Fire Emblem Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New World ❯ saying Good Bye ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Pete woke up in Ashley's arms she was still asleep as he gently nudged her and kissed her on the cheek that caused her wake up as he puts on her armor "well today day is the day" she said stretching Violet appears along side Joanna, Titania and the twins Claudius was semi-please to see her Amadeus was only there as an enforcer...

of course everybody stood down as Lunar appeared in a flash of light..

"Violet was it you who asked for all this back up?" Ashley said surprised "well duh you almost got all of us killed so I asked Lunar to aid us!" Violet said winking "Mother Fucker!!" Ashley said looking at her...

"well people let's bounce a childs mother needs saving" Lunar said smiling as he removes a chaos emerald...

In an undisclosed location the remaining member of Organization XIII Roxas guards a door as the other 5 members are at the top floor, working on a grey cat dressed in a colored scarf long black skirt and colored shirt chained to a wall.

"dammit her heart is too pure!" scoffed Xaldin "be patient even the strong willed will soon depart" said Axel "if we make her a nobody them we can replace Luxord, Larcene, and Demyx" "well done Xaldin"

Xemnas said "but have you forgotten something?" Xaldin looks confused "her child still lives we defeat the child we take her!" "no you shall not harm Peter he does not deserve this!" the cat screams "Silence you have no right to say that!!" Vexen appears and injects some type of liquid into her arm as she passed out "you want to kill her or what?" scoffed Xaldin

"Oh be still will you I just gave her some thing to help her shut up, you should be worried abut the wolf/fox he has armor blessed by the gods and nothing can even scratch it unless it was also blessed by the gods!"

"Ha!!" said Axel "all you got to do is piss him off!!" "all right let's leave her and figure out a new plan Roxas your in charge I must attend some other matter" Xemnas said vanishing in a cloud of smoke...

Ashley, now with Pete in her arms stares down at Lunar "like we really need your help!" she scoffed as they teleport as soon as they land the out side is covered in darkness as Lunar's fist glows white a blot of lightning strikes a tree causing it to light up "Ashley your lance!" Ashley looks at it then hands it to him "this needs crafted, I can re-forge it but I need time an hour at best" Lunar heads to the tree and starts to work on it, of curse out of nowhere Thunder and Marcia appear.. "now you got back up!" Thunder said giving a look Titania just nodded her head

of course where the burning tree is Lunar now shirtless and only seen by the fire's orange glow he hammers on the lance under one sword with a massive hammer as he forges it he adds more steel and bits of other metals he has on him fusing it with those as well "Legend!" he raises it up as it cools in his grasp

"ASHLEY!!!" He screams as he sends a thunder shock thru it Ashley appears with the same annoyed look on her face " here I present to you the 'Super Killer Lance' with metals blessed by the goddess!" he said Ashley smiled "thank you no we must help Pete find his mom!!"

They take off and with very little time they confront Axel as Pete clings to Ashley's leg shivering "he took mommy!!!" yeah and I'm here for you now! he said "oh shit he's made fire!" sia d Lunar "well guess I just have to fan the flames!"

Lunar transforms into powered form as he raises his sword by the power of grey skull! I have the power I am He-Man!!" as everyone, even, Axel look annoyed

By the power of the Chaos Crystal give me the strength of the Master Emerald" Lunar turned into green powered form as he drew his 2nd sword.. "now I'm going to kick you ass!!" he said Ashley you and the others get to the base and stop them!" barked Lunar..

"If you stay so do I!" scoffed Thunder "and if he stays I join him!" said Marcia "save some for me!" Annabeth appeared hovering over him "4 against 1 that seems fare" said Axel as heartless appear..

Ashley and co head into the base "Violet you stay here with Pete I promise to save you some of the action. Pete you stay with Violet I promise you I'll bring you mom back" she kissed his nose and left along with the others Pete shed a single tear as Violet had her hand on his shoulder..

Roxas stood there no you may not pass he said "fine your funeral" said Titania readying an axe "you're too soft" Ashley punched him dead in the stomach then kneed him in the face.

"show off" said Jo as Claudius gives her a look... of course with Roxas out cold Xaldin and Vexen appear "well you can't save her now or ever!" said Vexen as they fight Jo grabs xaldin and starts to manhandle him as Titania and the twins take off in search of Pete's mother..

making it 'fare fight' of course various nobodies and heartless were stalling them.

"dammit we need to head out on foot!" scoffed Titania "we can fly!" said Amadeus.... as the twins fly off Titania just nods her head as she goes after them..

Ashley now making short work out of both of them as Joanna takes care of the nobodies "see you in Hell!" ashley scoffed killing them both at the same time as they disappear Vexen says "then 5th floor he..rrr!" Amadeus and Claudius fight thru the heartless as does Titania Ashley and Joanna take the elevator..

Who makes it first well let's just find out...

Ashley got to the 5th floor... and was shocked by heartless surrounding the grey cat, Ashley violently swings the lance killing them.. "no....Peter don't go" the grey cat said dazed "Pete's mother!" Ashley said in shock as she tried to break the chains..

As the twins and Titania appear we'll handle this! Claudius said all eager "Ice Wind!" claudius barked breaking one chain causing her to fall half way out limp "my turn, Fox Wind!" said Amadeus... she almost falls out but Ashley catches her..

Titania breaks the chains with ease on her feet as Ashley and Joanna carry her out "well I figured I would save it for when we need it but now is the time!" Ashley said removing the elixir and giving it to the grey cat that seemed to heal her fully..

"Peter!!" she scoffed struggling "it's ok, we'll take you to him I was taking care of him!" Ashley said calming her down tears exit her eyes "thank.. you" she said

Of course out side the fighting is still going on Lunar and axel are still going at it Marcia and Thunder are taking out the air heartless with ease.

