Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Mein Herz brennt! ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
34. Mein Herz Brennt!

Barret felt his breath get stuck in his throat from where he was gazing out the window, unaware of placing his human hand against the glass. He was seeing it, but found it hard to believe. Wasn't that Nanaki that had just gazed up at him? Was that really Red standing by Seto? Was it truly their lost friend that was now leading a ghostly pack towards the rampaging Summonings? "You guys... Ya'll ain't gonna believe this..."
Tifa glanced over from where she was sitting in a comfortable sofa. "Please tell me it's good news..."
"I think..." Barret glanced over at her, as Shera and Rain with Dawn in her arms was coming over to gaze out the window as well. "I think that's Red down there..."
Starting, Tifa struggled to her feet and walked over to see if the man was hallucinating. But her own eyes saw the dear creature she still mourned was fighting to drive away the Summonings aiding Jinrei. "Red..." Tears were once again welling up in her eyes, but this time she didn't mind. Their friend had returned to help them when they needed him the most. Tifa glanced back at where Cid was still sitting on the floor by the door. "Cid, you have to see this!"
The pilot merely turned his face away. Even Red was fighting? The thought was almost choking him. He had no doubt that the cat was down there, the desire to help his friends stronger than any bounds of death! Dammit, Cid felt like he couldn't breathe anymore! Couldn't move! Nothing! He was choking!
Rain's eyes suddenly focused on what was happening outside of Midgar and she felt a chill go down her spine, unaware of clutching her daughter closer. "What... are they doing back there?"
Blinking confused, Barret didn't understand what she was talking about before he saw it as well. "Oh hell no... Those damn foo's! They're going to destroy Midgar completely!"
Cid snorted bitterly, closing his eyes. "Of course they are... I told you, that Jinrei guy wont stop until he got my head above his fire place! This is so completely messed up!" Everyone was going to die because of him.
Even Shera felt a flicker of panic as she saw the Jinrei soldiers starting the fires outside of Midgar, knowing that the lack of rain for ages had resulted in a paradise for flames. They didn't even have any water to try and stop it! "They're going to burn their own soldiers as well?"
"We gotta warn the others," Barret muttered and started to pull out his PHS.
In the background, the pilot finally got up on his feet and slowly walked over to the window. Cid felt numb, completely numb, as he gazed out over the mayhem. The fighting between soldiers, Summonings and spirits. War was never pretty, but it was unbearable that so many would die because of him. He should never have returned to Midgar! Gazing over at the frightened Tifa, Cid saw her unknowingly place her hands protectively over her stomach. Her unborn children would die because of a man they'd never met didn't have the guts to end it himself. He glanced over at Shera, seeing her eyes locked on the battling soldiers. Was it really possible to love someone as much as he loved her? Her life was endlessly more precious to him than his own. Barret's voice brought an image of Marlene to Cid's mind, and he wondered how the little girl would feel about her father dying to protect someone who hid away at the last battle. Barret shouldn't even been here! He should never have stayed at Barret's place! Never should allowed him to talk him into returning to Midgar! Cid should have kept running, or ended it himself where Jinrei would never have found his body. His heart.
Feeling the gloom radiate from Cid, Shera glanced nervously over at him. "Captain...?"
Cid shook his head, his eyes getting a distant look. "This so wrong... So frigging wrong...!"
Rain caught quickly on to Shera's worried look and the tension crackling around Cid. "Hey, Cid, everyone is going to be alright. You just have to believe that. They can take care of themselves, ok?"
Snorting amused, Cid stalked back to where he'd been sitting and picked up the Venus Gospel. "I don't have to believe shit..." He felt the weight of his beloved weapon briefly, making a spin over his head with it, before letting the spear rest on his shoulder wearing his trademark grin. "I know." His heart was thundering harder by the seconds, calling out for him, beaconing him to enter the battle field. It was time now. Time to fight.
Barret stepped in front of the pilot, gazing harshly at him. "This ain't no time to lose yer marbles, blondie! A'ight? You sit on tight, and stay alive!"
Cid smirked. "Relax, you numbskull. I know what I'm doing." And suddenly he realised that he was. Piece by piece was coming together inside his head, and though it didn't make sense; Cid knew what to do.
