Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ White Devil's Kiss ❯ The Outside ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yay for the next chapter! My mind is riveted on Final Fantasy VII its not even funny. Ask my friend! I'm totally obsessed with the game and the movie…and the new game coming out. Okay, I'm crazy. Now I must go order Sephiroth out of my TV so he can give me the Masamune and Meteor so I can take over the planet and rule over its inhabitants with an iron fist so there will be no more wars! Muahahahah! *stops to breath* Okay, bad idea. But Sephiroth does need to jump out of my TV. Sorry for my insanity.
I do not own any of Final Fantasy. I merely borrow the ideals so I can put in strange new characters and turn the world completely upside-down. I will shut up now.
The next morning, Vincent awoke from a fitful sleep feeling very alone. “Ariah is gone.” He said to no one in particular. How he knew this, he didn't know. He just knew that she was gone.
Quickly, he stood up, replaced his gun back in it's holster and pulled his cape back around his shoulders. When he left the tent, Eve was waiting outside with Ariaus. The young man ran over and hugged his father tightly.
“Good morning, father! Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, Ariaus. I slept just fine. Why are you here in the camp?” Eve answered for the boy.
“Ariah left an hour ago. Sephiroth took her to the outside. She requested that no one be told until she was gone.”
There was no emotion on Vincent's face as he nodded.
“That's fine. Do you want to go with me to get breakfast, Ariaus?”
“Yes sir!” The boy was in excellent spirits now that Ariah was gone. They enjoyed a peaceful breakfast together and then took a short chocobo ride around the lake. But all good things must come to end sometime.
At lunchtime, Cid and Nanaki came up to Vincent. Both looked solemn, if not a little bored.
“It is time for us to go.” Nanaki said as he lifted his front paws onto the table.
Cid placed the PHS next to Vincent's plate.
“Yeah. Cloud called a few minutes ago. Their bringing the Highwind around in an hour to pick us up.”
“Are we all packed?” Vincent asked as he stood.
The two nodded.
“Yes. We need to get started or we will make them wait.”
“All right, Nanaki.” He exited the mess tent and walked straight into his son. “Hello, Ariaus. Is something wrong?” The young man looked as though he was going to cry.
“You are leaving now.”
“Yes, I am. Do you want to come with? I can show you the outside.”
He shook his head.
“It is generous of you father, but I cannot go. I have no desire to see what is beyond these cave walls.”
“Very well then.” Vincent said as he bowed to his son. “Come on, you two. It's time for us to go.
They nodded and followed the scientists to the small cave that was the exit. A few tears were shed as they left, but only by Eve. The small group made their way up the long flight of stairs until they emerged in the bright sunlight. The Highwind was there waiting for them.
As they boarded, Cloud watched the entrance they had come from. He saw a fleeting glance of something black moving in the shadows, but nothing more. Vincent came to him on the bridge and explained everything he could to his leader.
“So where is Ariah now?” He asked as he looked out over the barren snowfields.
“She said she was going to travel and see the world. I'm not sure where she is at this very moment.”
“When did she leave the…Eden…as you call it?”
Vincent was hesitant to answer. What would his friend do? And could he keep Sephiroth's secret?
“At least three hours before us.”
“Then she'll still be on the Snowfields. If we hurry, we can catch up to her. Cid!”
The pilot looked up from the controls he had recently taken control of once again.
“Take us up. And then make a low sweep of the Snowfields. I want to meet this Ariah.”
The pilot nodded and began to take the ship up. Vincent went to his lonely corner to think until Cloud came over to him.
“I need you at the helm too. You need to point her out. You know what she looks like and if she is traveling with anyone.”
The vampire couldn't disagree. He stood at the wide window and watched the ground go by. Suddenly, his heart leapt into his throat. Two figures could be seen crossing the fields slowly. They were not on chocobos so they overtook them quickly.
“Cid! Stop!” Vincent shouted as he ran to the observation deck at the other end of the ship. By the time he got there, the Highwind was completely stopped and hovering over a very surprised Ariah. She was bundled in a warm, winter coat with long pants to cover her legs. Her long hair moved slightly in a light breeze caused by the ship.
She watched as a rope ladder fell and Vincent descended it to the ground. Her father, who was still hidden underneath his cloak, laughed slightly.
“It seems as though he followed us, yes?”
His daughter nodded.
