Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ Default (It gets better I swear!) ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's note: Well! Isn't this just dandy? My first posted fic so I'm expecting feed back and lots of criticism!! Help me write better! ;) And yes for those of you yaoi lovers out there, this is a Squall and Sefier fic…or is it? *evil tittering* well enjoy, aheh as much as you can * rubs back of head*

Disclaimer: *Sniff * I don't own them, the wonderful people at Squaresoft do. I'm just borrowing them so they can do naughty things J

By the by, this is just a short beginning I'll explain things better if I get at least ONE yes 1 review.

@~Wicked Little Town ~@

Squall squinted gently and raised his gloved hand, shading his eyes from the bright peering sun. The little town didn't receive much sun, but now the sweet bubble of summer was building and beautiful weather was on its way.

The former world hero trudged up the small hill just beyond his little home. His feet bruised the soft grass and moss beneath his boots, sinking gently into the natural carpet with each step. Children laughed and played games a little ways from him. The wind cooing a gentile breeze, ruffled his soft hair as he paused a moment to remorse in a memory. The flowers chimed together and the creek thrilled over its rocks.

It was a gorgeous day.

"Squaalll!" The chocolate haired gunblader turned around to see where the tiny voice had come from.

A little girl with light brown hair ran up to him on the top of the hill and latched herself onto his legs, causing him to almost loose his balance, almost. She was about six or seven, maybe even five years old. The little girl had rosy cheeks and big blue eyes that stared up at Squall.

Her name was Tessa; everyone called her Tess or Tessy for short.

She looked very similar to Selphie, but without the flipped up hair, and each time Squall saw Tess he would wonder about Selphie and how the gang was doing, and Seifer.

"Squall, come and play with us!" Tess' voice was small and spunky.

The young man smiled at her and bent down to remove the girls death grip form around his legs.

He held one of her small hands in his as he crouched down to her level, and then patted her head.

"Sorry Tess, I've got some work that needs to be taken care of, okay?" Squall ruffled her hair gently.

Tess put on her best pout, and then smiled.

"Okay! But next time you gotta promise to come play wit us! We want you to meet our new friend."

Tess half ran half skipped as little kids do, back towards her friends that were by a big oak tree.

Squall watched her go, and then turned to continue his little path to his cottage.

Putting his hand on the doorknob, he then braced his shoulder against the door, and with a hard push the door creaked open. The thing had been there well over 50 years and was in need of a good oiling.

Inside white beams of light flooded threw the half closed blinds over the windows catching bits of dust in the rays.

The cottage was dimly lit with the suns warmth, the town did have electricity, but why waste it on a perfect day like this, and in fact, Squall didn't plan to stay inside to long if not at all.

Stepping inside, he pulled off his gloves slowly, one finger at a time, and inhaled the deep scent of nutmeg and tea. Squall walked further into the main entrance and threw his gloves on the table as he passed it on his left, making his way to the bedroom. His boots tapped at the wood flooring, and then the subtle click of the bedroom door could be heard as it closed behind him.

To be continued…

(If you want)

Hey ho! Tongari here! So what do you think so far? Good bad? Great? Please, whether it's good, or whether it's bad, I want to hear what you think! I have the other chapter written already and will post it as soon as I get one review, just1 that's all I'm asking for now. Anyway, ciao!

Tongari ^____^.

The kraken stirs.

And ten billion sushi diners cry out for vengeance!!!