The others barely had time to react before the pilot rushed forward and shattered the window with the Venus Gospel, and Shera's voice echoed into the battlefield as Cid balanced briefly on the edge of the sill before leaping up to disappear onto the roof.

Yuffie let the Conformer fly, making her fist take care of the Jinrei soldiers within reach as her beloved weapon dealt with the ones that weren't. It was all a matter of not stopping to feel the exhaustion in her limbs, but merely focus on the rage in her blood. She wondered, as she used the final soldier as a springboard to leap into the air to meet the returning Conformer, how many of the ones she had cut down had actually been at Wutai.
The young ninja knew that the ones responsible for destroying her home town was among the enemy soldiers. The ones responsible for killing her father was probably out in the battle field somewhere. Had she finished off the one who'd held her father's last gaze before the ancestors brought him home? Had her fists connected with the one who put the torch to the house she grew up in?
Her thoughts alone was fuel enough to drive her until there was no Jinrei soldier left standing!
Catching her weapon, Yuffie halted briefly to check up on the position on her fellow ninjas, when a metal pipe connected with her stomach and roughly shoved her away. It took her two seconds, as she prepared herself to fight back, when she realised that it was no metal pipe at all. Yuffie found herself yanked against a living person, a mechanic arm around her waist, and she automatically closed her eyes tightly when one of the huge monsters fell down where she'd been standing half a second ago. If Vincent hadn't pulled her away, she would have been a two-dimensional Yuffie now!
The former Turk leaped up on the remains of a building before he slowly released her to find her balance. "Stay alive, Yuffie."
"Am trying, Vinnie." Wiping away the bangs gluing themselves to her damp skin, Yuffie then gave Vincent's should a light punch. "But thanks."
As usual, Vincent wasn't really meeting her eyes, the crimson gaze flickering over the battlefield as if searching for something. For someone. "I mean that, Yuffie. Stay alive." Then he was a streak of red in the sky as he shot into the air, aiming for what only he knew was.
Hesitating only a second more, Yuffie let her eyes follow Vincent's path. "And I mean it when I say for you to stay alive too, Vincent... Don't you dare die on me!" Then she closed her eyes, drew a deep breath, and returned to the battlefield.
The gunslinger leapt from building to building, ignoring the struggles at ground level. His crimson sight was aiming for someone special. A presence he could feel closer now than ever before. The one responsible for all this was here. Somewhere. Garnet eyes were flickering from face to face below him, discarding man after man for being his target. His mark. The one to die. No, not him. No. No. No... No! Dammit, where was he?
A monster's jaws barely missed Vincent, but he merely sent a few shots after it before continuing. Others would have to deal with it. The monsters within Vincent Valentine was getting restless as well. The scent of blood and battle always made them restless. Clawing at his brain for the dark haired man to lose control for just a single second, as that second would be all they needed to take over. Maybe later. The demons within him could surely lower the number of Jinrei soldiers without trouble, or even remove the huge monsters stumbling around like misplaced giants. But Vincent hesitated to unleash the darkness within him, as he wasn't sure if he would be able to stop it once set free. Though his appearance never changed, the former Turk had never been this unbalanced before. His entire foundation for existing had been torn away with a few words. With a look. With the painfully clear scorn from the woman he'd sacrificed everything for.
Vincent shook his head, trying to shake away the thoughts, telling himself fiercly that this was not the time. He had to focus! Deal with it later. Like he'd been telling himself ever since he'd seen Lucrecia die in Hojo's arms, with nothing but indifference towards Vincent's torn heart. To believe what had happened that night would be to accept that everything had been in vain, wouldn't it?
No, not now! Later! Vincent fired the Death Penalty multiple times, barely seeing the Jinrei soldiers as they fell. Find his target first. Finish the mission. Years of exercising an iron will allowed him to force himself numb. Agony and despair slinking away into a corner of his soul to wait. Never go away, but waiting for the moment when they would be able to break free. It was bound to come some time. Everything came to those that waited.
Then the world exploded into flames, and Vincent automatically raised his arms to defend himself. He didn't even slow down, but leaped into the fire as it rushed towards Midgar, letting the unbearable heat engulf him.
Yuffie screamed.

