Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Man on the Edge ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
27. Man on the edge.

Lee. General Lee. A young man that had left Wutai a few years ago, and risen through Jinrei's military ranks at an amazing speed. A sharp mind combined with ruthless ambition was the perfect recipe for a strong general!
Sephiroth was going to enjoy killing him!
He tensed slightly as he felt Jenova pulling at him again, her presence even stronger since he'd told Aeris to go to Midgar and he went the opposite way. It would almost be too easy to give in. Especially as she promised to hand him Lee on a silver platter.
Only trouble was how he simply didn't trust her!
Sephiroth gave a mocking snort when Jenova tried to lure him with the support of his mother. He might still be unable to block her influence, but he was long beyond the point where he'd believe her claiming to be his mother.
The name came out of nowhere, and the silver haired warrior came to a halt. The name rung so familiar. Hadn't he read that name in Hojo's documents? Hadn't that name been linked to him somehow?
Jenova radiated satisfaction as Sephiroth tilted his head slightly and murmured; "Go on."
Tricked by Hojo and ShinRa, his birth mother had been forced to let him go. Yes, her name was Lucrecia, and she was still alive. All these years she'd thought he was dead, and Jenova had found her with the intent of reuniting mother and son. The three of them, like one big, happy family.
Sephiroth snorted again, but was unable to shake the words completely.
He remembered reading about the 'host' called Lucrecia. The host of Sephiroth.
Could it really be?
The silver haired general shifted uneasily, tempted but apprehensive.
Jenova slithered through his veins with the promise of Lucrecia eagerly awaiting her son, aching to see her beloved child!
Sephiroth shifted again. It was probably a trap... He couldn't trust Jenova...!
Another tug, and he unknowingly took a step north. Why? Why would Jenova do something like this for him? Even if Lucrecia was his mother, and actually alive, what was in it for Jenova? Sephiroth shook his head with scorn at the first excuses of Jenova doing it for love and as an apology, but then he felt the chuckle from the alien mind inside his own.
Maybe she was just curious? Maybe she did it to see what happened? Jenova was taunting him, and got smugger by the seconds as he took another step north. Maybe she had a trap set or a alternate motive, but didn't Sephiroth think he was smart and strong enough to win over her?
Sephiroth straightened slightly and nodded. That was true. He was both smarter and stronger than Jenova! If this was some trap, then he would see it coming and Jenova would pay! Suddenly he couldn't remember why he'd been worried in the first place!
Nobody defeated Sephiroth!
He didn't have anything to loose, did he? He was just going to check if what Jenova claimed was true, and if not, then he'd kill her and be on his merry way!
There was a slight taint to his laughter that would have alarmed AVALANCHE, as they all had heard it a year ago, but to Sephiroth it sounded perfectly normal.
A decision was made, and the silver haired man turned his path towards north.
He wasn't sure where he was going, but Jenova would lead him. She'd always been good at that!
Lucrecia... Was this person his mother? His real mother? The one that had haunted his dreams, and always sounded so sad? Was she the family he'd always yearned for? Had Hojo known she was alive and kept it from him? Who else had known Lucrecia was alive? Who had kept his mother from him?
Jenova knew who all the traitors were.
Jenova was going to tell him, and they were going to die along with that cursed Lee!

Tifa was curled up on her side, gazing emptily ahed.
From time to time, she would turn her face into the pillow and draw in the lingering scent there. She could still catch the smell of Rufus there. Like he was just a trip to the office and would return at any minute.
How easy it was to believe that.
She couldn't let herself believe anything else. She couldn't afford to believe anything else. Her world would crumble.
Reno had brought her from Kalm to Midgar, but Tifa barely remembered anything from the trip. She didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore, did it?
Tears were welling up in her eyes again and the brunette turned to bury her face into the pillow.
Sometimes people would enter the room and try to talk to her. Telling her that they knew she was in pain, but that life had to go on. She had to pull herself together. What right did they have to say things like that to her? They knew NOTHING! They had no idea! How could they tell her to just accept it and move on?
