Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Life and Death ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
21. Life and death

Hojo had now officially been back on this rotten planet for 24 hours and 17 minutes, and he was getting increasingly annoyed over that finding a cure might not be an overnight achievement after all. The virus was aggressive and stunningly resilient. He wondered how far Rufus was willing to go in order to save this Cid Highwind...
Turning a corner, he almost walked straight into someone as he was busy leafing through some papers he'd just received. Glancing up to snap for the person to look where he was going, Hojo failed to utter the words.
A dark haired woman he'd never seen before stuttered an apology, but he hardly heard it. Hojo's gaze were locked on the small child in her arms. More precisely; Hojo was shocked to see the hazel eyes looking at him.
Hojo would recognize those eyes with his own blindfolded. But it wasn't possible, was it? Hojo was almost certain that person had crawled back to where he'd arisen or slinked away to wallow in his own self-pity in some dark place. But there was no mistaking those hazel eyes, the shape and colour that had stared at him in rage and agony. Valentine had a child?
Just as Hojo was about to inquire about the child's sire, a cold metal muzzle silently pressed against the back of his neck and the scientist smiled with a touch of acid. "Vincent. You're certainly a source of constant surprises. A child?"
Rain clutched Dawn a little closer and took a step back, seeing the anger in Vincent's crimson eyes while his thumb slowly moved up to cock the gun he had aimed at the man she'd almost walked into. All she'd wanted was to see Shera and Cid, but instinct told her she'd stumbled into an old battle where anyone could get hurt.
"Rain, return to your room with Dawn." Vincent's voice was cold and silent, but it clearly told her it was not open for discussion.
Blinking confused, Rain took another step backwards. If this man upset Vincent so much, was it wise to leave them?
Hojo sent her a crooked smile that could have been nice if it hadn't been for the malice glittering in his oddly golden brown eyes. "Run along, girl. Leave us men to talk grown-up talk."
Rain huffed offended and turned to stalk away. If Vincent shot that man, she had the sneaking feeling it wouldn't be a loss to the world.
Vincent slowly circled to stand in front of Hojo as Rain's footsteps faded, not lowering the gun once but soon had it firmly between Hojo's eyes.
Seeing the emotions battling in the crimson eyes, Hojo laughed silently. "Your bullets cannot kill me, Vincent Valentine."
"I know," Vincent declared calmly, his finger tightening slightly on the trigger. "But it would just feel nice to shoot you."
Slightly surprised at the words, Hojo crossed his arms while holding the file to his chest. "Humor, dearest Vincent? It doesn't suit you at all." Somehow the knowledge that his rival wasn't rotting away in some dark, desolate place did not sit well with Hojo. What happened back then had cost Hojo his beloved, his child and his humanity. Why should the former Turk be any better off? "But, then again, you're also trying to play family man as well?"
Vincent tensed and his eyes narrowed with a silent warning.
"Who would have thought the cold blooded killer Vincent Valentine with demons in his veins as a hubby and daddy," Hojo sneered a smile as the gun was pressed slightly harder against him. "A Turk cannot afford to have a family. A Turk must not have any weak points, weren't those the words you said to Lucrecia? Did you forget your own speach?"
Vincent swallowed down the rage battling inside him, forcing the demons silent as they were howling to be released. The demons could always sense the presence of Hojo when he'd been around, sensing the man who'd trapped them. "You stay away from them."
Hojo took a step towards him, forcing the gun slightly back. "Isn't that almost the exact words I told you? 'You stay away from her', I believe I said. Did you listen? No, you didn't. You didn't listen to anything I said!"
Quickly holstering the gun, Vincent shook his head. "Go near them and you'll discover that dying isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, Hojo." He was relieved his voice sounded as calm as always, despite his trembling hands. Anger, fear and guilt were making it hard to control the demons.
Snorting, Hojo stared unfazed at his nemesis. "I've got nothing left to loose, Valentine. Nothing." And the scientist brushed pass him to continue on his way towards his lab, his mind suddenly troubled with memories he was trying so hard to forget.