Joy was dead. His soldiers dead, captured or fleeing for their lives into the horizon with no intention of stopping any time soon!
For a long time, they had merely been content to hold each other close while sitting where they had landed, but finally Cloud pulled Jessie up as he got to his feet. Still, he didn't let her go. It was like he couldn't really believe that he was finally holding her again. That she was really there.
Jessie couldn't stop trembling. She wanted to cry, but was unable decide if it was of sheer relief or pure happiness. Both probably. But all that mattered were that Cloud was there. He'd saved her, like he promised. He hadn't forgotten her!
Leaning back, Cloud took a gentle hold of her chin and made her lift her gaze to meet his. "Are you ok...?"
"I will be now," Jessie whispered, her voice raw from lack of use for weeks. She managed a faint smile, her fingers digging into his shirt.
Cloud returned her smile, letting his thumb trail along her jawline. "Yeah... Everything is going to be alright now..." He wouldn't allow anything else. But a good feeling was spreading throughout Junon now as civilians and soldiers were gathered in the streets, hope in their voices and faith in their eyes.
"Excuse me," a voice suddenly interrupted. "I don't think you're meant to be here."
Blinking puzzled, Cloud turned slightly to see who was speaking. At first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him again, but then he lowered his gaze and saw the little man standing in front of him. "You?" The blonde shook his head confused at the sight of the odd man, with the huge hat and if possible, even huger beard. "What are you doing here? What do you mean by saying that?"
The Sage pointed his can towards Junon's exit. "The final battle. The battle for Midgar." He tilted his head slightly, as if to listen to some distant sound. "It has begun."
Fear rushed over both Cloud and Jessie. Junon had been reclaimed almost too easily. Was it merely a decoy, like the last time Jinrei sent troops against the harbour city? Was his real intention Midgar this time? Cloud knew too well that all his friends were back in Midgar. "Final battle...?"
"It is?" The Sage asked puzzled, using his can to scratch his own neck. "Then you should be there, shouldn't you?"
Shifting uneasily, Cloud gazed around at the ShinRa soldiers and the severely damaged Junon. "It would take hours just to gather the soldiers again, and by doing so, we leave Junon vulnerable. The trip back to Midgar alone would take... too long!"
"Could that be of some assistance?" The Sage stopped scratching just long enough to point his cane towards the huge motorcycle standing by the ruins of a building.
Instantly recognizing it, Cloud blinked startled. Fenris? What was his bike doing here? For a second, he was haunted by the terrible image of the Sage driving his beloved motorcycle with a manic laugh, beard dancing in the wind and one hand clamped over his hat to keep it on. Then Cloud shook his head fiercly, deciding to lean against the possibility of the Sage towing it there after a chocobo, or it simply fell from the sky. Each of those two sceneries sat much better with the blonde. Hesitating again, Cloud gazed from the vehicle to the soldiers. "But... what about them...?"
"I don't think there's room for everyone on that bike, am I wrong?" The Sage asked innocently, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
Jessie tugged lightly on Cloud's arm. "Junon is safe. As long as Midgar doesn't fall, Junon will be safe. Jinrei wants Midgar to get to Cid." She forced herself to release him, and walk over to the awaiting motorcycle. "We can reach Midgar in time to make a difference, Cloud. Just the two of us, we can make it."
Frowning, Cloud considered his options before his shoulders sagged resigned. "Just let me tell the officers." He took two steps towards the soldiers when something suddenly came to mind. "Hey... Didn't Cid say he was sorry for wrecking my bike? How did you...?" But as Cloud turned to ask the old man for an explanation, the Sage was nowhere to be seen. Blinking confused, the blonde scouted for a few seconds then slowly turned back to the task at hand. What had just happened?
Still, Cloud and Jessie soon found themselves racing towards Midgar, and against time.
It was almost like old times, Jessie mused as she was resting her cheek to Cloud's shoulder. This was how she'd spent her first days in freedom, after Cloud nearly ran her down and then allowed her to accompany him. That seemed like so long ago now. Like a different life time. Closing her eyes, Jessie trembled silently. She didn't want to think about time. Didn't want to think about what she would have so little of.
