Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Fate ❯ The Counterattack ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Winds of Fate

A FF8 fanfic by Brenton Braswell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the series of the Final Fantasy series. They all belong to Squaresoft and are being used without permission. All original characters, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and others are copyrighted by the author and are not to be used by anybody without my permission. If somebody has a problem with that, all I could say is, tough luck.

Before anybody thinks this is a sequel to "Blades of Destiny", I'll say it is not. Even though I've used Lisa and Dan before, I decided to use them one last time. If you want to read my other fic, just type in the title or click on my penname.

Also, if anyone wants to use any of my original characters, just email me and ask. My email is

I'd like to dedicate this fic to Ginger Ninja, Lady Aliena, Destiny, and Sasha Janre. You should check out their fics, they're very good and well worth the time.

Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to Sasha Janre for really helping me out, and letting me use her as a character in my fic. You rock Sasha!

I'd also like to thank Flowers and Hugs, DK, Apple Pie, and Lehteb for helping me out with the year. I'll use A.C., which means After Centra.

Character direct thoughts are in parentheses

In the last chapter, Kale started to carry out his plans for world domination by taking over the whole Galbaldian continent first. Before he could have done that, he had to kill the other members of Galbaldia's government from stopping him from using the military. Once that was done, Kale ordered Jaden to take over Timber, Mei-Len to take over Galbaldian Garden, and Narrak, Rinoa, along with himself to go to Dollet. In an unexpected turn of events, he found out from Jaden that Jakob had gone to Balamb Garden to kill Lisa Hawkwind. This angered Kale, but it didn't last long and everyone started to move out.

Meanwhile, Jakob had just got to Balamb Garden and took a cadet hostage in hopes of only facing Lisa in battle. His wish was answered when Lisa came out of Balamb Garden. They walked a little distance away from the Garden and started a furious battle. At the end, Lisa was the victor and one of Kale Akaisura's warriors was dead.

Elsewhere in the world, Mei-Len and some soldiers went to Galbaldia Garen in hope of taking it over. They were caught off guard when they noticed that they were expected and the Garden flew off into the ocean. After a little talk with Kale, Mei-Len and the soldiers headed back to Deling City.

Not too faraway, Jaden and some troops invaded Timber and took it over. Also in Dollet, Kale, Narrak, Rinoa, and a platoon of soldiers attacked and took it over. Part of Kale's plan was ruined in not being able to take over Galbaldia Garden, but most of it was working. Another part of his plan was taking over Balamb. In a meaningless battle (Words of Lisa Hawkwind), a battalion of Galbaldian soldiers tried to take over Balamb. It was too bad that all of the SeeDs there were prepared for the invasion. With losses on both sides, Galbaldia then decided to call a retreat. That was another part of Kale's plan that was ruined.

Later, while in meditation, Zechariah came upon an unexpected surprise. Kale Akaisura was also on the same level of meditation as himself. Zechariah immediately swore that he was going to kill Kale, so Kale challenged Zechariah to come to the Winhill bluffs to have it out. The elder Hawkwind accepted and prepared and wrote a letter for Lisa before leaving. On the Winhill bluffs, a ferocious storm was raging as Kale and Zechariah faced each other. It was a lengthy, and intense battle, but Kale showed that he was superior and killed Zechariah.

As the battle went on Lisa felt it, and immediately found Dan, Sasha, and Selphie and got clearance to take the Ragnarok out. They immediately directed Selphie to the Winhill bluffs and landed. Once Lisa, Dan, and Sasha were out, they searched for the two combatants but came upon a more horrifying sight. They had found Zechariah dead, and Lisa was hysterical with grief as Dan held the crying young woman. Dan and Sasha were also sad, but it couldn't compare with what Lisa was going through and what she was going to go through. That was truly the darkest hour in Lisa Hawkwind's life. That was where the last chapter of Winds of Fate left, here's chapter 8.

(I'm truly sorry to everyone that waited. With all the craziness going on in the world, I just stopped this for a little while. Well, the wait for chapter 9 won't be as long.)

Chapter 8: The Counterattack.

(Date: July 18, 4018 A.C. Time: 06:00 hours. Place: Balamb Garden at Fisherman's Horizon.)

It had been three days since Kale Akaisura with the Galbaldian army took over Timber and Dollet. Even though they failed to get Balamb, that didn't stop Kale from causing more pain among those of the Hawkwind family. The death of Zechariah Hawkwind hit Lisa and her family hard and it was going to be hard for them to go on.

Lisa lay on her side on her bed with the shade of her window closed. She didn't want to see the sun shining in the room and filling it with that much light. Even though she was awake, she didn't feel like getting up to a sunny day. (Grandfather.) Lisa thought. Tears then started to escape her eyes once more. She knew her grandfather wouldn't want her to carry on like this, but with him dead by the hands of Kale Akaisura, she don't know what to do. She had cried many times during the past few days, but was glad that Dan and Sasha stuck by her side, even in her weakest moments.

After few minutes of silently crying, she decided to sit up and let her feet touch the floor. Lisa looked across the small dorm room and looked at the sword that was in a case that was open. She knew the importance of the katana, but still didn't want to take it up after what happened. (Why did you have to die grandfather? You told me that it was my fate to be the one to fight Kale. Why did you have to do it?)

After putting some socks on and a long t-shirt over her lithe form, she walked across her small dorm room and unsheathed Destiny's Flame. In a surprising motion, she quickly raised it above her head and swung down at the floor with surprising strength. She stopped at the last moment. She knew she couldn't break the katana passed down through generations of the Hawkwind family, but that didn't stop her from having that thought. (No, I can't do this. I can't run from my destiny forever. I have to find the strength to face Kale in battle. I just wonder when will this pain in my heart subside?)

She then gathered up one of her uniforms and took a shower. After she was done and dressed in her uniform, she put the katana on her belt and clipped it in to place. Looking in the mirror one last time to check her appearance, Lisa went out the door to face what the day had to bring for her. As she started to walk through the dormitory section, she started to think about what the letter that her grandfather wrote before he went to fight Kale and met with his death.

'To Sahara, Claire and Lisa, if you found this letter that means that I was defeated by Kale. I know my death will sadden you, but I just had to go after the murderer of my son. I'm sorry I couldn't take revenge for Brian's death. Please forgive me Sahara, Claire, and Lisa. Also, if Thomas comes out of his coma, tell him that I'm sorry I couldn't be there when he woke up. Also, tell him that I've always loved him even though we had our differences.

Lisa, my dear granddaughter, I know my death will affect you the most. Please don't fight against Kale just for revenge. If you fight him for that reason alone, you'll lose and all hope for a peaceful future is gone. The world will fall before him if you die. When you fight, fight Kale with selflessness in your heart. Know that it is your destiny to challenge him. I'll be in heaven with your mother and father watching over you. I'll always love you.'

The letter that Zechariah Hawkwind wrote will always be in Lisa's heart. (No matter what, I'll take revenge for you grandfather, for uncle Brian, and uncle Thomas. I'll try not to lose control when I fight Kale.) Lisa silently said.

Coming out of her short reverie, Lisa was out of the dorm section and in the main ring going around Balamb Garden. She then started to walk to the cafeteria, but stopped when she got to the sign. (No, I don't feel like facing anyone now. I'll go into FH and find somewhere else to have breakfast.) She then promptly made her way to the elevator and took it to the second floor. She then walked passed a few classes and to the second floor balcony that was the only way to get into FH by Balamb Garden.

After opening the door, her eyes was instantly bombarded by sunlight, but got use to it after a few seconds. She then started to make her way into town. As she walked through it looking for a restaurant, Lisa saw a couple of Galbaldian cadets and just nodded a greeting as she passed by them. Seeing Galbaldian SeeDs and cadets really didn't surprise her when she was walking around FH, because this was the first place they considered coming to. After having to immediately move Galbaldia Garden, this was one of the only places that they could probably be welcome to, but not as warm as a welcome as they expect. Mayor Dobe and his wife Flo insisted that both gardens get out of FH before Kale comes and brings his wrath to FH. After a little convincing from Headmaster Cid, Mayor Dobe let the two gardens stay until they carried out their plans for a counterattack. No matter how much Mayor Dobe wanted to deny, there was no mistaking that Kale would come through FH while taking over the world.

This thought really disturbed Lisa that Kale would come to a place as peaceful as Fisherman's Horizon and take it over. A place like Winhill would probably get overlooked because there looks to be no value in holding a small, quiet country town.

After a few minutes of walking, Lisa came upon a nice little restaurant that was open this early. When she walked in, most of the patrons looked in her direction for a second before going back to their meals or conversations. As she walked in, she noticed that Squall was sitting at the counter. She walked over and sat down beside him saying, "I guess I'm not the only one that came here to get away from Garden." She got no reply from the commander, but that suited her fine because she wasn't in the talking mood. "Have you ordered yet?" Squall then turned his head to address her and just nodded and turned back to looking forward and down. (With Rinoa gone, Squall is like the shell of the person that most of us used to know, like a ghost.) She felt sorry for him, but decided not to comfort him because she was going through her own time of loss.

Lisa ordered a minute later, and both plates of food came a few minutes later and both SeeDs ate in silence. After they finished, both sat in awkward silence until Squall said, "I'm going to do everything in my power to save Rinoa."