Vincent slowly closed his eyes, swallowing hard. Hojo did not know Lucrecia was still alive somewhere, but the former Turk knew it was better to leave it like that. Lucrecia wasn't the same anymore, and neither was Hojo from the person he was way back then. Gazing down at his golden arm, Vincent gave a bitter smile.
Neither of them were the same.

Cloud was tense to the point it was almost painful, and the docile look on Sephiroth's face was not helping! The silver haired man was actually somewhat lounging in his chair, unlike his usual rigid position, giving an absent sigh from time to time as if thinking of something pleasant. Cloud did not like the fact that Aeris had been wearing that same look on her face when she'd parted with Sephiroth outside the office where they were meeting. Dear Planet, the thought was too horrible!
Reeve was babbling something about strategy and possible actions against the Jinrei army, but Cloud couldn't help his mind from wandering. He was torn between worrying about Jessie and the urge to throw something heavy and hard at Sephiroth.
Only when Tifa asked about Cid's condition did Cloud snap out of it with a jolt of guilt. The pilot had not been looking good when Cloud had visited him this morning and even Vincent had voiced his concern.
And to think they only had Hojo to rely on. It wasn't exactly a comforting thought.
"But we can't ignore that a new attack WILL be launched," Rufus declared absently as he was gazing out the window. "Cid is out of our reach now, but if Jinrei's army attack again then it wont matter if we can cure him or not."
Seto shook his head slowly. "With the virus spreading so fast and easily, the troops will be destroying themselves within hours."
"We should try to avoid close combat if possible until an antidote is found," Reeve mumbled silently. He still had trouble sleeping after seeing the infected soldiers.
Rufus nodded and walked back to his desk. "Here's what I want to do; Sephiroth, I'm sending you to Junon with a few troops."
The silver haired man glanced quickly over at him. "Junon? Why?"
"Most of our strongest fire power is located there and if we loose that city, we loose our harbour. We have to keep Junon under our control, at any cost," Rufus declared, gazing out over the map Reeve had placed on the desk. "You're best suited to organize the defense there, Sephiroth, and you know it."
Grumbling, Sephiroth turned his face away to stare out the window. Junon? That meant he had to part with Aeris...
"Vincent?" Rufus called out for the crimson eyed man's attention, and met the gaze calmly. "I want you to take control over the Turks and use them to help organize Midgar's defences. Seto will aid you."
Vincent merely nodded.
Glancing over at the young girl, Rufus almost sighed reluctantly. "Yuffie... " Hers were maybe the most dangerous mission. "You and your ninja team... Find out where the hell Jinrei is hiding."
Yuffie nodded, her grey eyes burning with the prospect of getting revenge. And maybe the guy had some undiscovered materia as well? What better gift than to place on her father's grave?
Cloud was about to object when Rufus called out his name as well, and the blonde man frowned apprehensively.
"Kalm is our blind spot at this moment," Rufus tapped his finger on the map. "We need to control that town as well. Bring some troops and build up a defence."
Nodding, Cloud drew a quick breath. "I want to bring Jessie." He couldn't leave her behind. Not now. She needed him, and he had to protect her and others from her powers.
Rufus waved a dismissive hand. "Sure. Whatever."
"What about me?" Tifa asked, eyes harshly locked on Rufus.
The firey haired man ran a tired hand over his face. "Don't you worry, Tifa, there is plenty for you to do here in Midgar."
"Midgar? I can help too!" Tifa insisted angrily, crossing her arms. "Let me go with Sephiroth or Cloud!"
"And do what?" Rufus snapped annoyed, glancing up at her. "Do you have any experience with army life? Do you know any military strategies?"
Paling, Tifa swallowed hard. "N-no, but... I want to help too!"
Getting up, Rufus placed a conciliatory hand on her shoulder. "And you will. Trust me. There is no lack of people willing to run out and die for a cause, but I need people I can use where they're needed and to stay alive. Dead people can't help at all, and people in places where they don't belong is certainly not helping."
