Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Falling ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
7. Falling

Aeris turned away as she felt the Highwind descending, "We've reached Midgar." She couldn't stand to meet the hopeful gaze of Cloud, "We'd better return to the others."
As she moved to walk pass him, Cloud reached out and halted her with a gentle touch by her shoulder, "I'm glad I got to see you again."
"I'm glad I got to see you as well," Aeris smiled softly, not lying at all. She'd missed him, and it had always felt wrong to leave him to believe she was dead when she was very much alive. "I'm sorry... about everything."
Cloud shook his head, "I'm still trying to understand everything you've told me... but it doesn't matter much as long as you're here."
Aeris felt her eyes fill with tears again and she threw her arms around him to hug him close, "I just want you to be happy, Cloud."
First blinking surprised, Cloud slowly placed his arms around her and smiled softly. "I am. At this moment I'm more happy than I've ever been."
"I have to go..." Aeris whispered powerlessly, pulling away. "Sephiroth..."
"Wait," Cloud drew a shivering breath. "Can... can I see you this evening?"
Sighing softly with pain, Aeris wouldn't meet his eyes. How could she with the raw affection radiating from them?
Cloud took a gentle hold of her chin, lifting her face to make her meet his gaze, "Please?"
Sagging with defeat, Aeris managed a tiny smile. "Sure." After everything she'd put him through, she owed him at least that much.
Cloud opened his mouth to tell her how much he would be looking forward to it, but the soft click of doors closing told him that she had already left. The blonde still gave a faint smile, rubbing his neck. He'd never been able to declare that he'd ever had a normal life, but this was the first time he was happy about the strange events in his existance.
Aeris was alive.
It was like waking up from a long, horrible nightmare.
Cloud exhaled in what felt like the first time since he'd seen her disappear into the dark water by the lost city. It wasn't too late. He hadn't failed her completely! There was still hope!
He even dared to feel a little cheerful as they exited the Highwind and entered the infamous ShinRa tower, awarding both Tifa and Jessie with a smile. The two girls giggled happily, while Cloud was gazing out of the glass elevator as it brought them towards the higher floors. He wondered if Aeris would take long to check up on Sephiroth, and that they hadn't set a time for when they would meet up later. He would just have to find her and ask her then.
Cloud's mind still reeled a little at the fact that the silver haired man known as Sephiroth was there, and there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach when he remembered a certain light in Aeris' eyes when she spoke of the former general. The blonde shook his head, forcing the thoughts away. Later that evening he was going to have his greatest wish fulfilled: Aeris would be alive and by his side! Cloud smiled unknowingly, wondering how her eyes had turned an even deeper shade of green.
He would deal with the other swordsman's presence later, right now Cloud just wanted to spend some time with Aeris.
That was all.
Cloud was in deep thought when they exited the elevator. So deep in thought, that he did not hear the warning called out to him.
But he most certainly felt the bucket falling from the floor above them and connected with the top of his head.

Rufus had his arms firmly crossed as he was leaning against the wall by the door, eyes glaring at the form sitting in his office chair. At the moment, he was banned to 'keep out of the way', while Cloud Strife was in his seat with three females fuzzing over a small bump in the thick head of the blonde! Rufus couldn't believe it when Tifa almost freaked just because the moron managed to walk straight under a falling bucket and end up being knocked out for a few seconds. The startled Cloud had been, more or less, carried to Rufus' office and placed in the chair, while Tifa gathered a medic kit, Aeris examined the injury and Jessie petted his hand in assurance that everything would be ok! The way they were acting, you'd think Strife could drop dead at any time!
Rufus's blue eyes narrowed, failing to understand what it was about Cloud Strife that attracted women like bees to honey.
A looming figure appeared in the doorway beside him, and Rufus didn't have to glance over to know who it was. There was only one person capable of producing such a violent aura at the mere sight of Strife. Sephiroth. Well, at least Rufus wasn't the only one temporarily forgotten by his girl friend because of the blonde.