How was she supposed to simply forget how Rufus would hold her close in early mornings and they would plan their future? Was she to accept that Rufus would never jump into the bath with her, despite how she told him there was no room, and he'd merely explained in a silky voice that they'd make it work anyway? Was she to forget about watching him reading through boring documents with one hand clutching his coffee cup and the other absently playing with his hair? Did they really think she was going to let go how Rufus would leave little presents where he knew she would find them, and act all shocked when she confronted him, claiming she had to have some other man on the side? Could somebody explain to her how she was to go on living knowing she'd never hear his voice again? Would anybody show her how it was even possible to smile again when Rufus wouldn't be there to return that smile?
Tifa shook silently as tears wouldn't be restrained no more, wetting the already damp pillow.
They had tried to tell her that she was still alive, but they were wrong. Rufus was such a big part of her, that his absence left half of her missing as well.
She simply did not care anymore.
Did not care about anything or anyone.
Tifa had even stopped listening when they came to talk to her, refusing the food they brought and turned away from the glasses of water they left by the bed side.
Time had stopped to mean anything the second Cloud told her, and she had no idea how long she'd been like this.
Memories were all that she had now.
The memory of Rufus walking away from her after the battle against Sephiroth, angry and hurt that she wouldn't come with him.
The memory of her surprise when he showed up at her bar, months later, and the look in his amazingly blue eyes. His arms around her and his voice in her ear.
Tifa shivered hard, but forced herself to remember his reaction to when he returned from the office and found that she'd completely redecorated his apartment. It was painful, but she actually managed a faint smile at that memory.
She could never forget the pride in his eyes when she realised he'd opened two new orphanages in Midgar for the ones left after the Meteor's attack and showered him with kisses for having a heart.
Tifa clutched the pillow hard when she remembered Rufus proposing to her, how hard her heart had been racing and how endlessly happy she'd been.
Their wedding. She sobbed agonized at the memory of their dance. The fire works. The perfect day.
Dear Planet, she needed him back!
He couldn't seriously just leave her like this and expect her to go on? She'd struggled through her life only to find her heaven, and then have it yanked away from her!
No, Tifa couldn't forget.
Wouldn't forget!
If Rufus thought that he could escape her in death, then he was very wrong!
Where Rufus ShinRa went, then Tifa Lockhart ShinRa would go too!
She'd lied in their wedding vows, not even death was going to part her from him!

Gently massaging his upper arm, Cid glanced out the window and up at the star lit sky.
Time was running out.
Tomorrow he wouldn't have anymore antidote left, and he'd either have to return to Midgar or blow his brains out. This last hour had proved that the infection was still there and eager to turn him into a mindless thing. It was a strange and futile hope that had made him postpone his injection a few hours, but soon the pain was spreading from the still gaping wound and Cid knew he was far from cured yet.
These days had been strange. Hiding out at Barret's place had given him time to think in peace, but he simply couldn't shake the feeling that he was being somewhat of a coward.
True, he'd left Midgar to protect his friends, and Barret could tell him that Jinrei had spread his troops throughout the lands in search of him and no more attacks had been made on Midgar. But Cid was miserable. He was just as captured here as back in Midgar, and he was missing Shera so badly that he thought he might be going a little insane. Was it possible for him to return to Midgar without Jinrei knowing? He had the feeling that his friends might be worried about him as well, and maybe even need his help now that Rufus ShinRa was dead.
Barret had even heard rumours that Cloud had run off as well. What the hell was up with that?
The pilot sighed wearily, remembering the days when his life hadn't been this complicated. He wondered how different things would have been if he hadn't joined up with Cloud and the others a year ago...
No, Cid shook his head, he didn't regret that. Without them he wouldn't have Shera as a wife and seen the universe!
Still, every time Sephiroth showed himself; Cid's life took a nosedive for shit valley!
Resigning, he wandered over to open his small bag and picked out a small vial along with a syringe before wringing off his shirt.
He really hated this.
Sitting down, he fastened the tourniquet and filled up the syringe, feeling like he'd been doing this for years instead of a few days. The pilot was starting to feel like a damn pin cushion!
And once again, fate was against him, as no sooner had the needle entered his arm did Barret open the door.
Staring with surprise, the former leader of AVALANCHE froze in the doorway. His mother had always said his habit of entering rooms without knocking would someday earn him an eyeful of something he didn't want to see. Apparently, she had been right all along! Cid with a needle up his arm, pale and damp with sweat, was not something he'd been prepared to face!