Tifa nodded, staring down at the floor. She hated feeling helpless, but knew Rufus was right. This was bigger than her fists could handle, and to use her fists she would have to get close enough for the infected soldiers to be able to touch her too. No, maybe it was time for a few lessons with a gun?

Yellow eyes watched as each person left the office room, but only when he was the last one remaining did he wander over to the stairs leading to the roof.
Deadly claws made gentle clicking sounds as he climbed the stairs, and he wandered over to the very edge of the roof before halting to gaze up at the star lit sky. Sighing, Seto savored the silence for a little while and was amazed that a city like Midgar could actually fall almost completely silent at nights. There were just too many people here for his taste, but he knew that could just as easily be explained with homesickness.
It was, after all, a very long time since Seto had left Cosmo Canyon.
Closing his eyes, Seto let the scents in the air tell him about his surroundings while his mind started to wander...
It was going to be more difficult that he'd initially thought, since he had no real connection to these humans they weren't supposed to mean anything to him. It was Nanaki's friends, not his, and look how well they had looked after him. No, Seto had no trouble agreeing to the deal that had been offered to him.
However, by spending time with them and observing, he was reluctantly realising that they weren't the people he thought them to be.
The huge cat beast sat down with another sigh, his fire-tipped tail swishing in tune to his uneasiness.
This new threat had brought together former enemies as unlikely allies, and they all worked together when it counted. It was so sad to see the race capable of such an achievement also being the race that brought the Planet most pain. With all their intelligence, one would think the humans were capable of understanding that they had to take care of the planet they were living on and not deplete it of it's very life force!
Frowning as he caught the scent of Vincent Valentine, Seto glanced over in the direction it was coming from, but relaxed as it became clear that the former Turk was not going to intrude on his solace. It didn't really surprise him, as Vincent Valentine was a man who treasured his time on his own as much as Seto himself did.
But now Rufus ShinRa had said for Seto and Vincent Valentine to work together on Midgar's defences and the proud beast was a little uncomfortable with the thought. It meant his betrayal would be even deeper when the time came.
Closing his eyes, he reminded himself the reason he had for doing this.
That he couldn't loose focus now!
This wasn't about what he wanted, but what the final result would be!
The end justifies the means, wasn't that some human saying?
Seto opened his eyes again and walked over to jump up and place his front paws on the railing, gazing out into the dark horizon that only his enhanced night vision allowed him to see. The air was so dry and warm. No sign of rain in the air either.
When was the last time it rained? Must have been over a month ago now.
Backing up a step, Seto let himself fall down on all four again and he realised he wasn't feeling any lighter at heart. There was no going back on what he had agreed to do, but he couldn't help the feeling that Nanaki wouldn't have approved.
Sighing for the third and final time, Seto turned to walk inside again. Everything was decided, things were in motion, and if he was going to achieve what had been promised to him then there was no going back.
"I'm sorry, Nanaki, but maybe one day you will understand," Seto whispered to the stars before gazing a last time back out over Midgar. "Everyone else too... I'm sorry, but maybe one day you will understand as well... But for now, I'll do what I can to help..."

Cid leaned to the left to catch a glimpse of the people walking pass the room while Hojo was draining yet another blood test from his arm. "Hey, Mr Mad Scientist, what's going on?"
Telling himself it was below him to twist the needle inside the pilot's arm, Hojo merely finished up and turned to place the small vial inside his kit. "It appears that the war is now official and troops are being sent out to Junon and Kalm to strengthen the defences there."
Swallowing hard, the blond raised his arm to his chest and gazed down at the floor. "Everyone is fighting except me..."
"As far as I know," Hojo muttered as he withdrew a liquid from a vial into a syringe, "you're the only one alive infected with this virus. I think that excuses you from the primitive power display better than any note from your mother."
Cid snorted a laugh, then yelped with pain as the syringe was jabbed into his infected arm. "Hey! Ow! I'm not quite dead yet, remember?"
