Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Can I play with madness? ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
16. Can I play with madness?

Rain glanced up with a start as she heard somebody unlocking the door to her room. That could only mean one out of two things. Either Vincent had appeared, or they'd gotten tired of waiting and had decided to punish her for his absence.
The door opened and a guard entered the room while pointing his weapon towards her. "Get up, lady. Time to leave."
Swallowing hard, Rain slowly got up on her feet as she eyed the guard warily. "What's going on? Where are we going?"
"The trade is going down," the guard barked annoyed, motioning for her to hurry up. "The doc said to bring you top side. Let's go."
Rain felt a jolt of fear go through her, but obeyed for once. Vincent had arrived? Trade? That had to mean that the former Turk had actually brought Cid along as well. She remained silent as they made their way to the elevator and was brought up to the surface again. It was hard to be ready when you really didn't know what was going to happen. Rain knew perfectly well that Vincent would never let Cid fall in the hands of these cretins, but she had no idea what he had planned and it took only one bad move from her side to ruin everything!
"Alas, it appears that our time together is at an end," Jinrei's voice suddenly slithered into her ear as he was standing beside her by the exit, taking a hold of her upper arm.
Rain tugged to free her arm, but froze as she felt the muzzle of a gun being pressed to her lower back. "Yeah, so it would seem." Oh, how she hoped Vincent would be able to wipe that smug look off Jinrei's face!
Jinrei gave her a slight push. "Off we go, my dearest." Guiding her outside, he yanked her to a halt and they were gazing out over the empty destruction of what had once been a thriving town, now reduced to ruins and a few scattered people.
For a few seconds, Rain almost believed that they'd been mistaken. There was no sign of either Vincent nor Cid, just the unbearable heat of the sun making almost hard to breathe. Then...
Jinrei drew a sharp breath as he saw the two figures comming around the turn of the path, the blonde pilot with the dark Valentine looming behind him. This was the closest he'd ever been to Cid Highwind, the closest he'd ever been to fulfilling his dream!
Feeling her heart thundering in her chest, Rain felt horribly helpless as the two halted by the entrance to the reactor ruins. It was impossible to read Vincent's face, even for her, but Cid's blue eyes were unable to hide the nervousness he obviously was fighting against.
"Gentlemen! Welcome!" Jinrei called out cheerfully, like the many guards pointing their weapons towards the two weren't there at all. "We've been most anxiously awaiting your arrival! Now if the both of you would be so kind as to show me your hands?"
Both Vincent and Cid slowly raised their hands, proving them empty.
Jinrei nodded, his grin widening even more. "Good! Good, good!" He shoved Rain over into the arms of a guard and took a few steps forward. "I was afraid I would have to deal with some silly notion of bravery, but I'm relieved to see that you're both sensible men!"
Vincent's eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained silent as he discretely took in the position of every armed person there. It would be a close call...
Cid was trying to appear calm, despite the gun that was lodged behind his back in his belt. He still thought asking the others for help would have been a better option, but he had agreed to Vincent's plan and there was no backing out now. Besides, he finally got to see the bastard responsible for messing up his entire life!
"I can only conclude that you've discovered the infected materia as my specimens still insist on travelling north, and Mr Highwind is obviously not there!" Jinrei grinned, like they had caught him at a prank. "Well done! But in the end, I always win, gentlemen. Remember that."
"Whaddya want with me?" Cid finally exclaimed, his patience and nerves wearing thin.
Jinrei raised his eyebrows, like he was puzzled that the blonde didn't already know the answer. "Isn't it obvious, Mr Highwind? I want you dead!"
Then everything seemed to happen in fast forward.
Cid felt Vincent's hand connecting to his back, pushing him to fall forward as the gun was pulled free and quickly fired multiple times before the pilot even got the chance to connect with the ground.

Rain closed her eyes hard as she heard the first shot fired, feeling the guard holding her was thrown backwards with a sickening sound.
It took only a second for her to react, crouching down to pick up the gun of the now dead guard and run towards Cid and Vincent while trying to ignore the bullets flying around her. Thank the planet that Vincent Valentine still was the best and quickest sharp shooter ever alive!
Backing away, Jinrei screamed with fury. "Unleash Number 22! NOW!"
Rain basically fell down besides Cid, who was still sitting on the ground behind some cover, with a shocked look on his face. "You ok?"
The pilot gave a trembling laugh, glancing over at her. "Ya know... I'm supposed to ask you that!" He scrambled to his feet, absently picking up long stick that he broke in half to make it about the length of his usual weapons. "Stay down."
