Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where the lost ones go ❯ Destination of the lost ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
38. Destination of the Lost

Jinrei was no more than a distant memory now. A name almost forgotten. Something ugly that belonged in the past, buried in darkness. Two years had passed, but the scars were still to be seen.
Sephiroth crouched down, carefully supporting Zefiris to keep her balance on wobbly feet. Giving a faint smile, he corrected a lock of her silver hair before gently pointing her focus towards their reason of being there. Spring had been there for a few weeks now, and it was just warm enough to take the annual trip that left him both sad and strangely closer to her at the same time. "Look, Zefy." Sephiroth allowed the little girl to take a white rose and place it by the grave. "Remember what I told you last year?" Of course she didn't, but he was talking as much for his own sake as for his daughter's. "This is belongs to a very special lady. Without her, you and I wouldn't even be here. Wouldn't be alive." It was probably more the melancholy sound in his voice that made Zefiris turn and place her tiny arms around in in a comforting hug, rather than she understood all the pain in Sephiroth's past. But then again, the little girl had proved to be eerily intelligent at times. Maybe she understood loss already?
A light breeze brushed pass them, and Sephiroth wondered briefly why the pain hadn't lessened yet? Perhaps it never would. Perhaps it was all about learning to live with it? Treasure what he had, instead of tormenting himself over what he'd lost? Maybe...
Zefiris squirmed restlessly in his arms, and Sephiroth released her. He didn't take his eyes of the grave, knowing it would be another year before he would return, before he finally gazed down at the second rose in his hand. The second flower was always the hardest to place. It required a deep breath and a firm control over his unruly emotions. Still, he moved to the grave beside hers, and tried not to hesitate. He failed.
"I guess you know this isn't easy for me..." Sephiroth then snorted a laugh and studied the petals of the rose. "Of course you do. You knew everything, didn't you?" He swallowed hard, then quickly placed the flower on the ground in front of the head stone, as if he was afraid it would get lost on it's way from his hand to the soft grass. "It's just... Aeris was right, about what she said, about maybe I don't really... Strange how it can take a person two years to understand something?" He reached out and brushed a dead leaf from the cold grave stone. "I don't hate you, Hojo... If I'm going to forgive myself for falling into Jenova's hands, or tentacles if you will, then I might as well forgive you, huh? Now don't misunderstand! I'm still angry that you just took off! You owed me the chance to at least punch your face! But... I just wanted you to know... I don't hate you anymore..."

"Mr President?" The secretary called out, peering into the empty office. "Mr ShinRa? Sir?" A short silence. "Funny... I don't remember him leaving... Strange..."
Rufus waited until the door closed, then sniggered silently with glee. President ShinRa was currently sitting behind his desk, with a very curious looking son, his child's building blocks, and had no problem admitting it was more fun to play than work! He had Felix for the day, while Tifa was having a girl's day with Robin. So, in theory, his son had brought his building blocks to keep him occupied while his father finished up his work, and then they were supposed to have an all boy's day! However, Rufus had failed to take into consideration of how much alluring building blocks were than endless paperwork! And his physiotherapist always told him not to work too much!
Thus the powerful ShinRa President was building his own little ShinRa tower with blocks, while his fiery haired son were constructing the rest of Midgar. The little boy grew more like his father every day, as well as the strong physical resemblance. Robin, despite sharing her brother's hair colour and blue eyes, were no less a micro-Tifa. She had the exact gentleness, yet possessed a determination that easily over-powered her brother, who preferred sneaking his way to things. Still, it was with smugness that Rufus pointed out the clear brat princess traits in Robin, and Tifa relished in remarking to the kindness in Felix!
In short, both Tifa and Rufus were proud as physically possible, and ready to drop dead from weariness the first year!
But at present time, the mighty ShinRa President were balancing the last piece on top of his master piece while his son was absently chewing on an abandoned 'Mako reactor'. "Just make sure this stays our secret, ok?" Rufus glanced over at the young boy, raising his eyebrows meaningfully. "If your mother ever found out about this..."
"Then what?" Tifa asked, leaning casually against the desk as she gazed down at the two while hoisting her daughter slightly in her embrace. "She will take a picture and blackmail Rufus ShinRa for the rest of his life?"
Rufus blinked. Then slowly pointed a thumb over at his son. "He made me do it."
Felix threw the 'reactor' away and reached out to grab a new piece. Unfortunately choosing the lowest block of Rufus' tower, he caused the building to collapse.
Tifa laughed silently at the soft wail that escaped from Rufus' lips at the sight, and placed Robin down to join her brother. "At least now I know why you insist on not having cameras in your office!"
Snorting, Rufus got up and moved over to his wife. "Alright... You caught me..." He closed his eyes briefly. "What do you want?"
"Oh, I don't know..." Tifa sighed, tugging lightly at Rufus' shirt collar with a mischievous glimpse in her eyes. "How about a dinner and a movie, and then we'll see where that leads?"
Rufus grinned widely, leaning over to steal a kiss. "Deal..." Sometimes you didn't lose even when you lost!