Cloud gave a faint smile as he felt Jessie tighten her arms around his waist a little, moving one hand down to give her arm a light squeeze. He couldn't quite explain it, but he knew the old man had been right. This would be the final battle. Where everything would be settled. After this, they would be free.

Sephiroth gazed back at Hojo and sent him a piercing stare. "You sure you can do this?"
Barely resisting to roll his eyes, though only barely, Hojo hoisted the drowsing Aeris in his arms. "As long as you manage to keep the zombies away, I'll TRY not to drop the girls."
"Just asking." Sephiroth drawled, taking a step towards the bolted doors. "Considering that I most likely can make my thumb and index finger meet around your upper arm, it's a legitimate question."
Hojo drew a sharp breath, starting with offence. "Just count yourself lucky that I do have my hands full or...!"
"Or what?" Sephiroth tore the Masamune free and cut the air with the magnificent sword. "You'd throw an equation at me?"
Forcing himself to swallow down poisonous remarks, the scientist merely hoisted the smiling flower girl again. "Just get going!"
"Face it," Sephiroth smirked, barely opening the door to peer into the crowded hallway. "Nobody can piss you off like I can!" Then he shoved the door open and entered the hall with the Masamune swinging, eyes narrowing with concentration as the zombie heads were soon flying through the air.
Hojo glanced down at Aeris, seeing the flower girl cradling her daughter close, and scoffed annoyed. "I don't know where he get that horrible attitude from!" He shook his head, strangely annoyed that Sephiroth was right. No one did anger him as much as his son.
"You want his respect as much as he craves yours," Aeris explained in a soft and weary voice, her eyelashes lowering over drowsy eyes against her will. "As for where that attitude comes from, you should take a look in the mirror." She managed a faint giggle at the offended sound that came from Hojo. "Like father, like son."
"I wont even dignify that with an answer," Hojo huffed, hesitating only a few seconds more before following Sephiroth into the hallway. The thought of Sephiroth wanting anything from Hojo beside his head on a silver platter was a most unsettling thought. Hojo might be his father, but he'd lost any rights to that title the second he let any harm come to the silver haired child!
Sephiroth cast a quick glance behind him as he heard the door close, and saw the dark haired scientist carrying Aeris with their daughter towards the elevator. The silver haired swordsman lashed out and neutralized the closest group of zombies that shuffled eagerly towards the two. "Looks like they haven't spread, and the electricity is still running." However, the virus infected soldiers were unable to drown out the sounds of the heavy fighting happening outside the ShinRa tower. "And by the sound of things, there is some serious action outside..."
Hojo frowned, continuing to inch his way towards the elevator while Sephiroth lashed out at the infected soldiers again. "The Cetra said the final attack would be launched soon, but..." He backed up against the wall, holding his breath as the ones that had gotten too close were removed by the Masamune. "But it seems that we missed out on the start signal." The scientist had just enough time to start violently as one of the creatures stooped forward, narrowly avoiding Sephiroth's infamous sword, and reached out towards it's helpless preys with a unintelligible sound. Hojo automatically clutched Aeris tighter and closed his eyes tight. Heard Sephiroth exclaim in fear.
Then there was a loud thud.
A second passed, then Hojo pried an eye open. No gruesome pain and all limbs still attached made him curious enough to dare a peek, and was puzzled to find the zombie lying on the ground in front of him.
"Are you guys ok?" Cait Sith's squeaking voice asked, the small cat waving it's arms enthusiastically while Reeve sat in his office and tried to calm his heartbeats down to normal. He'd nearly had an heart-attack when the elevator doors had opened and revealed the sight of a monster soldier aiming to eat Hojo and Aeris! Luckily he'd designed Cait to have auto-react to life threatening situations, so it had launched the attack itself and left Reeve to catch up and send the finishing attack order. "Into the elevator! Hurry!"
Hojo didn't hesitate, but Sephiroth halted outside the doors. The silver haired man glanced uncertainly over at the windows. "Jinrei is out there...?"
"President Rufus said he wouldn't mind if you would give a helping hand out there!" Cait Sith squeaked, making a little jump on the spot.
Sephiroth let his gaze dwell on Aeris and his daughter, but knew that in order to protect them, he had to leave them for a little while. Despite her being tired enough to faint, the flower girl was watching him as well. But she knew. They both knew. One last battle.