The blonde SeeD just nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of Kale, you just worry about getting Rinoa away from Kale." Squall nodded left some gil to pay for his food and walked out of the restaurant. Lisa left a minute later and wondered what she should do to prepare for the counterattack against Kale the following day.

(Time: 12:35 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

As plans were being made out by Headmaster Cid, Headmaster Vincent, Squall and Xu, everyone was preparing themselves for the battle the was to take place tomorrow. If not physically, then they were preparing mentally for the battle.

Daniel Kunteais sat in the library reading a book, or trying to read it. He was just too distracted with his thoughts at the moment. (Lisa, I hope you can get over your grief soon. I also wish I could tell you how I feel about you.) It was no secret to many of his close friends or ones that had psychic abilities like Sasha that Dan cared deeply for Lisa. Hell, you could even say he loved her and the dark-haired SeeD wouldn't deny it.

Daniel then started to think about his family. Originally, he came from the small town of Winhill and lived there with his two parents and sister. Sure, he was happy there, but he had the wanderlust of many of the young boys there. (Yeah, I miss those carefree days in the country, but I wanted more.) He wanted to explore the world and live in a big city or something else. His parents tried to discourage him from this line of reasoning, but in the end, they gave up, but there was no way they would just let a 13-year-old boy out into the world on his own without any proper education or something.

They thought of having him stay with one of his uncles in Deling city and get his schooling there. The plans were made but were immediately changed when Dan heard about a school that trains people to fight and become some of the most elite soldiers in the world. With this discovery, he adamantly begged his parents to let him go to Balamb Garden and be a SeeD. These thoughts really didn't sit well in his parents' minds, but who were they to dash a boy's dreams of becoming a SeeD. They knew he always wanted to see the world and make something of himself, and what better way than to become a SeeD even though they didn't know what kind of people this place produced.

After the summer ended, his parents let Dan go to this place and wished him the best of luck. Of course, they didn't let him make the journey alone, but having to travel with one of their neighbors going to Balamb to visit a relative. Dan remembered how boring the trip was, but was really excited at what things he would be taught at the school.

After being enrolled and introduced in the group of new cadets that came in at the time of the year, Dan met the girl that still holds his heart right now, Lisa Hawkwind. Dan still remembered when they met, and it wasn't the kind of meeting that one expected.

After taking the little tour, and being assigned dorm rooms with another new cadet, Dan decided to explore the garden by himself. As he was walking down the hall to check out the library, two of the new cadets were running around.

"Get back here with that Sasha!" Yelled the blonde girl. The other girl, dark haired with two blonde bangs that stuck out but not by much was waving a pendent around.

"It's mine now Lisa," said the one called Sasha.

Dan was right in behind Sasha. "You should give it back," he said.

"Nope, she's going to have to catch me first," Sasha said while sticking her tongue out at Lisa.

This made Lisa even madder, and she swung a right hook at Sasha who promptly ducked and Lisa ended up hitting Dan in the jaw and knocking him on his butt. Dan couldn't believe that a girl shorter than him would be able to knock him down like that, but it happened. Lisa immediately gasped and started to help Dan up. "I'm so sorry."

"That's okay," replied Dan while rubbing his jaw. "You know, you're kind of strong. I'm Daniel Kunteais." Dan said while holding out his hand to shake.

Lisa shyly blushed a little bit and took Dan's hand and shook it. "I'm Lisa Hawkwind." She then turned to the other girl. "That's my mischievous roommate, Sasha Janre."

Dan nodded and grinned a little bit, "Shake?" Dan then extended his hand and watched as Sasha put her hand forward with the pendant in it and shook Dan's hand. As they were releasing the handshake, Dan then snatched the pendant out of her grasp.

"Hey, I took that fair and square!" Exclaimed Sasha.

This got a raised eyebrow from Dan, but he chose to ignore that little comment. "Here you go Lisa," Dan nodded while handing back the pendant to her.

"Thanks," Lisa smiled.

Dan had to admit, for their ages, both girls looked beautiful, but he immediately liked Lisa. From that point on, all three became friends and stuck together to this day.

Dan then came out of his little flashback of the past and started thinking about the present. (Lisa, one day, I'll tell you my feelings and hope you have the same for me. I'll fight for you, my mother, father, and sister, and for all the people in this world. I won't die tomorrow, because I want you be my soul mate in life Lisa.) Dan silently proclaimed.

While some thought about the past and trained their minds, others were training and honing their fighting skills.

In the training center, two people were fighting very intensely in order to prepare for the following day. Steel clashed off of Steel and there was much noise inside the training center. In there, Sasha Janre and Seifer Almasy were dueling like they used to before Seifer got kicked out of garden.

After swinging both gunblades and clashing them together, both immediately went into a sword lock. As they pushed against each other, Seifer was getting the advantage because of his size. In a mighty feat of strength, Sasha managed to push Seifer's hyperion off of her Lionheart and attempted a spinning slash.

Seifer easily put his gunblade in a vertical position and blocked it. "I hope that's not all you have to offer me," sneered Seifer.

"It's not!" Sasha shouted. As the two was in another sword lock, Sasha got her forward foot behind his and immediately brought it back, tripping Seifer. After falling on his back, Seifer immediately rolled out the way to avoid the gunblade coming down at him. He knew Sasha had a lot of control and would stop swinging if he didn't move, but he didn't want the session to end like that.

After he was back up on his feet, Seifer put the Hyperion in a ready position and eyed the dark-haired SeeD with two blonde bangs and SeeD uniform on. They then started to slowly circle each other. "I see this won't be as easy as it was against Leonhart," he commented.

"If I remember right, you cheated, and used magic," Sasha smirked.

"Well, I won't need to do that against you," the blonde-haired young man replied.

Both then charged each other and swung their gunblades at the same time. In a instant, Sasha felt a familiar feeling come over her and she slowed her swing down but Seifer didn't and he knocked her gunblade out of her hands. (Why now? Why must I get one of these now?) Sasha thought as she stood there staring off into space as Seifer watched her with confusion.

Seifer immediately sheathed the Hyperion and asked, "Are you all right Sasha?"

Seifer's words fell on deaf ears as Sasha was watching something else. Having psychic abilities is both a gift and a curse to Sasha. She unexpectedly receives images and visions of things other people don't know about or is hidden in someone's memory. If this was to happen while she was in an important battle, she would surely die because when this happens, Sasha goes into a trance like state and is oblivious to the whole world around her. The vision that Sasha was seeing at the moment was really an unexpected one.

From what Sasha can see, a mother and a father are playing with their son who has blonde hair. From what Sasha could tell just by looking at the boy, he was about 3 or 4-years-old. They were by some kind of cottage in the middle of a forest. It looked like they were isolated from the rest of civilization, but it didn't seem that way by looking at their clothes. (What's this I'm seeing?) Sasha wondered. She looked on to see the rest of the vision. (Why am I seeing this vision? Is this a hidden memory of a person that I recently met?)

She couldn't ponder anymore because there were three explosions from the path that leads to the main road. The little boy jumped into his mother's arms as she knelt down and the father got in front of both of them. From where Sasha was looking, she saw a black-cloaked figure with a hood over his head, and some black armor that the cloak didn't cover. "Who are you and what do you want?" The blonde-haired man asked.

"Who I am doesn't matter," replied the man in the cloak. That voice sounded very familiar to Sasha, but she couldn't place it. "What I want is your lives to calm my anger." The figure replied in a cool manner.

"Myrna," started the blonde man. "Go fetch my sword."

The woman nodded and went into the house with the little boy and came out a minute later with a plain looking broadsword. "Please be careful, Jonathan," pleaded the woman before going back into the house with her son. As Sasha looked from her vantage point, she saw that the woman and boy were at the window and looking out.

The dark cloaked figure immediately unsheathed that sword and got into a battle stance. Jonathan also got into one. Sasha looked at the sword that the cloaked figure wielded and looked really familiar, but she couldn't quite place it like the man's voice.

The two then dashed toward each other and started fighting. At first, it looked even but the fight soon went in favor of the dark figure. Jonathan was constantly on the defensive and blocking for a better part of the fight dark figure sent at him. Jonathan was able to get a few swings off, but was put on the defensive once again. After about two minutes of fighting, the dark cloaked man backed off a little. "This is more than I expected, but you're starting to bore me."

Without saying anything in response, Jonathon rushed forward and thrust his sword forward at the torso of the other man. The man quickly dodged it and the momentum that Jonathan put in the thrust took him a further then he wanted to go. He had his back facing the dark figure, and immediately felt a great pain sweep down his back.

The cloaked figure had slashed Jonathan's unprotected back and he went down with blood seeping from the deep wound in his back. Jonathan wasn't dead yet, but the figure quickly plunged his broadsword into Jonathan's back. Jonathan immediately tensed up and shook a little before slumping to the ground dead. Sasha cringed and wondered whose memory this had come from.

The woman immediately let out a cry of horror and ran out of the house with the little boy behind her. "NOOOOO! JONATHAN!" Myrna screamed as she ran toward the lifeless form of her husband. She was unaware of the cloaked man above her as she cradled her husband's form. Myrna was only aware him when his shadow fell over her.

The figure instantly grabbed her by the neck and slung her back a few feet. Myrna hit the ground hard but was able to get on her hands and knees. "Leave my mom alone!" The little boy commanded while beating on the cloaked man's leg.

The man took no notice of it and just walked toward Myrna and kicked her in the face and she went back to the ground. Sasha looked on with horror as she watched the scene and not able to do anything. (I know this isn't Seifer's memory, but whose is it?)

