Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ War ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
25. War

Cloud was drunk.
No, that word didn't exactly do his state justice. After exchanging a few words with Aeris, he had entered the bar and downed unsavory amounts of vodka.
He still hadn't left.
Cloud wasn't so much drunk anymore, as he was shit faced.
Slouched over the counter, the blonde was slowly drawing his index finger along the rim of his semi-filled glass. "S'not fair..." He slurred, squinting while trying to focus on the damn glass that wouldn't stand still! "Why is life always taking a piss at me?"
The bartender was steadily wiping a glass, patiently nodding from time to time. If Cloud had bothered to look up once in a while, there was a slim chance that he'd might have noticed it was the third bartender to suffer through his simpering, but the amount of alcohol was seriously tempering with his ability to move his gaze without falling over.
Emptying his drink with one swallow, Cloud tapped the glass on the counter as a sign for the bartender to fill it up again. Good thing he'd kept busy in Kalm by slaying monsters outside of the town, or the bar visit might have cost him more than his dignity. "I knows he had a crappy life, but does that mean he's got the right to fuck up my life? When I was a SCHOLDIER, he barely remembered my name... And then..." Cloud hiccuped, straightening slightly as he glared accusatory at his drink. "Then he burns down my home town! Kills'em all!" The blonde downed the drink abruptly, barely keeping from falling over. "To top it off... He steals the only woman I've ever... ever loved..." Tears were welling up in the blue eyes, and Cloud cleared his throat. "S'not fair, dammit!"
The PHS started ringing, the noise tearing through Cloud's brain, and he fumbled out the noisy contraption while muttering curses.
Squinting at the PHS, he then blinked surprised as he saw the caller's identity. Sephiroth was calling him?
Cloud placed the PHS on the counter, jabbing a finger in it's general direction. "Whaddya want? I don't wanna talk to ya! Yer mean, a-and you can't possibly have anything to say that I could possissibly wanna hear!" He tilted his head as the ringing kept insisting. "Yer stubborn too? Should have known! Considering all the time you've spent tearing my life apart, then patience have ta be one of yer qualities! Still, that doesn't mean I have ta like ya!" Cloud crossed his arms on the counter, resting his head on them as he gazed over at the PHS giving a little turn by each ringing sound. "I thought she was dead... I thought she loved me too..." He closed his eyes briefly, sighing, before focusing on the PHS again. "You were my hero once... You bastard..."
When the ringing was showing no sign of stopping, Cloud suddenly reached out and grabbed the PHS to answer it. "Whaddya want, you frigging megalomaniac? I can't even have my booze in peace without you popping out of the woodwork?"
Finally falling silent as his arch nemesis spoke, Cloud's drunken sullenness slowly drained from his face to be replaced with pale worry.
"Big army? Here?" The blonde swallowed hard, rubbing his eyes with his free hand as he tried to sober up by pure will power. "But what... Why? Who... How?"
The remaining drunken haze vaporized as Sephiroth told him of Yuffie's discovery and Rufus' final words. "Shot down? Did he...? Is he...?" Cloud nodded faintly even as he knew the General wouldn't be able to see it, feeling sick with worry at how Tifa would react to the news. Just a few hours ago, the brunette had been beaming with happiness, chattering away with Jessie and Aeris. "Alright, I'll alert the troops. We'll be ready for them."
Thirty seconds later there were no signs of drunkenness about Cloud as he ran out of the bar, his heart pounding with worry and apprehension.
He hadn't even reached half way towards the other side of the small town when the PHS rang again, and Cloud was half expecting to see it was Sephiroth again as he pulled out the PHS. The blonde frowned confused as he saw the caller being identified as Vincent.
Pushing the button to answer, Cloud continued to trot towards the inn. "Yeah, Cloud here."
The uneasy feeling that had followed Sephiroth's words were not decreased by what the former Turk told him. Slowly coming to a halt, Cloud shook his head confused. "Seto let them in? Are you sure they are the ones who attacked Rufus? I don't believe it... Why would the Ancients do something like that?" Cloud exhaled frustrated, trying to deal with all that was happening in such a short time. "Alright, listen, I agree with you on not trusting them. Don't turn your back on them, Vincent, but right now you have to focus on the army approaching Midgar. They WILL attack, we just don't know when, and even with a small number they can still do severe damage." The question then asked by Vincent made Cloud gaze over at the person barely visible through the window. "No... Not yet... I'm going to, but I don't know how... Tifa is going to be heart broken..."