Two years, and Wutai was still only a shadow of it's previous glory. Still, Yuffie felt hope stronger than ever today as the crew was putting their finishing touches on the pagoda. It had been hard work, a lot of hard work, but there was progress! Her father would have been proud...
"It's looking good..."
Yuffie glanced over at the person who'd spoken, the one who'd stayed by her side and helped her efforts to resurrect her hometown. Their hometown. "You could say that..." She grinned impishly as she studied Hawk, or more precisely, she studied his chest. The lady of Wutai had discovered that Hawk preferred to work shirt less in the sun-filled days, and it was a sight to see. "Looking very good indeed."
Raising a dark eyebrow, Hawk tried to read Yuffie's smug look. "I was... talking about the pagoda."
"I wasn't," Yuffie declared simply, but then returned to gaze at said building. It was several months after Jinrei's defeat that her fellow ninja had finally awakened from his sleep, and she remembered being dizzy with relief. Her only dream was to rebuild Wutai, but Yuffie had discovered that she'd very much relied on Hawk's presence in that dream! She'd lost everything because of Jinrei, and it seemed completely impossible to continue alone. Her usual restlessness had vanished as she'd helped Hawk recover from his injuries. She knew every scar on that torso, as she'd tended to each one, and didn't even think the loss of his eye as anything that made him less handsome. Restore materia had saved Hawk's life and saved most of the left side of his face, but was too late to repair the damage done to his eye. Now a scar trailed from just above his eyebrow, down to his cheekbone. Yuffie remembered trailing a finger along the scar once, and Hawk had been too stunned to react before she'd left.
"You seem meditative," Hawk mumbled, trying to keep from reading too much into her words. They'd spent so much time together, painfully close at times, especially since they'd returned to Wutai. "That's never a good thing when it comes to you, Lady Yuffie." She would drop hints, and he wouldn't dare to act on them. She was, after all, the Lady of Wutai. He was merely a soldier.
Yuffie sighed and closed her eyes. "Don't worry. I was just thinking..." She bit her lower lip at the memory of facing her father in the pagoda, the last time they laughed together. "It's hard, you know? Being all alone." Turning to leave, the young woman blinked surprised as a hand gently grasped a hold of her wrist and made her turn back.
"Not alone," Hawk declared softly with a trying smile.
Moving closer to him, Yuffie reached out to barely touch by his jawline. "Then, what do I have to do so that you'll make a pass at me? Stamp 'available' on my forhead? Tie you to my bed?" Her smugness vanished when he let a hand slide behind her neck with a touch of a taunting smile.
"This will do, Lady Yuffie," Hawk drawled, deciding that his ancestors would have to punish him in the after life for not staying in his place, but who could really blame him for not being able to withstand the stubborn, hot tempered and frightfully strong Yuffie? He almost held his breath when he leaned down to gently brush his lips against hers, marveling at the feeling before she once again surprised him by placing her arms around him and pull him closer. Much closer.