"I hereby officially found the I Hate Cloud Strife-club, naming myself as president," Rufus muttered, his pride roaring angrily at being ignored.
Sephiroth remained silent for a few seconds longer, putting a green lollipop in his mouth as he glared at the circus. "And vise-president Sephiroth just joined in on the meeting," the silver haired man finally grumbled, absently offering his small bag of lollipops to Rufus.
Giving a slight smirk, Rufus then glanced surprised at the candy, before shrugging and picked a red lollipop.
Watching for a few moments longer, Sephiroth almost flinched as he saw the tender and familiar way Aeris ran her hand through Cloud's hair. Memories of waking up from nightmares or emerging from the ancients grasp flew past his eyes, remembering too well that caress that would calm his racing heart. It would seem like not all wounds came in battle.
Closing his eyes, Sephiroth drew a deep breath. He was acting foolish. It was in Aeris' nature to be concerned. She always worried about others, and that was a part of what made her who she was. He didn't want her to change, even if that meant she had to be nice to the man who wanted her as much as Sephiroth himself did. There was no mistaking the way Cloud's eyes were resting on Aeris, the smile reserved for her.
"So what's with the long faces?" Cid appeared beside Rufus and Sephiroth, grinning slightly at their gloomy looks. The best way to feel better after a crappy day was to find someone who had just had a worse day!
Rufus sent the pilot a dry look, "You're not invited. Go away."
Blinking confused, Cid glanced from the gloomy men beside him to the small crowd at the other end of the room, and the grin on his face grew wider. "Aww, are they ignoring you? Not much fun watching yer women fuzzing over another man, issit? Heh, that's just what yer gonna get for not putting the rules straight!"
At that moment, Shera appeared as well, carrying a cup of tea.
Cid glanced at the sour-faced Rufus and Sephiroth in turn, before turning to his wife. "Nice timing, Shera. Time for tea!"
"Ah, yes, in a moment, Cid," Shera declared absently, walking pass him to halt by Cloud's side. "Here, Cloud. You should drink something. Get your strength back."
Cid was staring in utter disbelief.
Sephiroth offered a lollipop.
The pilot grabbed a yellow lollipop and tried to ignore the grin on Rufus ShinRa's face.
Soon the situation had them all three with slight grins around their lollipops, and Cid slinked away to yell at someone, while Rufus mumbled something about a staff meeting. Sephiroth knew he should leave too, or he'd might say or do something stupid. Just because he understood why Aeris was taking care of Cloud didn't mean that he enjoyed watching it. Still, he'd avoided her since she'd interrupted the fight between him and Strife, so he should tell her that they could talk later. That he wasn't angry, like he could tell she feared he was. Well, he was angry, but not with her. Maybe not even with Strife, just angry at life for always poking a stick in his wheels.
Sephiroth slowly walked towards them, shoulders tensed uneasily.
"Aeris, we never decided when we would meet tonight. Do you want me to pick you up at your room?" Cloud asked nervously, knowing this was the first time he was actually taking some initiative to taking a girl out.
Aeris stuttered something, avoiding his eyes as she watched Tifa open the medic kit with tense movements, "No, I..." She accidentally glanced up, just in time to catch the look in Sephiroth's eyes. A look that made it hard to breathe. "Sephiroth..."

Stalking down the hall, Sephiroth threw out a violent punch at the wall without even slowing down. A thousand thoughts were running through his mind, and most of them involved bloodshed. Cloud's blood. Hell, the way Sephiroth was feeling, anyone's blood would suffice at the moment!
A surge of malevolence went through him, almost as strong as the one who'd told him to pick up that torch in Nibelheim, and Sephiroth grasped his head as he came to a sudden halt. His muscles trembled with pent up aggression, and he fought to breathe.
Leaning slightly against the wall, Sephiroth stared emptily down at the floor while clutching his head. Maybe Cloud had been right? Sephiroth shouldn't be trusted! He gave a wry smile, wondering if it would make the blonde happy if Sephiroth went out and burned the city of New Midgar to cinder. That would leave Cloud Strife correct once more, and the second opportunity to play the hero.