Rain nodded, glancing over at Vincent barely avoiding a bullet a small distance from them. "We'd better get out of here, Vincent!"
The former Turk nodded absently, sending off a few more deadly bullets before ducking down behind a small piece of wreckage to reload. "I took care of the guards down the path. We should be able to escape through there."
Then a roar cut through the air and the three froze to see a creature comming bounding out of the reactor. A lion's body, leather wings and a scorpion tail.
Cid managed to hold up his improvised weapon just as the manticore lashed out, hearing it snap like a toy before he managed to unleash a Fire3 that only seemed to enrage it. He backed up to avoid the second swing of the deadly paws as well, but lost his balance and he felt a jab of panic as he fell.
Deadly fangs locked around golden metal with a painful sound, and Vincent's arm trembled with the strain of keeping the creature on it's hind legs as it pressed it's front paws on his arm as well. The scorpion tail flew over the manticore's shoulder and barely missed Vincent's upper arm. "Cid! The shotgun! Hurry!"
Scrambling up on his knees, Cid pulled at the crimson cloak until he could reach the shotgun in it's holster by Vincent's waist. He was no gunman, but it would take some effort to miss at that distance Cid figured as he managed to lift the heavy weapon and aimed underneath the creature's chest.
The shot was impossibly loud, and yet the manticore's scream was even louder.
Taking the shotgun from the pilot's hands, Vincent quickly holstered it again before reloading the gun. "Cid, get Rain and get out! Now! They're still regrouping, so this is our chance!"
Cid blinked, then started to life after seeing the spray of blood exploding from the manticore's back at the raw force of the shotgun. "Y-yeah, ok."
Rain started to life as well, "What about you, Vincent?"
The former Turk gave a sinister smile. "I'll be right behind you. Don't worry. Just go." He then glanced over at her with a gentler look, "Dawn is waiting for you."
Relief rushed through Rain and she managed to smile softly to him. "Thank you..."
Cid cast a final glance at the silent form of the manticore, shuddered, then trotted over to Rain. "You heard the man, princess. Let's go."
Clutching her gun, Rain nodded without taking her eyes of Vincent. "Try anything heroic and get yourself killed, Vincent Valentine, and I will never forgive you!"
Vincent chuckled drily. "You needn't worry, Rain. I'm not a hero. Nothing close."
"You are to me," Rain whispered, then followed as Cid pulled her along.
Waiting a few seconds, Vincent smiled faintly at her parting words that undeservedly gave him a good feeling before he stood up and fired off several shots towards the reactor.
"You wont get away!" Jinrei's voice rang though the battle, shrill with fury. "I'm going to kill you all for this! I always win!"
Vincent's smile would have given even the coldest murderer the chills as he aimed carefully. "Not always." And a single shot was fired.
The former Turk didn't have to see the form being slung back at the impact to know that his bullet had hit it's mark. He always hit his mark. And a bullet to the head should even shut up a man crazy enough to create monsters. It had worked against Hojo, and now Jinrei fell to the ground as well.
Vincent holstered his gun, ducked underneath the shower of bullets sent his way, then drew a deep breath before he ran down the path as well.

"You want to what?" Sephiroth asked, a silver eyebrow raised suspiciously and arms crossed sceptically.
Laughing, Aeris reached out to place a hand on his arm. "I just thought... You haven't been to one, have you?"
"Noo..." Sephiroth dragged out his answer, still frowning. "But I'm not sure if I want to..."
Aeris leaned over and stood on tip-toe to whisper the bait she knew he would take; "You get to buy candy...!"
The silver haired man hummed thoughtfully, looking increasingly more interested. "Is that so...? Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. I mean, if you really want to go, then..."
Laughing triumphantly, Aeris eagerly tugged him along. "I promised you to show you the high-lights of life, didn't I? Well, going to the movies definitely is one of them! Do you like popcorn?"
Sephiroth sighed as he dragged his feet while affably following. "Popcorn? Don't know. Haven't tried it."
The long awaited sequel to Loveless was finally up and running, and there were a long queue to the ticket stand that made Aeris groan. "We're late! We're never going to get a seat now!" She huffed frustrated, having gotten her hopes up. "Darn it!"
Tilting his head, Sephiroth gave a slight smirk as he glanced down at her. "Darn it? A cuss word, Aeris? You've spent too much time with Cid Highwind, I believe!"
Aeris blushed and laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, well, extreme situations brings out the need for extreme language!"