Emptying the liquid into the miscoloured arm, Hojo withdrew the needle and took a step back. "That should return the feeling to your arm and raise your body temperature back to normal." He picked up the previously discarded bandage and placed it in his kit as well as the used syringe. More blood to analyze.
Hardly daring to believe, Cid numbly rubbed the lower part of his injured arm. "Are you telling me you've actually found a cure?"
"No," Hojo deadpanned and closed his kit before turning to look at the pilot. "The virus is surprisingly strong, which is the only positive thing I have to say about it. However, I've found a way to prevent you from dying from it anytime soon. The mixture I just injected into you will neutralize the virus and put into a slumber-like state. Your body will heal itself."
Excitement shot through Cid and he jumped up eagerly. "I'm gonna be back to normal?"
Hojo drew a deep breath, trying not to get annoyed as the pilot was hearing his words but not listening to what he was saying, just like everybody else. "Be quiet and I will explain." He crossed his arms demonstratively until Cid sat down again with a heavy sigh, and only then did Hojo speak. "What I just gave you is no cure. It's merely something to buy us more time. The virus is strong, yes, but it's also spreading at an alarming speed through the human body. Luckily, you're as uneatable for a virus as you are to the people around you, so it's taken much longer for it to spread through your cells, but it was now reaching a critical state. Finding a cure is going to take a little longer, so I decided to find a mixture that would at least buy us some time. The virus will be in hibernation, but still inside you." Hojo gazed at his watch, frowning slightly. "You should regain feeling in your arm within the hour, but the effect will only last for seven to ten hours before it must be re-administered."
Cid sighed, scolding himself for getting so hopeful, only to realise that things were looking better than before at least. "Will I still be contagious?"
"Most likely," Hojo mumbled, gathering up his files.
The pilot got up and took a few steps over to pick up the final papers and handed them to a suspicious looking Hojo. "Do I still have to be here?" Being stripped off his wings, Cid felt his freedom yanked away from him. But being confined to this little room, Cid felt himself slowly choking to death. He understood that he had to be there while the virus had been gnawing away at him, but if he could only escape for a few hours then maybe he could survive it until a cure was found. Maybe.
Measuring him, Hojo tapped a pensive finger on the files he was holding before coming to a decision. "If the mixture is stabile throughout the day and night, you may spend a few hours in the wild tomorrow. Fair enough?" He could see the weariness in the blonde's eyes and Hojo needed Cid Highwind to fight with everything in him to stay alive until he found that damn cure.
Relief shot through Cid and he exhaled a smile. "Fair enough, Doc!" If it had been any other person, Cid might have considered shaking his hand or slapping his shoulder, but Hojo always had the look that he would actually bite if someone touched him. "Thanks!"
Hojo eyed the blonde pilot as he scanned him for sarcasm, but wasn't sure what he thought about finding it lacking. "Don't thank me, Cid Highwind. It's not like I have a choice in this matter. I'm not here because I decided to. I'm not trying to save your life because I want to!"
A few seconds passed in silence, then Cid gave a faint smile. "Yer trying really hard to make everyone hate you, don't ya?"
Snorting offended, Hojo stuck out his chin. "Hardly takes an effort. Only the truth."
"Now the truth I can handle," Cid grinned, getting comfortable on the bed. "Zombie virus is a different matter. Hell, I don't get how there can be any fun working with things ya can't put yer hands on and fix!"
Hojo shook his head, this time with a faint trace of a real smile. "I wouldn't expect someone like you to have the mental capacity to understand anyway. Now, if it pleases the precious treasure of the Cetra, I would like to return to my research and find a cure as soon as possible so I can get out of here."
Cid gave a little wave as the scientist left the room, and grinned widely when Shera entered a few minutes later. "Guess what? Hojo says he's shot me up with something that might let me take a little trip outside tomorrow! How great is that?"
Shera blinked wide eyed before smiling as well. "Cid! That IS great! You're actually cured?"