Sephiroth only knew the role of villain.
Forcing himself upright, Sephiroth let his hands fall to his sides. Clearly Jenova was still alive, every attack like this one confirmed that suspicion. She was still pulling his strings, waiting to see when he would break. Too bad she'd chosen Sephiroth as her toy, as the former general was far from ready to let her win yet. A low laugh escaped his lips, and Sephiroth could hear the taint of insanity in it himself. Don't let the anger take over, he told himself as he took a deep breath. Jenova always fed on his anger. Keep the anger down.
Sephiroth pushed himself from the wall and continued down the hall.
Voices caught his attention and he glanced inside a room, finding Rufus and some other men gathered around a table. Their voices were low and the look on their faces were solemn, even the brat prince was deep in thought. The former general shifted slightly, seeing the red stones lying at the center of the table.
The infected summon materia.
"We have to get this away from here, sir," a dark haired man with a small beard pleaded to Rufus. "Midgar's defence is impressive by now, but surely we should avoid combat and casualties when we can?"
Rufus nodded, "I am aware of that, Reeve. My only concern is where do we send it, and with whom?"
Sephiroth took a step inside the room, "I'll take them."
Everyone turned to face the silver haired man, and Rufus raised an eyebrow, "Sephiroth? Might I ask where you're planning to take them?"
"Don't you trust me?" Sephiroth taunted with a slight smile, a plan forming inside his mind already.
Rufus crossed his arms, lifting his chin challengingly. "I don't trust anyone," he dead panned. The other men glanced nervously from one to the other.
Walking over to the table, hardly noticing the men stepping aside as he approached, Sephiroth reached out and took the summon materia in his hand. "Wherever we place these things, the monsters will surely follow. Right?"
The man known as Reeve nodded nervously, "Surely you understand we have to place them far away from people?"
Sephiroth gave a cruel smile, eyes locked on the red materia, "I know just the perfect place." And turned to leave, almost wishing anyone would try to stop him.
"Sephiroth," Rufus called out, taking a step after him.
Halting abruptly, Sephiroth felt his shoulders tense and he glared back at the fiery haired man, "What?"
Rufus gesticulated faintly, feeling horribly awkward but unable to keep the question unasked, "Are... are you ok...?" There was a strange light in the former general's eyes, and it reminded Rufus of the look of a man in pain.
Sephiroth hesitated, scanning Rufus' face for any sign of mockery or falseness. He found none. It was asked out of concern. Sephiroth gave him a sad smile, "No."
Nodding, Rufus didn't dig into it any deeper. There was nothing he could do about it, and he knew Sephiroth wouldn't want his interference. "Well, be careful out there. Remember that you still got to help us keep Cid Highwind alive. Do you need a ride?"
Sephiroth gave a slight salute, "I'll remember." He then turned to leave, "I'm taking Trigger."
Rufus watched him leave, realising he did actually trust the former general, and turned back to discuss the defence of Midgar. He wasn't surprised when Aeris came running a few hours later, asking in a fear-filled voice if he'd seen Sephiroth.
"He left," Rufus said in a cold voice. "He's taking the infected materia somewhere safe." He turned to face her, "I must congratulate you, Miss Gainsborough, you handled the situation most clumsily. You acted weak in a situation where someone had to get hurt, and you ended up hurting Sephiroth much crueler than needed. But don't you worry, he'll return. It's not like the ancients are giving Sephiroth any choice, is there?"
Aeris didn't answer, her face pale and tears in her eyes as she leaned heavily against the door-frame. What was she going to do?

Vincent crossed his arms and leaned back into his dark corner as he watched the puzzled doctor finish up on casting the final potions on Yuffie's increasingly restless form. The young woman was now almost back to her old self, at least her mouth was. Since the first potion hit her, Yuffie had been bombarding Vincent with questions, and the former Turk was having a hard time to answer them all. She seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't of the talkative kind. Still, it didn't bother him as much as it had been to watch her silent for so many months now.
Her annoyingly cheerful voice was almost a blessing to his increasingly tired ears.