Around that moment, Sephiroth became aware of the mumbling and glanced up to see just about everyone staring at them and he tensed defensively. "Something wrong?"
A man started before clearing his throat. "Y-you're General Sephiroth, aren't you?" An excited murmuring erupted again from the crowd.
Sephiroth slowly placed his hand on the hilt of the Masamune, knowing Midgar was still far from safe for anyone to travel through. "That I am."
Reaching out to reassuringly touch his arm, Aeris felt a nervous tingle as well as she knew it wouldn't take much for Sephiroth to loose his temper if he was provoked.
The man lit up and pointed an eager finger towards Sephiroth while turning to his friend. "Told you! T-that's General Sephiroth!" He turned back to the puzzled Sephiroth and motioned for him to pass him in the queue, "Please! I would be honoured! You're a hero, after all!"
Sephiroth hesitated, wanting to ask the man where he'd been a year ago when this so-called hero had been rampaging around the planet and called the Meteor to kill everyone and everything, but then thought better of it and merely gave a faint nod. "Thanks." It just proved what Rufus had said is true, never underestimate the power of the media!
Aeris was no less surprised, and her puzzlement did not decrease when the entire queue stepped aside to give way for them to enter the movie in front of everyone. As they slowly walked towards the entrance, both giving faint smiles and nods, she cast a glance over at Sephiroth to whisper her question. "What is going on?"
"Rufus said something about re-writing history," Sephiroth mumbled, "I think he mentioned something about cleaning my name from the mess last year... Didn't think it would be like this though..."
Giggling, Aeris took his hand and leaned towards him. "At least we get to see the movie!"
Sephiroth merely raised an eyebrow and sent her a dry look. He remembered how he'd hated his fame. How he'd abhorred the parades and the empty words. How he'd despised being put on display! However, his look quickly turned to glee as he was soon standing in front of the candy department. And there was this wonderful smell! Was that... popcorn? The man behind the counter lit up at the sight of Sephiroth as well, urging him to choose whatever he wanted and it would be on the house! The silver haired man had never before considered how he could take advantage of the fame pushed on him, but now he realised what opportunities was lying ahed!
Aeris merely smiled amused as Sephiroth inched from one end of the counter and back again several times to eye every single piece of candy, "Remember that you're restricted to what you're able to carry, Sephiroth, and we're going to pay for it!"
And at that moment, the General was really grateful for his mako-enhanced strength. "Gimme one of everything!"
"And a king size popcorn!" Aeris added, "heavy on the butter!"
Sephiroth nodded, agreeing to anything at that moment and blessed whoever invented this movie-thing!

At first Sephiroth had been thoroughly annoyed at the idiot who turned off the lights when the General was busy rummaging through his candy selection, but then he discovered the fun of picking things at random and only discovering what it was when he put it in his mouth!
The idea was to watch the movie, he got that part, and despite some man had whined about it being a chick-flick, whatever that meant, it wasn't too bad.
Now, that could be because he had the company of the world's most perfect creature, even when Aeris nearly gave him a heart-attack by gingerly placing popcorn to his lips with a soft giggle.
And so he was also quick to discover the addictiveness of popcorn!
Sephiroth was actually sorry when the movie ended and they were leaving the dark room, but when Aeris' petite hand slipped into his she made him smile again.
Having been considered a abnormality all his life, Sephiroth felt a little foreign to the simple act of walking home from the movies, hand in hand with his girlfriend. It was a scenery he'd never even bothered to imagen as it would never happen. Never, it seemed, was not as definitive as he'd once thought it would be.
"You look thoughtful," Aeris declared, leaning slightly against his shoulder. "You didn't like the film?"
Sephiroth shook his head, "No, the movie was okay." He smiled faintly to her, "You were right. Again."
The flower girl giggled satisfied, giving his hand a squeeze. "See! I told you! And now it only remains to see if you get sick from all that candy you managed to stuff into your mouth!"
Snorting, Sephiroth stuck out his chin. "Wasn't that much! And I'm getting tougher for each time!" He merely pulled her closer to release her hand and let his arm go around her shoulders. "You cold?" When the scorching sun set, the evenings always seemed to turn colder than usual.
"A little," Aeris lied as she wrapped her own arms around his waist. Silence lasted for a little while, then Aeris drew a slow breath. "Some big battle is comming up, isn't it?"
Sephiroth glanced down at her, then gave a faint nod. "What happened to Wutai... If we don't do anything, it will happen again. To another town and another people."