Annabeth is absorbing the flames for Lunar as he strikes down hard mortally wounding Axel as he finishes him off "haaa-haaa!!! now stay dead!" Lunar scoffed returning to normal "well that over we took out 6 of 13 not bad not bad at all" said Thunder... as they head back Violet still with Pete as he breaks free and runs as Ashley and co exit "well I kept my word" she said smiling yeah but you took too long! scoffed Violet as Pete hugs her he sees the grey cat "Mommy!!" he rushes to her as he embraces her Peter!! she cried hugging and kissing him non stop "oh thank you so much" she said hugging on Ashley as Lunar and Annabeth appear " wasn't just me" she said Violet and Annabeth quickly back away..

she quickly turns to Annabeth and Violet as she embraces her and Violet 'great' Violet thought as Pete clings to her "well lets head back I know 3 people are waiting for you" Lunar said "Chaos Control!" everyone leaves in a flash of light...

C.T. , Molly, Sonic, Tails, Shadow and everybody else are waiting for their return as Silver and Blaze appear Pyro and Thunder arrive shortly...

as a flash of light appears "hot damn" said Sonic as Ron Simmons appears and says "DAMN!!" then takes off "Sahara!!" Silver said all hyped up as Blazed looked on happy "we were the only that that also escaped" Sahara said sadly "Peter is still with us?" said Blaze confused as she gave her a look C.T. and molly look at Ashley holding Pete in her arms "lets go I don't even want to bother" Molly said as C.T. stopped her "no I want to see what the hell is going on."

Ashley puts down Pete as he goes to his mother Silver blaze you have to watch after them said Violet there is still unfinished business we need to finish *sniff* Ashley said as tears begin to flow from her eyes as she knees down to Pete hugging him "don't cry your strong" Pete said wiping them away as she kissed his nose she takes off..

Claudius has a look of joy on his face... as Lunar appeared "hey relax kid I won't say a word I way your age once..."

Ashley all crouched up sobbing as Violet appeared "hey girl what's wrong?' Violet said with concern... "well *sniff* I never figured we would find his mother and well *sniff* " Violet now hugs her friend who cries in her arms.. "why, dammit, why!!!" she cried as violet gently told her you were attacked to him weren't you, besides he needed his mother I know it would hurt more to see his mother dead this I know.." as C.T. appeared "my dad once told me that people didn't think much of children because of the high morality rate that's why they didn't get too attached" he said touching her shoulder "now tell me are you crying because you might never see him again or you just crying because you real happy and can't control it hmmm.." \

she looks at her dad "well I guess both" Ashley said as her dad holds out his hand and lifts her up "well you should only be crying for joy they plan to head into Soleanna, so that means you stuck babysitting and I don't get to be a grandfather yet.." he said smiling..

as sh embraces him "oh dad *sniff* I love you!" she sia das he hugs her back hey save it your knight is waiting he points showing Claudius riding in the distance with his horse on hind legs neighing as he holds out his lance... she kisses her dad and runs to hum removing her helmet and putting on the cat ears as she jumps on his horse as they ride off..

Violet looks at him "were you being honest or just trying to cheer her up?" Violet asked well if you must know she and silver go back so they plan to stay together besides your going to help Ashley out since Annabeth is moving out with Amadeus" "WHAT!?" Violet was shocked "well I can't say much abut Ashley and Claudius but you you stayed around you would understand...." just then Sulu reappeared with his jaw wired "that there is a time when a man loves another man can you please understand?? hello.." C.T. digs into his pockets and hands him a bible that should keep him busy for a while Violet said giggling as they take off...

as the cute couple ride off Ashley removes a bottle of vodka and starts drinking it "what the hell are doing?!" nothing baby just having a little fun.." as she takes off her arm guards "hey look a beach" she said pointing as she is now tipsy, as she gets off she stumbles giggling "I don't like how this is going" said Claudius "don't just stand there silly help me removes this armor hehehe!!" she said Claudius just rolls his eyes as he does with much ease....

as she almost falls back "Fox Wind!" he catches her with that attack as he wraps his tail around her "is that a lance your still holding or you just happy to see me" she says as she stands straight... "well I got a surprise for yo cutie" she lifts up her skirt slowly revealing some pink panties Claudius is dumbfounded "nice" he says "awwwww you no fun you just cute though" as she falls in his arms he quickly pulls down her skirt and mounts her on the war horse "well at least nothing happened..." Claudius says semi-happy "that's what you think that was a test and you passed!!" Ashley got off wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him "hold on I got to get this" Claudius grabs a blanket as they settle on the beach together..

fast forward 3 hours

Claudius is snow stripped of his armor lying down and drinking the vodka Ashley with him cuddled up and covered with the blanket..

as C.T. passes by completely shocked "I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING!!" and runs off "gee I think my dad is pissed" "nah" Claudius says as he makes 'O' rings blowing steam from his mouth "no your dad isn't pissed bu mine will be I know for a fact " Claudius said getting dressed Ashley gets up wrapping herself in the blanket he quickly gets her clothes and turns away "oh I don't mind you can watch" as he turns around she is only in her bra and panties, also pink, as she finishes putting on her gear and armor "ok lets bounce before my dad comes back with an entourage'' Ashley said as Claudius goes to the water sticking his muzzle in it as sebastian appears and sees his black nose he pinches it '"yipe!" Claudius yelps holding his nose "damn punk ass crab!!" Claudius scoffed "stop being a baby and let me see.." Ashley siad removing his hand "oh its nothing you're not even bleeding" she said as she kissed him on the nose..

"well lets bounce and see what's what" said Claudius as the take off hand in hand awwwwww

A/N don't worry nothing happens (yet)