Shaking his head, Cid leaned back while placing his hands behind his neck. "Nope. Not yet, but looks like he's getting closer. At least I'm getting out of here for a little while tomorrow! Can't wait!"

"So what is the current situation?" Jinrei folded his hands behind his back as he peered into the small glass window installed in Jenova's tank.
General Joy frowned slightly as the man wouldn't even look at him or Lee, but kept obsessing over that unshapely blob. "Things aren't as we would have them, sir. ShinRa placed troops in Kalm a week ago, and we don't have the resources to break through the town's defenses without pulling out troops from other areas."
Jinrei shook his head without taking his eyes of the silent Jenova. "No. No relocating of the troops. Make do with what you have available, Joy. You brag about being the finest strategist among generals, let's see if it's just talk or not."
General Lee shifted uneasily at the sight of Joy's furious expression. "Sir? Junon is also under heavy mobilizing, and it's Sephiroth himself who is leading them! Sources also imply that Midgar is being turned into a fortress!"
Chuckling silently, Jinrei finally glanced back over his shoulder at them. "And this surprises you? Did you think the enemy would sit silently by and do nothing?"
Joy gritted his teeth and took a step forward. "Of course not! But ShinRa predicted our attack on Kalm and thus interrupted our schedule! We have to change our plan or we risk loosing everything!" If only Jinrei would approve of him taking the troops stationed in Bone Village then Kalm wouldn't stand a chance! "And not to mention that damn ninja group is still sneaking around! If something isn't done about them, then we risk them finding our base! Sir, we have to..."
"That's enough, Joy!" Jinrei snapped, turning to face them with a stern look on his face. "I am aware of the changes in our situation and it will be dealt with!" He stepped away from the tank and motioned for the two other men to follow him as he was leaving the room. "Kalm will be our next target, General Joy, as I've also heard the soldier girl accompanied the former SOLDIER in charge there. You will gain control over the town and retrieve my specimen, understood? And as for you, Lee, it's time someone dealt with the bothersome Rufus ShinRa. I cannot have that man bother my plans anymore!"
The door closed behind them as their voices died out, and an entire hour passed in silence before there was movement.
Inside the tank, Jenova stirred.
In Kalm, Cloud clutched his head before he collapsed with a pained groan. He heard Jessie call his name from far away, but Jenova was gently wrapping the darkness around him. Telling him he had to leave Kalm. She would guide him. There was a place he had to be. That she needed his help. Gathering all his strength, Cloud nearly screamed with pain as he forced the voice silent, refusing to let Jenova take over his mind once again. Dammit, he was nobody's puppet anymore! Mako eyes opened wide to find Jessie cradling him in her arms, and several soldiers staring at them. Cloud exhaled wearily, but managed a faint smile. Jenova had failed.
In Midgar, Aeris nearly dropped the trey with the blood samples and closed her eyes hard. Several seconds passed, then she slowly opened her eyes again with a confused look. Suddenly one of the doctors called her name and Aeris shook her head before replying, placing her trey on the desk then left the room.
In Junon, the Masamune fell to the floor as Sephiroth grasped his head. Swaying, he managed to back up to sit down on his bed while struggling to keep back a pained groan. Jenova was suddenly flooding his mind, her shadow falling over him and whispered words fluttering around like panicked sparrows. Mother was calling him. Mother would guide him to the place he needed to be. Mother needed his help. His mind kept spinning as Jenova pulled at him, and Sephiroth clutched his head hard enough for it to hurt. He refused to give in, no matter how tempting she made it seem. He simply refused. And suddenly the voices of the ancients began chanting, and Jenova's voice grew distant until it was quiet and Sephiroth fell back onto the bed as silence finally reigned inside his head. Reptilian eyes were dulled from the fight, but there was a small, triumphant smile on his lips. Aeris would have been proud.
In a small forrest, a woman fell to her knees and clutched her head with a soft wail.

Days passed, eventually weeks, and it appeared that Jinrei and his army had merely vanished.
