Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winding Roads ❯ Why you shouldn't play in the rain ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Why is it I always feel compelled to write more when I get reviews? *shrugs* Eh, some things are better left mysteries, like how they grow seedless watermelons. Anyhow, I don't own FF9, nor will I ever own it actually . . . and I think I just inadvertently crushed my own dreams. I feel so . . . empty now . . .

Thanks to everyone who reviewed my story, you all are hands down the best people to ever exist, trust me on that, I'm old.

Rated: If you don't know by now you haven't been paying any attention, but since I'm so nice I'll tell you again that its rated R
Author: Peach Goddess
This chapter started on: 9/20/2001
This chapter finished on: 10/4/01
"Winding Roads: Chapter 6"

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You can always tell when you get close to Burmecia. Mostly because you have to wade in mud almost up to your knees, but there were other things. The other things didn't bother Amarant as much as the mud, but they were all annoying to him on some level. Aside from the mud the most noticeable change was probably the sudden drop in temperature, dropping so low in the evening the rain would often change to sleet and snow, but it all would melt by morning for some strange reason. Many Philosophers and Scientist accredited the wonder to the shifting of the land and some nonsense about a great beast sleeping beneath the planet's crust, but Amarant wasn't thinking about that.

"God damn its cold," The giant muttered, feverishly rubbing his large hands up and down his arms. His pointed face stared straight ahead, Burmecia was coming into sight. The gray domed building tops rose above the blue stonewalls, both of which tried vainly to blend into the mountains behind them. It would have been much harder to find the city if it wasn't for all the intricate carvings and glass work the buildings possessed, Burmecians were notorious for their craftsmanship and they showed that talent off any chance they got, surrendering the stealth of their city for style. Red and green stained glass windows glared at Amarant with their reflected colored light, giving off an almost unearthly glow that surrounded all the buildings. The city of rain was truly a sight to see, often drawing tourism from Treno and Lindblum Nobles who were looking for a vacation sight worthy of their presence. Unfortunately for the Noble population you had to have one of three things to get to Burmecia. One, an airship. Most Nobles have them but they have the 'outdated' models, which ran on mist, and since mist no longer blanketed the planet, you had to have a steam-powered engine, which were very expensive and not reliable in the least. Two, a Chocobo. High-class ladies and men, as it turns out, strongly oppose riding on the back of 'Over sized and flea ridden pigeons'. The last, and certainly most unpopular of the three is the most treacherous and obvious of all. Walking. Although it is the easiest way to get to Burmecia if you don't have to worry about altitude and weather changes, stray bandits, monsters, and other such things.

Amarant sped his pace a bit, wanting to reach the city and collapse into a nice, warm, and ill-fitting inn bed. After a well-deserved nap he would find Freya and-what was that sound? The Giant's footsteps stopped, his large foot slamming onto the mushy ground, his ears listening keenly to any strange sounds in the distance. He looked to Burmecia and then over to a darkened area to his right, mentally weighing the pros and cons.

Painful death.

He looked to his right and heaved a sigh, why the hell was he forfeiting a warm bed for painful death? He needed to get his priorities straight one of these days, traveling with Zidane had really messed up his common sense. Amarant pulled his feet out of one patch of sticky mud into another, walking closer to a patch of boulders at the bottom of a of a large hill with water rushing down the hill in little streams, the rushing rain trying desperately to fill up the basin as quickly as possible. He stumbled and lost his footing about halfway down, sliding on his side down the slippery incline. His large hands shot out, frantically trying to latch on any bumps that might be hidden under the soggy ground, finally he stopped, but unfortunately that action involved him colliding into some of the large boulders that first grabbed his attention. Amarant groaned and rubbed his head, checking for any blood that might have come to the surface from him slamming into the cold stone.

"God damn it, that really fuckin' hurt," He mumbled, trying to ignore the pounding headache which made itself known with every raindrop that landed on his head mercilessly.

"Is anyone there?," a small voice quavered, obviously in fear. Amarant immediately went on guard.

"Yeah, I'm here. Where the hell are you?"

"B-behind the boulder, please, hurry I don't know how much longer I can last," the voice pleadingly whispered.

The Assassin looked around the dreary scenery distastefully, taking in the obscene amount of boulders lining the bottom of the basin.

"Alright, just stay . . . where ever the fuck you are, I'll find you."

Amarant slipped and fell around the maze of rocks, peering behind one before moving on to another. He looked down at the ground and grimaced. The mud had given way to water, and it was slowly seeping into the thick fabric of his boots. He peered down the steep canal and began wading through the murky water, getting deeper and deeper with every step he took. When the water was thigh high Amarant found what he was looking for. A small child, a small Burmecian child, was sitting in water rising well above the small demi-human's neck torso and neck. The small Burmecian spit water out of its mouth; desperate blue eyes darted to Amarant pleadingly.

"Help me, please, my foot is jammed under the rock."

The Giant quickly kneeled down near the child, using his left hand to prop up the babe's head. His right hand groped blindly under the murky water, trying to find the Burmecian's trapped limb. Amarant heard a sharp gasp come from the child, looking towards it he saw the water had riser above its mouth and the rest of the child's small muzzle, the babe was one breath away from drowning. Now desperate, Amarant searched urgently for the child's leg, and was finally successful. His hand trailed down them small leg and found the imprisoned foot. Amarant tugged forcefully on the foot, but the limb wouldn't give way. Amarant looked to the child with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry kid, you won't be too happy about this."

With that Amarant dunked the child further under the rapidly rising water, twisting the babe's body so the foot turned with it. He tugged again. The foot came free. He tugged the child up and threw it over his shoulder, rushing out of water and onto the muddy ground, gingerly resting the babe on the wet soil. The child sputtered before its head lolled off to the side, violently coughing and spitting up the muddy water. Its small chest rose and fell rapidly, greedily taking in the precious air it had lacked a short while ago.

"Hey, Kid, You okay? You nearly gave me a fucking heat attack."

The child's bright blue eyes slowly opened.

"Who are you," The child meekly asked.

"I'm the one who saved your god damned life, that's who."

"You did?"



Amarant grunted and slouched down next to the child, expecting the babe to reel back in fright. It didn't. The child instead smiled up at him with a toothy grin.

"I'm Larkar."

"I'm Amarant."

"Well, that's a silly name."

"Look who's talking, It sounds like your name was thrown up by a fucking' Abomination," Amarant sneered. The child adverted its eyes from the giant, obviously trying to hold back tears.

"Sorry, Kid. I'm not used to being' around children, they kind of piss me off."

"So I take it your not married?"

Amarant's cheek twitched before a small grin spread across his face.

"What's so funny?," Larkar questioned, an inquisitive look present in the child's crystal blue eyes.

"You just remind me of another damn rat, that's all."

"You know other Burmecian's?"

"Just one, I don't like people much, they piss me off too."

"Who do you know?"

"Her name is Freya, Dragoon Knight, medium height, stubborn as hell, and bitches a lot."

Larkar looked absolutely appalled.

"Y-you shouldn't say such things about Freya Tashii."

"Freya what?"

"Tashii, Freya Tashii, the Queen of Burmecia!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Well, that's it. I've been very busy, so that's why it took me so long to get this done. Anyhow, I guess I should plug for my next chapter, eh? *clears through* What will Amarant do now that he knows Freya is the Queen? What is Larkar's gender, anyhow? What connection does 'Master' have to Freya? The answers to all those questions and more, next chapter! Reviews welcome, as is e-mail.
-Peach Goddess