Rufus backed up until he met the remains of a building, and he forced himself not to drop his shotgun held in his right hand, while his left hand was clutching his right shoulder in an effort to calm the bleeding wound. A bullet had come from nowhere, and he'd failed to avoid it, resulting in it tearing through his shoulder. Waves of sickening pain was rushing through him every second, as the young man was going pale with blood loss as well as from the agony. Still, he'd been lucky that it had not hit anything more serious.
Managing to cast a Cure3 spell, Rufus closed his eyes tightly with a barely restrained groan as the wound closed. He allowed himself a few seconds to recover and then slowly forced himself to stumble forward to enter the fight again. It was pure instinct that made him dodge, but it made him lose balance and Rufus stared in disbelief as he fell, while a blood-covered ShinRa soldier leaped towards him with an inhuman sound. One bite, Rufus' mind screamed irrationally, one bite is all it takes and then you'll be infected beyond rescue as well!
Sunshine bounced off deadly metal, and Rufus turned his gaze from the now harmless body crumbling in front of him to the man removing the heads of the zombies accompanying the first as well. "Sephiroth!"
The silver haired man grinned as he cut the air with the Masamune, before reaching out a hand. "Heard you requested my presence, Mr President, and it looks like I got here just in time!"
Rufus took a hold of the hand and let himself get pulled back up on his feet, absently brushing off his dirt and bloodstained suit. "Flawless timing, General. I owe you one." He smiled faintly at Sephiroth's dismissive movement, then tilted his head curiously at the silly grin still attached to the swordsman's face. "And, if I may inquire, what have you been up to?"
"Aeris went into labour!" Sephiroth blurted out, lashing out the Masamune to underline his point and kill the zombie stumbling towards them. "Have to admit I was scared out of my mind, but I actually managed to stay by her side throughout it all!"
"And?" Rufus demanded eagerly, while he absently shot a Jinrei soldier aiming at them. "Am I an uncle or an aunt?"
Sephiroth sent him a puzzled look, slightly worried.
Rufus rolled his eyes, reloading his shotgun. "You know what I mean, Sephiroth! Was it a boy or a girl?"
"Oh!" Laughing sheepishly, Sephiroth sent a Fire3 spell at a nearby group of enemy soldiers before focusing on Rufus again. "It was a girl. A beautiful baby girl."
Reaching out, Rufus shook hands with the grinning swordsman and slapped his shoulder playfully. "Well, congrats, Dad!" He fired a few shots at an already half dead monster stumbling their way, before returning to the topic at hand. "How's Aeris? Everything went ok?"
Sephiroth nodded, fumbling out an ether to refill his magic. "Yeah, tired as heck, but having a kid is no picnic, Rufus. Trust me on that! Better prepare yourself."
"Thanks. Up until now I've only been terrified at the thought of the delivery, but now I'm mortified. Thanks a lot." Rufus snorted a laugh, but then his blue eyes suddenly widened with horror. Stepping forward, he shook his head in dread and disbelief. "Are they completely crazy?"
Turning to gaze at whatever made the brat prince white with fear, Sephiroth slowly lowered the Masamune as he saw the flames. Almost refusing to believe what he saw with his own eyes. Jinrei had actually set fire to Midgar? Everybody knew it hadn't rained for ages, and the smallest spark was enough to unleash an inferno that no one would be able to stop! "They're getting desperate. They're not leaving without Cid." He managed to tear his gaze away from the growing wall of flames, to look at the pale brat prince. "Where is he?"
Rufus swallowed hard and shook his head. "He's safe. I sent him and the ones unable to fight to the top floor of the ShinRa tower. I also sent Barret with them to make sure he was protected should the unthinkable happen, but it was more just to have someone keep an eye on him. We both know how unstable Cid is now."
Then Sephiroth saw the ghostly shape launch an attack at a wavering Summoning, and he blinked hard. That shape. It couldn't be, could it? "Is that...?"
"Yeah," Rufus confirmed, still gazing worried at the approaching flames. "Don't ask me how. I'm just damn glad the cat showed up! Those Summonings is way out of our league..."