The attack on Costa del Sol had been the last they'd seen or heard of them, and the only remnant of that battle were the destroyed town and the virus lurking in Cid Highwind's veins. Luckily the mixture Hojo had conjured up proved to be stabile, and the pilot got regular shots to keep the infection at bay.
Tension was still thick in the air, but now there also were a strong presence of hope.
It was an entire month since sending out both Sephiroth and Cloud.
Rufus was preparing for a meeting when Scarlet delivered the final reports on the progress in Fort Condor, and he grinned slightly as he saw Reeve follow the woman with his eyes as she exited the room. "Forget it, Reeve," Rufus laughed silently as he perused through the first pages of the reports."She'd snap your spine and drink wine from your skull."
Reeve started violently and his face turned a deep red colour. "It's not what you think, sir! It's not that! I just... Scarlet has been really down ever since you and Tifa..."
Sighing, Rufus nodded without glancing up at the other man. "I know. But Scarlet is a complicated lady. If she thinks I'm pitying her then she's very capable of pushing me away completely. I wish there was something I could do, but I don't want to risk the fragile friendship I have with her. Everybody thinks she's so strong, devoid of any feelings, but they're wrong." He would never forget the softness in Scarlet's eyes when she had silently wiped the blood from his face after President ShinRa decided his son needed a little toughening. She hadn't said anything, because there was nothing to say, but quietly tended to his wounds and held him close until he fell asleep. In many ways, Scarlet had been the only friend he ever had. "If you want to make her smile again, Reeve, then you're in for the battle of a life time. She's the strongest opponent I've ever been up against. Maybe even more emotionally scarred than me, and that's probably saying something!"
Reeve dared a faint smile, but didn't have time to reply as the doors opened and a secretary announced the arrival of the ones attending the meeting. However, the thoughtful look on his face did not disappear during the meeting and Reeve barely listened to what was being said.
Rufus shook his head and did a few notes on a paper in front of him. "No, gentlemen, what you must realise is..."
His words were interrupted as the twin doors to his office were abruptly pushed open and slammed against the walls, making everyone turn their startled looks towards the guilty person. The secretary was stuttering apologies behind the culprit, but Tifa didn't even notice her nor the 8 other men in the room as her eyes were locked on Rufus. Still catching her breath from her run, she wasn't able to wipe the smile of her face. "Rufus... I... I'm pregnant!"
Slowly rising from his chair, Rufus forgot about the other people's presence as well. "Are you sure...?" His heart made a jump when Tifa bit her lower lip to try to contain her smiling and she nodded eagerly. He had barely time to let the news settle inside his head when Tifa jumped up on the table and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his neck as he caught her with a laugh. Tifa was pregnant and he was going to be a father!
Reeve grinned sheepishly as he saw Rufus swirl Tifa around, laughing and scolding her for running about without concern for her condition. Clearing his throat, he ushered the other business-men out of the office to leave the parents-to-be alone.
Rufus finally put Tifa down, returning every kiss she gave him and found himself unable to stop smiling as well. "Running around like a mad woman! You gotta start taking things easy, Tifa!"
Giggling, the young woman hugged her beloved husband. "I couldn't help myself! I knew you were in a meeting, but I had to tell you! I couldn't wait!"
"No, that's okay," Rufus sank down into his chair again, resting his hands on her hips as he gazed at her still flat stomach. "I'm going to be a dad." The thought made him incredibly happy, but it also sent flickers of panic through him. What did he know about raising children, considering his own family's twisted way of doing things? No, Rufus was never going to treat his child the way his father had treated him. No son or daughter of his was ever going to suffer through what he had. Raising a hesitating and gentle hand to her stomach, Rufus glanced up at Tifa. "I hope it's a girl as beautiful as her mother."
Tifa was slightly surprised to feel the blush enter her face, but it looked like the brat prince was always going to have that effect on her. "In 6 months, when I'm twice as big as I'm now, then we'll see how beautiful you find me when I'm screaming for chocolate in the middle of the night!"