The man lifted his hood a little and looked into the little boy's eyes. Instantly, the little boy looked like he was being hypnotized or something. "Listen to me," started the man. "You will do as I say, and will not stop until I say awaken. Kill your mother, and use this." The man gave the little boy a knife.

Without warning, the hypnotized little boy then started walking forward with the knife in his hand toward his mother. Myrna started backing up but was really weakened by that kick in the face. "No baby, please stop! Please don't do this Jaden!" She pleaded.

Sasha looked and then heard the name. (Jaden! What the Fuck! This is his memory!) Sasha didn't want to look but couldn't close her eyes because she was viewing someone else's memory, Jaden's memory. Sasha looked on in horror as the little boy repeatedly plunged the knife into his mother until she was dead. (If that is Jaden, then that must be…)

"Awaken!" The figure commanded. "So how does it feel to kill your own mother?" For a moment, the little boy was confused until he looked at all the blood on him, his mother, and the knife in his hand. He made the connection and feel down to the ground crying for his mother and father. The figure then pulled the hood from over his head and revealed a younger looking Kale Akaisura. He looked around twenty or so. He then raised his hand toward the house and blew it up with an energy blast. "With nothing left in this world for you, I suggest that you join me as my apprentice," Kale said to the little boy. "I'll lock away this memory and you'll never have to remember it for as long as you live. Being my apprentice, you can be powerful and not be afraid of anyone. So, what do you say?"

Without anything in the world left for him, "I'll join you," said the little boy. He knew he couldn't get revenge because he's just a little boy. The only life that he would be able to live is the one that Kale provided for him.

"So what is your name?" Asked Kale.

"Jaden Knightstar," the boy replied.

"I'm Kale Akaisura, your master," Kale replied. "Come along, I'll block this incident from your memory later." The boy then sheepishly followed Kale away from his dead parents and burning home. That was all that Sasha saw before everything went dark.

She then saw the blurry figure of Seifer in front of her with a look of concern on his face. After her vision was restored all the way, she stood there with a look of sadness on her face. Sasha looked down and started to shed tears and fell to her knees while putting her arms around her stomach.

"What happened Sasha? What's wrong?" Seifer asked while kneeling down beside her.

Sasha silently cried, but she answered Seifer. "I just got one of my sudden visions. I saw what I guess is a hidden memory of Jaden," Sasha said shakily.

"What was it?" Seifer asked.

"I saw how he came to be in Kale's service," the SeeD answered. "Kale killed his father in a fight and then hypnotized him to kill his mother when he was only a little boy." Sasha then broke down in tears and cried feeling sorry for Jaden.

"It's okay," Seifer gently said while putting Sasha in a hug. "Let it all out." Sasha, then cried for a minute before she calmed down. After she did, Seifer helped her up and retrieved her gunblade for her. "Are you going to be all right?"

"Yeah," Sasha said while sheathing her gunblade. "I just can't believe that happened to Jaden. I'm sure it's hidden away in his memories like Kale said it would be. I just need a little time to myself right now."

Seifer nodded. "Okay, I'll walk you back to your dorm," Sasha nodded and walked alongside of Seifer out of the training center.

(I just can't believe that happened to Jaden.) Sasha thought as she walked toward the dormitory section. Even though she felt sorry for him, she won't let that stop her from fighting with the same or more intensity when they meet tomorrow.

(Time: 14:00 hours. Place: Fisherman's Horizon in front of Mayor Dobe's house)

In front of the Mayor Dobe's house, a small party of people was around a table finishing making up plans. In this party were Headmaster Cid, Headmaster Vincent, Squall Leonhart, Xu, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht, Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais, and Sasha Janre.

"From what our agents inside of Dollet, Timber, and Deling city, tell us, all of the cities are occupied by at least one of Kale's warriors," explained Cid. "Would you like to give the report Vincent?"

"Sure," said Headmaster Vincent. The middle-aged man with black hair and brown eyes started talking. "As you all know, I had some SeeDs from Galbaldia stay in all of theses cities to get information for us if we needed it. They all report that all of the cities are very heavily occupied with Galbaldian soldiers. In Timber, Kale's warriors, Jaden and Mei-Len resides in that city for the time being."

"That's the city I'm going to tommorow," interrupted Sasha.

Vincent nodded and continued. "We just got an report that Narrak and Rinoa moved out of Dollet and back to Deling city with Kale. Only Galbaldian troops are there right now. Who wants to go there?" There was silence from around the table.

"Don't worry, I'll assign a force of SeeDs to go there," replied Cid.

"Okay, in Deling City, we know this is the place that is the most fortified. That's were Kale resides with Narrak, and Rinoa," Vincent continued.

"That's where I'm going," Lisa immediately added. "I have to face Kale anyway."

"I'm going too," Squall blurted out. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to save Rinoa."

"That's good," Cid nodded. "Sasha, you're in command of the Timber team. Who do you want to take with you?"

Sasha thought for a moment before saying, "Zell, Seifer, Fujin, Raijin, Selphie and Irvine."

"Okay, that can be arranged," Cid, said. "I'm guessing the rest of you want to go to Deling City." This got nods from the rest of the group. "Well, then, we'll split you into two different parties. The leaders will be Squall, and Lisa. Who do you want to go with you Squall?"

"Dan, and Xu," Squall answered. Squall knew that both were good choices and that Dan was one of the first friends that Rinoa made after the Ultimecia incident. He knew that Dan would fight his hardest to save Rinoa and put an end to all of this. That's why Dan was one of his choices.

"Well, I guess Quistis is along with me and I don't know how many SeeDs are with me," commented Lisa.

"Yes, all of your teams will have SeeDs along with them," Cid elaborated. "Now for that final part of the plan that Zechariah suggested in his letter. To get most of the soldiers to stop following Kale and make them see the folly of continuing to do so." They all walked to Mayor Dobe's house and were greeted by a man. "Is all of the equipment set up?"

"Yes it is," replied the man. "We should be able to broadcast this all around the world on all forms of media." The man then led them to the side of the house where camera equipment, lights and satellite equipment was set up. "Thanks to your SeeDs in Dollet, we are able to use the tower in Dollet to bounce our signal off of the satellite there and broadcast it to the whole world."

"That's good," Dan commented. "So are you ready to do this Lisa? I know that you're not one for speeches, and I'm sure the headmaster will do a better job at it. It's not like I'm doubting you," rambled Dan.

"I'm ready," Lisa nodded firmly. "I'm more ready than I'll ever be."

Lisa stepped in the place that the workmen directed her to in front of the camera. One of the men started counting from five and when he got to two, he became silent and counted with his fingers. She then got thumbs up from the cameraman telling her that she's on.

(Time: 14:05 hours. Place: Deling city.)

This thing that they called television, Kale has found pleasure from watching it. From sporting events going on in Deling to some other kinds of T.V. shows, Kale has found enjoyment, and watches it most of the day since he took over Dollet and Timber.

At the current moment, Kale was trying to watch a soap opera, but most of the stuff on it confused or sickened him. (I can't believe people like watching stuff like this. Okay, my first order of business is to ban all soap operas.) Kale picked up the remote and was ready to turn when the screen went fuzzy and a blonde haired young woman that Kale despised very much, Lisa Hawkwind, replaced the static.

(What is she doing on T.V.?!) Kale wondered.

Lisa then cleared her throat. "To the nation of Galbaldia I have a message for you. If you stop following Kale Akaisura now, the world will forgive all the wrongs you've committed while following him," she declared.

"I have a question to the soldiers of the Galbaldian army," Lisa said. "Why do you follow Kale Akaisura? Is it out of fear, or is it in the name of the Galbaldian nation. If it's the latter, than I think you're fools for doing so. Kale doesn't care about the Galbaldian nation, nor does he care about your lives." Lisa then paused.

Kale was fuming while watching the television. He knew exactly what she was trying to do and didn't like it.

"Just think about what you did while taking over Dollet, Timber and the failed attempt of Balamb," Lisa started. "You were made to kill anyone who stood in your way. Some of you probably killed innocent people in your invasion. Would you have done these things under other circumstances if you weren't following Kale?"

"Also, think about any kind of family that you have," Lisa said. "Just imagine if any of your families were in the Dollet or Timber? They would have accidently been killed by your comrades or one of Kale's warriors. Do you think you're creating a better world order by following Kale? No! You're creating Kale's world order, one that will destroy most nations and probably destroy civilization and create a new one. One where Kale rules the world, fighting for survival in the world will be the main priority to everyone, and were the weak perish."

"Is this the kind of world that you want your children to grow up in?" Lisa asked. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "No." The blonde haired SeeD then opened her eyes again. "It's not the kind of world that I want to raise my children in and I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Stop following Kale now, and you won't be considered the world's enemy, or SeeD's enemy. Any soldiers that continue to follow Kale after this message will be considered SeeD's enemy, the world's enemy and my enemy. With enemies that I truly hate, I show no mercy and don't expect to lose. Kale Akaisura, you'll suffer for all the pain and suffering that you've caused me." Lisa had an angered look and looked to somebody outside the camera's sight and nodded. The television then when to static and back to the regular program that Kale was watching.

Kale then turned the television off in anger. "So, Lisa Hawkwind thinks she'll make me suffer? Foolish girl. I'll show her what suffering really is when we meet again in battle."