“It does. And he seems very happy to see me.”
“A little to happy if you ask me.” Sephiroth said as the older man came running up.
“Hello, Ariah.” He said, barely out of breath. “I'm glad I caught up to you.” A sudden wave of pure joy washed over him as Ariah smiled.
“Really? What is it you need?”
“I have a friend who would like to meet you. I told him as much as I could and he is very interested in having a meeting.”
“Oh!” The young girl looked slightly embarrassed. “He wants to meet me? Why? I'm not that special.”
“It is so that he can accept that you are not dangerous. And I did not tell him about you, Sephiroth.” He said just as the cloaked man stepped forward to speak. “I know better than to go telling everything.”
“You see daddy?” Ariah said happily as she hugged Vincent. “I told you he could be trusted.”
Sephiroth merely snorted under his cloak. Vincent ignored this and looked down at Ariah who was now wrapped around his waist.
“Will you come with me? I'm sure Cid would be glad to drop you off somewhere.”
“Yes!” Ariah shouted. “Of course we'll come with, won't we daddy?”
Her father could not say no. Besides, she had never seen an airship before. Why not let her ride just this once?
“All right. We'll ride on the airship. But remember what I told you about me.”
She nodded and took Vincent's hand so she could pull him along to the now landed Highwind.
“I remember. Come on Vincent! Let's go!” The man let himself be pulled along as Sephiroth followed close behind. A set of stairs was lowered from the observation deck and they boarded. Ariah was so excited to be there. She took in everything at once, walking slowly so as not to miss anything.
When she saw Nanaki come out of the bridge to greet her, she ran to him and knelt down to hug him around his furry neck. His heart filled with joy as he felt her excitement.
“It is good to see you again, little one.”
“The same to you, Nanaki.” Then, she stood and turned back to Vincent. “Where are these other friends you wanted me to meet?”
“Follow me.” Vincent led her onto the bridge where Cloud stood waiting. The others were gathered around him. Ariah saw Cid at the helm and ran to give him a hug. He laughed as he caught her.
“Well, hello again you little heart stealer.”
“Hi Cid. Vincent said I needed to meet your friends.”
“Good. Why don't you turn over here and meet the crowd.” The pilot turned her towards everyone and she bowed deeply.
“Hi. My name is Ariah. It is good to meet you all.” A wave of happiness filled the bridge and everyone couldn't help but smile. Even Vincent allowed himself a ghost of a smile to play across his lips.
Cloud stepped forward and bowed in return.
“My name is Cloud Strife. These are my friends and crew,” he said as he pointed to each one as he said their names. “This is Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockheart, and Cait Sith, who is piloted by Reeve who you can meet in person later if you like, and Yuffie Kisaragi.”
Ariah shook all of their hands, but was more interested in Cait Sith than anything. She poked at the giant Mog he rode on and looked at Vincent in confusion.
“What does it mean…'piloted'?”
“He means,” the robot said in its metallic voice. “That I am a robot being controlled by a human being.”
“Oh! I get it. That's pretty cool.” She then stepped back next to her father and bowed again. “It is nice to meet you all. I love making new friends.”
Vincent looked at Cloud who nodded.
“The same to you, Ariah. I can see that you are not in any way dangerous to this planet. But, who is your traveling companion?”
Ariah looked over at her father as if she had almost forgotten he was there.
“Oh, this is my guardian. He doesn't like to come out from under his cloak so you'll have to excuse him. He fought many battles against monsters and such and was scarred badly.”
“Does he have a name and does he speak?”
“I'm afraid he doesn't speak. His voice box was ripped out by a very vicious monster. And I just call him Guardian. I never really found out what his name is. Sorry.”
“That's fine.” Cloud answered as he turned back to the view window. “Now that you are here on the ship, is there somewhere you would like to go?”
Ariah smiled happily.
“Yes, yes! I would like to go anywhere! I wish to see the world!” She calmed down and laughed nervously. “Sorry. I mean that I would like to go to a different continent. I've never seen the outside world. Only Eden and the lab in Midgar. I don't mind where you drop me off.”
Cloud nodded and turned to Cid.
“You heard her. To another continent Cid. And make it quick.”
“Yes sir! Next stop, Nibelheim!” The airship took off and began to speed towards its new destination. Ariah stood next to Cloud watching the ground below whiz by. She was finally on her way to a great adventure and she knew it.