Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where we came from and where we will go to ❯ Life and other nightmares ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

3. Life and other nightmares

For the third time now, Zidane awakened to see Kuja already awake, obviously tired and…afraid.

"Nightmares again?", Zidane asked.

Kuja just nodded.

"Damn, isn't there anything that can be done about it? You haven't slept properly for three nights now. It can't go on like this."

"I Know.", Kuja murmured, "But I don't have the slightest idea of what to do against it. I am so tired. All I want is one night of sleep, but no way. Damn it!"

Kuja slammed his fist against a wall.

"Maybe it helps if you talk about it. I know you think it's not my business, but come on, it can't get worse, right?"

Kuja stared at his brother and sighed.

"No, Zidane. I have already bothered you enough."

"Damn it, Kuja!", Zidane snapped and stomped on Kuja's tail, which was laying on the ground right next to the silver-haired genome.

"Ack! Zidane!" Kuja cried out, "Stop that, that hurts!"

"I'll stop as soon as you have told me your nightmares.", Zidane stated and crossed his arms, his foot tightly squeezed onto Kuja's tail.

Kuja sighed once more.

"All right,", he said, "but please step off my tail first, that really hurts."

Zidane stepped off Kuja's tail.

"I'm listening.", he spoke.

"It's always the same.", Kuja started, "Someone or something is after me. I don't want it to get me, so I want to run, but I cannot. I panic as it is coming nearer and nearer. I want to scream for help, but my voice is gone. I have that feeling like something terrible is going to happen and there is nothing I can do about it. My heart is racing. Then, I feel someone holding me. I have no idea what this person wants, but I am sure it is nothing very pleasant. I am totally helpless. My throat is being squeezed tighter and tighter, until I can't breathe anymore. I think I am dying, but that's when I always wake up."

"Geez!", Zidane gasped.

"See,", Kuja said; "I knew you wouldn't understand."

"But at least you talked about it.", Zidane spoke, "Maybe that will make it better."

"I don't think so.", Kuja sighed, "But thanks for listening."

The day went on uneventfully . In the evening, Kuja decided to take a walk.

"Need company?", Zidane asked.

"No, thanks,", Kuja replied, "I'd appreciate some time alone."

"Ok, but don't stay out too long.", Zidane said.

"No need to worry, I will be back soon.", Kuja answered and then left.

One hour passed. Another hour passed. After two and a half hour, Zidane got really worried. He went outside the cave to look for his brother. He walked around in the dark of the night for quite a while until he heard a silent whimper from around a corner. He found Kuja leaning against a rock, his legs drawn closely towards his chest and his head bend downwards. Judging from the sounds and Kuja's trembling, Zidane supposed his brother was crying.

"Kuja?", he whispered, slowly approaching.

AN: CLIFFIE! I already warn you, the next chap will contain things not suitable for younger children and people who don't like violence and/or r… . So now that's done, remember I don't own anything. *signing off*