Kale angrily stalked out of the room he was in and looked at the two soldiers that were at the door. The looks on their faces were ones that he expected after hearing Lisa Hawkwind's little speech. With anger, he looked at them and asked, "Are you going to stop following me because of what a little girl said?"

"No sir," one soldier said while straightening up and saluting Kale. "I was here with you in the beginning, and I want to be there when you take over the world."

"Just what he said sir," the other added the other soldier. "Just because a SeeD like that says something like that doesn't mean I'm going to stop serving you."

After looking more closely at the men, he recognized them as two of the men that Jaden and the others recruited. He trained them well, and they're very loyal. With a smile, Kale replied, "That is good men. But if you hear of any of the soldiers going AWOL, I want you to hunt them down and kill them. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" The soldiers chorused while saluting. "We'll, tell the other soldiers that were with you at the beginning to look out for this," one soldier said before walking down the hallway.

The dark clad man then turned on his heel and walked back into the room. He knew the soldiers that were with him from the beginning wouldn't betray him and leave his army. What he was concerned with were all the soldiers that were acquired after he was made the general of the Galbaldian army. Lisa Hawkwind's speech sounded very convincing, and probably most of the soldiers had families, girlfriends, or lovers that they supported, and would only want the best kind of world for them. (No matter how many men I have, I'll destroy all of descendants of Alexander Hawkwind, continuing with Lisa Hawkwind.) Kale silently proclaimed while polishing his broadsword.

(Time: 20:15 hours. Place: Balamb Garden.)

(Author's Note: This next part is a little part that Sasha Janre, a very talented author and friend, and myself came up with during an chat through instant messages. I hope you like it.)

Zell sat in the [Quad], his face buried in his hands. Everyone had left him be, as they knew how violent Zell could be when provoked. It was all over. Mina, the pig tailed girl in the library had broken up with him, because he wasn't making enough time for her. (That's a damn lie...I tried my hardest to make time for her, but being a SeeD isn't a job that you can take sick days.) He remembered what she had said also. He was spending too much time with Sasha instead of her. That he was cheating with Sasha behind her back. (What a lie! Sasha's a SeeD, so that's why we see each other so much, and with this new thing with Kale Akaisura.)

"Hey, Zell-kun, what's the matter?" Sasha asked, sitting down beside him. "Did Seifer push you too far?"

Zell looked up at her, and hesitated in answering her. "Mina dumped me." He looked down at the tile floor and began to cry again. He hated crying in front of Sasha, but the pain was too strong. He had thought that Mina was different, but she was too paranoid now that he thought about it.

(Damn her. I knew she would dump him for Grant.) Sasha thought, as she put around the sobbing blond SeeD. "Hey, hey, Zell-kun, don't cry. I'm here." Zell noticed the arm around him, and then took Sasha in an unexpected hug. The descendent of Celestine Janre tensed before hugging him back.

"Thanks, Sasha-chan." His voice had become shaky, and broken up. The tears ran down his cheeks, and he made no effort to wipe them.

"No problem, Zell-kun. Talk to me. It's best if you get this out of your system completely. Either that or we could spar," Sasha suggested.

Zell's head snapped up at the mention of sparring. But he decided against it and opened his mouth. "Mina dumped me because she says I don't have enough time for her. I try to make as much time as I can from my busy schedule but it's not enough for her." He paused, and then continued to look at the tile floor. "She also thinks that I spend too much time with you and fell for Grant, that conceited SeeD during the time we were apart."

(She thought that.... me? And Zell? I do like him . . .*a lot* but I don't know if he.... just be a good friend Sash. That's all you'll ever be...) "But that was just sparring, getting ready for missions! Surely she understood that--"

"I guess not. I guess she was jealous of all the time we've spent together."(And also, I want to tell you that I've fallen for you, but don't know how.) Zell intertwined his fingers with his own, and twiddled his thumbs nervously, wondering if he should say anything.

Sasha looked sympathetically at her friend. (Hyne, Zell! I want to tell you that I've fallen heads over heels for you, but I don't want to ruin our friendship, and I don't want to lose you . . .) "Hmm, hey, are you still crying?" She pulled a tissue out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"Thanks." Zell took the tissue and dried the tears that were still coming from his eyes. (Hyne, Sasha, you're so beautiful! You like most of the things that I like, we're so compatible.) Zell then got a determined look on his face. (I'm not going to be a chicken-wuss about the way I feel about you, Sasha.) He then pulled Sasha towards him, and pressed his lips to hers, holding the kiss.

Sasha's eyes widened, then she relaxed and responded to the kiss, wrapping her arms around him. (Hyne, is this happening?!) They kissed for a minute or so, before they became aware of reality and broke away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," Zell apologized, "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfrotable." He looked at the ground, which he had taken a sudden interest in. (Great, look what you've gone and done. You've ruined one of the best friendships you've ever had. Great going.)

"N-no, you didn't, Zell...there's something I want to tell you. And I want to do it before I chicken out," Sasha said, her voice unusually low. Zell nodded, a silent urge to continue. "Okay, here goes. Aishiteru {I love you} Zell Dincht!"

Zell's eyes widened. (No friggin' way! She....) "Aishiteru {I love you} too, Sasha Janre."

"You mean it? You're not just saying that?" Sasha drifted off, disbelief showing clearly in her eyes.

"No, I mean every word of it. I think I fell in love from the first time I saw you, and that love strengthened when I got to know you," Zell said, brushing a blond bang from her face gently.

"Zell...I feel the same way...but I thought it would ruin the best thing that had happened in my life," Sasha whispered, smiling, and she caught his wrist, holding it to her face.

"Me too.... I guess we were both wrong," Zell smiled weakly, letting her hold his hand to her soft skin. He grinned, and then said, "Sasha, I love you, and I don't want to see you die when we meet up against Jaden and Mei-Len. Please, be careful. I'll love you until the end of time, and I would be devastated if you died while we were fighting."

"Hey, don't worry Zell-kun, I don't die so easily," Sasha promised, kissing each of his fingers. "I can't die knowing there's someone that loves me." Zell smiled, and then kissed her again, this time with more passion. Sasha returned the passion of the kiss, and the two broke apart when someone cleared their throat loudly. "???"

"Zell Dincht, I knew it, shimatta {Damn it!}!" Mina hissed, as Zell turned to face her with wide blue eyes. He looked very surprised, but didn't run after her after she took off, crying. He just scoffed and hugged Sasha again.

"Um, that was very odd," Sasha remarked. "I thought she was with Grant?"

The said conceited SeeD came running down the hall, and stopped. "Hey, have you two seen Mina? She ran off saying she was going to talk to some blond haired---Oh, she was talking about you, Chicken-wuss." Sasha's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Sasha got up and grabbed Grant by his collar and looked at him with a dangerous look in her eyes. "Look, no one calls him Chicken-wuss but me, you got it?!" Grant nodded vigourously then Sasha dropped him, and he looked up at her in total fear. "Now, go and find your little princess before she finds someone else."

"Y-yes'm!" Grant nodded and scampered off.

Zell stared at Sasha wide-eyed, and then hugged her. "My heroine!" He then pulled her down to sit beside him on the bench. They watched the last rays of the sunset, and get real close, as Sasha puts her head on Zell's shoulder. (I'll love you for now, and forever. Don't die on me.)

(Now I have more reason to come out alive. Jaden Knightstar, you won't kill me. Your life will be mine, and you won't take me away from the one I love. I can't leave him. Not ever.) Sasha thought, as Zell's arms came around her protectively.

(Author's note: That's the end of the part that Sasha and I made.)

(Date: July 19, 4018. Time: 09:00 hours. Place: SeeD attack vessel en route to Timber.)

Standing outside by the gun turret on a SeeD attack vessel is Sasha Janre, one of the three people that have the power to put a stop to Kale Akaisura's quest for world domination. Currently, nine attack vessels including the one Sasha is on are speeding toward Timber. As the wind blows Sasha's blond bangs and dark hair in a braided tail wildly, Sasha thinks about the outcome of the counter attack, and the unexpected memory of Jaden she received the previous day.

Sasha looked on as the vast amount of sea passed by her. So far, there's been no sign of the coast and Timber, but at the rate of speed the vessels are going at, it wasn't going to be that much longer.

(So, it's finally time to strike back. I won't hold back anything for this battle.) Sasha thought as she crossed her arms and looked down at her uniform and gunblade on her side. In a moment, she looked back up thinking again. (I feel pity for Jaden. His father was killed by Kale, and Kale made Jaden kill his mother. Kale probably made him forget that, but that's maybe part of the reason of why he's so crazy and blood thirsty in battle. It also seems that my ancestor, Celestine Janre, was really hated by Jaden. He's so bent on destroying me, Celestine's descendant. Well, this will be our final battle, and I really have a reason to come out alive in this battle.)

Sasha was brought out of her thoughts by seeing the coastline rapidly coming into her sight. She then went into the vessel and heard the pilot announcing that they were going to be there in a short time over the intercom. Sasha then looked at all the people in the ship. Seifer, Zell, Raijin, Fujin, Irvine and Selphie along with some other SeeDs occupied the attack ship. In the other eight vessels, some of the most skilled SeeDs were in them and ready to do whatever it took to liberate Timber from Galbaldian rule.

"You ready Sasha?" Zell asked unexpectedly.

"Of course I'm ready," answered Sasha after being brought out of her silent contemplation.