Sighing, Aeris rested against his chest as they walked slowly towards the ShinRa tower. "I don't understand why people always have to fight..."
Born and bred a soldier, Sephiroth had never once stopped and asked for a reason. Wars never seemed to end and he was always placed in the middle of them. "Few people are as kind as you are, Aeris... Most of them are cruel, selfish and ambitious at all costs. I'm betting the upcomming battles will be a result of a person carrying all those traits, and others will die instead of him."
Aeris shivered and clutched Sephiroth harder, like she was afraid he was slipping away from her. "I hope you're wrong, Sephiroth. I still believe there is good in all people. I have to believe that, or why are we even bothering to fight?"
Sephiroth glanced down at her again, looking at the very reason he would fight. "You have faith enough for the both of us, Aeris. Pray for humanity and I'll just believe in you."
Her heart ached for the beautiful warrior by her side, but Aeris could understand why Sephiroth had pretty much given up on humanity with the life he'd lead. The things that had been done to him, the things he'd seen and all the things he'd never had. Like love. No parents to tend to a bruise with paternal love. No friends to play and laugh with, missing out on the love in friendships. No shy kisses from blushing girls, the puppy love that would break his heart. No, it was no wonder that Sephiroth had lost all trust in any kindness in the human heart.
"I only hope I can live up to your trust in me," Aeris admitted silently, gazing up at the sky. "I'm really worried about Cid and Vincent..."
"The ancients would have jammed the information into my head if something had happened to Cid. They want him alive, remember?" Sephiroth turned his eyes to the sky as well, seeing the faint glimmer of stars in the setting dusk.
Despite the truth in those words, Aeris couldn't entirely let go of her uneasiness. "Yes, they want him alive... but do they care if he's hurt or bleeding? Does fear count for anything to them? The ancients has proven to the both of us that they obviously don't remember what pain is. They must have forgotten how fear feels. Or they wouldn't have asked me to do what they did, a year ago. They wouldn't hurt you like they do... It's strange... I feel like I don't know them anymore. No, that's not right. I feel like I've never really known them at all..."

Cloud came running down the hall, trying hard to ignore the collar sticking to his neck and the bangs disrupting his view. Typical! Why did this always happen to him?! Rufus was going to have a ball, relishing over the fact that he was late! The damn brat prince never let an opportunity to put Cloud down pass him by!
Pushing the door open, the blonde had barely time to set a foot inside the room before Rufus ShinRa stated the obvious.
"You're late," Rufus deadpanned, raising a patronizing eyebrow from where he was standing behind the table everyone else had gathered around as well.
Cloud's eyes narrowed and he slowly walked over to join the small group. "Yeah, well, it would seem that the ShinRa buildings aren't as flawless as you brag them to be! In the middle of my shower, the frigging hot water vanished!"
A strange noise emerged from deep in Sephiroth's throat that vaguely reminded Cloud a little about a surprised laugh cut short, but the blonde quickly dismissed it. It was harder to ignore the smile tugging at the corner of Rufus' lips.
"Is that so?" Rufus didn't seem to devastated about it, more like he was trying to keep from loosing the fight against a smile. "That's... unfortunate."
Sephiroth made that odd noise again, and this time even Aeris glanced puzzled over at him. She couldn't quite dismiss the possibility that the General had overdosed on the huge amount of candy he'd just devoured at the movies.
Rufus cleared his throat, avoiding Tifa's eyes. "I'll make sure someone checks it out, Strife. Ok? Now, where's the girl?"
Cloud frowned slightly, not completely satisfied with Rufus' behavior. "Jessie wont be comming. I told her to get some rest. She's been working really hard lately and is all worn out." It was nobody's business that he'd brought the crying Jessie to his room and merely let her cry herself to sleep in his bed while he stroke her hair reassuringly. He didn't have the heart to wake her up when he'd re-emerged from the shower to find her still asleep in his bed, despite how they both were supposed to attend to this gathering.
"Let's get started then," Seto's voice cut through as the huge beast placed it's paws on the table to stand on his hind legs, getting a full view of the map spread over the table.
Cloud walked over to gaze down on it as well. "So what do we know?"
Sephiroth tapped a finger on the location of Rocket Town. "The first attack happened here, but there is no record of anyone seeing the monster approach the town. However, it demonstrated a good cloaking skill so we can't rule out that it could have traveled for distance unnoticed."
Placing his hands on the table, Rufus leaned forward slightly. "And then the attack on Midgar. No monster this time though."
