.

The former Turk glanced over as Sephiroth took care of the final snake-head, "that was not a normal monster..."
"No shit, smart ass?" Cid snapped angrily, "whaddya mean it might be because of that?"
Vincent gave a faint shrug, "if you have done nothing that might have caused this, then we're running out of options, no? Your identity might be the answer, and it might not. I suspect we wont know until we find the ones responsible for this."
Aeris ran over as Sephiroth poked his boot and the silent body of the monster.
A giant snake with eight heads. He'd never seen or heard anything about a monster like this. And the smell... Just like the monster that had attacked Cid back in Rocket Town. Like a zombie, but a bleeding one.
"Are you injured?" Aeris asked concerned, her hands moving over his blood stained chest in search of any wounds.
Sephiroth took one of her hands in his, holding it against his chest to let her feel his racing heart, "no, I'm fine. It's not my blood. Just a bit riled up. That thing got much too close! I don't know how I could let this happen! I failed you..."
Shaking her head, Aeris clutched his hand hard, "you didn't fail! You save us all, didn't you?"
Sephiroth gave a faint smile, then glanced over at the pale Cid, "you ok?"
The pilot gave a numb nod, "yeah... Thanks... for saving me... again..."
Then Sephiroth's eyes narrowed, "next time you do as you're told, Highwind! And stay the hell out of the fight!"
The harsh tone made Cid snap back to reality and he glared back, "I don't take no orders from you, Sephiroth! If it's me they're after, I can take care of them myself!"
"Fine! The next time I'll feed you to them myself!" Sephiroth declared angrily, "if you're that eager to die!"
Aeris petted his arm, "let's not fight. Cid, I know you don't like it, but we're only trying to keep you safe."
The blonde man shifted antsily, but nodded and seemed to ease down a little.
Vincent was crouching by one of the snake heads, "I never seen anything like this... It's not even like the mutants created by Meteor's presence..."
"I know," Sephiroth agreed, glancing down at the head as well. "The last monster that tried to attack Highwind was like this one, the same smell."
Rufus clicked out the spent shells out of the shotgun, "as long as they can die, who cares?"
Sephiroth glanced over at the now distant Rufus again, "if they're not natural, then it would mean that someone is creating them."
Aeris shuddered at the sight and the thought, "why does humans always have to try to mess with nature's creation? Something this unnatural isn't meant to be alive."
Slowly straightening, Vincent kept his eyes on the silent form. "Indeed. Maybe it longed for death after all?"
Knowing the medical experiments done to Vincent, Aeris bit her lip. Think before speaking, she mentally scolded herself.
"You're not like that, Vincent," Aeris declared softly, "and I doubt that creature was even able to think at all, much less feel."
The former Turk didn't reply for a little while, then walked into the darkness, "I'll check the area for other things like this one."
Cid cut a face at the sight of the scattered heads, the pools of blood and the looming body slumped in the background. "We're staying here?"
Sephiroth sat down by the fire, pulling out a cloth to wipe the Masamune clean, "until daylight."
Aeris sighed unhappily and gingerly sat down on a rock devoid of blood, "well, I guess sleep is out of the question."
Cid kicked away a pebble, "doubt I'll ever get a decent nights sleep ever again!"
Gazing over to see the light of the flames dance over Rufus' face, she saw him staring into the distance again, "we'll get there tomorrow, Rufus..."
He didn't seem to hear her, lost in a desperate hope and fierce determination.