Closing his eyes briefly, Cid finished the injection and slowly straightened. "Guess my secret is out, huh?"
Barret started slightly and snapped out of his numbness. "Damn right, foo! The hell do ya think yer doing ?"
"It's not what you think," Cid muttered, undoing the tourniquet. With a silent hiss of pain, the pilot also undid the bandage around his shoulder to reveal the swollen wound. "The injections keeps this ugly mother in check, ok?"
"That's one bad booboo, awright," Barret muttered, frowning with disgust at the dark and moist injury. "How did ya get that?"
Reaching out for a new bandage, the pilot sighed with gratitude as Barret darted over to hand him it. "Thanks." He carefully covered up the wound again, twitching with pain from time to time. "It's a souvenir from your pal Jinrei. One of his goons bit me, and if I don't get my shots then I'm gonna turn into some zombie thing!"
Barret shook his head as he slowly sank down in a chair. "Damn, man, why didn't ya tell me?"
Cid managed a faint, bitter smile. "Dunnow. Liked how the way I was treated like a normal person instead of a disease, I guess." He drew a tired hand through his blonde hair and his shoulders sagged with defeat. "I should have told you. Sorry." Gazing out the window again, Cid sighed. "I only got one day worth of injections left, so I gotta decided what to do..."
"Ya thinking about returning to Midgar?" Barret asked silently, leaning slightly forward while resting his elbows on his knees.
"Dunnow," Cid glanced over at him. "Either that, or blow my brains out. Whaddya think?"

"Anything special you wanted?" Hojo asked absently, adjusting the focus on his microscope slightly to see the effect of his newly developed drug on one of Cid's blood samples.
Aeris shifted uneasily from where she was standing in the doorway. "I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh, lucky me," Hojo muttered, reaching over to pick up some vial or something. "As much as the prospect fills me with utter joy, I do have other pressing matters to tend to."
"More important than your son?" Aeris asked, and she caught the second of hesitation in Hojo's movements before the scientist snorted dismayingly. Gathering her courage, Aeris took a step inside and folded her hands nervously over her stomach. "Something is wrong with Sephiroth... I'm afraid... Afraid that Jenova might be affecting him again..."
Hojo's face lifted abruptly from his microscope and he felt a shiver of excitement go through him. "Jenova... is alive?" Those damn Cetra had cut him off from Jenova completely, and with her defeat under AVALANCHE Hojo had merely assumed they had killed her.
- When you assume, you make an ASS out of yoU and ME both...
Forcing herself to continue, Aeris also took another step towards him. "Yes... She is still alive... This last year, Jenova has been contained up in the Northern Crater, but Sephiroth's been acting strange, so..."
"So you think something has happened and that she is free once more," Hojo finished the sentence absently, before turning to face the pale flower girl with a smirk. "Right?"
"Right," Aeris confirmed, swallowing hard under the razor sharp gaze. There was always something frightening about Hojo's eyes. Hazel brown with specks of pure gold. And almost too intelligent for any human being to possess. "Is it possible?"
Hojo tilted his head with mocking friendliness. "With Jenova, anything is possible. That's what you fools never realised!"
Aeris' green eyes narrowed and she straightened. "Is that so? How come is it that us 'fools' were the one who defeated you, and you were reduced to a dying mutant before becoming the Cetra's servant?"
Flinching like she'd slapped him, Hojo drew a sharp breath. "You got a sharper tongue than your kin, Cetra girl." He forced a tiny smile that almost looked painful. "As for your question, if Jenova has found a way out of the Northern Crater, you can be certain that she will go after Sephiroth. The boy might be strong, but Jenova is always stronger."
Aeris blinked away tears, and she felt fear wrap around her heart. "He defeated her once!"
Snorting, Hojo measured her drily. "If Jenova is still alive, then she's far from defeated. I suggest you start saying your prayers for your precious Sephiroth."
"Were you always this cold?" Aeris asked silently, gazing at him with something that could only be pity. "Don't you care about anything anymore?"
Clenching his jaw hard, Hojo had to fight against the urge of screaming to remove that look off her face. "You don't know anything about me, Cetra. Now, leave me alone."