Sipping her tea, Jessie nodded to Tifa's suggestions about the girls taking a night out with just them when Jinrei was gone and leave the guys to watch the kids. "Absolutely! We should visit that place where we had your last night out in freedom, Tifa!"
Aeris giggled, waving her liquorice stem. "And with both Sephiroth and Rufus in the same situation, they wont dare to complain!"
Tifa leaned slightly forward, an impish look in her eyes. "And I'm personally going to give all the nannies the night off!"
Gleeful laughter followed, and only halted when the door opened and Cloud entered the room.
Straightening, Jessie wiped her eyes as she tried to turn serious. "Cloud! Came to join in on the gossip?"
The blonde man was gazing directly at Tifa, but the second she met his eyes, he directed his eyes to stare at the floor. "I just spoke to Sephiroth and Vincent. Trouble are heading our way, so I want you three to take cover, ok?"
Instantly feeling a cold dread spreading through her, Tifa got up from her chair and took a step towards Cloud. "Trouble? What kind of trouble? What is happening?"
Cloud drew a sharp breath, not raising his gaze from the floor. "Yuffie found that Jinrei and his army of goons has dug out tunnels underground. That was why we never could see them coming."
Tifa shook her head, taking another step towards him. "What's happened, Cloud? Why wont you look at me?"
Aeris got up as well, gazing from Tifa to Cloud. She could see how pale Cloud was, the tenseness radiating from him, and dread spread through her as well. "Cloud?"
Closing his eyes, Cloud had to gather his courage, before forcing himself to meet Tifa's questioning gaze. "There was an attack on Junon. Rufus realised it was just a decoy, and left it to Sephiroth to keep Junon safe." He could see the pieces being put together in Tifa's mind as tears were slowly welling up along with fierce disbelief. "They... They shot down Rufus' helicopter."
Aeris instantly covered her mouth with both hands to choke the instinctive cry of hopeless objecting, closing her eyes hard in vain to keep the tears away.
Shaking her head again, Tifa this time took a step away."No..." She felt an abyss of despair open beneath her feet, and her heart shattered into tiny, bleeding pieces. "NO! You're wrong! He's not dead! No! He's not!" She barely noticed Jessie walking over to place her arms around her, helping her to sit down. Trembling uncontrollably, Tifa merely kept shaking her head while tears were running freely.
Aeris walked over to kneel beside Tifa as well, taking one of her hands in hers. "Oh, Tifa..."
Cloud forced his voice to work again, wanting nothing more to turn and walk away without saying anything else but knew he had to. "Please... You can't stay up here... This inn is not safe. Jinrei is out to take Kalm now, and we need to prepare."
Jessie glanced over at Cloud, seeing the plea in his eyes, then she gave a faint nod and turned back to Tifa. "We have to take cover, Tifa..."
The words had no effect, and Tifa appeared lost to the world. Her eyes had a distant look behind all the tears, her face deathly pale and she wouldn't stop trembling. So this was how Rufus had felt when she had been shot and he'd traveled to the Lost City to bring her back. Had he really felt this raw, agonizing feeling of loss? Was it possible to survive this?
Aeris met Jessie's eyes, and the two gave each other a nod, before they slowly pulled the numb Tifa to her feet and guided her out of the room.
They had just exited the inn, stepping out of the building, when Tifa fainted. Quickly catching his childhood friend, Cloud hoisted her securely up in his arms and carried her over towards where he'd been steadily drinking himself into oblivion just hours ago. Ironically, the bar was actually the sturdiest building in Kalm, but the place was now emptied for every drunkard and reserved for the women and children.
Jessie and Aeris followed Cloud as he carried Tifa into the back room and placed her on a small field bed. The blonde hesitated briefly, stroking away a chocolate coloured lock of hair from Tifa's face before he stood up again. "Take good care of her, ok?"
"You know we will," Aeris reassured softly, taking his place in sitting down beside Tifa.
Stepping up beside him and placing a light hand on his upper arm, Jessie gazed firmly at Cloud. "I'm going to fight too!"
"No," Cloud declared silently, then lowered his voice for just her to hear. "Stay here and look after Tifa and Aeris. It's too dangerous for you to be out in the field, Jessie. I don't want you to get hurt, that's true, but what if your... powers gets triggered? Then what?"