Sephiroth tightened his grip on the Masamune, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Then let's even things out a little, Mr President. This Jinrei bastard and his goons is not gonna mess up things for my daughter's future! I say we teach them a severe lesson."
Rufus grinned and loaded his shotgun, stepping up beside the swordsman. "Once again, we're in complete agreement, General."

Barret paced restlessly and snapped colourful curses as he weighed his options. Why did that damn fool have to go ahed and do something stupid like that? Damn Cid Highwind!
"The fire is spreading," Rain declared in a hollow voice, for once showing no signs of her infamous temper. Instead she merely held her daughter closer and radiated helplessness. "There is no way anyone is going to be able to stop the flames now..."
Stomping over to gaze out the broken window, Barret clenched his human hand hard. "We can't give up now, woman. After all this shit, I ain't giving up now! Ya hear me?" He cast a glance over at the sofa where Tifa was trying to comfort the silently crying Shera, and anger flared up inside him. "We've been through tough shit before, right? So keep the damn faith!" With that, he climbed up on the window sill and swayed as he gazed up at where Cid had vanished. What was that damn foo up to?
"Barret!" Tifa exclaimed in alarm, making Shera gaze over and gasp as well. "Be careful! If you fall...!"
Snorting with offence, Barret sent her a narrow look. "Jezt stay here, ok? Like a wise man once said; I'll be back!" He didn't wait for an answer, but gathered his strength and jumped up towards the roof.
Okay, so Cid was a damn dragoon and Barret was not, but the former leader of AVALANCHE was still annoyed to find that he didn't manage the jump. Instead, he barely managed to grab a hold of the ledge with his human hand and was left dangling for a few seconds while he convinced himself that he wasn't going to fall. Then, Barret slowly managed to pull himself up, and crawled somewhat clumsily onto the roof. Another few seconds was spent to catch his breath, then he raised his gaze to find the pilot standing in the middle of the roof while gazing up at the sky.
Struggling to his feet, Barret cursed angrily. "Nearly got me killed, ya moron! The hell to ya think, jumping through frigging windows and climbing roofs like you some damn Tarzan, or something! Let me tell ya something! Ya ain't!"
Cid blinked startled, gazing over at his friend with a look that clearly told that he hadn't even heard Barret's not so discrete arrival. Then the confusion vanished, and the blonde seemed to regain his senses. "Dammit, man! I told you to stay with the girls!"
Barret snorted a laugh of disbelief and slowly raised his gun arm, supporting it with his human hand as he aimed at Cid. "Smokey, ya got two seconds to convince me why I shouldn't just cap yer scrawny ass!" The man actually had the nerve to yell at him for risking his life to protect him?
Casting another quick glance at the sky, Cid then took a step towards Barret with a strange look in his blue eyes. "I can't... really explain it, Barret, but... I'm supposed to do something... I just know I can fix this, but..."
"You mental, man," Barret muttered wearily, lowering his gun arm before shaking his head. "Ain't nothing no one can do now, Cid."
Cid actually shivered, this time walking all the way over to the other man and placed his hands on the mighty shoulders. "No, Barret, I ain't shitting you. I can fix this! I know I can!" He them slumped slightly before once again he gazed up at the sky. "It's like... I know what I'm supposed to do, but I've forgotten how to. It's in my memory, but I can't reach it! Dammit!"
It sounded crazy to Barret. It seemed completely insane. But then again, when had this world made sense lately? He hesitated briefly, then focused on the distressed pilot again. "You really serious about this, huh?"
Managing a wry smile, Cid didn't take his eyes of the sky. "I swear on my ciggies, Barret, I ain't yanking yer chain. I can't explain it, I know, but... I just know!"
Barret nodded, gazing up at the sky as well. "I'm thinking you be thinking of using that materia of yers, right?"
"Yeah," Cid affirmed absently, lifting a hand to his chest. "Only trouble is... I ain't got no clue how to use it, or what it'll do."
Another silence followed, with the two staring at the blue sky devoid of a single cloud. The answer to their problems in front of them, yet just out of their reach. Could the reason for their problems really be their rescue? Or would it make everything worse? For Jinrei to go to such lengths to get a hold of that materia, it had to be pretty damn powerful, but they didn't really know how powerful or what it did, or even what it would do to Cid.