Watching as the scientist turned his back against her, Aeris felt a little more braver. She'd hit a nerve, had she not? "You never let anyone know anything about you, Hojo, so how can you expect me to be any different? And my name is Aeris."
"I don't care what your name is!" Hojo snapped with a little more force than he'd intended, but her presence was starting to unnerve him. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me?"
Glancing down at her stomach, Aeris swallowed hard. "I guess you heard, huh? I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl..." She smiled faintly, stroking her stomach lovingly. "Sephiroth was so shocked... Me too, to be honest, but I don't mind... In fact, I'm very happy about it... I think Sephiroth is too."
There was a sharp sound as the vial Hojo had been clutching actually cracked in his hand and he turned abruptly to glare at Aeris. "Either you leave, or I swear I will!"
Aeris sent him a sad smile. "Very well. I'll leave you to your research. It's safer that way, right?"
Hojo was breathing hard as he was staring at the now empty door way, ignoring the ache in his bleeding hand. Damn that girl! Damn her to hell and damnation! He didn't care! He did NOT care!

On the ceiling of the highest building in Midgar, Vincent was absently polishing the already shining Death Penalty. In fact, he'd just polished every gun in his collection and was starting over again.
He was used to being haunted by gloomy thoughts. He'd always been a moody person. But now it was threatening to suffocate him.
So many things had happened now, and he had a hard time accepting them all.
Rufus' death might be the hardest thing to accept of them all, but Vincent was a realist and realists knew one rarely survived being shot down in a helicopter.
The dark haired man sighed and glanced up at the star lit sky.
A year ago, they knew their enemy and knew what to do.
Now, it seemed like nothing was what it seemed. Sephiroth had become their ally, but suddenly vanished without a trace. Cloud abandoned them all to find the girl called Jessie. Cid had escaped from them, like they were prison guards and he their unwilling captive. Seto was perhaps the biggest worry of them all.
No, that place he would have to share with Hojo.
The question that haunted them all was the simple; What were they going to do now?
Vincent sighed and started polishing the Death Penalty again. With Cid gone, there was nothing here that Jinrei wanted. And the pilot had fled by his own will, so hunting him down was out of the question. Cid would have to return by his own will as well.
Rufus' demise that left the ShinRa army in disarray, and no one was able to step up to the position of leader. Tifa wasn't even getting of bed, and was showing to sign of exiting her little world of torture. He hadn't been to see her. Vincent knew too well what she was going through.
A light breeze came out of nowhere and played lightly with his long, black hair. The last month, even the wind had appeared to loose strength, making the heat even more unbearable. The ground was so dry that a thick layer of dust was constantly lingering in the air. Reeve had even been mentioning that if things didn't change soon, then they'd have to start rationing the water in Midgar.
Vincent knew the drought was no coincidence. It was all connected to Jinrei and the elemental materia.
Things were not looking good at all.
And they still had no idea what to do.
Sighing, the silent figure of Vincent got up and holstered the Death Penalty. He was no leader. He couldn't tell them the answers, but he was going to be there with them until the end. In all the uncertainness, that was Vincent's pillar.
A few minutes later, he was walking down the hall and was a little surprised to see Rain talking to Reeve outside their room.
"Vincent!" Reeve greeted, and Rain exhaled relieved at the sight of him. It was strange. She knew he wouldn't abandon her or their daughter, but she still felt uneasy every time he wandered off on his own and out of her sight.
Vincent nodded in return, letting his eyes voice the question for him.
"What am I doing here at this hour?" Reeve automatically spoke what the red eyes were saying, and then cleared his throat embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Vincent, but it's still the matter of Seto that keeps bothering me. Can we really trust him? He brought this unknown army into Midgar, almost like he knew about Rufus before we did!"
Vincent glanced over at Rain, who shrugged and took the hint to leave. Gazing back at Reeve, Vincent frowned slightly. "I don't think he's out to betray us, but my instincts says for us not to trust him. He has an agenda of his own. He wont hesitate to sacrifice us to achieve what he wants."
