Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ You've Definitely Played Too Much FF8 When... ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Well, as usual, I own nothing but my own wacky ideas and Squaresoft owns everything cuz Squaresoft is God. Again, don't bother to sue me cuz I don't have a penny-all of it is in a savings account for college. Besides, it's not like I'm making money off this! (I wish!)

Author's Notes: Well, this is the product of writing at 4 AM after lying in bed for two sleepless hours after having two Nesteas and a can of Coke. I DON'T recommend you try it, or you'll end up as screwed up as me. Anyhow, this is a list of signs that signify that you've played too much FF8…enjoy

You've DEFINITELY Played Too Much FF8 When:

You know the lyrics to Faye Wong's `Eyes On Me' backwards.

You know the names of every piece of music played in the game and can tell the difference between the myriad versions of `Eyes On Me'

You know the steps of Squall and Rinoa's dance to `Waltz to the Moon' by heart.

You actually dress up and DANCE the `Waltz to the Moon' (I know someone who's done both of the above!)

You know the dialogue of the Ragnarok landing sequence in Disc 3, after the space rescue (uh…got me there… I actually know it *cringes*)

You attach a kitchen knife to a gun, carry it on your hip, and claim it's your gunblade.

You check your junctions before you venture out of your house.

You stub your toe and immediately cast `Cure' on it.

You hold conversations with GF's inside your head and ask for their opinions.

You stop people on the streets and challenge them to a game of Triple Triad.

You design and construct paper planes with 'Ragnarok' written in silver on the side.

You have an FF8 startup and shutdown screen, an FF8 screensaver, and Squall as your background (*smiles sheepishly* Erm… Squall's my wallpaper)

You look up 'squall' in the dictionary and try to work out if rain in lagoons really does form squalls (okay, I admit it, I've done that).

You get offended every time someone says that Squall (or Rinoa, or Quistis, or Zell, or Seifer, or Irvine, or Selphie, or Laguna, or Ellone… or any of the other characters) is just a bunch of pixels.

You carry a picture of Squall (or any of the others) in you wallet and claim he's your boyfriend.

Your little brother is watching Pokémon and you suddenly yell "I choose you Carbuncle!"

Instead of saying 'Oh God!" you say, "Great Hyne!"

You put on a pair of leather pants, 5 belts, and a furry mid-riff leather jacket and don't change for days.

You have an ever-present frown, brood 24/7, and develop a tendency to bury your face in your hand when thinking.

You place a hand on your hip and look away to show displeasure.

You try to convince people that the in-word is 'Booyaka!'

You develop a sudden like for explosives, rocket launchers, missiles, or anything that can blow things to smithereens.

You believe you grew up in an orphanage and just forgot.

You tell your friends that they should start shopping at the Deling City Mall.

You get on a train and search for Timber on the station map.

You smirk cockily at anything and everything.

You have a tendency to forget about following rules and do what you please.

Your vocabulary is greatly reduced to "….", "…Whatever", or loud monosyllabic responses (RAGE!)

You add 'ya know?' to the end of all your sentences, ya know?

You dye your hair silver and wear an eyepatch.

You call your friends your 'posse' or the 'Disciplinary committee'.

You wear a gray trench coat everywhere.

You form a fan club and call your followers 'Trepies'.

You gel your hair Squall-fashion.

You curl your hair like Selphie's and don't get offended when you're called the evil spawn of Satan.

You believe you can send others into the past.

You wear a black top-shorts and blue skirt-frock combo everywhere.

You try to teach your dog to throw enemies into the air and attack them.

You go to the zoo with your family, spot a lion, and tell your little sister its name is Griever.

You try putting glasses into all the statues in your home in hopes that they will reveal s secret passageway out of the house.

You jump into space and expect someone to save you.

You get frustrated when your letters addressed to Balamb Town are returned.

You search all shops in your city for 'Weapons Monthly' or 'Timber Maniacs'.

You try to stuff 18 hotdogs into your mouth in 2 minutes but end up choking.

Your latest battle cry is "Let's get it ON!"

You tell your parents you want to be a SeeD in a Garden and they look at you funny.

You believe you have sorceress powers and try making icicles appear.

You name your fish NORG and address it promptly and in this manner: "Fushururushurururu"

You begin thinking big furry men with horns and tight Speedos (think Ifrit) or half-naked women covered with nothing but ice and long hair are sexy.

You get in a taxi or bus and demand to be taken to Caraway's Mansion.

All your money dealings are in Gil.

You ask for potions and Phoenix downs in your local drugstore and storm off when they inform you that they don't have any.

You look through a paleontology/ dinosaur book for a nice picture of a T-rex and imagine the battle in your head.

You write fanfiction, stay up til 4 AM reading them, then have dreams where the main characters are Squall and Rinoa (*goofy grin* Yup, done that too!)

You can actually come up with 55 things that signify you've played too much FF8 in less than 30 minutes and actually post them on a site cause you can't sleep (hehe… that's what I'm doing here!)