"No, those were definitely human, but appeared to have some military connection," Aeris added absently, remembering the horrible vision of seeing Tifa shot and glanced over to see the dark haired woman stroking Rufus' arm in a calming motion.
Sephiroth moved his hand to tap on the Lost city, "The monsters made a second attack at our camp here, and a third effort against the Highwind airship."
Cloud tilted his head thoughtfully, trying to see some pattern. "But they were following the infected materia, right?"
"Right," Rufus confirmed, "but they all had to come from somewhere... Let's see... A forth attack was struck back by Sephiroth in the ice lands."
"And then..." Yuffie's silent voice said, the young ninja staring transfixed at a town marked on the map that wasn't there anymore. "Then they struck Wutai..."
Swallowing hard, Shera tightened her arm around Yuffie slightly. After agonizing for hours wether Cid was dead or alive anymore, she had decided to check up on the young ninja and found a soul who was just as pained as her own. If, no, WHEN Cid returned, Shera was going to staple herself to him! She couldn't take much more of this staying behind and linger in uncertainty anymore!
Everyone started violently as Cloud's PHS started ringing and the blonde quickly fumbled out the contraption with a puzzled look. With everyone here, it could only mean... The blonde drew a sharp breath as he saw the red button glowing. "It's Vincent!" He took a step away from the small group and quickly pressed the reply button. "Vincent! Where the hell are you?!"
The silence was absolute as Cloud got his reply and he blinked confused. "Cid? Where's Vincent? Why are you calling from his PHS?" There was another reply and Cloud laughed silently. "Alright, alright! Just glad you're ok. Where are you guys?"
Aeris closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. Cid was alive and well!

"They're on their way!" Cid turned off the PHS and glanced over at Rain. "How is he?"
Rain sighed and stroke away a lock of jet black hair from Vincent's face. "He'll live." She had been more than a little afraid when Vincent had more or less collapsed when they'd halted in the forrest after their grand escape. Cid had later told her of the ragged state he'd been after escaping from Wutai, and that the former Turk had barely given himself time to use materia on his wounds before setting off towards Gongaga.
Cid studied Vincent briefly, knowing better than to think the man was asleep just because he was sitting with his ruby eyes closed. "Cloud sounded pretty ticked off when he thought it was you calling, Vince."
There was no reaction to be seen on the pale face as Vincent replied calmly. "He should be."
Rain got a worried look, staring at the ground.
A short silence followed and Cid fumbled out a cigarette, but didn't bother to light it. He'd been more than a little annoyed himself when he'd realised Vincent had taken matters into his own hands again. After all they'd been through, Vincent still didn't trust them. He still wouldn't turn to them for help! "Must be tiring..." Cid said absently, "always being that suspicious. Keepin' everyone at a distance. Must get kinda lonely."
Vincent slowly opened his eyes to gaze emptily into the distance. "Sometimes." He admitted it silently, but with the same detachment he always had in his voice. Then Vincent closed his eyes again and turned his face away to signal the end of that line of conversation.
Cid took the unlit cigarette from his lips and started fidgeting with it to keep his hands busy and pass time. He could take a hint!
Rain inched over to sit down between the two men, her back against Vincent's shoulder so she could face Cid sitting by the tree on the left. "I can't wait to see my little girl again..."
Managing a faint smile, Cid remembered the brief meeting with Dawn. "Yeah, seemed like a nice kid. Must be taking after her mother."
"Cid, be nice!" Rain scolded mirthfully, automatically reaching for Vincent's hand without looking. "When are you and Shera going to get your acts together and have tiny Cid's milling around?"
The usually so gruff pilot let out an awkward laugh and a shade of red crept over his face. "Er, well, I ain't usually someone you'd want around them little people, and you don't think it's enough with one Cid polluting this here planet?"
Rain laughed and shook her head with an amused look. "Cid, the world would be a grey and dull place without you! And I think you'd be a great father! I'll even let you practice a little with Dawn! But there will be no bad language, Mr Highwind!"
Cid gasped in mock-horror. "No cussin'? Now, I don't know if I'm physically capable of that... Could be bad for my health!"
"Cuss around my baby and 'that' will be bad for you health," Rain threatened smoothly, and they both started laughing.
It felt good. Despite their crazy situation, and the dark feeling about the future, Cid felt better. There was hardly any laughter these days.
It looked like the same thought struck Rain as she fell silent and turned thoughtful.
"They didn't hurt you?" Cid asked carefully, knowing Vincent had already asked the same question, but still felt like he had to as well.