Nodding, Reeve sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "That is what I fear too." There was a short silence and finally Reeve spoke again. "I didn't think it would turn out like this, Vincent. After defeating Jenova and Sephiroth, I actually thought things would get better... I mean, Rufus actually started doing good and everyone else finally got their lives back on track! We were supposed to live happily ever after!"
Vincent turned his face away. "There is no happily ever after."

"You sure about this?" Cid glanced a final time over at Barret, seeing the pain in the other man's eyes at the separation from his red-haired companion.
"Is awright," Barret muttered, waving a final time back at Tarita. "She understands. She's a good woman, y'now."
Nodding, the pilot reined in his restless chocobo to keep it from taking off. "I don't doubt that, bud. But yer getting yer ass involved in some dangerous shit here, and ya look like ya got a pretty good life here. Shouldn't toss something like that away easily."
"Ain't tossin' away anything, foo!" Barret snapped, digging his heels into his chocobo before he changed his mind. "I'll be back here. Jest can't send a hopeless case like you on yer way all alone. 'Sides, sounds like my old buddies could use my help!"
Cid couldn't exactly argue against that, but also knew he would never forgive himself if something happened to Barret. Rufus got killed because he was trying to protect Cid, and could have been living a happy life with Tifa if he hadn't gotten involved. If Barret were to share the same fate, then Cid would certainly never forgive himself!
The chocobos ran for a while in silence, and finally they halted at the top of a small hill where they could see the contour of Midgar in the horizon.
For some reason, Cid was actually nervous about returning. So far, they hadn't been spotted, but there was always the reaction of his friends to fear.
Leaving Midgar had been a decision made within seconds, and only Shera knew of that plan. The others might not be all that happy to see him again. Hell, maybe they were glad that the heat was finally off them! Swallowing hard, Cid suddenly felt sick. Tifa probably hated him, Shera was in Midgar, Vincent had Rain and his daughter there, and everyone else would once again be in danger if he returned! Jinrei would find out, Cid was sure of it! The pilot shook his head and made his chocobo back up. He couldn't do this to them! And without more antidote, his days were over! He was NEVER turning into one of those monsters and he was NOT going to fall into Jinrei's hands! No, his days were over and that was that!
Suddenly a hand reached out and took a firm hold of his reins, halting the pilot's retreat.
Blinking confused, Cid glanced over at Barret.
"No more runnin'," Barret said calmly, holding his eyes with a firm gaze. "They ain't mad, only worried. 'Kay? They your friends, foo. They wanna help ya, and Jinrei isn't gonna disappear just 'cause your ass is gone. Time to fight, Cid Highwind."
Time to fight, Cid repeated the words inside himself, feeling a flicker of his old spirit rise stubbornly. The pilot suddenly realised that nothing had changed, but it was indeed time to fight! Rufus ShinRa would have been furious if he'd seen Cid run off like he had. His death was not going to be in vain! The others had fought so hard to keep him alive, and this was the only way he could pay them back; Cid Highwind was going to stay alive!
Nodding, Cid drew a deep breath before managing a weak grin. "Damn right, ya ugly ox! And Cid Highwind is gonna kick Jinrei's ass!"
"Hey!" Barret exclaimed as Cid's chocobo rushed forward from the kick it received from the excited pilot. "The hell kinda thanks is that?" He set his own chocobo in chase after Cid's. "Git back here so I can wring yer scrawny neck and end this problem!"
And for the first time in so very long, Cid Highwind actually laughed.
Even with his confidence back in order, the pilot was feeling nervous as they approached Midgar and almost held his breath when they were forced to halt at the entrance check-point. The ShinRa guard muttered something in his head-set and soon a familiar person came walking towards them.
Cid lifted his hand slightly in a meek greeting.
Vincent's face showed no emotion as usual, but he nodded at the guards. Waiting patiently as Cid and Barret got off their chocobos and walked over to him. "Barret... I see you found the runaway."
"Yeah, the dunce came tumbling down a mountain and landed on my doorstep. Dunnow who was most surprise to see the other tho." Barret grinned widely, slapping Vincent's should hard. "Good ta see ya pale carcass again, Vinnie!"
Stumbling a step to regain his balance, Vincent failed to hold back a slight smile. "Haven't changed, I see. Very well, I guess we should proceed up to the meeting room. There's a lot of people eager to have a word with you, Cid."
