Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn ( random) ❯ Unkie Shinon ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shinon: Oh Gatrie, it's you. Why are you freaking out like that? * A week after the skirmish with shinon as enemy*
Gatrie: How can you be that calm? You're Wounded-- You've been stuck here for a week!
Shinon: Well, look on the bright side Gatrie. I'm not dead yet. Now leave me alone.
Gatrie: * Hug tackles * I thought you were going to die! It would have been my fault!
Shinon: H-hey! Let go of me, will you? I said it's fine! It was my choice to fight you -- Now would you let me go?!
My lord Gatrie! Seriously, it's nothing to whine about!
* rolf walks in *
Rolf: Unkie Shinon?! Unkie Shinon is O.K! I'm so happy!! * Hugs shinon also *
Shinon: AHH! Both of you, let me go already! * squished*
Rolf: Unkie Shinon... Doesn't like hugs? * sniffs* WAAAAAH! Well I hug you anyway!
Ike: What's all the commotion about? * blinks* Shinon are you ok? You're face is turning purple.
Shinon: B-bah... Don't even worry about me! * cant breath*
Ike: You know, I could just tell them to let go of you.
Shinon: I'll never accept help from you!
Ike: Uhh, well, suit yourself.
Shinon: W-wait!
Ike: what?
Shinon: ... You know!
Ike: No, I don't.
Shinon: IDIOT! - Faints-
Ike: .... Er... Well... That was weird.
Rolf: Oh no! I hurt Unkie Shinon!!!!! * BAWLS and runs off *
Gatrie: * pokes*
Gatrie: How can you be that calm? You're Wounded-- You've been stuck here for a week!
Shinon: Well, look on the bright side Gatrie. I'm not dead yet. Now leave me alone.
Gatrie: * Hug tackles * I thought you were going to die! It would have been my fault!
Shinon: H-hey! Let go of me, will you? I said it's fine! It was my choice to fight you -- Now would you let me go?!
My lord Gatrie! Seriously, it's nothing to whine about!
* rolf walks in *
Rolf: Unkie Shinon?! Unkie Shinon is O.K! I'm so happy!! * Hugs shinon also *
Shinon: AHH! Both of you, let me go already! * squished*
Rolf: Unkie Shinon... Doesn't like hugs? * sniffs* WAAAAAH! Well I hug you anyway!
Ike: What's all the commotion about? * blinks* Shinon are you ok? You're face is turning purple.
Shinon: B-bah... Don't even worry about me! * cant breath*
Ike: You know, I could just tell them to let go of you.
Shinon: I'll never accept help from you!
Ike: Uhh, well, suit yourself.
Shinon: W-wait!
Ike: what?
Shinon: ... You know!
Ike: No, I don't.
Shinon: IDIOT! - Faints-
Ike: .... Er... Well... That was weird.
Rolf: Oh no! I hurt Unkie Shinon!!!!! * BAWLS and runs off *
Gatrie: * pokes*