Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ After Math ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Hello!! *Runs hand through hair* Wow, a lot of reviews! And I'm only on chapter 6! ^________^. But please, don't get me wrong, *holds up hands* I'd love more; I need to hear your ideas people! Am I doing okay so far? Am I using their names too much? Please I need more info guys! I'm trying to do as many updates as I can to make up for the big gap awhile back, so here's Chapter 6 out of god knows how many more. Only you can decide what number okay? ^_____^.

And Special thanks to Ceranja!!! This chapter is for you and all the other people who have taken the time to review!! ^_____^.

~~~~~~~~*Wicked Little Town*~~~~~~~~~~

After Math

Squall closed the door behind him and slid down to the floor, covering his face with his hands. His whole body shook, digging his palms into his eyes; he wiped away his tears and his nose, and then stood up slowly holding onto the door. Resting his head against the wood he let out a shaky breath, and carefully pushed off his support and headed for the bathroom.

Flicking on the light he kept his head bowed, not wanting to look at his reflection, turning on the shower he wiped his nose again and stepped inside, closing the curtain behind him. Needles hit his skin, scorching hot, he barely noticed as he picked up the soap and began to lather himself. His last words ringing in his ears. {Shut the Fuck UP!} Dropping the soap, Squall watched as the water disappeared down the drain, the soap sliding to a stop in front of it. He bit his lip.

Seifer pulled on his shirt and pants, and then did his sandals up. It was now 6:46pm. He was going to ask Squall if he wanted to join him for supper. But that was all blown to shit by now. Slicking back his hair again, he began to make his way back home, cutting through the bush that his rival had shown him.

Behind him the lake simmered, no evidence showing what had gone that day. A songbird chirped from above the water, flitting across to go perch on a branch. Tilting its head, the bird sang a quite song, drifting over the water and rocks, into the deaf ears of a blonde man.

Turning off the water, Squall stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Wrapping the soft fabric around himself, he raised a hand and wiped off the steam from the mirror. Leaning on the sink he looked into the pained eyes that were his own, lips still swollen, and a large mark on his neck from Seifer. The whole scene played before him. The hunger in the blonde's eyes, the animalistic way he marked Squall and to the pain across his features as the other yelled at him.

{He, he could've,} Squall bit his lip {He could have ra-} He choked out a sob and watched as his blood fell into the sink. Taking a finger he ran it along the inside of his bottom lip, carefully inspecting his hand as a crimson drop slid from his index finger. Spitting the copper taste from his mouth and wiping his lips with the back of his hand, Squall stepped out of the bathroom.

Outside Squall's home, a tall man stood, just watching, waiting for anything to happen. Hesitantly walking up to the wooden door, Seifer raised a hand to knock, but then flinched away.

[No, I, better not.] He said, loosening his fist at the door and placing a hand on the cold surface, dragging it slowly down, resting his forehead on the wood.

[Squall, I'm so sorry, it's just, you do something to me no one else can…I-I thought you might feel] "…the same way." With that the gunblader removed his hand and walked away.

Coming up to his own little house, he opened the front door and walked inside, turning on the lights and heading straight to his room. Once in his quarters, Seifer tugged off his shirt and pants, flopping down onto his whining mattress. Sighing he raised his arm to eye level.

[7:00pm…shit I can't live like this.] Pushing off his bed, the blonde went over to his closet and picked out some clothes and threw them over a chair in a corner. Stepping out of his drenched boxers, Seifer rummaged through some drawers and slipped on a clean pair of underwear. Grabbing the clothing from off the chair, he slipped on a black tank and jeans. Slamming the door behind him with enough force to break the hinges, he stormed off into town, mad at himself as the pain in his rival's eyes came back to him, physical pain, that he had caused. Swinging the door open to his favorite bar, Seifer ordered a drink, inspecting it thoroughly, swirling it around in its glass, and then polishing it off in one swallow. Soon the rumbles of laughter behind him, and the incessant chatter fuzzed as he slammed another shot glass onto the table. Seifer's idea tonight was to get drunk, insanely drunk.