Gazing up at the sky, Vincent leaned his head back against the tree. The former Turk had withdrawn to his usual place when troubled thoughts grew too heavy, a tree just outside of Wutai. Perched on one of the highest branches, Vincent was lost in his musings. So many things were still bothering him. And probably would bother him forever.
He'd returned with Yuffie and Hawk to Wutai, helping them to start restoring the once so magnificent town. Rain and Dawn had followed a few weeks later, and the three of them were now living in the house he'd rebuilt. Was there a thing like happily ever after? Jinrei was dead, true, and the war was over, but Vincent was still Vincent Valentine. He was still guilty of countless crimes and the monsters inside him wouldn't go away just because peace once again ruled on the planet. No, nothing had changed really. Except... Vincent swallowed hard and closed his eyes as he remembered the very last time he saw Lucrecia. He sometimes had to torment himself further with remembering the look she'd sent him. The memory of the knife she'd rammed into him. She'd wished him dead, but that didn't surprise Vincent, knowing he deserved nothing less for failing to protect her. However, the sound of her voice telling Hojo she loved him. Not Vincent. Never Vincent.
The former Turk glanced over as he heard voices and was surprised to see Dawn sprinting into the small flower field by the entrance to the new Wutai, shortly followed by her mother. Two souls that actually loved him. Despite who he was and what he'd done, they still loved him. Dawn because he was her father, and Rain with a tenderness he didn't deserve. No, Vincent didn't deserve anything but the beasts that resided within him, yet...
Sitting up straight, Vincent let a leg fall down to swing lightly in the empty air as he watched and listened. Hearing his daughter laugh always made the creatures inside him withdraw, as if amazed at the innocence in her voice. Watching Rain made Vincent wonder why she put up with him. She was beautiful and strong, so why stay with someone like Vincent Valentine? Why choose darkness when she could have light?
Leaping down, the former Turk landed on the ground with his metal boots never making a sound. He'd compared Rain to Lucrecia so many times, despite knowing it was wrong of him to do so, but they were so different. He'd loved Lucrecia. His world revolved around Lucrecia. She was everything to him. And yet... Vincent couldn't remember a single time she'd smiled to him like Rain would. Lucrecia had never drawn her hands through his hair and kissed his forhead. Lucrecia never bothered about him and his wishes, as they both agreed that everything was about her.
"Vincent?" Rain blinked puzzled at the dark haired man that suddenly came walking towards them, and Dawn waved eagerly. "What are you doing here?"
Greeting his daughter and stroking his human hand over her hair, Vincent then halted beside Rain. "I saw you two and hoped I would be allowed to join?"
Rain smiled happily and absently stroke a wayward lock of her hair behind her ear. "Of course, Vincent! You know that!"
Managing a faint smile of his own, Vincent studied the woman by his side for a few moments. True, he'd been willing to die for Lucrecia, but... Vincent realised that he was actually willing to live for Rain. "Actually... I was hoping that I would be allowed to stay with you two until the Lifestream sees it fit to reclaim me as well..."
"Vincent..." Rain whispered softly, feeling her heart ache at the affection both in his words and his eyes. "Yes, please stay..."

Barret smiled faintly at the sight of his house, leaning against a tree to take in the sight a little longer. He'd been away for the last two weeks and discovered that the joy of returning home grew for each time. A house he'd built himself. A woman who'd fallen for him, him of all people! And the last time he'd spoke to Tarita over the phone, she'd told him that Marlene was coming home for the weekend!
The young girl lived with Elmyra in Midgar after Kalm had been destroyed, going to school in the week days and would visit him in the weekends.
Drawing a deep breath, he pushed himself off towards the house. It seemed like the trip was getting harder for each time as well. It was mostly due to his iron will that Barret managed those last steps towards the entrance, but once he'd reached the stairs there was another moment of hesitation. It seemed like he was in a reflective mood today... Damn... Those never ended well...
Sinking down to sit on the stairs, gazing out over the plains, Barret rested an elbow on his knee and merely watched a chocobo grazing in the distance. It was so peaceful now. Almost impossible to believe that it was two years ago that he'd been in the Jinrei army. Two years since he'd seen Odin's sword ram into Cid's chest before the blonde fell off the building. That had to be one of the most scariest moments of his life, watching a friend die in front of his eyes. He hadn't been present when Sephiroth had attacked Aeris way back when, but he could imagine that was how it felt like for the others when watching her die. That awful feeling of helplessness. A feeling Barret was going to whatever he could to prevent Tarita and Marlene from ever feeling!
He hadn't heard the door open, but the second a pair of slender arms went sliding over his shoulders and he felt a warm kiss on his neck, Barret merely raised his human hand with a smile to touch one of hers. "Hey there, babe."
"Welcome home," Tarita said softly, settling behind him to lean against the powerful back without removing her arms. "Tired?"
"Always." Barret confirmed, gazing down to see her small hand covered by his. "Marlene here yet?"
Tarita made a light shake of her head before returning to rest her cheek against his back. "Tomorrow." A short silence followed then the red haired woman tightened her grip on him slightly. "You ok?"
Another smile flickered over Barret's face and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, jest thinking..."
"About what?" She'd spent months trying to convince Barret to let her into his heart, and Tarita was constantly worried that he would change his mind some day. The man was so stubborn! Why was it so hard to believe? Why didn't he see what she saw? The kindness beneath the gruff attitude. The gentle smiles. His weakness towards helpless creatures. His belief in a better world.
Barret didn't answer at first, then turned to glance back at her. "That I want things to stay like this forevah." And he realised he meant that with everything in him. He was happy here. With her. Knowing Marlene was safe and thriving as well. AVALANCHE was finally at peace.
Tarita smiled affectionately, moving over to pull him into a tight hug. "Me too, Care-Bare. Me too." And giggled satisfied at his objection at her using the dreaded nickname she'd given him. Oh, if only things really could stay like this forever, then she'd be happy forever!