"So then what, Vinnie?" Yuffie fanned the doctor away, struggling to sit up and glare at the semi-hidden Vincent. "You all just split up like that?"
Giving a faint shrug, Vincent wasn't sure how to react to the accusing tone of her voice. "There really wasn't any reason for us to stay together, Yuffie."
The dark haired ninja waved her arms angrily, "we're friends! Isn't that reason enough?!"
Vincent lowered his chin and hid half his face behind his collar, not wanting her to see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Yeah, it looked like she was going to be just fine. "We all had lives on different corners of the planet, Yuffie. Surely you can understand that?"
Yuffie huffed and turned to place her feet on the floor, "what I can't understand is how a group of people can risk their lives together, facing a common enemy, and then just walk away. Like, hey, thanks for the ride! Nice of you to save my life, see ya! God, you guys are so stupid! I mean, weren't we friends?! Didn't we fight together against that homicidal fruitcake?"
Vincent shifted uneasily, speaking of homicidal fruitcakes, "Sephiroth isn't dead."
Yuffie's eyes widened and she jumped up while waving her arms, "what?! He's still out there?! We gotta kill him AGAIN?!"
Motioning for her to calm down and sit, Vincent took a step forward, "It would seem that we were fooled, Yuffie. The creature down in the crater was not Sephiroth, that was in fact a clone manipulated by Jenova. Sephiroth was with Aeris all along."
Yuffie raised a finger, frowning, "Wait a minute, Vinnie-boy! Aeris? Didn't he, kind of, shish kebab her?"
Flinching at her bad choice of words, Vincent cleared his throat, "it was all a part of the ancients plan. Sephiroth is on our team now, with Aeris as well. The one's we lost were you and... Nanaki..."
"Red? He fell into a coma too?" Yuffie asked silently, an uneasy feeling spreading through her.
Vincent turned away, "this year has passed in peace, but it would appear that someone is out to break this tranquility. So we're gathering in Midgar."
There was a short silence, where Yuffie discretely wiped away a few tears she failed to hold back. "I don't care what you say! It's Sephiroth's fault that Red is gone!" She jumped to her feet and stomped angrily, "I'm so gonna kick his ass!"
Vincent sighed, not turning back, "Sephiroth has saved Cid's life several times by now. He's not the one we met a year ago."
"Cid's life? Why does Sephiroth wanna save that grumpy bat's life?" Yuffie asked slightly confused, discovering that all this jumping around wasn't that wise when you've been holding still for a year.
Vincent finally turned to face her again, "Because someone is out to kill Cid, and will stop at nothing to reach their goal. Several monsters has already tried, and would probably have succeeded if Sephiroth hadn't interfered. Someone wants Cid Highwind dead, and it has something to do with a goal so big it worries the planet. You shouldn't worry about Sephiroth. He is now under the ancients control." He measured the swaying ninja in front of him, "but I think we should delay a day at least before making for Midgar..."
"What are you talking about?! I'm quite capable of kicking your ass, Valentine!" Yuffie began punching the air fiercly, only to fall on the bed with a shriek as she lost balance.
Vincent turned to leave, "I will inform Rain that you're up and about again, Yuffie. Try to get some rest. I have the feeling that you'll soon see enough fighting. Gather your strength while you can."

Tifa cast a final glance in the mirror, smiling slightly to herself. It was almost silly how nervous she was. She'd spent a year in the company of Rufus ShinRa now, by his side day and night, and he still made her blush by merely smiling to her. His kisses still stole her thoughts from her, and his laughter made her life brighter. Even his pride was something she cherished deeply, seeing how the brat prince was the proudest man she'd ever met. And a dark side of her heart told her how he had every right to his pride. She'd never met anyone like Rufus ShinRa.
When the men had crashed the party, aiming to kill Rufus, Tifa had not hesitated a heartbeat to go between them. She was very willing to die for him.