Cid felt that dread go through him again. "Oh...?"
"Yes," Vincent said as he turned to guide them, "Shera is perhaps the most eager of them all."
Smiling faintly, Cid realised he was just as eager to see his wife again. Maybe Barret was right, after all? Things could work out, couldn't they?

Sephiroth halted and gazed around, standing by the restless sea. He'd been wandering for days now, and Jenova kept telling him he was getting closer but he had the distinct feeling she was just telling him that to shut him up.
That was until the ground began shaking and he stumbled a step back, the Masamune drawn in an instant and ready for battle.
His surprise didn't lessen when the ground lifted to reveal a huge hatch opening an underground tunnel leading underneath the sea.
Hesitating, he didn't move until Jenova urged him on for the third time. Almost there. Just a little longer now.
Sephiroth's hand kept resting on the hilt on the Masamune even after he'd holstered it again, not trusting the darkness barely lit up by tiny lamps. It was clear that this tunnel was frequently used and he had a sneaking suspicion about who was using it. Jinrei and his little army had made damn sure they had the advantage of surprise attacks by digging out these tunnels!
Suddenly there was a sound, like something moist moving over the floor, and Sephiroth instantly went into a fighting stance with the Masamune drawn.
His eyes slowly closed as he felt the first tentacle sneak around his chest, and the silver haired warrior exhaled relieved when the second tentacle slithered up his left arm. "Jenova... You shouldn't sneak up on people with sharp swords..." He holstered the Masamune and took a step away from the uncanny embrace, turning to face the unshapely lump that was the Crisis. "I'm here. Now, where is she?"
Impatient. Jenova waved a dancing and taunting tentacle, but quickly lowered it when she saw Sephiroth's eyes narrow.
That was when he heard footsteps, and a figure was slowly approaching from behind Jenova.
Was this really her? Sephiroth wasn't even aware of how his heart began racing and his guard dropped completely as he tried to will himself into seeing the approaching person before the light would allow him.
"Sephiroth?" The voice was sweet and gentle, and strangely familiar despite how he knew he'd never heard it before.
Swallowing hard, Sephiroth braced himself. "That's me. Who are you?"
Stepping into the light, a woman with long, chestnut colour hair was gazing at him with tears in her lovely eyes. "Sephiroth, it's me. Your mother." She took another step towards him, tilting her head and wringing her hands anxiously. "They... they said you were dead... They lied to me... All of them... I didn't want to believe... But you're not dead, are you?"
Sephiroth found himself unable to move, stunned by the fact that this might not be the lie he'd feared it to be. This woman. He could even see the traces of his own face in hers, the shape of her eyes, the line of her jaw and several little things that seemed to be copied from his own face. But, in reality, his face was copied from hers, right? Because... she was his mother.
Lucrecia took another few steps towards him, tilting her head the other way now. "You're so beautiful, Sephiroth. So strong. Just like I hoped you would be. No, you're even more perfect." She smiled sweetly, "Sephiroth, I've waited so long for this... To finally hold you in my arms..."
Shaking his head, Sephiroth almost found it hard to breathe. A part of him screamed for him to turn around and run. Run as fast as he could. But his body simply wouldn't obey him. He was feeling so tired. So endlessly tired. Like he'd finally come to the end of a long journey.
Jenova was silent. Watching. And waiting.
"Aren't you glad to see me?" Lucrecia approached him further, "I understand if you're angry with me... I've been a bad mother... But they tricked me! They lied!" She reached out, finally close enough, and let her hand gently move along Sephiroth's jawline. "I've finally found you, son. My beloved child. My Sephiroth."
Exhaling, Sephiroth closed his eyes as he fell to his knees.
"That's it, my darling boy," Lucrecia cooed as she crouched down to wrap her arms around him. "You're home now. You're finally home. My beloved son is finally home!"
Sephiroth fought to open his eyes, slowly wrapping his own arms around Lucrecia. "Mother..."
"Yes," Lucrecia smiled, resting her cheek to the silver hair as tentacles were carefully wrapping around them both. "You're with your mother now, Sephiroth. Everything is going to be alright. I'm never going to let you go again. My darling, beloved son!"