Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ White Devil's Kiss ❯ Into Eden ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hopefully, by the time this is posted, I will have Advent Children in my possession and I will see the beautiful story at last! Hurray for me! Oh well. Enough about my crazy stupid life. Here is the next chapter. Please enjoy and review at your leisure. (That means do it when you feel like it. I been reading to much Lemony Snickket. I think that's how you spell it.)
As their eyes became used to the bright light, they saw that the hideous screech had come from a machine that was used to alert anyone inside of someone entering the building. A pair of scientists were already waiting for them. One was a man and the other was a woman. Both wore glasses and long white coats and both seemed to be at least in their late 50's. “Welcome to Eden. We've been expecting you.” They said in unison.
The three were surprised to hear this. Cid was the first to speak though.
“What do you (@*$^@# mean you were #&@%@ expectin' us?” The woman bowed slightly.
“We mean just that. Ariah told us you were coming.” She said matter-of-factly. Vincent pushed Cid back to prevent him from using his foul mouth again.

“She can see the future?” The man shook his head.
“Not exactly.” The man answered. “She knew someone was coming, but she didn't know who. Sometimes she knows, but only if she has met the person before. Would like to meet her? I assume that is why you are here?”
“Yes.” Vincent said stepping forward. “We have to come to see her. And we have come to see Ariaus as well.” The two were quiet for a minute but then turned back to their guests.
“We shall see. Ariaus is…unable…to have visitors. Come. We will take you to see Ariah.” The two scientists led them through a corridor to another closed door. When this one opened, all three travelers were stunned speechless. A large, natural cave was carved out and filled with plants, animals, running water and enough light to keep everything green and growing.
“This is our Eden.” The woman said. “Created to house the most powerful of Hojo's creations. We have everything we need down here. Water, fruits, vegetables, meat, even things you would least expect like sweets and ice cream.” As Nanaki looked around from the hilltop they were standing on, he saw a large tube protruding from the water of a glimmering lake.
Its metal and glass surface reflected the light making it difficult to see inside.
“May I ask what is in that lake?” The man turned slightly to look and sighed.
“That is were Ariaus sleeps. He never comes out. All the better for us I think.” The woman gave a shrill whistle and they began walking again. There was a distant sound, like the chirp of a bird and the woman smiled.
“Ariah will meet us at the camp. She really is a sweet little thing.” Cid was walking, but, as usual, was agitated about something.
“Hey, what are your names? You don't even know ours, either.” The woman gasped in shock and turned to her partner.
“That is true! We did not properly introduce ourselves!” The man stopped and turned, bowing apologetically.
“I am very sorry, my friends! How could we be so rude? My name is Adam. And this is my wife and wonderful collogue, Eve.” She bowed gracefully. “We are the original scientists to work on this project.”
“Now, what are your names? So that we may introduce you to Ariah properly.”
Vincent took the lead.
“My name is Vincent Valentine. This is Cid Highwind and that is Nanaki.” The two nodded.
“Good, good. Come now. Ariah is waiting. We do not have to walk far.” The woman whistled again and four chocobos came trotting up to them. “I hope you do not mind, Nanaki, if you have to run?”
The beast shook his head.
“No. I do not mind at all. I find it rather refreshing actually.” Eve nodded and mounted one of the chocobos while everyone else did the same. Well, Cid tried at least. But, once again, he ended up fighting for several minutes before the bird would actually let him on.
Then, Adam led the way to the camp far below in the valley. It took them only a few minutes to get to where they were going. After they had dismounted, the chocobos disappeared back into the foliage. Eve walked into the small camp of tents, tables and lab equipment calling out for Ariah.
“Come on out, Ariah! These new people want to meet you! Be a good girl now and come out!” There was a shy giggle from one of the tents followed by a quiet chirp of a bird. “There you are you silly thing.” Eve entered the tent and came out a few minutes later carrying the strangest creature any of them had ever seen.
It was a young girl, maybe only 14 to 15 years old. Her skin was a pale white and her hair was like liquid platinum. This was kept in a high ponytail that reached her waist. She wore a simple skirt that covered her knees and a halter-top tied at her neck and waist. Two emerald orbs gazed at them from her pale face.
But what shocked them the most was the pair of large, white, leathery wings protruding from her back. Then there were the twin horns on either side of her head. They were small, but still visible. Also, a long tail, also white, twitched behind her. Vincent quickly estimated her height to be, at the most, 5 feet tall. And Eve carried her like she weighed almost nothing!