Paling, Jessie pulled her hand back and could only watch as Cloud walked out.

"Hey, Vince, what the hell is going on?" Cid barely avoided a small troop of ShinRa soldiers trotting towards wherever they were going, but managed to gain the former Turk's attention. An hour ago, Midgar had turned from a tense knot to a buzzing ant hill. People were running around all over the place, each face firm with determination to complete whatever mission they had. The pilot was relieved to find a familiar face in the crowd, even if Vincent didn't appear ready to invite him along for coffee and cookies.
The dark haired man mumbled a few more orders to a soldier by his side, then turned to Cid. "An attack is expected shortly. You should return to your room, Cid."
Cid reached out and took a firm hold of Vincent's arm just as he was about to turn away again. "Dammit, Vincent, don't do this to me. What attack? How do you know? I think I have the right to know what is going on!"
Staring at Cid's grip on his arm until the pilot released him, Vincent finally met his gaze. "Very well. Yuffie discovered that Jinrei's army has in fact been traveling underground by some human-made tunnels, and one of the armies are heading in this direction. Another army was set to attack Junon, but the real army is currently heading towards Kalm. Sephiroth is traveling to aid the ones there, and Rufus was supposed to help Midgar."
Cid swallowed hard, suddenly not feeling so confident anymore."Supposed? He's not coming? He's staying in Junon?"
"They shot down his helicopter," Vincent deadpanned, then frowned at the sight of Seto. "Listen, Cid, if you want to help then return to your room. We're trying to keep you alive, remember?"
Cid didn't even gaze after him as Vincent stalked towards the cat beast, but stared emptily ahed. The brat prince was dead? Tifa was going to be devastated... That was if she wasn't killed in the attack that was going to be made on Kalm. Rufus was dead, and others would soon join him, weren't they? Because they were trying to keep him alive...
Slowly raising a hand to his chest, Cid felt the heartbeats beneath his palm. It could still be called heartbeats, right? It was the only heart he had, and it did do the job, so he could consider it a heart? Materia couldn't be a living, warm part of him, could it? He suddenly had an irrational need to bury his own hand into his chest and rip out the damn thing!
Cid shivered, then turned and walked back towards his room. It was out of his control now.
It was actually with a touch of surprise that Cid realised that he was leaning against the door frame, subjecting himself to one of Hojo's dry looks sent over the rim of his glasses.
"Your new treatment is not for another," Hojo gazed at the watch on the wall before focusing on Cid again, "half hour. Usually you're barely on time, so I take it that something has happened?"
"There's going to be an attack on Midgar soon," Cid mumbled, shifting uneasily.
"Is that so?" Hojo replied absently, peering down into one of his microscopes. The scientist did not sound impressed. "You don't strike me as the nervous kind, Cid, so I hardly think something that predictable is what made you desperate enough to seek my company."
The pilot managed a faint smile, rubbing his neck. "Busted." He straightened and walked over to lean against the table beside Hojo."All of this... It's my fault... In a way..."
"And here I pegged you for being more intelligent than an amoeba," Hojo sighed and shook his head. There was a short silence before he glanced over at the miserable pilot. "You're merely a pawn in this piece, just like the rest of us. Do not flatter yourself." Reaching over to take a hold of a small kit without even looking, Hojo placed it in front of Cid.
Hesitating, Cid carefully opened the kit. Finding small vials and syringes, he frowned quizzically over at Hojo. "What's this?"
Hojo finally straightened and picked up a tourniquet from the kit. "It's time you learned how to do this yourself. I'm starting to think there is no cure for that damn virus."
Cid folded up the sleeve on his shirt and held out his arm as Hojo tied the tourniquet. "Hojo admitting failure AND adding a cuss word? My my, the world obviously is coming to an end after all!" Then started with pain as Hojo yanked the tourniquet TIGHT.
"First of all, you need to make sure you tie this properly," Hojo instructed calmly, fighting off a smug smirk. "We want to get it correct the first time, right? Good!"

Her eyes were open, but Tifa didn't blink as the shouting began. She made no sign of hearing when the gun fire and the explosions began. For hours, she had merely been curled up on the bed and stared emptily ahed. The tears had dried up, but that didn't mean her heart had stopped bleeding. The world had turned from a good place she wanted to protect, to an empty place of loneliness that held nothing for her.