Reeve squinted with concentration as he fastened the final piece, making sure it was securely tightened, then leaned back to admire his master piece. He only had to activate Cait Sith's power source, then his upgrade would be finished, and the improvements would just about double it's strength! The dark haired man gazed at his creation like a proud father, feeling the urge to hug the toy cat close in celebration!
"Hand me the spanner, will you?" Scarlet's hand waved in his general direction without her taking her eyes off the moogle.
Smiling, Reeve picked up the tool and wandered over to place it in her hand. "How's it going?" Whoever thought that the two of them would actually get this close? That Scarlet would actually let go of Rufus ShinRa to the extent that she allowed someone else into her life? It had not been easy...
Scarlet made a little sound as she twisted a bolt into it's place. "Almost done..." A few seconds later she sat up to wipe her forhead with her left arm, gazing lightly resigned up at him. "How come you've never installed a titanium skeleton on it before?"
"I must admit that the thought never occurred to me," Reeve confessed, leaning against his work desk with his arms crossed. "I was so busy working on the electronics of it all that I failed to consider the possibilities of weapons and such."
The blonde woman got up on her feet, giving the huge moogle a light pet on it's head. "You're such a nerd, Reeve!" She lifted her right hand to gaze mournfully at the nail she'd broken in her eagerness to add a few more surprises in Reeve's toy moogle. "Damn..."
Reaching out to gently correct the crown on the toy cat, Reeve smiled slightly. "And you're a snob, Scarlet. A snob and a bit of a nerd yourself."
Scarlet raised an eyebrow and walked over to him with swaying hips, knowing she was one of the few that could make working overalls look good. "Is that the thanks I get for helping you with you little project?" She smirked at the flickering look in his eyes when she daintily placed a hand to Reeve's cheek, as he didn't know that she hadn't added poison to her nails today. Silly man. Still, it was just as well that she kept him on his toes. No need to announce that the tigress had lost her fangs, right?
"No, I..." Reeve stuttered nervously, slowly raising a hand to take a gentle hold of her wrist. He didn't really think she would kill him, but you never knew for certain with Scarlet. Her eyes betrayed nothing. Her face a flawless mask. But that was probably a part of what made her so fascinating to him. "Forgive me. I'm grateful for you assistance, Scarlet. Thank you."
Tapping a finger to his cheek before she allowed him to lower her hand, Scarlet leaned closer to him. "Is that so?" She raised her free hand to place it on his chest, feeling his heart beating anxiously underneath her palm. "How grateful, Reeve?"
Reeve stuttered something, but then her lips were against his and suddenly nothing else mattered. She taunted and teased, and felt wonderfully warm when he wrapped his arms around her. He was completely unprepared for when Scarlet slipped out of his arms and walked away. Fighting to catch his breath, Reeve almost failed to notice her halting in the doorway, but he didn't have trouble hearing her words.
"Oh dear... I'm all covered in dirt... Think I need a shower..." Scarlet glanced over at him under lowered eyelashes. "Maybe someone would help scrub my back?"
Numb struck by her words, Reeve merely stared as the blonde woman disappeared out into the hall, and he stared for a good five seconds, then he started to life and ran after her.