“This is Ariah. Say hello sweetie.” The little girl chirped and hid her face in Eve's shoulder. “Oh, you aren't that shy. Come on. Why don't you tell them how old you are?” She shook her head, still not looking at them. “She just had a birthday last week and she was ever so excited.” Eve explained.
As she continued to try and coax Ariah into talking, an alarm went off by the lake. Both scientists looked up worriedly.
“He's awake.” Adam said taking Ariah from Eve.
“Yes, he is. I'll go see what he wants.” The scientist picked up a basket of fruits, vegetables and bathing supplies and headed in the direction of the lake. Adam motioned for the three to follow him deeper into the tents.
“Come, my friends. She won't be done for at least an hour. Ariaus is very picky about his schedule.” Nanaki watched Eve's retreating back with concern.
“Is it safe for her to go alone?” He asked.
“Yes. She is the only one that Ariaus truly trusts. And she's the only person who can get close enough to take care of him. He won't even let his sister get near him. Isn't that right Ariah?” The girl nodded, still hiding her face from the travelers. “Why don't you try asking her a question? Maybe she will respond better.”
Neither Vincent nor Cid could think of a question, so Nanaki tried.
“Ariah,” The girl looked up at him. “How old are you?” An excited smile spread across her face.
“I'm 18 years old!” She even sounded like a child! What was this creature? 18? How could she be that old? She didn't look a day over 15!
Adam laughed slightly.
“I can see that you don't understand. Come into the main facility and I will try to explain everything.” Ariah hopped out of Adam's arms and ran past the tents as if leading them to their destination. The four followed her and soon came upon a large building that was hidden by the trees.
When they entered, they found it to be nothing more than a large laboratory. There were shelves of books, computers, medical equipment and various desks where only two other people worked. Neither of them looked up. In the very center of the room was a large tube, much like the one in the lake.
It was ten feet tall and three feet in diameter. But this one was empty. The door was wide open as if waiting for the occupant to come back. The little demon girl ran through this door and hid behind the frame. She giggled and looked out at them, then quickly ducked back inside.
This made Adam smile. “She's playing hide and seek. It's one of her favorite games, even if she isn't very good at it.” Another minute later, Ariah poked her head out again. When she saw them looking, she hid once more. “She'll do that until someone goes to find her. If you will excuse me for a moment.”
Adam bowed and walked slowly toward the tube. “Where have you gone Ariah? How are we to show these nice people about you if you keep hiding?” When he got close to the tube, he looked all around until he stepped inside. “Where is Ariah?” Suddenly, he was tackled to the ground by the little demon.
They were both laughing and wrestling until the girl jumped up and ran away from him. She shot towards the travelers and hid behind Cid. As Adam tried to come after her, she jumped onto Nanaki's back, then, from there, to Vincent's back where she clung with her claws. But, once she had attached herself, she would not let go.
Even Adam tried to dislodge her, but to no avail. She was stuck and wasn't coming off. “I'm sorry. She seems to have taken a shine to you.” Ariah chirped and burrowed her face into Vincent's back.
“I suppose it's all right. As long as she lets go.” Again, she chirped and climbed up to rest on his shoulders, one arm on each side of his neck. Then, she rubbed her cheek against his.
“I like you. You're nice.” Vincent looked mildly shocked at this while Cid laughed and Nanaki grinned. But neither of them said anything so they didn't bring down the vampire's wrath upon them. Adam gave a confused smile and went to a large computer screen next to the tank.
“Well, I'm sure you would like to hear of how these two came to be. Are you all right having Ariah there?” He asked as he began typing in various access codes.

“Yes, I'm fine with this.”
“All right. Ariah, please leave so these nice people can watch the video.”
“But…but…but why? I wanna see too.”
Adam sighed.
“You aren't old enough. Now go outside and play. That's my good girl.” Ariah climbed down off of Vincent's back and walked outside, grumbling the whole way.
“I'll go. But I won't like it!”
“I know you won't.” He finished typing in the codes and a visual came up. “Here it is. Please wait until all the videos have played before you ask questions.” Adam pressed a button and the screen was filled with an old video display counting down to its start.
All hell shall now rain down its fury upon the world!!!!!! *sniff* I didn't get Advent Children. They bumped the date back again! I shall now go into my corner and cry uncontrollably until I remember that Dirge of Cerberus comes out next month. (At least, I hope it still is.)