Absently correcting her hair, Tifa held her own gaze reflected in the mirror. He'd asked her to keep the evening reserved for them to spend some time alone again. She knew her injury had been horrible for him, and she could only hope to convince him that it was what she wanted and his life meant everything to her. Tifa knew he wouldn't listen. Rufus was as stubborn as he was proud.
Tifa finally turned away, picking up her purse before leaving the dressing room. She was ready, and looking forward to an evening that didn't revolve around Aeris.
Rufus was waiting outside, and Tifa felt her heart jump at the sight of him. How did he always managed to do that to her? Taking her hand, kissing her cheek, Rufus had created the perfect evening before it had even begun.
"I would tell you that you're the most amazing creature on this planet, but the words would hardly do you right," Rufus murmured against her neck as they waited for the elevator.
Tifa trembled at the feeling of his lips brushing the sensitive skin and blushed at the praise, "Always the flirt, Mr ShinRa." She smiled shyly and smoothened his jacket affectionately, "And you don't look half bad yourself."
Laughing silently, Rufus was soon leading her into the restaurant. Years of practice made it possible for him to be both attentive and hold his end of the conversation, but Tifa could see something different in the blue eyes. Rufus had something on his mind. She had a sneaking suspicion that it might be related to a certain man named Cloud. The only thing capable of shaking Rufus ShinRa's self confidence was Cloud Strife.
Deciding not to ruin the meal, Tifa didn't bring up the subject of her childhood friend until the evening had pleasantly passed. Rufus always did his best to fulfill her every wish, but this night he'd really gone in for that task.
The elevator doors closed behind them and Tifa snuck her arms around Rufus' waist and leaned her head against his chest, "I've had a wonderful evening, Rufus. Thank you."
Humming thoughtfully, Rufus placed an absent kiss on top of her head, "I aim to please, Lockhart."
Tifa glanced up at him, meeting his eyes before drawing a careful breath, "I noticed that you're a little... distant tonight, Rufus. You shouldn't worry about Cloud. Aeris is here too, remember?" She tried a smile to join her words, but Rufus didn't seem to find it funny at all.
"And if Aeris hadn't been here, and Cloud wanted you to come with him?" Rufus asked in a tense voice, his arms tightening around her.
Tifa frowned, "then he would leave Midgar very disappointed. But he wouldn't say something like that, Rufus. He knows I'm with you now."
Giving a faint smile, Rufus glanced down to meet her eyes, "I just sometimes wonder if I'm second choice..."
"Am I hearing correctly?" Tifa raising a taunting eyebrow, "Rufus ShinRa, the brat prince, believes he could loose against Cloud Strife in anything? I'm in love with YOU, silly!"
Like always, Tifa lifted the worries from his heart and the gloomy thoughts from his mind, and Rufus stole a soft kiss from her lips. "Just needed to hear that." And turned her to exit the elevator as it stopped.
Tifa's smile faded and she blinked confused, "Did you push the wrong button? We're on the roof top, Rufus."
Then the elevator doors opened, and Rufus smiled, "I know."
Tifa gasped delighted at the lighted path leading them out on the roof, the full moon bathing everything in silver. "Rufus! This is beautiful!"
"Yes, beautiful," Rufus agreed without taking his eyes off her as she slowly walked along the path, and he followed a step behind.
Reaching the railing, Tifa took in the sight of Midgar and the world behind it in the silver light, smiling even brighter as she felt Rufus' arms go around her waist.
"Everything you can see from here is mine to own and control," Rufus declared silently, "The brat prince's kingdom."
Giggling silently, Tifa leaned back against him. If only knew how much that title suited him. "It's very impressive, Rufus."
Rufus smiled as well, then drew a deep breath, "I don't want to rule alone anymore, Tifa. This means nothing without you."
Blinking, Tifa was about to ask him what he meant when his right hand held up a small box in front of her. A small, open, box containing the world's most beautiful ring. Raising a trembling hand to touch by the box, Tifa fought to breathe.
"Will you marry me, Tifa Lockhart?" Rufus asked softly, sliding her around to face him.
