Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ your not so tough ❯ A lonely man ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n: howdy well I never really favored yuffie+Vincent stories. But I read a cloti story with some in it and I decided to write one. I'm so glad my computer works enough to upload this. Anyway you'll like this story please review ideas are welcome so are flames but please keep in mind I burn easily.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything ff related or anything that's already registered k bye enjoy.

The sun set on yet another day of thinking and loneliness. Vincent sat on a cliff by himself as he had done for the past 8 months since his group separated. That day 8 months ago everyone had gotten off at their destinations except yuffie witch was last because wutai was so far away. Vincent however had yet to decide where he was to get off. Cid had told him that if he didn't decide before wutai he was being kicked off. Vincent sighed inwardly though he didn't show it he likes the way it was back then. He never really like being around people but those people was different. They all had abnormalities like him.


Cloud was an ex-SOLDIER who had lost who he was. His hometown was burnt down but then an illusion was created of it and he had vowed to kill Sephiroth.


Tifa was relatively normal with the exception of being a member of avalanche. She lived in cloud's hometown too. She secretly loved cloud and was almost killed by Sephiroth.


Barret was a very large kind man who had a gun grafted to his arm. He was also responsible for his hometown being buried and burned. He also was the hot-tempered leader of AVALANCHE.


Red XII well he was a very intelligent animal. Red had formerly been Nanaki the son of the warrior Seto who was petrified in a battle. Nanaki was captured and then he had experiments done on him. Vincent had enjoyed spending much time with him because of his wise intellect even if he was only just a cub.


Cid was a foul mouthed ex pilot who wanted nothing more than to be in space. He had a great sense of humor. His piloting skills are unmatched.


And yuffie was an annoyingly cheerful ninja that tried to steal his material on more than one occasion. Vincent was always quite fond of her, but he never expressed it.


Vincent couldn't really think that much of Aeris he had never really spent a lot of time near her. He was always off somewhere with cloud and cid. From what he had experienced she was a very kind woman. And everyone even him missed her dearly.


He missed those days around people. After he was kicked off at Wutai with his golden chocobo Sango he spent several months in the town doing odd jobs for people and being followed around by Yuffie. She seemed to be as bored as he was there and followed him around often. He didn't really mind her keeping him company while he did the boring jobs for people or her constant talking to him while he was doing them. What bothered him the most was when her and several other people starred at him while he was working out in the fields. He imagined they stared because working out there was hot dirty work witch required him to take off his cape and on occasion his shirt. He didn't like to take off his cape or shirt because it reveals scars where Hojo did experiments on his body. Hojo had carved the number 8763421 on his left pectoral and the word Chaos on his right. Yuffie had often gotten slightly quieter at those times and had even been as brave as to ask what the number meant. Vincent didn't answer that question. He hadn't been into Wutai in two months just because it was harvesting season and because Yuffie was in school most of the day. It was really boring and lonely without her there. He spent some of the day training or hunting or when the opportunity arose sitting on the cliffs watching a very bored yuffie and her class practice their ninja skills like he was now. Yuffie was really good and didn't need classes, but Godo, her father, had insisted on it. Yuffie's class had left now and Vincent prepared to go back to his make shift home he had built several months ago and prepare himself dinner when he turned around and bumped into something or rather someone.