(The next day)

Stirring from his sound slumber, a chocolate haired man poked his head out from beneath the covers. Squall groaned. Why today? Of all the days throughout the summer he just had to pick today for them to come. Sliding out from under the comforter, the lithe figure placed his feet on the floor, rubbing his eyes and then pressing against his temples with long fingers. Today was going to be difficult, for one he had no desire to see his blonde rival, thus having to avoid him wouldn't be hard, but it wouldn't be necessarily easy either, two he still had to deal with four other people today and last but not least, he could already feel a massive headache in the making.

Standing up Squall went into the kitchen, his loose sweatpants hanging low on his hips, as he stretched with his arms behind his head. Flicking on the switch for his coffee, the brunette went to take a quick shower. Reappearing a few minutes latter from a steamy bathroom, Squall walked into his bedroom, pulling open the closet doors and stepping in, he pulled out a pair of black dress pants and a maroon turtleneck. His coffee cackled in the background from the maker, slipping on his underwear then pants over top Squall picked up his turtleneck sweater and walked back to the kitchen. Placing the top over a chair at the table as he went to go take a cup out from the cupboard above his head. Pulling out the pot of coffee, he poured himself a tall mug of black liquid,.

Seifer laid in a tangle of limbs and bed sheets, splayed spread eagle on his bed. He would've groaned but his throat ached, rolling over slightly he fell with a thud. Now lying on the floor he did croak a groan, reaching a hand up to rub the back of his head. The white sheets slipped from his form as he leaned forward and stood up. His mouth tasted of bile, not the nicest thing to wake up to, but neither was a spinning room. Holding his waist Seifer stumbled quickly to his bathroom as a nauseous feeling settled on him.

Going to his knees the blonde emptied his stomach contents into the ivory bowl for the umpteenth time in six hours. Bile and blood spewed from his mouth as surges wracked his body. Finally finished for the time being he rested his head on the cool surface of the toilet seat, standing up carefully the tall man spat into the toilet flushing it. Rinsing his face with cold water, he shook off his hands and leaned in on the sink, his mouth open breathing in cool air as he tried to remember that nights events.

A Blank.

Picking up his toothbrush, Seifer squeezed some paste onto the bristles and stuck it in his mouth. Walking out of the bathroom as he brushed his teeth, the blonde opened a few windows. Going back to the washroom he spat into the sink and rinsed his mouth out, taking a drink of water and then set down the toothbrush, he turned on the shower. Testing the water first and removing his clothing, Seifer stepped in, grabbing his soap and lathering up his body. Taking the shampoo he squeezed a dab into his palm and ran it through his hair. The water.

[Water…] Seifer stopped his motions as the whole evening came ricocheting back to him.

"Holy SHIT!" The blonde lost his balance, flailing as he slipped on the tile.

"Fffuck!" Holding his head again after it had smashed into the tiled wall, leaning forward slightly, the blonde let a few more curses run off him and down the drain.

Pulling on his turtleneck, Squall prepared for the worst. He held the sides of his head with his hands, his elbows resting on top the table, he let out a sigh, blowing a piece of chocolate hair from his face. Outside he could hear the faint hum of a car. Pushing back his chair and standing up, Squall made his way to the door.

{Looks like they're all here} Opening the door just in time to see a van pull up on the grass and stop with a jerk. The brunette waited patiently, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms.

Inside the van arguing could be heard and a few shouts, the front passengers door flew open and out fell a Zell.

"Oh shut up!!" Slamming the door a Hawaiian dressed man huffed.

"SQUALL!" The sliding back door opened, and an ecstatic Selphie stumbled out, along her side arose a stiff Quistis rubbing her bum.

"Hi Squall." She smiled and stretched her back.

"Ohhhh!! It'ssonicetoseeyouagain!!Howareyoudoing?" The brown haired girl ran over to Squall and smothered his face with kisses.

"I'm doing fine." Trying to untangle himself from Selphie's arms he chuckled lightly.