Closing her eyes, Tifa had to gather herself, and finally gazed up at him as silent tears ran down her cheeks, "yes, Rufus ShinRa. Yes, I will marry you."
And some would even claim the moon itself smiled that night, as Rufus placed the ring on Tifa's shivering finger and pulled her close for a sweet kiss.

Shera was still drying her hair as she came out of the bathroom and entered the bedroom she shared with Cid. She still couldn't get pass how huge and luxurious that bathroom was! She'd never been in anything like it, almost feeling like an intruder dreading to be discovered and tossed out. But, this was the life of Rufus ShinRa. A life filled with money and luxury. Shera didn't long for either, but it was nice once in a while. Even the white robe wrapped around her was addictively soft against her skin, unlike her old, fuzzy robe back home. It wasn't a bad robe she had at all, only this one was so soft!
Halting a few steps from the bed, Shera blinked puzzled as she saw Cid standing by the window. One hand on his hip, the other one curled into a fist against the window. She let the towel settle behind her neck, absently holding onto the ends, and walked over to his side, "Cid? Is something wrong?"
The pilot blinked like waking up from a dream before glancing over at her with a weak smile, "nah. It's just that... everything is catching up, yeah? Jest can't get used to the thought that someone wants t'kill me..." He rubbed his neck with a tired sigh, "I mean... Why me? There is nuthing to gain by killin' off ME. ShinRa got his money. Sephiroth got his enemies. Hell, even Spikey got a few bozos wanting his blonde head. But me? I jest... I don't understand, Shera." Cid glanced out the window again, giving a faint shake of his head, "Sure, know a couple of guys who'd might be wanting to take a swing at my face, but sendin' huge monsters looking like shit? Hell, I don't even mingle with that scientist crowd."
Years of experience had learned Shera that Cid Highwind usually was a loud-mouthed and cheerful man, and did more worrying than what was good for him in silence. She'd seen him staring into emptiness until it gave him a headache, yet would only brush it away if she asked him if something was wrong. Cid Highwind was not a man who shared his worries with anyone, not even her. It was safe to say that Shera was quite surprised to hear the words rushing out of the usually so private man, and her heart ached at the confusion in his voice. To tell the truth, Shera was no less puzzled as to who it might be that wanted Cid dead, and had a bad feeling they would have a hard time figuring it out. "There's not much me can do, Captain," she said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes we just have to wait for the answers to come to us."
The pilot placed his own hand over hers, eyes locked on the stars in the sky. "I hate waiting, Shera. You know that."
Shera gave a faint smile, leaning over to place a kiss on his hand, "Yes, Cid, I know. But there isn't much else you can do, and Rufus said it would be dangerous for you to leave this place even with the infected materia gone. And I would much rather have you bored and cranky, than briefly amused and dead."
Cid grumbled good-humouredly, "Let a few days pass with me cooped up without my wings, and you might be the one killin' me after all!"
"We'll deal with that problem when it surfaces," Shera reasoned, taking his hand in hers and braiding their fingers, "Now I suggest you come to bed."
Cid lifted an eyebrow and sent her a haughty look, "Are ya trying to use yer woman-skills to seduce and distract me?"
Blushing deeply, Shera stroke a lock of her hair behind her ear and stuttered something with an embarrassed smile. Not what she had really meant, but...
"Cuz if ya were," Cid drawled as he leaned closer, "It's working mighty fine!"
Shera giggled shyly, unable to meet his eyes as she reached up and slowly began to undo his shirt, "Anything to make your confinement bearable, Captain..."
Hot damn, that had to be the first joke Shera had made since the incident with the rocket! Cid smiled widely, feeling his uneasiness lift from his tired shoulders. When all else failed, he could always rely on Shera. She'd stuck by him even when he'd been an idiot for so long, and would support him through this as well. "Yer pretty amazing, Shera, d'ya know that?" Cid reached out and let his fingertips trail along her jawline, "Good thing I married ya so ya can't run away, huh?"
Finally meeting his eyes, Shera leaned against his touch, "I would never leave you, Cid."