"I wonder how many soldiers are left the Galbaldian army?" Irvine asked out of the blue.

"There's no telling how many, but that was one hell of a speech that Lisa gave," Seifer commented. Even though Lisa and Dan weren't on the best of terms with Seifer, he still respected their skills. You wouldn't hear him saying that though, because he has a reputation to uphold. (Reputation, what reputation?) Seifer thought. (All, I'm going to be thought of, as is the Sorceress's knight by the world and in all the history books. Maybe by helping save the world, I can redeem myself a little and get rid of the stigma on the Almasy name.)

"Okay, get ready everyone, we're nearly there," announced the pilot.

After a moment everyone felt the ship going on the beach and got up and exited it. Once they were out, they looked around and saw as the other ships landing on the beach and the SeeDs filed out.

"Okay, everyone," Sasha started. "You've already been briefed on your orders, and you are to carry them out without fail. The liberation of Timber is an important part of this plan and it shouldn't fail. Fight with all that you've got."

With Sasha in the front, Her and the rest of the force walked to the entrance of Timber as not to waste any energy that can be used in fighting. Once they were close to it, the front gate looked deserted and there was nobody on guard there. "This may be a trap everyone, be on guard," Sasha commanded. That being said, everyone got their weapons ready and walked into town. After getting in the city, Sasha commanded everyone to move out.

Unexpectedly, Galbaldian soldiers appeared around corners, down the street and on rooftops around them. It wasn't as many as one would have thought, but enough to slow down their progress to the center of Timber. A soldier in red yelled, "Attack!"

(Time: 9:05 hours. Place: The entrance of Deling City.)

After getting off of the Ragnorok, Lisa Hawkwind along with Squall, Dan, Quistis, Xu, and other SeeD member stood at the entrance. This attack force was bigger than the one in Timber, but it had to be because of all the soldiers in the city.

"Where do you think Kale along with Narrak and Rinoa will be waiting for us?" Lisa asked Squall.

"I don't know," answered the commander. "The presidential palace is the first place we could look, but that would be too obvious."

"Yeah," commented Lisa. "Probably some place where we'll have a lot of place to fight at. Maybe by the gateway or something, I don't know. But when we come upon Kale, I'm going to fight him and I don't want any of you interfering with that. Is that understood?" Lisa ordered the SeeDs behind her.

"Yes Ma'am!" Saluted the SeeDs.

The short blonde haired SeeD in the SeeD uniform yelled, "Move out!" She watched as the SeeDs behind her rushed into the city and stopped. She was confused by why they stopped but immediately saw why when she ran to the front with Quistis.

"My god!" Exclaimed Quistis. "It's an X-ATM092!" What Quistis was referring to was the big mechanized spider attack machine that she blew up over one year ago. It was just 40 feet away from them, but would be upon them quickly when it decided to rush them. To the side of it were some Galbaldian soldiers, but it didn't look like as many as they would have expected. (I guess Lisa's speech really did pay off.)

Lisa narrowed her eyes and unsheathed Destiny's Flame saying, "I don't have time to play with this toy." Lisa's whole body started to glow blue as she got into her fighting stance. After a moment, all the blue that covered her body rushed into her katana. She quickly did a horizontal slash releasing a blue crescent wave of energy that flew quickly at the Galbaldian attack machine.

The Galbaldian soldiers who saw Lisa start to glow immediately got away from the machine and was surprised when the blonde haired SeeD unleashed an attack they would have never thought possible. When the energy hit the machine, it exploded in a spectacular fashion, thus throwing all those stupid enough to stay by it into the air and away from it. "Attack!" A random soldier yelled as he along with a few other rushed forward after recovering.

Squall and everyone unsheathed their weapons and rushed forward with Lisa and Quistis in the front. With an unexpected rush of energy, Lisa left Quistis behind and rushed forward toward the incoming soldiers. She immediately engaged the soldiers in front of her as others ran by her and fought the rest of the SeeD attack force.

After blocking sword slashes from three soldiers, Lisa did a quick horizontal slash knocking one soldier's sword out of his hand, and ducked as his comrade slashed for her neck. She did a foot sweep on the soldier going for her neck and mightily came up with an upward diagonal slash at the third soldier that wasn't blocked. The blonde female mercenary immediately turned around slashing and made the two soldiers jump back. Lisa noticed the one soldier didn't have a replacement sword, but both soldiers charged anyway. She parried the soldier with the sword, and cut him down, and quickly took care of his partner in a return slash.

There was really intense fighting at the entrance of Deling city and Dan was in the midst of it. (I really guess Lisa's speech worked. I know there should have been more soldiers than this here, or is Kale keeping the bulk of the army wherever he is?) Dan pondered as he took down a couple of foes with skillful swordsmanship.

Quistis had just taken down a few more foolish Galbaldian soldiers that chose to keep following Kale. Not being in the middle of all the fighting, she looked over in Lisa's direction. The sight she came upon was the blonde young woman fighting like a person possessed with a lot of rage and vengeance. The ex-instructor just hoped that Lisa wouldn't fight out of control when they finally came up against Kale. Even though Quistis didn't know Lisa personally, she knew Lisa's reputation of fighting with lots of control and fluidity. With that control and fluidity thrown out the window, there was no telling how Lisa would fight and what the outcome would be. She just hoped for Lisa's sake that nothing bad would happen.

After all the fighting was through, some of the Galbaldian soldiers decided to retreat into the city, and the SeeD attack force sustained minimum casualties and injuries. Of course it was bad, but they had to keep moving. Squall looked around to check their force to see that it was mostly okay, with only a few injured and one dead. "I want some of you to stay here with the injured," the commander addressed the SeeDs. "Those not staying, I want you to split up into groups and keep in touch with your hand held radios. If you come upon Kale, Rinoa, or Narrak, radio in your position and fall back. You are not to engage them unless forced to." After that was said, Most of the SeeDs saluted and some ran in one direction while others ran into another direction. The ones staying tended to the wounds of their injured comrades with Curaga spells and other healing items.

Lisa knew there was no way to sense Kale or Narrak unless they used their powers, so she concentrated hard while holding her sword in a vertical position to her body and her eyes closed. (Where are you Kale? Use your power so I can find you.) Lisa silently spoke. She instantly felt power being used not too far away. Even though it was weak and small, Lisa knew that was Kale showing her where he was. (I'll take your invitation.) "Kale's in this direction," Lisa said while sheathing her sword and motioning in the direction.

"Well, let's teach that damned bastard that no one fucks with us," Dan smirked. Lisa nodded along with Squall. Lisa, Dan, Quistis, Xu, Squall ran off in the direction that Lisa pointed out.

(Place: Timber)

Sasha looked at all the soldiers around her and on the buildings and just saw them as an obstacle. She was annoyed and wished this battle could be avoided, but she knew things always didn't turn out the way you wanted them. "You ready to wreck some havoc Seifer?" She whispered to Seifer.

"Always," Seifer smirked while bringing his gunblade up in his fighting position.

One of the soldiers in red walked out into the street and all eyes were on him. He said, "All those who oppose us will pay with their lives! In the name of Kale Akaisura and the Galbaldian nation, prepare to die!"

Without any notice, soldiers from the roofs started jumping down and ones close to Sasha and the attack force started charging them. (They don't know whom they're messing with.) Sasha thought as she brought the Lionheart into her fighting position. "Attack!" The dark haired mercenary yelled while charging at a group of soldiers with Seifer by her side. They were immediately thrust right into a large group when they charged. Fighting with the SeeDs and Galbaldian soldiers broke out all over the place.

Sasha and Seifer saw the situation that charging in headfirst put them in, so they got back to back. One soldier suddenly charged Seifer and he stepped a few feet away to give Sasha room to fight also. In mighty swings, he drove back many soldiers and the soldiers' saw their folly by being to close to each other. They couldn't get a good swing without injuring one of their comrades in the process. The spread out more and Seifer locked swords with one. Another from his left side charged the leather-coated warrior hoping to catch him with a sneak sword attack. It didn't work because Seifer saw out of side of his eye and unengaged the lock and dodged the slash. With both soldiers off guard, two horizontal slashes were all that was needed to take care of the two soldiers. (Two down, a lot more to go.) Seifer thought as he taunted by them. They looked reluctant to attack after seeing their two comrades go down easily to this youth, so Seifer decided to charge them.

The ones facing Sasha weren't having any luck either. When any of them engaged her, they ended up dead. As the female mercenary looked on, she was greeted by the sight of five soldiers planning some strategy against her. (That won't work, whatever they're planning won't work against me.) Sasha narrowed her eyes as the five looked like they were finished planning.

In an instant, all five charged at Sasha and then three broke off and ran to her left, right and behind her. She was suddenly surrounded on five sides and was charged at, but Sasha flipped out of the way when the one behind her and one of the two in the front slashed at her. After she flipped the ones slashing at her slashed each other and went down without noticing before it was too late. Sasha then focused her attacks on the one to her right. Slashing and thrusting was all she was doing as she attacked and unexpectedly nailed him with a spinning roundhouse kick to the stomach. Following up on her attack, Sasha slashed in an upward motion across the soldier's chest, thus taking him down.

Not to far from her Zell, Raijin and Fujin was fighting as well and saw the situation that Sasha and Seifer put themselves in. "Come on! Let's help them, ya know!" Raijin yelled while clubbing a soldier over the head.