They continued their journey at the first rays of light, and there were hardly any talking as they came closer to the lost city by each step.
Ever since he had returned from the Lifestream, Sephiroth had been sensitive to the planet's voice and the feelings in the air. And the air got thicker with ancient voices the closer they got to the lost city.
A quick glance over at Aeris revealed a sadness in her eyes.
She saw the bright orbs, but couldn't hear anything. The last time she had passed through here, her heart had been filled with fear and her mind soothed by the gentle voices all around her. Now they were silent.
Her betrayal when asking for Sephiroth's life had resulted in a punishment that was harder than what she had initially thought.
When her mother had died and Aeris had to live her life among normal humans, those voices had made her life bearable.
And now they were gone.
Each time Sephiroth collapsed in agony as they hammered orders into his already fragile mind, Aeris came to wonder if she really knew those voices at all. She would never have believed them capable of harming anything. They were the ones who had tutored her in forgiveness and kindness.
Still, she could help but to feel awfully alone.
That was until she glanced over and met Sephiroth's reptilian eyes, and she felt a smile on her face. The silver haired man could always make her feel better with just a look. His mere presence made her sure she'd made the right choice.
Zack had been her first boyfriend, and their stolen kisses had left her blushing and giggling. It was her childhood crush, the easy prey of an older, dashing boy.
Cloud had been in so much pain from the first time she saw him, when he quite literarily fell into her lap. He seemed so lost that she was certain it was her mission to guide him. That had been her compassion talking.
And Sephiroth. Dark as an abysmal pit and bright as the burning sun. Darkness and light. Evil and kind. He wrapped himself around her, stole her light and became her sun. A soul wandering aimlessly until she found it and brought it home to Sephiroth's eyes. This was her unruly heart that spoke.
Beside her, Rufus was staring at the vague contour of the city in the horizon.
Almost there.
His heart was hammering in his chest at the thought. They had to answer to his request! They had to! He wouldn't allow them not to!
Tifa, come back to me, Rufus pleaded in his mind. He had gone through his life determined never to feel again, and now he knew why.
He'd almost forgotten what pain felt like, and now it was threatening to choke him.
He needed Tifa's smile.
The city was completely visible now, and he felt the nervous excitement grow even stronger.
The others were sending him discrete glances, but Rufus pretended not to see them. They didn't matter.
He would know wether to live or die in an hour or so...

Cloud was watching the woman eating her breakfast by the fire with a still disbelieving look.
Feeling his gaze on her, she glanced over and tried a weak smile. "I'm eating like a pig, right?"
Cloud laughed silently and shook his head, "not at all. It's just... It's hard to believe, you know..."
Swallowing down a bite, the woman stroke a brown lock of hair behind her ear self consciously, "yeah, I know..."
"Looks like another sunny day," Cloud commented as he gazed up at the blue sky, wondering vaguely when it had rained last. The grounds were getting awfully dry. A forrest fire might easily get out of control if this continued...
That was when he became aware of the pale look on his companion and how the hand raising the spoon to her mouth had froze mid-air.
"What's wrong?" Cloud asked concerned, fearing she might pass out anytime.
A year in a research lab would leave scars, and only the planet knew what they had done to her!
"N-nothing is wrong," she replied shakily. "I just... it was like I've forgotten something really important... and I can't remember..."
Trying an encouraging smile, the blonde man gave a faint shrug, "just give it time. So... does the others know... about you?"
Shaking her head, the woman lowered the spoon as her appetite seemed to have left her completely, "no... I doubt they do... I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone..." She glanced over at him with a tired look. "If I hadn't managed to escape that lab, I would have died there! I'm sure of it!"
"And you have no idea who it was behind that lab?" Cloud knew the answer, but had to ask.
"No," the woman sighed, "I only saw scientist and janitors."
She put the spoon away and wrapped her arms around herself as she gazed at the sunrise. Her lab-coat and shredded hospital gown were now replaced with clothes that was way too big and borrowed from Cloud. A dark blue shirt and a pair of jeans. She had to tie the belt around her waist to keep up the jeans and for some reason Cloud found that detail fascinating.
"I never thought I would ever see a sunrise again," the woman admitted softly, and she smiled happily at the sight. "It's more beautiful than I remember..."
Cloud glanced over absently, "yeah... I guess it is..."
He hadn't paid any attention to the sunsets for over a year now, and he too had to admit it was far to beautiful to be ignored like he had been doing.
"So..." the woman focused her eyes on him again, "where are you going?"
Snorting, Cloud shrugged as he put out the fire, "I have no idea. Nowhere and everywhere, I guess."
"Sounds good," she sighed, "can I come?"
The blonde man blinked surprised, "you want to come along? I'm just roaming, sleeping under open sky and make my living from killing monsters. You sure you're up for that?"
"After being imprisoned in that lab for over a year, I want to see the world again. I've stayed in one place long enough." The woman sent him a careful look, "I promise I wont get in you way..."
Cloud smiled warmly to her, "of course you wont be in my way! You would never be in my way!" He measured her worried, "but are you sure you're up for it?"
Gazing at the sunrise a final time, she smiled bravely, "I'm feeling better than in a long time, Cloud!"
Getting up, Cloud held out a hand towards her, "well then, let's go, Jessie."
Taking his hand, she got up and they walked towards the motorcycle.
Going nowhere and everywhere.

And thus the woman's identity was revealed!
(Jessie from AVALANCHE, remember?)
R&R people!
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