Aeris flinched as the ground shook when a building collapsed somewhere, and she reached out a trembling hand to stroke a comforting touch over Tifa's hair. "It's... it's going to be alright, Tifa..."
Jessie was pacing restlessly, wringing her hands. Cloud was out there. Was he still alive? What if he needed help?
Suddenly a bullet tore through the door, and barely missed Aeris with an inch.
Letting out a startled scream, Aeris instinctively ducked down beside Tifa and placed a hand over her head as well as her own. The defence of Kalm had obviously fallen, and the fighting was now happening inside the town! Had the ShinRa soldiers lost? Were they all going to die here? "Cloud... Please be okay... Please..." The flower girl tried to will away the tears that threatened to break free. Inhuman roars thundered through the air outside, and another explosion shook Kalm.
Crouching down by the wall, Jessie was covering her ears and tried not to panic. She could feel the pressure building inside her, dangerously fast, and Jessie knew this time she wouldn't be able to hold it back. Just like what had happened in Midgar, the powers would break free soon if something didn't happen!
It was starting to feel like it wasn't enough air coming into the room, as they could only sit and listen to the fighting going on outside. The gun fire, the bursts of magic, the screams and the monsters howling aimlessly. And it kept feeling like everything was just coming one step closer, all the time.
Trying to breathe quietly, Aeris felt the sweat slowly trail down her skin. Maybe it was some ancient instinct that made her automatically keep as silent as possible in some futile hope that they wouldn't discover her that way. Her heart was hammering so hard that she was certain everyone had to hear it, so who really cared how she breathed? Reason and panic were struggling for control, and as several more bullets tore into the room did panic rise a little higher. "S... Sephiroth..." Another futile hope.
A hope that shattered when the door was sent flying through the room to slam against the wall, and two Jinrei soldiers stepped inside with guns ready to fire.
Tifa didn't react, but Aeris slowly stood up to step between Tifa and the soldiers. Jessie slowly forced her eyes open, her vision blurry through the tears, but was unable to move.
"Hey there, little ladies," The tallest soldier leered, lowering his gun. "Looking a bit lonely here..."
Aeris swallowed hard, sticking her chin out. "Get out. Leave us alone."
The soldiers chuckled, glancing at each other before holstering their guns. "Now, that's a bit rude... How about a warmer welcome than that?"
Jessie got up on shaky legs and stumbled over to stand beside Aeris. "How about you two leave before you get hurt?"
The soldiers laughter was cut short as one was thrown forward by a bullet, while the other started rigid, convulsing as electricity ran through him.
Aeris and Jessie stared in disbelief as Reno stepped over the body as it fell, the nightstick still buzzing with deadly strength. "I suggest you all take some cover. It's going to be a while before things are gonna settle down."
"We can't stay here!" Jessie exclaimed, wrapping her arms around herself. "It's not safe!" She stared with disbelief as the one called Rude dragged the bodies outside, while Reno moved over to gaze down at Tifa. "And what are you two doing here anyway?"
"I made a promise," Reno declared silently, bending down to lift Tifa up in his arms. He gave a faint nod to Rude, who knelt down by the doorway and held his gun ready.
Aeris stumbled after the red head as he carried Tifa further into the bar, gently lying her down behind the counter. "How long have you been following us?"
Reno walked over to pick up a blanket before returning to carefully wrap it around Tifa. "Ever since you left Midgar." He sighed and gazed up at Aeris. "Things aren't looking too good out there, Aeris. Our best chance is to stay here and keep our heads down, ok?"
The flower girl nodded, nervously fidgeting with the tip of her braid. "Ok..." She drew a slow breath, knowing she was afraid to hear the answer. "Did you... see Cloud? Is he okay...?"
Straightening just in time to catch the gun Rude tossed over to him, Reno holstered his nightstick and checked the gun's magazine. "He was still alive when we went in here, but there's a whole bunch of guys out there ready to change that."
Aeris glanced around, suddenly feeling something was wrong. "Where's Jessie...?"

Cloud exhaled sharply as his back connected with the ground, making him barely able to roll over to his left to avoid the gun shots peppering where he'd just been a second ago. Another fast movement enabled him to lift the Ultima sword just in time to block the claws of the monster aiming to tear him to pieces. All around him there were buildings burning and guns being fired. It was almost impossible to tell friend from foe, especially as fallen soldiers would arise again to attack anything within reach. Their minds empty for anything but blood thirst.