Seto lifted his head and inhaled the scents he could sense in the air. He was getting closer, but didn't really dare to get his hopes up.
He'd been searching for over a year now, having spent the first year after the war to rebuild the minor damage to Cosmo Canyon and shutting down the base the Cetra had created underneath his precious home town. He'd been their pawn once. Never again.
Of course, this also meant he wasn't really the Ancient's best friend for the time being, but Seto had discovered that he could live with that. There were far more important things to tend to!
The huge catlike beast continued his climb up the small mountain, ignoring the sound of small rocks falling down like a threat of what would happen to him should he loose his footing. The weak lingering scent in the air was the only thing that made him continue this half-crazed ascending. That scent meant hope.
Nanaki would have approved of this, Seto thought. Usually it was the sons who strived to become like their fathers, but Seto wondered if Nanaki hadn't been more wise and gentle-natured than he could ever hope to be.
Still, his son had been proud of him once. Seto wanted to make Nanaki proud again.
Finally reaching the top, it took only a couple of quick snuffles before Seto knew which direction to go. When he was this close there was no way the rumours could have been wrong? No, this had to be true! He could smell it clearer by each step!
A short trot later, and the cat beast stood in front of a small forest. The scent was strong now. So close. And then there was a movement within the nearest bush.
"It's alright," Seto said in the most gentle voice he could muster, sitting down with an effort to appear as least threatening as possible. "Come on out. I'm not here to hurt you."
The bush rustled slightly again, and a tail poked out to sway hesitatingly. A tail with a flame at the end.
Forcing down his excitement, Seto cleared his throat. "I'm here to take you home now..."
"Home?" A childish voice said curiously, and a small head poked out from the bushes. A cub of Seto's own tribe. "Who are you?"
Seto heard several paw steps approaching. "My name is Seto. I'm from Cosmo Canyon."
A grown beast stepped out from the forest, his yellow eyes measuring the intruder. "It was made clear that we weren't welcome back to the Canyon after..." Under the attack that had turned Seto himself into stone, a small group had fled in fear that their home town would be destroyed. It had been a mistake, but their betrayal had been too deep for the remaining ones to forgive them.
"I am aware of that, but it's in the past now. There are so few of us left," Seto spoke carefully as two more creatures like himself stepped forward. "We are the last of our race and Cosmo Canyon is our home. I came to ask for your return. Return home."
The largest beast gazed silently at the newcomer, almost afraid of believing it to be just a dream. But there was no lie in the other's eyes. Glancing back at the others behind him, it gave a feline smile. "Home... We're going home!"

"Right! Just make damn sure ya got them parts by monday!" Cid snapped angrily before letting the unfortunate man run off, having lost his patience with the merchant weeks ago when he brought the wrong parts twice! There was only so much a pilot could tolerate!
The blonde man crossed his arms and tried to fight off a smug grin. In vain. The sight of the flight base outside of Rocket Town always did put a silly smile on his face! How was he supposed to keep from grinning at the sight of his creation? His very own runways and hangars! The need to own the universe had been sated with his short trip with the beloved rocket, so he'd focused on winning the sky again. His second airship, Sierra, was nothing less than perfection!
"Captain?" Shera's voice broke into his self-praising, as the only one who could do that and not get their head chewed off. "Can I, uhm, talk to you?"
Reaching over without taking his eyes off a plane landing on one of the runways, Cid pulled her close against him. "Look at that, Shera! Ain't that splendid?"
"Yes, Captain, it is, but..." Shera tried again, nervously stroking a hand over his chest.
"Back during that damn war, I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna touch the sky ever again," Cid mused absently. He tried to think of that time as little as possible. It was almost possible for him to believe that he didn't have some ancient materia inside him, posing as his heart. No voice had spoken to him before taking over his body, turning into some huge dragon-thing. Panlong had not made himself known since that time. And the pilot felt no urge to seek out the creature again. Cid did what Cid did best, he denied and blocked it from his mind. "Hell, gotta say things turned out damn fine!"
Shera sighed and swallowed down her anxiousness. "I guess so..."
"Ya guess so?" Cid exclaimed and hugged her close. "Woman, my dream finally came true!"
Giving a faint smile, Shera couldn't entirely fight off the happiness that seeped from her husband. His good moods were always so contagious! Perhaps because they were so rare... "I'm happy for you, Captain..."
The blonde pilot drew a deep breath, puffing with satisfaction and pride. "Yupp, Captain Highwind is here ta stay!" It wasn't so much the gil that he earned in buckets from transporting people and merchandise, but the fact that his business now included just about every town worth mentioning! He totally ruled the skies! "Figures that I'd finally get something back for all the crap I went through! I mean, it's only fair that I get some peace and quiet at last!"
Shera slowly gazed up at him.
Cid huffed, using his free hand to fumble out a cigarette. "At least nothin's gonna mess things up now!"
"Cid, I'm pregnant."