The pilot started slightly at the intense happiness and mushy feelings that hit him at those words, and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, well, those are big words, Shera."
Smiling happily, Shera let her arms slide around him and rested her cheek against his chest. "You shouldn't sell yourself short, Captain. You're Cid Highwind."
Cid wrapped his own arms around her and held her close as he absently glanced out at the starlit sky knowing that someone out there wanted him dead.

The scientist was perusing through the papers when another man approached him, "The reports are in, sir!"
Glancing up at the soldier, the scientist raised his eyebrows, "And they should say that Cid Highwind is dead, correct?"
Stuttering slightly, the soldier got a sheepish look, "No, ah, there would appear that there were some, uhm, difficulties..."
The scientist straightened and sent a sharp, piercing glare at the unfortunate man in front of him, "Difficulties? Care to elaborate?"
"The remains of Number 19 was found at Highwind's house in Rocket Town, and there were clear signs of battle. Number 19 was decapitated by a sharp object, sir, most probably a sword." The soldier drew a quick breath to continue before the scientist could comment, "And the remains of 27 was found by what appears to have been a camp site, probably AVALANCHE's as we know Cid Highwind is in their company at the present. Number 27 also showed signs of wounds by the same sharp object, but gun shot wounds as well. Number 32 was found a small distance from there, also deceased. Number 32 had suffered great injures from what we suspect was the airship's weapons, but there seems to have been some energy blast that decapitated it."
The scientist rubbed his eyes tensely with his left hand, "Are you telling me all the specimens failed? Cid Highwind is still alive?!"
The soldier swallowed hard, fighting to find his voice, "Yes, sir, that seems to be the case..."
How was that possible? The scientist glanced absently into his papers, his mind going over every calculation he'd made about this mission. Cid Highwind was a good fighter, fair enough, but there was no way he would have been able to take down the likes of 27 and 32 on his own or with a few friends. No, there was an unknown factor involved. Someone had interfered that wasn't supposed to. Someone skilled with a sharp object, and capable of fighting monsters of giant sizes.
A furious and inhuman scream pierced through the air, but the scientist didn't react at all. Number 68 was always restless this time of the day. He finally focused on the nervous soldier in front of him again, "Send out Number 88 and 45."
"88 and 45? B-both of them?" The soldier paled, clearly not understanding the danger of an unknown element.
The scientist glared angrily at him, "Do not make me repeat myself, soldier! Just report back when Cid Highwind is dead!" An unknown element could ruin everything! It had to be done fast, or all his calculations would have been in vain! And the scientist knew his superior did not accept failure!
Saluting, the soldier then trotted off on his unhappy mission, making a mental note not to leave the underground base until reports came back in that told wether Cid Highwind was dead or 88 and 45 were defeated.

Trigger gave a questioning wark as Sephiroth set it moving again after a quick stop on a mountain hill. He couldn't resist a final look back at Midgar, but it only made things worse. "Mind your own business," the silver haired man growled to the chocobo, digging his heels in to make it switch over to a light trot.
The gold chocobo ran along merrily, while Sephiroth fought back floods of angry waves whenever his mind wandered back to Aeris and Cloud. Don't give into the anger.
He should have known though, nothing as good as Aeris belonged in his life. But how he wished she hadn't just stayed with him just so she could be his guardian. Not because the ancients told her to.
Sephiroth closed his eyes briefly as he remembered her sweet voice telling him; "I love you, Sephiroth."
Those words hadn't been lies, had they? No, Aeris was incapable of lying. She had loved him. Had? With Cloud Strife there, her lost love was holding out his open arms to her and she could have what the ancients took away from her by sending her to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth opened his eyes again, anger seeping through his veins. It was no use fighting against it. He WAS angry. He was furious!
It wasn't fair! Dammit, it wasn't fair! Hadn't he lost enough?! Obviously not...
Aeris didn't need him anymore, her hero had arrived. And Sephiroth only knew the role as villain.
"Well, mother," Sephiroth murmured with a acid-tainted smile, seeing the snow covered mountain tops far in the distance, "I'm coming home..."

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