The attack had been expected, but how could you prepare against monsters at the size of WEAPONS? How were you supposed to keep things like that out? And soldiers who got shot, simply did not stay dead, how were you supposed to win over that? Still, the ShinRa soldiers were fighting against all odds.
Gathering his remaining strength, Cloud pushed the monster back and stumbled to his feet. With a cry, he swung the sword at the monster and severed it's head from it's monstrous body. Vincent had been right. The only way to stop these things were to lop off their heads!
A bullet singed off his shoulder armour, but knocked him off balance and sent him down on one knee. Raising his gaze, Cloud realised there was someone standing straight in front of him. Panting after the long battle he'd been through, the blonde slowly glanced up.
General Joy tilted his head and smiled. "Cloud Strife. We finally get to meet."
Swallowing hard, Cloud made sign to get up but froze as the stranger pulled out a gun and shook his head. "Do I know you?"
"No, but we have a friend in common," Joy's bright blue eyes flickered with something mean. "I'll be sure to tell her you said goodbye, ok?"
Cloud's eyes widened slightly as he realised this was actually one of the men who had kept Jessie as a lab specimen, and anger replaced weariness and nervousness. "You stay away from her, you bastard!"
General Joy laughed, taking a step closer to let the muzzle of the gun barely connect with Cloud's forhead. "Relax. Soldier girl is the least of your problems right now."
There was a snapping sound as the tip of a whip wrapped itself around Joy's wrist, and his hand was yanked away just as the gun was fired, making the bullet bounce harmlessly off the ground beside Cloud instead of tearing through him.
Both men gazed surprised over at Jessie, but Joy was the first to recover. "Hello, little runaway."
Trembling, Jessie lifted her chin stubbornly. "I wont let you hurt him, Joy!" She yelped startled as Joy quickly wrung his hand around to grab a hold of the whip and yanked her towards him.
Catching her as she stumbled into his arms, Joy placed the gun to her head as he turned her to face the other man, shaking his head at Cloud, who were now on his feet and had his sword drawn to attack. "Calm down, pretty boy. We don't want the lady to get hurt, do we?"
"Don't listen to him!" Jessie exclaimed, tugging in vain at Joy's arm to free herself. "He's not allowed to hurt me!"
Joy clicked his tongue, tightening his grip slightly. "Ah, that's where you're wrong, Soldier girl. My orders is not to kill you." He tilted his head to draw his lips along her cheek, murmuring in her ear as he gazed directly at Cloud. "But I get to hurt you all that I want..."
Forcing himself not to act on the violent anger that flared up inside him, Cloud clutched the Ultima sword tighter. "You let her go. Now!"
Bright blue eyes narrowed, and General Joy actually felt a flicker of anger as the kid had the nerve to give him orders. "You don't know what you're dealing with, boy!"
Cloud got into a fighting position, Ultima sword raised and ready. "Enough with the talk. Get ready to be severely humiliated!"
Jessie barely had the time to draw a startled breath as Joy yanked her around, landing a hard punch to her jaw to send her unconscious to the ground. Stepping over the still form, General Joy holstered his gun before pulling out a sword. "I'm looking forward to ramming those words down your throat!"
Now actually trembling with fury, Cloud tried not to stare at the crumbled Jessie. "And I'm looking forward to cutting off that hand you dared to hit her with!"
General Joy was actually a little surprised as Cloud blocked his attack, knowing few people were able to see him when he moved at his amazing speed. The damn Strife had almost cat-like reflexes that allowed him to block, and counter, attacks that had been the downfall of many talented souls. The General spun around, feinting a strike only to duck and aim his attack at Cloud's mid-section. "You're a slippery bastard, Strife!" Cursing when the attack was blocked again, and forced to defend himself as well, Joy breathed hard as he backed up from the force of the swords colliding with sparks flying. "I think I'm going to enjoy this!"

Cid was staring out the window from one of the top floors in the ShinRa tower, gazing down at the flashes of light that came from the gun fire, grenades and magic spells unleashed in the battle happening just outside of Midgar's gates. Once in a while he saw a flash of red as Vincent darted through the battlefield, or a touch of firey orange when Seto unleashed his rage on some unfortunate soldier. They were all fighting, except him.