Laughing softly, Rufus eased her down to sit on his lap and he nuzzled her neck lovingly. "You'll still be beautiful and it'll be worth it!" He held her affectionately close, still struggling to realise that they were now a family of three.

Sephiroth barked out the final orders before he glanced over to the helicopter that would take him back to Midgar. At last!
The silver haired general hadn't seen Aeris for over a month now, and just talking to her over PHS wasn't just the same. He needed to hold her!
ShinRa soldiers were milling around and it would only be a very foolish enemy who would try to attack Junon harbour! Thanks to Scarlet's newly developed guns, the soldiers firepower were increased by 45% more than with their previous weapons. That, combined with improved city armour and stronger cannons, Sephiroth didn't hesitate to leave the town in his lieutenants hands. Junon was more than capable of beating back most attacks, so the General saw a perfect opportunity to take a trip back to Midgar. Rufus was still rambling on about Tifa's pregnancy so now was the time to take advantage of a rare moment of weakness in the brat prince!
Trotting over, Sephiroth climbed on board the helicopter and sighed relieved when it took of from the ground. He was finally on his way back after what had seemed like an eternity!
Had Aeris missed him as much as he'd missed her? She'd sounded a little tired when he spoke to her yesterday, and so the idea had formed itself!
Sephiroth grinned slightly to himself, knowing she would be so surprised to see him appear like this! After all, there had been no sign of that Jinrei for ages, so what could possibly go wrong? Cutting a face, he scolded himself for thinking that thought. Whenever someone thought or said that, something always went wrong!
And despite being a man of patience and the trip took hardly 4 hours, Sephiroth was tapping his fingers impatiently on his seat as he stared restlessly out the window.
He didn't even wait for the helicopter to land properly before he opened the door and jumped out, ignoring the pilot's startled cry and the shocked ground crew. He didn't have time for this!
Sephiroth had barely reached the second floor in the ShinRa tower when the elevator stopped and Rufus entered as well. Glancing over as the doors closed and the trip towards his destination continued, Rufus smirked knowingly. "When I heard about the stunt pulled at the heli pad, I knew it had to be you."
"It was perfectly safe," Sephiroth muttered, wondering if Rufus was going to toss him back to Junon at once.
Rufus flicked back a lock of fiery hair. "Maybe for you." His grin widened slightly. "I guess you've heard about the news?"
Nodding, Sephiroth had to smile as well."Yeah, they announced it over the speakers throughout the entire Junon. Congratulations."
"Thanks," Rufus was slightly nervous that he would actually never stop grinning again. Forcing himself serious, he tried to change the subject. "So, you're taking a little un-authorized vacation to visit the girl friend?"
Sephiroth stared at the floor. Admit or deny? Drawing a sharp breath, he gazed quickly over at Rufus. "I miss her!"
Lost in his own bliss, Rufus merely laughed silently and petted Sephiroth's shoulder. "Then go see her!" The elevator stopped and the brat prince pointed towards a door. "She's been helping out in the hospital wing. You'll probably find her there."
Blinking surprised, Sephiroth smiled gratefully. "You're pretty alright, ShinRa." He gave a slight salute to Rufus' regal wave, then stalked out to find Aeris. He couldn't wait to see her again! Hold her. Inhale the scent of flowers. Steal sweet kisses. Where was that girl?
Asking a startled man for Aeris' whereabouts, Sephiroth finally opened the door to the room where she was and for a moment he stood there, watching her. Marveling at all the emotions that ran through him. Realising once again how much he needed her.
Then she turned around and her eyes widened at the sight of him. "Sephiroth!"
"Hi, Aeris," Sephiroth greeted softly, instantly warmed at the joy in her voice. But the smile on his face vanished as he saw the colour drain from Aeris' face and it was only his enhanced reflexes that enabled him to dart forward in time to catch her as she collapsed. Sinking down to cradle her in his arms, Sephiroth fought back panic as she wouldn't respond or even open her eyes. "Aeris!" He drew a shivering breath, hugging her close. "Aeris, please, no..."

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