Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ White Devil's Kiss ❯ Meet My Daddy! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I think I just might discontinue this story. No body seems to like it except my friends and they can read it just by coming over to my house! Oh well. If anyone likes this story, please review! It helps my moral big time. Plus it keeps my little foxy happy. She likes hearing good things.
When the film ended, all three were left speechless. Even Cid, who normally had everything to say, couldn't say anything. He and Nanaki stared at Vincent who was staring at the screen in total shock. He kept trying to make words, but couldn't find his voice. Finally, Adam answered his unspoken question.
“Yes, you have a son, Vincent. Just as Sephiroth has a daughter. It wasn't quite supposed to work out that way, but that is what happened.” Suddenly, Vincent collapsed against Cid, still in shock. He hadn't fainted; it was just too much for him to take in.
The pilot caught him and helped him into a nearby swivel chair.
“Hey, Vincent, you okay? You need a drink or somethin'?” The vampire only shook his head, still unable to speak. While Cid helped Vincent to find himself again, Nanaki turned to Adam to ask his own questions.
“Did Sephiroth know about his daughter?”
Adam nodded.
“Yes, he did. He spent many long hours with her when she was in Midgar.”
“What happened to their mother? I think her name was Marcie.”
“Her name was Marcie, yes.” The man said sadly. “She became very ill after they were born. It was a strange disease that we could not cure. And so far, hers is the only reported case of it. It started as nothing more than a cold.
“Then it began to attack her nervous system from her feet up. After three months, she could no longer walk. Six months, she couldn't get out of bed. Nine months, she couldn't breathe on her own. Finally, a year after it began, she died of complications from heart disease.”
Nanaki lowered his head in respect for the fallen woman. Everything was now silent in the lab except for the whir of machines and the sounds of the other two scientists working there. Ariah quietly crept through the maze of tables, desks and chairs until she reached the chair Vincent sat in.
She gently rubbed her head against his upper leg, trying to comfort him. He looked down and pat her head, but that was all. Adam went over and picked her up. “You should probably get some rest. It is getting very late. We can prepare beds for you if you like.”
Nanaki looked at Cid who nodded.
“That would be welcome. Traveling outside in this condition would be foolish.”
Adam bowed.
“Very well. Please, come with me. You are mostly likely hungry.” Cid helped Vincent to stand up and let him lean on his shoulder. Then, they all followed Adam back outside to a large canvas tent. “This is the mess tent. I'm not sure what's in there so you just have to go look. Will you feed Ariah while you are in there?”
“Of course.” Nanaki said as he went over to let Ariah onto his back. “Thank you for your hospitality.” The little demon girl hopped down onto the dog-beast and snuggled against his soft, warm fur. After that, they went in to eat.
Vincent didn't speak through the meal and remained silent when they went to their tent to sleep. Ariah stayed close to him, trying to help him. When he lay down to sleep, she crawled up next to him and snuggled against his right side. He didn't react at all. He didn't pet her hair or hug her to him, but he didn't push her away in disgust either.
They all fell asleep that way. All except Vincent who could think of nothing but the information he had learned today.
The next morning, Vincent awoke after everyone else. When he tried to move, he found Ariah still sleeping next to him. She stirred slightly but didn't wake. No matter how hard he tried not to disturb her, every time he moved, she would stir slightly. So, in the end, he simply woke her up.
She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes.
“What time is it?” She asked with a small yawn.
“I'm not sure.” Vincent said, stretching out. “You should go get breakfast.”
“You need to, too.” Ariah stood up and took his good hand. “Come on. I'll go with you.” How could he say no to that cute of a face? He let the young girl lead him out of the tent and followed her to get breakfast. She stayed near him as if sensing he needed company.
She stayed near him for most of the day, making sure he wasn't lonely. Vincent appreciated the company but was bothered by the fact that he had a son, but had never seen him or even known he existed. Finally, he went to find Eve, who was preparing a basket for Ariaus.
“May I go with you?” Eve looked up at him.
“Is there any specific reason?”
“Yes. I want to see my son.”
“All right. I don't know how he will react to you though. So please be careful.”
Vincent nodded and followed Eve out to the lake. Ariah stayed behind looking dejected and unloved. “Don't worry about her.” Eve said when Vincent looked back. “She does that every time I go to see Ariaus. She can't get near him, you know.”
“Why? Why is she unable to be near her own brother?” This question was met with a sigh.
“None of us are sure, really. It is simply a matter of Ariaus not liking anyone at all. But ever since the day they were born, they have been fighting and it will probably be that way until the day they die.”
They continued walking until they reached the lake where the tube rested in the center. There was no visible way out to the cylinder.
“How do you get out there?”