"Cid?" Shera called out his name quietly, not daring to walk over to his side when he was radiating so much tension.
Shaking his head, Cid placed a hand against the window. "It's not fair... I should be down there with them..."
Shera drew a shivering breath, wringing her hands nervously. "I know that you hate just sitting around while others do the fighting, but you didn't choose for things to become like this. You have to hang on, Captain. Be patient."
Clutching his hand into a fist resting against the window, Cid frowned. Patient? He was supposed to sit still, patiently, while people died around him? Because of him?
Shera saw him shake his head, knowing his decision long before he even made it himself. She knew him better than anyone, including Cid Highwind. And she also knew there was no way of stopping him, no matter how desperately she wanted to. "Please, Cid... Don't..."
Turning, Cid walked over to pause in front of her. "I'm sorry, Shera..." He reached out and gently drew a back hand along her jawline. In this situation there was no way of winning, were there? And there was nothing he could say that would change anything.
Shera slowly sank to her knees, hiding her face in her hands, silently crying as Cid left the room.
Marching down the hall, the pilot was oddly calm. Feeling more at peace than since Aeris and Sephiroth had picked him up in Rocket Town, Cid absently pulled on his gloves as he entered the elevator, letting it bring him down to ground level.
Stepping out into the lobby, Cid was aiming for the exit door when suddenly a person stepped into his way.
Hojo tilted his head and gave a faint smile. "The Cetras told me of your crazy plan. Do you really think it will make a difference?"
Cid's eyes flickered, but he didn't make any signs of backing down. "Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell, I guess. You here to stop me, that it?"
"I believe that was the initial idea," Hojo stated calmly, then tossed something towards the pilot.
Catching the Venus Gospel, Cid almost failed to catch the small bag that followed. He blinked confused, gazing from the weapon to the bag. "What...?"
Hojo nodded towards the kit. "You should have enough there to last about five days. Understood?"
Cid hesitated, then gave a faint grin. "Got it." He hoisted the bag's strap over his shoulder, reveling in having Venus Gospel in his possession again as well. "Thanks."
"Go," Hojo ordered strained, feeling the golden chain tightening around his leg. "Hurry." He didn't watch as the pilot left, but heard the door slam shut behind him, just before the pain engulfed him with the furious voices of the Ancients. Hojo couldn't help but to scream, but between anguished sounds; Hojo managed a faint grin. The Cetra would NEVER be able to control him!
Fastening his precious Venus Gospel by his side, Cid made sure the bag was securely on his back before sending a small apology to Cloud. "The kid's just gonna hafta kill me later..." And so the pilot kicked the huge motorcycle to life, turning the accelerator a little nervously. "How the hell he finds this thing more amusing than a plane is beyond me!"
Soldiers were barely able to throw themselves aside as the Fenris came roaring, but Cid didn't gaze back. His eyes were locked on the gate leading out of Midgar, and leading into the battle field. Now was no time to get nervous or have second thoughts, so the pilot increased the speed even more. No turning back.
Startled looks and shouts followed him, but the motorcycle continued on it's crazy tail towards mayhem, jumping out of the gate to land among the fighting soldiers and monsters. Cid even had the pleasure of seeing a look of disbelief on Vincent's face, before the Fenris had brought him too far into the enemy lines for the pilot to see his former ally anymore.
"Ya'll here for little ol' me?" Cid yelled at the top of his voice, feeling a smug sense of satisfaction as Jinrei soldiers were barely able to jump out of his way. "Well then, come get me!"
A sick feeling of fear and determination came over Cid as he gazed in the mirror, and he saw the entire Jinrei army slowly turn from Midgar to follow him. "Yeah, that's you bunch of frigging uglies!" He whispered intensely, setting the motorcycle racing towards the horizon at a neck breaking speed. "It's me you want, so come get yer prize if you can catch me..."

General Joy stumbled backwards at the force of the Ultima sword connecting with his own, feeling how an entire hour of sword fighting against Strife was actually wearing him down. The damn brat was too skilled for his own good! Joy didn't really have time for this anymore! He was supposed to get Soldier girl and return to base! Jinrei did not take kindly to tardiness. "You're like a cockroach, Strife! Keep still and let me kill you!"
"I could ask you the same," Cloud sneered, sending of a Demi3 spell.
