Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Where You Are ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is great. I've got Chicken Wuss and a guy who's just hit puberty in my squad." Seifer laughed.

Quitis quietly glanced at him. He was a real mustnag. Someone who couldn't be tamed. Sure he wasn't the average SeeD soldier. but she saw something in him she never saw before. Seifer quickened his sapphire eyes to hers.

"Is there something wrong Instructor Trepe?"

"No. Nothing at all." she replied meekly.

She turned around with red on her face. She hid it behind the scarf of her Blamb Garden Uniform. The train came to a sudden stop. Zell freaked out.

"Calm down chicken wuss before you piss your pants." Seifer teased.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Zell yelled.

Poor Squall had the duty of being the peacemaker trying to separate them. Quitis chuckled in amusement.

When they got off and got thier assignment, they headed towards the battlefield. Quitis managed a huge machine-powered cannon. She felt something behind her. She turned around to find a figure in black with a green claw scratch her hand. Blood started seeping out. She winced in pain.

"You ok Instructor Trepe?" Squall called down from below.

"Yes I'm fine. I'll bandage it later." She replied in er usual calm mannor.

Finally returning o reality se resumed her post. Once it was secure, they headed to thier resting quarters. Along the way, Quitis started feeling dizzy and fevorish.

Is it hot, or just me?" she asked pulling on her collar.

It's just you Trepie." Zell joked.

Though Squall and Zell were unaware of her contiton, Seifer was completely aware. He saw her staggering next to him. He knew she wasn't fine. Quitis got such a pounding headache she fainted. Seifer spun around in time to catch her.

"HEY! Instructor Trepe?" Squall excalimed rushing over to her and Seifer.

"You guyd go on ahead. I'm going to get her medical attention."

Wait a minute!" How can we "trust" Seifer with Instructor Trepe? How do we know he's not going to try to have his way with her?" Zell gestured.

"Look chicken wuss, I don;t have time for this , I don't have time for this! If I don't get her ti a hospital soon, she'll die. Or haven't you noticed that yet?" Seifer yelled.

Zell and Squall stood silent. They watched Seifer dash off with Quitis in his arms. Her eyes were half open as she heard his voice echo away. When she woke up the next morning, she found herself in a ghost white roo. The scent of flowers filled the air with a beautiful fragrance. She found Seifer sleeping in a chair next to her.

"He stayed with me all night?" she asked herself in suprise.

Seifer stirred in his chair. He awije i find Quitis looking at him.

"So you finally woke up. I was afraid I'd lose my favorite instructor."

"What happened?" Quitis asked running her fingers through her undone and knotted hair.

"You know that scratch you got yesterday? That scratch was infected with poison. Lucky for you I got you to the nearest hospital I could find."

I'm touched Seifer. I'm just going to pay the bill."

She got out of bed, Her body shook all over. Seifer held on to her to prevent her from falling.

"You shouldn't be in such a rush to get out of here Instructor Trepe. You still need to recover for a few days." He said with conern.

Quitis gazed up at him. Her face was still a little flushed from her fever. Her blonde mess hair shone in the morning sun. The loose nightshirt hung over her feminine curves. Seifer's coat was neatly hung over the chair he used. He could feel the softness of Quitis's skin. Her eyes began to tear...

"No one's been this kind to me. I don't know what to say..." she began.

"Then don't say anything." Seifer whispered wrapping his strong arms around her waist.