"AFFIRMATIVE!" Fujin yelled over all the fighting.

The three rushed to the place were Seifer and Sasha was surrounded by and quickly went into action. Zell quickly took a few down with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head before any had the chance to turn around. Meanwhile, Raijin was quickly plowing through the enemies with his staff. A few soldiers tried to attack Raijin at the same time but Raijin quickly raised his staff in a horizontal position and blocked the swords. With mighty strength, he pushed all the soldiers off balance and took all the soldiers out with some fancy moves with his staff.

Once all the soldiers were taken care of at the front gate, the SeeD attack force seemed to be with only minor injuries and no one dead. This was good to Sasha, and she was ready to keep on pushing forward. "You've already been briefed on what to do," Sasha addressed the SeeDs. "Now go and Liberate Timber!" The SeeDs saluted Sasha and ran off into the city.

"Come on, let's go," Sasha said to Seifer, Irvine, Selphie, Raijin, Fujin, and Zell. They ran through Timber and came upon a little resistance from the soldiers there, but it didn't slow them down like the fight at the entrance of Timber. As they ran through, Sasha noticed that there were hardly any soldiers there. (I guess after Lisa's speech yesterday, most of the Galbaldian army must have gone AWOL on Jaden and Mei-Len here.) Sasha concluded. After covering a huge area of the city, they didn't meet up with Jaden and Mei-Len yet.

The six decided to rest for a little while, but it was cut short when they felt some explosions a short distance away. They seemed to come just down the street and around the corner, and the six young warriors rushed to that spot. When they came to where the explosions came from, they came upon the sight of Mei-Len beating down a SeeD and Jaden standing menacingly over some injured SeeDs.

"Jaden Knightstar!" Sasha barked out. This instantly got the attention from the warriors from the past. They were in different attire from when Sasha last saw them. Jaden was in some white pants with a white jacket and a black shirt with black shoes on. Mei-Len was wearing a tight red blouse and some black biker shorts with black gym shoes. Why she chose to fight in that was lost on Sasha, but it seemed that she fought in it really well.

"So," Jaden began. "You've finally come to fight your last fight Sasha Janre. Then come forth and be prepared to meet with your demise."

"Sorry, that won't happen today," Sasha quipped while walking away from her comrades and in Jaden's direction. "If anybody is going to die today, it's going to be you. You know, you should already be dead, but time compression happened."

"Yes," Jaden sneered. "I've been given extra time to live and be able to kill to my heart's desire. Your ancestor Celestine and I were mortal enemies after Kale wasn't made General of the Army that he and Alexander Hawkwind served in. Since I grew up with Kale teaching the art of war and my powers to me, I've become the warrior I am today."

"How long have you been serving Kale?" Sasha asked out of the blue.

"That's an odd question to ask Janre," Jaden commented. "Why do you want know?"

"If you're going to kill me, then it wouldn't matter if you tell me or not, will it?" Sasha replied.

"You've got a point," Jaden nodded. "Since you're going to die anyway, telling you won't matter when you're dead. Since I was a little boy."

"Do you remember anything before you started serving Kale?" Sasha immediately asked. "Do you remember you parents?"

Being confused a little bit by these questions, Jaden tried to remember his parents, but couldn't recall them. "No, I can't remember them, what are you getting at girl?"

Seifer and everyone else looked on. (What's Sasha doing? I don't see the reasoning behind these questions? Probably some strategy she came up with to throw Jaden off and have him unbalanced when fighting. Yeah, that's probably it.)

"No, it doesn't matter," Jaden instantly said while removing both nunchukus from his belt. "You'll be dead soon." He immediately rushed at Sasha with both nunchukus twirling and ready to attack.

(Shit!) Sasha silently exclaimed while bringing up her gunblade up in a fighting position. She was instantly put on the defensive when Jaden got to her and started his attack. She moved the gunblade left and right and blocked the strikes sent her way.

Jaden then instantly caught her off guard with a foot sweep. After falling on her back, she instantly rolled to the side and avoided Jaden's strike intended to crush her skull. The two then started to circle each other with weapons at the ready. (I guess my little plan to shock Jaden and give myself the advantage while fighting failed or did it?) Sasha wondered while keeping her guard up for any surprise attacks. Tired of waiting around, Sasha decided to make the next few moves. She did horizontal and diagonal slashes at Jaden, but he dodged them with the agility of the cat. After each missed swing, Jaden made Sasha pay by striking her with his nunchukus, but wasn't able to hit any areas that would really hurt the young woman.

After a little while, Sasha backed off to recover. (Damn, I have to do something to slow Jaden down, or get through his defenses.) Sasha then immediately cast a Firaga spell at an area in front of Jaden. Being surprised, Jaden was unaware of what Sasha was trying and jumped back. After the explosion, there was a small cloud of dust in front of Jaden and a blast of energy came through it and nailed Jaden in the chest and threw him back.

Quickly hopping back to his feet, Jaden unleashed two crescent waves of energy toward Sasha with the swing of his nunchukus in her direction. Sasha ducked the first one and spun out the way of the second one with ease. The area behind her exploded a few seconds after that and Sasha looked at the damage they caused. She was glad they were in the slums of Timber, but still would have to watch where she shoots her energy blasts. She also noticed that her other five comrades were out of sight. (They probably took cover, or are giving me room to fight.)

(Place: Deling city.)

Lisa could feel that they were very close to where Kale was. As they neared the location, she recognized the archway was the one that the assassination attempt was carried out by Squall and his little squad. Just down the street, they saw Kale in his all black attire with Rinoa to his right in a black form fitting dress with the skirt part stopping at just below her knees, and Narrak to his left in black ninja attire.

Kale looked on with a cold complacent look as Lisa Hawkwind, Daniel Kunteais and their other comrades ran down the street toward them. (Yes, come forth and meet your doom like your grandfather did.) Kale silently said. He noticed when they weren't that far from them they slowed down and started walking toward them when they came to a stop some distance away. "Lisa Hawkwind," Kale said her name coldly. "You Hawkwinds are like roaches. Kill one and there's another to take its place. No matter, you'll be dead soon."

Lisa was trying to stay in control while in the presence of the murderer of her grandfather and uncle. It was hard but she was able to accomplish this feat. With a focused look, Lisa coldly said, "Kale Akaisura, I'll never forgive you for killing my grandfather and my uncle. Today will be your last day on this planet."

"You know, that's not the first time I've heard that one before," Kale smirked. "Alexander said something similar before time compression happened. Narrak, if you wouldn't mind."

Narrak nodded and stepped forward. With the quickness, Narrak pulled a small circular fuse bomb from behind him, lit it and threw it fast at the Five SeeDs. Without thinking, the SeeDs reacted and quickly scattered out of the way of the bomb and explosion. Narrak then unsheathed his katana and charged straight for Dan. Dan took notice of it and quickly unsheathed his katana while trying to get back on his feet. In an instant, the two locked swords, and Dan was at the disadvantage in his awkward stance. Narrak quickly unlocked and jumped back as a gunblade was swung at him and narrowly hit him.

Squall and Xu was immediately by Dan's side as he got back to his feet. Squall and Xu nodded to Dan and let him walk up in front of them. Dan took that as they would assist him in the battle and he would probably need it against the ninja. There was no telling what kind of tricks he had up his sleeve.

Narrak then unexpectedly did an agile running jump over three and kept on running. Dan, Squall and Xu were in pursuit of him as he ran down the street.

Kale watched with a smile on his face and noticed that Lisa saw it too. The only ones left by the archway were Kale, Rinoa, Quistis, and Lisa. "Now it seems that we've been given room to fight. Rinoa, if you don't mind could you go over there and give me room to take care of this thorn in my side."

"Not at all my love," the sorceress replied. Rinoa then went to a spot far away from the three.

"Quistis, you don't mind doing the same thing do you?" Lisa asked Quistis.

"No, but I really wish you didn't insist on taking on this madman by yourself," Quistis frowned.

"I'm sorry, but this is something that I must do," Lisa firmly announced. Quistis then went to a place also far from Kale and Lisa.

Both Kale Akaisura and Lisa Hawkwind unsheathed their swords at the same time. Both warriors had a cold hard looks of concentration that came from having much experience in fighting. After a few moments of staring at each other, Lisa quickly rushed forth toward Kale. The look of concentration she had on her face suddenly went to a look of anger as she charged the warrior from the past. Once they were close enough, both swung their blades and clashed steel upon steel with sparks flying. Lisa then started to slash at Kale fast and wildly. Kale blocked and dodged the swings and noticed that Lisa's style had changed from the last time when they faced one and other.

While blocking, Kale attempted a thrust at Lisa midsection with his broadsword to see how fast she would react, and was rewarded with her reacting faster than he had expected and blocking it skillfully. (So, I guess she hasn't lost control of her emotions yet. I can change that.) Kale thought as he jumped back. Kale then jumped to his right when Lisa stuck out her left hand and fired a blast of energy at him.

Lisa quickly wanted to keep Kale on the defensive by blocking her strikes and slashes, but it didn't work out the way she had hoped for. After jumping to his right, Kale immediately did multiple sword thrusts at Lisa that she had to dodge and knocked away with her katana away from him. In a graceful move, Lisa spun out of the way of a thrust and came around with a spinning slash at Kale's neck. Kale saw just in time and reacted by ducking and lashing out against Lisa with a slash toward her midsection.