"It's good to finally see you again, we were getting worried with you being out here all by yourself." Quistis brushed off her skirt and stood in front of Squall smiling with Selphie at her side. Behind them Irvine opened the drivers door and grumbled under his breath.

"Well you're driving back!" He yelled at Zell.

"Would you two stop it already?" The blonde woman scolded both of them. " I swear they've been like this all day." She waved a hand in their direction.

"So how is everything at the Garden?" Squall leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Oh, so so, nothing new." She blew a piece of hair from her eyes.

"SQUALL BUDDY!" Zell tackled the brunette, sending both of them to the ground. "How you doing man?"

"Zell, get off Squall." The cowboy scowled at the spiky blonde. "Hey, how've been?" He took his hat off. The martial artist clambered off the gunblader and offered him a hand up. Squall refused it and stood up himself.

"I've been okay, nothing special." He brushed off his turtleneck and pants.

"Wow, looks like you haven't aged a bit." Irvine looked the brunette over.

"…Whatever, it's only been 2 years. Please guys come on in." He said with a forced smile, motioning them into his house. "It's a little messy."

Quistis Irvine Zell and Selphie all followed Squall into the house. Sitting down on the couch the gunblader ran his fingers along the neck of his sweater, his mind somewhere else. Checking out their surroundings the four sat down in the living room. Quistis on the other side of the couch, Selphie in a chair, the cowboy splayed himself on the overstuffed chair and Zell sat on the edge of the coffee table. An uncomfortable silence settled. Quistis cleared her throat, startling Squall out of his stupor.

"So, um…Squall why are you wearing a turtle-neck sweater, it has to be 30 degrees outside." The blonde cocked her head at the man across from her.

"Hmmm?" He looked at her. "…I get a little cold that's all." He forced a smile. "Anyone want some tea or something? I'll go make some." Walking quickly to the kitchen Squall busied himself with putting on a kettle of water for the tea. He grabbed five mugs from the cupboard and set them to the side. Crouching down to the roundabout he grabbed a bag of cookies and a tray. Putting the chocolate chip biscuits on the tray then walking back out into the living room where his friends were seated. Placing the tray on the coffee table he sat back down besides Quistis. Zell grabbed a cookie and munched on the corner of it.

{I told Seifer he could come…I wonder if he will.}

"Squall." The woman beside him waved a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Squall. I was just saying, have you heard or seen anything from Seifer yet?"

Squall paused, looking down at his hands. "No, no I haven-"

"Yes, yes he has."

Everyone turned to see Seifer leaning in the doorway with one arm above his head resting on the frame, one hand on his hip and wearing a V-neck sweater and gray pants.

{No, nononononononononono!} Squall shook his head back and forth. {I'm not ready for this.} Massaging his temples he let out a weary breath.

"Do you guys mind? I need to speak with Squall for a minute."

Zell stood up instantly and the rest stared with their mouths open. Squall still sat holding his head and shaking it back and forth.

"Squall, please." Walking into the room Seifer touched the other mans shoulder.

Squall jerked away. "Don't touch me." He said cold and flat, then got up and walked outside with Seifer, closing the door behind him.

Authors Note: This was a little bit of a bore, I'm sorry! I just wasn't all there when I wrote this. *cries* The next chapter should be better. Squall is sort of coiling back into his old self and Seifer is in a serious problem. Please tell me who should go with who, like Zell and Irvine, or Irvine and Quistis, you know what I mean. ^______^;; I'm going to be hiking the West Coast trail as of Tuesday and won't be back for awhile. But please tell me if Squall is in character or not and thank you all my Reviewers!!! I LOVE YOU ALL! I'm glad you're actually sticking with me on this story. ^_____^. I do realize that this chapter didn't really have much but it's a start to the after math of it all.

Squall: *shakes head* Poor souls.

Tongari: ¬¬. Shove it.

Seifer: *waggles eyebrow* Shove it where?

Tongari: Ngk! You perverted man you! *Smacks with keyboard* Keep it in you pants!


Tongari: ^_____^