Barret shook his head, feeling as resigned as the ones he'd just yelled to keep up their faiths. "Then we better damn well find out what yer supposed to do with the materia, foo! And fast!"
Cid glanced over at him with a puzzled look, then managed a faint smile. "Yeah..." He glanced up at the sky again, forcing the fear away. His gut feeling told him that unleashing the materia would stop Jinrei, and Cid trusted his instincts. They had not failed him... yet.

Midgar was burning.
Tifa gazed out over the tormented city, seeing the flames and the fighting. Gun fire, magic and screams were filling the air. For a moment, Tifa could almost have sworn that she could hear the planet crying as well. She'd never forgotten the sound in Bugenhagen's laboratory. The cries of the planet. And it was crying now. It didn't take a Cetra to hear that kind of agony. The air was thick with it.
Standing in front of the broken window, Tifa was fully able to hear, see and smell more than she wanted. Would it ever end? Even if they managed to defeat Jinrei, would it really be worth it? Would people ever stop fighting? So many had died, even more was dying in the streets of Midgar that very second, was all their lives wasted? Was this a place to bring pure souls to?
Tifa placed a hand to her stomach, trying to calm her unborn children that so easily sensed her distress.
She would die before letting any harm come to them, but was that really a promise she could hold? The world was a dangerous place, and people would never change. As much as Tifa would like to dream, she knew it wasn't true. No matter how hard she wished, people would never change. The thought made the brunette close her eyes in defeat, letting silent tears slide down her face. So, everything was in vain then?
The elevator doors opened behind her, but Tifa remained where she was. She heard Shera and Rain speak in excited voices, heard Hojo's voice as cold and irritated as ever, and Tifa heard Aeris softly call out for her.
Finally turning to face them, the brunette let out a soft cry of surprise when seeing the flower girl on the sofa with a child in her arms. Aeris and Sephiroth's child.
Hojo discretely withdrew over to take over Tifa's place to stare out the broken window, while the women was greeting the newly arrived. Shera couldn't believe it had really happened, while Rain had to make sure both mother and child was well. Tifa merely watched silently.
The world was a terrible place, that was true. People would never change, that was also true. But that this world was not worth fighting for? That was not true.
Tifa managed a faint smile in return for the glowing one Aeris sent her, and she realised that Barret had been right. They couldn't give up. Not now. Not ever!
There was also happiness in this world. Beauty. Love. Yes, all those were worth fighting for. Rufus, her children and her friends, they were all Tifa's reasons for fighting. They were her strength. Her soul.
Gazing over at the window, Tifa knew they were all out there fighting. And they would never give up. Because they believed.
Tifa smiled faintly, another tear sliding down her face. They would be alright, wouldn't they? The fight would leave everything in ashes, but like the phoenix summoning, they would rise Midgar and the world from ruins again. Who was to say people never changed anyway? Maybe if they only tried hard enough... Hoped... Kicked enough butts... Then just maybe...
"What are you thinking, Tifa?" Rain's voice asked carefully, as she sat down beside Aeris on the sofa.
Tifa glanced over at the others, shrugging. "If there is any hope. If there is any point to all of this."
Giving a mirthless laugh, Shera wrapped her arms around herself. "There has to be, doesn't it?" She swallowed hard, as if to keep tears away. "I mean, as long as we don't give up... As long as we keep fighting... Keep hoping... Then everything has to be okay, right? If we just keep our spirits strong, then even death can't defeat us. Nanaki believes, that is why he is down there. He never stopped hoping. Hope... is the most precious thing we have. Hope is everything."
For a moment everyone was merely gazing at Shera, even Hojo, then the frail woman forced another weak laugh. "Am I wrong?"
Aeris reached out and took a gentle hold of her hand. "No." She smiled softly, giving the hand a careful squeeze. "You're absolutely right. We can never stop fighting or hoping."
"The fire in our hearts will never die if we don't let it," Rain agreed silently, gazing over at Tifa.
Feeling the truth in their words, Tifa suddenly found it a little easier to breathe. "Yes, you're all right..." Hope. As long as you had hope. And she had hope, didn't she? Yes, Tifa nodded to herself. She hoped. She hoped every day. Some times her hopes came true. Some times they didn't.
But she always hoped.