Lisa felt pain as the tip of Kale's broadsword raked across her stomach. She jumped back and looked at the wound. It was a shallow one that could be ignored at the moment, but would have to be looked at when she had the chance.

"First blood goes to me," Kale smirked. He then noticed as he felt energy gathering from the female Hawkwind and he started to gather energy as well into his sword. Lisa rushed him and stopped a few feet short and slashed her sword, unleashing a blue crescent wave at Kale, and Kale did a similar technique at Lisa. When both energy attacks impacted, there was a great explosion that threw the two combatants back a couple of feet. Both were on their backs and slowly got up to their feet.

Just down the street, Dan, Squall and Xu were fighting Narrak very intensely. With her sai out, Xu was able to take a few swings at Narrak that was blocked before having to back off when he mightily swung for her neck. Dan then jumped forward quickly slashing that was blocked and Narrak slashed back after blocking a few from Dan. These were also blocked, and Dan backed off as Squall jumped forward and engaged Narrak. With the Lionheart in hand, Squall was able to easily put the ninja on the defensive.

Narrak thought the huge gunblade that Squall had was slow and hefty and that Squall wouldn't be able to block a fast flurry of slashes. Narrak then went into a fast flurry of slashes that were all blocked by the black-clad mercenary. In an unexpected move, Narrak went low and sweeped Squall's legs from under him and sent him to his back. Squall then rolled out of the way when the katana quickly descended from an overhead slash. As Squall was rolling back up to his feet, he heard the flare of magic and quickly glanced in the direction of the caster. Xu was casting a spell and quickly unleashed a Thundaga spell that Narrak barely dodged.

After dodging out of the way, Narrak quickly threw something at Xu that was unexpected. Xu felt pain as a shuriken dug into her right shoulder. She winced in pain but didn't cry out, and wasn't going to give Narrak the pleasure of hearing her.

Squall quickly jumped in the way in case anymore was sent her way. "Are you okay Xu?" Squall quickly asked as he blocked a few shurikens with the Lionheart.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but my shoulder is starting to feel numb," Xu commented. "I guess he must have had the shuriken coated with some paralyzing poison," she said while pulling the shuriken from her shoulder. She instantly brought her other hand over the wound.

"I want you back out of this fight," Squall commanded. "If that was paralyzing poison on it, than the effects will start kicking in soon and you won't be able to use your right arm." Squall said while watching Dan engage Narrak and the two slashing and parrying each other's attacks. Xu nodded and backed up some feet from the fight and being prepared to throw offensive and healing spells if necessary.

Narrak and Dan were really fighting intensely and fast. Looking at that fight makes you wonder if it was choreographed or something. After knocking Dan's sword away, Narrak's fist quickly glowed and he hit the ground in front of Dan causing serge of energy to rise up. The move was totally unexpected and Dan was hit hard and thrown him back.

Instantly, Xu went to work on casting a cure spell while Squall rushed forward to engage Narrak. The way Dan was on the ground, it would take him a few moments to get his bearings and Squall knew that. In a mighty overhead slash, Squall was able to get Narrak's focus off of Dan and to him.

Narrak skillfully dodged it and sent a hard right to Squall's stomach. Seeing the air knocked out of the youth, Narrak followed it up with a backflip that caught Squall on the chin. Squall really hit the ground harder than Dan and didn't look to be getting up anytime soon. Narrak just smirked at his handy work. His small victory was cut short when Dan attacked with a vengeance. Narrak skillfully was able to disarm Dan from his weapon, but had his also knocked away from him when Dan side kicked his hand.

Dan noticed that Narrak didn't make a move for his weapon even though it was closer than Dan's. (So, he wants to do beat me to a pulp before he kills me. Sorry, not going to happen. All that training with Sasha in hand to hand is going to pay off now.) Dan thought as he and Narrak slowly circled each other in their fighting stances. Both were waiting for the other to make a move. Dan then heard an explosion back in the direction that Kale and Lisa were fighting. He wanted to look, but doing that will leave him wide open for any attack that Narrak delivered. It was a standoff to see who would flinch first.


Jaden quickly fired off rapid-fire energy blasts at Sasha. Sasha tried her best to keep moving as seeing that she was caught off guard by the tactic. While she was running she was able to charge her energy into her gunblade. The blasts sent toward the female mercenary was quickly being deflected, and Jaden noticed that she was moving toward him. Once Jaden stopped firing blasts, Sasha rushed him and Jaden got ready to dodge any kind of attack he was going to deliver. In an agile move, Sasha jumped into the air came down into an overhead slash. Jaden quickly moved to the side and ducked as Sasha swung for his head. Instantly, Sasha's gunblade turned red and in the return slash, a crescent beam wave of energy was shot at Jaden. With the young woman real close, there was no way that Jaden could have hoped to dodge and took the blast full force. Jaden was getting up real slowly as saw, as Sasha made no move to attack him and lowered her gunblade. "Why don't you attack me?" Jaden questioned the dark-haired young woman. "You have the advantage."

"I'm not making a move to attack you because I'm thinking of taking pity on you," Sasha replied.

Jaden scoffed, "I don't need your pity."

"Maybe not, but I know you never chose to follow Kale," Sasha retorted. "You came under Kale's service very unexpectedly."

"Not this again," The warrior said. "What are you trying to accomplish?"

"I'm trying to make you see the light, and give you a chance to live," Sasha stated. "If you don't remember, than I can make you remember."

(What is she doing?) Jaden silently questioned himself, as he looked on as Sasha closed her eyes. Without warning, he felt another presence in his mind. He suddenly saw flashes of some images. (Father? Mother?) Jaden then saw pieces of when his father fought Kale, and when Kale hyponotized him and made him kill his mother. (I did that? This can't be true? This is maybe a trick.)

(It's not a trick) Sasha said through her mind to Jaden's. She then cut off her link and opened her eyes. "Don't you realize that if it wasn't for Kale, you could have lived a happy live and had a wife and children of your own?" Sasha questioned him.

"Yes I do, but I would be dead by now if it wasn't for Kale," Jaden argued. "Even if I did kill my mother, and Kale killed my father, there's nothing that anybody can do to change that now. That's all in the past and you showing me that won't make me change my ways."

"Well, then prepare to die Jaden," Sasha got into her fighting stance once more and raised the Lionheart. Jaden also got into a stance and twirled his nunchukus. Both then charged each other and Sasha mightily slashed horizontally with Jaden dodging. The two then started attacking, blocking, and dodging each other's attacks. After a little while, Sasha noticed a little opening in her opponent's defense. After dodging another strike aimed for her head, Sasha released her right hand from the gunblade and swung a right hook at Jaden. This move surprised him and he caught the punch full on in the jaw. As he was reeling, Sasha followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick with her left leg that also connected and floored Jaden.

Being fed up, Jaden quickly hooked his nunchukus on his belt and quickly got to his feet. He ducked a slash aimed for his torso and hit Sasha with two hard gut punches. Sasha had the wind knocked out of her and Jaden did an uppercut that knocked Sasha on her back and a little bit dazed, but not as much as Jaden thought. Jaden then took out his nunchukus again and struck at the place that Sasha's head was, but she rolled out the way. "You won't get away next time."

"There won't be a next time," Sasha said. She then charged he and did a forward twisting somersault over him as he swung for her. She landed behind him and immediately plunged the gunblade through his back.

Jaden felt the searing pain as the gunblade went through his back and was taken out. Jaden turned around and fell on the ground bleeding profusely and breathing in shallow gasps. "If you want to do something for me, quickly end my suffering," Jaden quickly said while coughing up blood.

Sasha nodded and sheathed her gunblade. She then pointed both of her hands down at the suffering Jaden and concentrated a lot of energy into them. "I hope you can meet your parents on the other side," Sasha softly said. She then unleashed the huge amount of energy on Jaden and caused a huge explosion. When all the smoke was cleared, there was a shallow hole where Jaden's body used to be.

From their places of cover, Zell and the others witnessed what happened. Mei-Len also witnessed what happened as she walked out. "You did it Sasha!" Zell yelled while running toward her and picking her up in a monstrous hug. Everyone else came out as well and congratulated Sasha on a hard fought victory until Selphie asked about Mei-Len. Brought out of their reverie, everyone put their attention on the female martial artist.

"I guess we must have underestimated your strength," Mei-Len commented on Sasha's victory. "But you haven't won yet." Mei-Len then disappeared in a flash of light.

(Damn!) Sasha cursed. (I wish I knew how to do that magic. I just hope Dan and Lisa have similar luck and defeat Kale and Narrak, and manage to save Rinoa.)

A few SeeDs then ran up to the group and saluted Sasha. "Ma'am, We have cleared Timber of all enemy forces," said a young woman. Sasha nodded.

"That's good, are there any Galbaldian soldiers that gave up?" Sasha asked.

"Yes Ma'am," the SeeD said. "It's just a few, but we are holding them captive."

Sasha nodded again. (That's good. Timber is liberated, and Dollet probably has been too. I just hope the others can defeat Kale.) Sasha prayed.

(Place: Deling city.)

Narrak had attacked Dan first, and was throwing fast punches that were blocked. After Narrak stopped, Dan threw a high kick to Narrak's head. Narrak quickly ducked and sweeped Dan's legs from under him. Using the momentum of falling, after Dan hit the ground, he rolled backwards and onto his knees. Narrak was quickly upon Dan and kicking at the mercenary in a crouch, as Dan blocked it. One of the kicks broke through Dan's defense and Dan was quickly on his back. He rolled out the way as Narrak jumped up in the air and came down fast hoping to land on him.