“Watch.” Eve opened a small, hand-sized door in the trunk of a tree. There was a keypad molded into the wood! She typed in a code and the ground began to shake. And then, right before Vincent's eyes, a metal path rose from deep in the lake.
A small laugh escaped the nurse when she saw the surprised expression on Vincent's face. “That is how we reach him. He can't use his wings so it also keeps him safe. Well, come on then.”
She led the way out to the cylinder and set the basket down when they reached the door. A palm-scanner and a retina-scanner was the only key to open the sliding doors. After they had opened, Eve stepped up into the dark interior. “Ariaus?
“I brought someone for you to meet. Will you come out and see him?” There was slight movement and the sound of rustling feathers. Then, a young man's voice floated out.
“Who…is it?” He sounded much more mature than his twin sister.
“It's your father, Ariaus. He wants to meet you. Is that okay?”
“Yes. I want…to see him.” The boy spoke slowly, as if every word had to be forced from his throat. Ariaus then stepped from the shadows to see the man that was called his father. Vincent could see the terrible intelligence behind his eyes and sense the power inside his body.
Just as he had seen in the video, the boy had black skin like the chaos, but a pair of beautiful black-feathered wings graced his shoulders. He was the same height as Ariah and looked as if he could be carried just as easily. The thick, black hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail that rested at the middle of his back. The eyes burned red inside his skull.
Vincent bowed respectfully.
“Hello, Ariaus. I am Vincent Valentine. I apologize for not coming sooner. I did not find out about this place until almost a week ago.” Ariaus returned the bow.
“That is…all right…father. Mother told me…of your…impri...impri….” He looked up at Eve in a frustrated manner and she nodded.
“'Imprisonment', Ariaus.”
“Thank you.” He carefully climbed out of the tube and walked over to Vincent. “May I…hug you?”
Vincent's response was to kneel and open his arms to the boy. Ariaus immediately ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. This was the feeling for which the boy had been searching for so long. He finally knew his father.
One hour later, the visit was over and Ariaus had to return to his tank. Vincent walked in silence until Eve broke it with a question.
“How did you get him to respond to you like that?”
“I don't know. He just did. Doesn't he react like that to anyone?” The woman shook her head.
“No. He hates people. I am the only one who can get close to him and even then it's impossible if someone comes with me.”
“Now I have a question for you. Why can he not speak properly? He is very intelligent. I can see it.”
Eve sighed.
“It is because they are not complete. Their genetic code must be completed before they can realize their true potential. Ariaus has the intelligence to succeed at anything he wishes, he merely lacks the capability. We have wanted to finish them for a long time now, but it is quite impossible.”
“And why is that?”
“Because Sephiroth is dead.” Vincent looked at her in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“The sample we took from Sephiroth was destroyed when Midgar was leveled. If we do not have that to combine with a sample from you, the code cannot be finished and they will remain incomplete. Jenova cells can only go so far.
“It is probably for the best, though.” She said with a sigh. “That way, Ariah and Ariaus will never have to confront each other. Our `Black Angel' will never be able to realize the fate that has been set on him. The `White Devil' will also continue to live in blissful ignorance for the rest of eternity.”
Silence fell on the two again until they reached the camp. A strange sight met them when they arrived.
Ariah was dancing in circles, chanting something while Adam and Nanaki tried to catch her. When she saw Vincent and Eve, she rushed over and latched on to the vampire's waist. She looked up at him with a happy smile.
“My daddy is coming! He's coming down the stairs right now!” Vincent looked up in horror at his friends. A nod from Cid confirmed his fears. Adam went up to try and detach Ariah.
“The censors say that someone is indeed coming down the stairs. And we cannot convince her that it is not Sephiroth, but someone very dangerous.” Ariah glared at her caretaker.
“Daddy is not dangerous. He is nice. He takes care of me and brings me presents from the outside. I am going to go meet him. Right now!” Then, she let go and began running faster than the best chocobo towards the entrance. Her wings provided enough help to keep her at this speed.
They gave chase, but were forced to call upon chocobos before they could continue. As they rode, Vincent and Cid prepared their weapons for battle. They remembered what had happened the first time they met Sephiroth. Materia was carefully placed, ammo was added, blades were polished, and armor latched into place. Their only hope was that he had lost at least some of his strength from the last time they fought.
Ariah reached the entrance before any of them and waited anxiously for whoever it was to step through the great metal doors. Just as the group reached the small room, the gate slid open, letting in a cloud of fog. The little demon girl squealed in delight as she rushed forward to hug the figure. All the warriors could see were fog and a black figure standing in the center of it.
But Ariah could sense what they couldn't. She jumped into the cloaked figure's arms and hugged his neck tightly. “Daddy!” Rich laughter filled the chamber and Vincent, Cid and Nanaki prepared themselves for anything.