Rain shook her head, a bitter smile on her lips. "No... Their leader found me entertaining. It wasn't me they were after, remember? I was just a means to get the real prize; You."
Once again the uneasy and nervous feeling struck Cid and he drew a slow breath. "Yeah, well, always knew I was a grand prize."
"What I don't understand is why that man is so set on killing you. Why is you being merely alive such a threat to him?" Rain wondered out loud, tilting her head almost like she expected Cid to know the answer.
The pilot shrugged, not entirely comfortable with the knowledge that this new enemy wasn't out to get his hands on Cid Highwind. He was out to kill Cid Highwind, and would settle for nothing less. "Dunnow. Can't see why he's got a bug up his ass 'bout me... I ain't done nothing to no science man! Not counting that Hojo, but he's dead. And if it were Hojo's ghost ass running around, he'd rather be going after Sephiroth or Vincent. Hell, everybody got their mortal enemy, 'cept me, and it's ME who's getting chased and hunted by monsters!"
Silence fell and uneasy thoughts lingered as they waited for the sound of their rescue, and longed for when the Highwind would bring them away from there.

The tweezer trembled slightly, making the owner of the hand guiding them force himself calm, and then he drew a deep breath.
The second time, the tweezer entered their destination without problems and entered deep into the open wound to retrieve the bullet lodged there. Gingerly, but firmly, they locked around the foreign object and began to withdraw.
With a silent exhale of relief, the man let the blood soaked bullet drop into the small, metallic bowl by his side and he closed his eyes in a renewed effort to calm himself. Some few seconds later, he put down his instruments and picked up the bowl to dispose of it.
A hand locked around his wrist, and a voice sneered; "Leave it!"
The man hesitated, nervousness making him foolish enough to ask; "Why?"
Jinrei sat up from the operating, holding a folded bandage to his forhead to keep any more blood to seep out from the bullet hole. "Because I'm going to ram that bullet down Vincent Valentine's throat!"
The man released the bowl with a tiny yelp of horror, and made sign to leave the room as quick as possible.
"Tell General Joy to report to me instantly!" Jinrei snapped after the retreating man, before getting up and walking over to peer at himself in the mirror. It would take days for the damn wound to regenerate, and he would be forced to wear this silly looking bandage until then! Curse that Vincent Valentine! Jinrei did not take lightly to anyone who marred his handsome features! That red cloaked ghoul would regret that bullet bitterly!
Washing off the blood and applying a fresh bandage bandana, Jinrei turned just in time to see Joy arrive.
The tall and broad shouldered man saluted Jinrei with his usual military behavior and placed his hands behind his back before he stuck out his chin slightly. "You requested my presence?"
Jinrei nodded as he wiped his hands on a white towel. "As you know, the plan to remove Cid Highwind as a threat failed and we lost our captive as well. But it is of little consequence. I don't even know why they bothered with escaping. We know where they're going anyway; Midgar. The safe haven for all sorts of little pests!" He tossed the towel aside and marched over to glare up at the General. "I'm becoming most impatient, Joy!"
General Joy met his eyes unfazed and gave an ever so faint tilt of his head. "Then we attack Midgar?"
Turning to saunter back to the mirror, Jinrei picked up his glasses and put them back on. Blonde haired and blue eyed, General Joy, as his name implied, appeared like a little ray of sunshine. Jinrei knew how deceiving looks and names could be. He'd yet to meet someone who rivaled Joy in malice and with such a desire to shed blood. "Not yet. I have a few questions I want answered first. One of them is what has been destroying my specimens if General Sephiroth is indeed in Midgar as well. I sent General Lee to investigate the icy lands up north. As for you, Joy, your mission is to capture the town of Costa del Sol and bring it's people to submission."
An icy flicker of pleasure appeared in Joy's eyes as he gave another salute and turned to leave.
"Oh, and General?" Jinrei called out, making the other man glance back at him, "nobody is more submissive than dead people, eh?"
Joy grinned. "Understood, sir."
Jinrei sighed satisfied as the door closed and glanced over at a pile of papers by a desk. "They were so close. Cid Highwind's escape had been a minor set back, but nothing more than minor. When the time came, Midgar wouldn't be Highwind's and his little friend's haven, but their tomb.
His smile widened a little.
It wouldn't be long before his little soldier girl would wake up properly, and then she would be the end of them all!
Little soldier girl, Jessie, would prove to be too strong for even the mighty Sephiroth!
Whistling, Jinrei sat down by the desk and began perusing through the papers. So little time, and so much to do!

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