With a quick look, Dan saw that his katana was just behind Narrak. (Just need to drive him back.) Getting back upon his feet, Dan furiously attacked Narrak with kicks and punches that were all blocked. Dan's tactic was working, and he was driving him back. (Just a few more feet.) Dan kept up his attack for a few more moments and quickly went into a rolling dive for his katana. He quickly got it and when he looked back to Narrak, the ninja pulled out a Kadochi blade from inside his uniform. All that Dan knew, he had the advantage with having the longer weapon, but Narrak would have a lot of agility and speed by wielding the shorter blade. (I gotta be careful. Knowing him, he's probably a master with that weapon.)

Dan quickly got on his feet and started his attack. With lots of agility, Narrak was able to dodge and block all of Dan's slashes. When Dan's sword was knocked back, Narrak quickly went on his own offensive and was able to put Dan on the defensive. Slash after slash, Dan was kept off balance and he wasn't given time to get his footing as he blocked and dodged. Without thinking Dan unconsciously charged up energy into his katana, and slashed at Narrak's kadochi, thus disarming the ninja. Having the advantage, Dan did a spinning roundhouse kick and it connected with Narrak solidly spinning him around. Dan quickly diagonal slashed Narrak in the back.

Narrak fell down and rolled over. "It…. Was an honor… To be defeated by one…. Such as you," Narrak said while breathing quickly. After a few moments, the ninja's chest stopped rising and falling, and Narrak was dead with his eyes open.

Looking away from Narrak, Dan looked to Squall to see that Xu was helping him back to his feet. Dan then heard another explosion in Kale and Lisa's direction. This time, he was able to look. He was met with an unexpected sight.

After both warriors were back up on their feet, Lisa charged Kale once more with a vengeance and quickly kept Kale on the defensive. Kale dodged a slash aimed for his side and quickly returned with a slash to Lisa's left shoulder.

Once again, Lisa felt that pain that felt like fire as Kale' broadsword tore into her. The wound wasn't that bad, but would quickly become a problem. Lisa then held her katana with only her right hand.

"So, I guess the mighty Lisa Hawkwind has let her rage control her and got careless," Kale commented with a smirk. "I wonder will you have that same look of horror as your grandfather when I killed him." (If this taunt doesn't push Lisa over the edge, I don't know what will.)

At the mention of how her grandfather was in his last moment, Lisa's anger went past what she wanted. (That motherfucker is going to pay!) Lisa cursed. She then charged Kale and went into her fastest series of slashes yet.

Kale had a hard time blocking all of the slashes, from the enraged young woman. One got in that slashed him on the arm. Kale immediately swung a retaliation slash back, but that was answered with a spinning roundhouse kick to his stomach. Kale staggered back and was slashed across the chest with Destiny's flame. The cut wasn't fatal, but any deeper, and Kale would seriously have problems. Lisa then did a jump spinning roundhouse kick that knocked Kale back quite a distance.

Lisa then started charging her energy up into her sword and put it into a side position. When she felt she had enough, she started charging toward the prone Kale. Unexpectedly, Lisa skidded to a stop as she saw energy quickly gather in front of her. The Ultima spell then exploded, engulfing Lisa, and throwing her back in the air. After hitting the pavement hard, Lisa slowly got into a crouch while looking for the caster of that spell. She then saw Rinoa walking forward with her left hand extended. (Damn, I forgot that Rinoa is still under Kale's control.)

"Lisa!" Dan yelled as he ran toward her. Once he got beside her, he asked, "Are you alright?" Quistis also came to Lisa's side from her cover.

"Mostly," Lisa replied.

Kale turned around to see Rinoa walking forward toward him. He smiled. (Why didn't I think of this before? I'll let Rinoa injure them enough and finish them off when they can barely defend themselves.) "Rinoa, take care of those troublesome SeeDs," Kale commanded the hypnotized sorceress. Kale then sheathed his broadsword to his side and watched as Rinoa walked out in front of him. She was only standing a few feet from him.

Lisa's brow then creased in anger. "That bastard is using Rinoa, knowing we won't be able to fight her without greatly injuring her," Lisa pointed out.

"I'll stop her," Squall immediately said.

"No," Dan said quickly. "I'll do it. I'm not as injured as you and I can probably be able to take more than you."

Squall wanted to protest, but he knew that Dan was probably right. "Okay, just don't hurt her too bad."

"Don't worry," Dan nodded while sheathing his katana on his back. "I won't use my katana. I'll try to get close enough and knock her out. After we get her away from Kale, we can probably do something to bring her back to normal."

"Please be careful Dan," Lisa pleaded. "Don't die on me, there's something that I still have to tell you."

Dan nodded and slowly started walking toward Rinoa. He wondered how close he was going to get before she started unleashing spells. "Rinoa, in case you can hear me, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I'll let you get back at me when thing get back to normal," Dan said. Rinoa didn't reply. She just looked on with that cold hard look on her face. She then started casting something. In an instant, Dan was jumping out of the way of a triple dose of thundaga spells. Dan then took off running toward her, and she cast Meteor. (Man, I guess today isn't my day today.) Dan silently commented while trying to dodge the meteors. He was partly successful, but was hit with half of him. Dan was really hurt, but he wasn't going let that stop him. He took off running again, this time, he was able to half the distance before she unleashed a Holy spell. Dan really wasn't prepared for that and took it full on. As he was getting up, he felt some healing magic flow through his body. (Thanks Lisa, Quistis, and Xu.)

(The fool. Can't he see that this won't accomplish anything?) Kale silently questioned. He looked on as Dan got back up.

Dan then started running again, but was stopped by a Flare spell that was cast in front of him, but didn't hit him. Unexpectedly, three Ultima spells were cast at the same time around him in a triangle. (One chance to get closer.) In a daring move, Dan jumped forward as the three spells caused explosions. Dan was sent flying forward and skidded along the pavement real hurt. He was real hurt, but was still able to get up, but not as fast as he liked. With Dan being just a few steps away, Rinoa quickly tried to cast a spell. (I'm sorry Rinoa.) Dan then ran those few steps and sent a hard right to Rinoa's stomach that made her double over holding her stomach. He followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick that hit her square on the side of her head, knocking her out.

Kale had seen this and quickly unsheathed his broadsword. He thrust it toward Dan and the young mercenary saw the thrust too.

Knowing he couldn't move fast enough, Dan moved to his right a little and immediately felt pain when the Broadsword was thrust into a place between his shoulder and under his collarbone. Dan screamed in agony. Kale quickly took it out, aimed his hand at Dan's chest and fired a powerful blast at point blank range, thus throwing Dan back.

Lisa felt as if her world was about to shatter as she saw Dan get impaled by the sword and shot at point blank range. The man she loved hit the ground hard and immediately went into unconsciousness. "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!" She immediately took off running toward Kale and charged a tremendous amount of her energy into her right hand. When she felt she had enough, she released a powerful wave of energy that Kale couldn't avoid. He took the full brunt of the blast and was knocked back. She then quickly ran to Dan and knelt down beside him with tears in her eyes. "Please don't be dead!" She pleaded. Lisa saw the nasty wound that Dan was given, which if a little bit lower, would have went through his heart. Lisa Hawkwind quickly took off her uniform top and balled it up to try to stop the bleeding. She quickly cast a few Curaga spells, but they weren't doing as much help as expected. She was glad she wore a black t-shirt. She cradled Dan in her arms while watching as the others ran over to them.

From where Mei-Len watched, she saw that this was one battle that would best be fought another day. She quickly ran over and supported Kale in standing. "Are you all right my love?"

"Not really," Kale joked. "But I'm doing more better than Kunteais there."

As the others got to Lisa and Dan, Squall quickly rushed over to Rinoa to see that she was knocked out cold. He looked over to Dan. (Thanks Dan. I hope you'll be all right.)

"Lisa Hawkwind," Kale addressed Lisa. The young woman quickly looked at Kale with more hatred than she ever had for anyone in her life. "You may have won this battle, but once the time for the final battle comes between us. You'll die." Kale and Mei-Len then disappeared.

While holding Dan, Lisa shouted, "Kale Akaisura! I'll make you pay for all this pain that you've caused me! You'll regret you even heard of the name, Lisa Hawkwind!"

The battle for the world had been won, but at a very high cost. One that Lisa wished they didn't have to take. (Dan, Please don't die on me. I love you, and I don't know what I would do if you died.) Lisa silently pleaded.

(Author's Notes: That's chapter 8 for you. I'm really sorry to all of those people that waited for a long time for this to be updated. Let's just say a lot of stuff happened in between the time I wrote chapter 7 and up to this point. I'm also sorry that I'm leaving a nasty cliffhanger like this. But when you really think about it, the end of most chapters of some fics is cliffhangers even when the author isn't going for one. Anyway, I'd like to thank all the people that reviewed so far, and the support I received from people while I was writing chapter 8. Well, chapter 9 is going to be the last chapter of the fic. It's going to include the epilogue as well as the special thanks. So, what did you think of chapter 8? Enjoyed it? Hated it? Or what? Tell me in a review, or just email me at Any comments, suggestions, and advice will be very helpful, and I thank you in advance.