A gentle breeze flew through the small town of Mideel. It seemed to dance and play with every person it met on it's way, finally circling a small child before it darted to the sky again.
Sarah watched the little boy play with his friends under the supervision of their baby-sitter. It was strange, but something inside her made her watch over him a little extra. He'd lost enough, and she knew the pain that would come when he was older. It seemed like an eternity before that would happen, but one day he would ask questions and she would have to answer him.
She smiled faintly as the little boy cheered happily as a breeze played with locks of his golden hair, and little arms waved eagerly. At least he was happy now...
Turning away from the window, Sarah let her gaze dwell on the huge sword leaning against the wall in some distant corner, a red bandana tied around the hilt. Yes, there would come a time when questions would be asked and answers had to be given. But until that day... She had a promise to keep.
Closing the door quietly behind her, Sarah walked over to the small group of children. It was strange, but she suddenly needed to hold the little boy close. Caress that wild blonde hair. Gaze into those frightfully blue eyes.
The future would come soon enough. Right now, the present was there to be savored.

Aeris watched as Sephiroth kneeled by the graves, but remained silent. This was his time. Not to be interrupted. His soul needed this.
Gazing down at Zefiris, the flower girl smiled faintly and crouched down to embrace the little girl. Their precious daughter. Sephiroth and Zefiris meant everything to Aeris, and she would give her own life to protect them. She'd nearly done that only two years ago.
The Comet2 spell had shook the earth and broken the peace over Icicle Inn. Sephiroth and the others had quickly discovered that she was missing, and panic had spread like wild fire. Trigger had lead them to the scene of the battle. To the sight of blood and scorched trees. Jenova's body was torn and broken, having ceased to move before they'd arrived. But the blood was not from the Crisis. Aeris did not remember Sephiroth's voice, but Cid had told her how the swordsman had been calling her name in pure desperation. How he'd fallen to his knees beside her in the crimson snow. The agony in the eerie eyes.
Aeris sighed and straightened while holding her daughter close. She was certain that she would have died from her injuries had it not been for Sephiroth. They'd brought her back to the ice town, more dead than alive, and the silver haired man had been by her side as she'd struggled back to him. Everyone had been just about holding their breaths until the day Aeris finally opened her eyes again...
Smiling faintly, the flower girl glanced over at the man she loved so dearly. Sephiroth had been so furious with her that he'd refused to speak to her for three entire days. He'd been so terrified of losing her! And what had she been thinking when she'd decided to face Jenova alone! Nevermind that he himself had done that to her once, as he was perfectly capable to taking care of himself, and so what if he'd somewhat died? That was beside the point! Around that time, Aeris had to promise on her soul never to do a stunt like that again!
The sound of Sephiroth straightening from his parents graves brought her out of her memories, and Aeris met his faint smile. Things were fine now. Almost perfect, actually. "You okay?"
The silver haired man nodded with a silent sigh. "Yeah... Wanna go home?"
Aeris nodded as well, holding out a hand towards him. As their fingers braided, the flower girl glanced back to the graves a final time. See, Hojo? Aeris thought. - There are happy endings!
As they all had finally found their way to a home.
The dream of every lost soul.

The End...