Knowing that he simply did not scream with pain, Joy wondered briefly who's voice it was that sounded so agonized and simular to his own. Stumbling away, he shook his head and held his sword forward in blind defense. "Good, but not good enough!" Instinct made him dart to the left, but Joy felt the Ultima sword tear into the flesh between his neck and shoulder, sending a small stream of blood to soak his uniform. "Still not good enough!" Joy exclaimed furiously, charging forward as Cloud stared in disbelief when the wound instantly began closing. If he didn't end this fight soon, there was actually a possibility that the great General Joy could loose to a low life like Cloud Strife!
Avoiding a deadly hit, Cloud was unable to keep Joy's sword from cutting a deep gash across his thigh. Crashing down on one knee, Cloud was staring defiantly up at Joy and awaited the next move. He had been startled to see the wound closing up like that, but had a pretty good feeling that if he lost his head; Joy would fall down too.
General Joy shifted his grip on his sword slightly, then took a step forward, but only to freeze. His eyes were locked on one of the huge monsters that had been tearing down buildings in Kalm. More precisely; Joy's eyes were locked on the silver haired man who had just rammed his sword into the head of said monster and sending it crashing towards the ground. Where the hell had Sephiroth come from? What was he doing here? He was supposed to be in Junon!
Daring to toss a quick glance over, Cloud actually felt a flicker of relief when he saw Sephiroth and Masamune at work. He could even hear the orders shouted at the ShinRa soldiers, and suddenly there was a flicker or hope. Cloud was no stranger to leading people, but when it came to tactics and soldiers; Sephiroth simply was the best. "I think you just lost, buddy." Cloud grinned at the furious look on Joy's face, and slowly got up. "You want it fast or slow and painful? I'm hoping you're going for the second option."
Joy gazed from Sephiroth, slaying down Jinrei soldiers and zombies like straws, to Cloud raising the Ultima sword with the intent of taking his life. "Wrong, Strife. I haven't lost quite yet!"
"No, don't you dare!" Cloud screamed as he saw Joy throw the sword away, darting over to pick up Jessie and pulled out his gun again.
The outcry actually caught Sephiroth's attention, and it would appear that the ShinRa soldiers had no idea where Aeris was, so asking Cloud was as good a thought as any. Darting through soldiers, monsters and gun fire, the silver haired man soon leaped up to stand beside Cloud. "Where is she?"
Starting, Cloud sent him a quick glance before returning to glare at Joy. "Safe." He went into a fighting position, the Ultima sword raised and ready once again. "Let her go, you coward!"
General Joy chuckled, clutching the still unconscious Jessie tighter. "Sephiroth! How nice of you to join us! You must have rushed like hell to get here!"
"I remember you," Sephiroth mumbled absently, cutting the air with Masamune. "In Cost del Sol... You showed your ugly face there as well..." He nodded towards Jessie. "Hiding behind women, are we?"
On a day where he'd been completely rested an unharmed, Joy knew there might had been a fair fight between him and Sephiroth. But that damn Cloud had drained him completely, and there was no way he could defeat both Cloud and Sephiroth. "Not just a woman, mind you. She's our little Soldier Girl. Our precious weapon."
"Weapon?" Sephiroth took a step closer, reptile eyes narrowing with malice. "I don't like cowards. And I don't have time for empty talk. It looks like Strife here isn't going to show me where Aeris is before that girl is free and you're gone, so I'm just going to kill you now, ok?"
Swallowing hard, Joy actually felt a flicker of fear as he could have sworn he saw a flash of white wings and a halo on Sephiroth, but then whispered a command in Jessie's ear and took a step back as she instantly was surrounded by bright light.
Cloud's eyes widened as he knew what would happen. "Sephiroth! Get down!"
Sephiroth frowned confused, then Jessie screamed.
A ray of piercing white light erupted from her, aiming straight for the silver haired general. Sephiroth suddenly felt the power within the Masamune, and the sword somehow made him raise it in front of himself, flat side towards him. He had one second to wonder what was happening, then the ray rammed into him and Sephiroth was flying backwards, instinctively knowing it was only the Masamune that kept that ray from tearing straight 'through' him. Crashing through the two first buildings, Sephiroth finally came to a halt against a brick wall, the pressure of the ray increasing on the Masamune and the silver haired man trembled under the strain of trying to draw breath. If his beloved sword perished, then so would he.