Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ Fire Emblem ❯ Chapter 6 : The Truth ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Tension is heating up D:


Enjoy Chapter 6 :]
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Mark just knew that they were going to take Lyn away… he just knew. He tried to hang around Lyn a lot more. He even slept over her house once. He started to bring a sword to school. His suspicion grew as Jaffar gave him a blank look every single danm day. They were making him go insane…

Mark : Lyn do you mind if I sleep over again…

Lyn : Mark… is there something wrong… *blush*

Lyn was surprised at how much time Mark wanted to spend with her… she had a gut feeling that he liked her… whenever she thought of that she would get extremely shy.

Mark : Mhmm, it's nothing. It's just that my parents have been fighting lately and I think there could be a divorce. He lied.

Lyn : Erm, Ok… but do you mind if Florina comes with you…

Mark : Sure ^_^

Lyn : ^^''
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After school they went to Lyn's house. Mark noticed something in the tree, which was probably a squirrel. But he heard a whisper coming from that direction saying “Go away…”.

Mark : Just voices in my head… calm down…

Lyn : Mark you can sleep in the guest room for the weekend…

Mark : Hmm… she's so calm right now…beautiful sight…… Ok then ^_^

Florina was staring at the tree. Mark got curious and stared as well… what he saw wasn't a squirrel… it was a flash of a steel blade… he glanced over closely and saw two eyes… just staring at them…

Florina : Erm, Lyn can we hurry up inside…

Lyn : Hmm, Why.

Florina : Black fang…

Mark : Black fang? What did they mean by “Black Fang”?

Lyn stared at her wide eyed and they both started to run towards the house.

Mark : Woah? What? WAIT UP!
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When they got inside they ran to Lyn's room. They sat down on her bed and Lyn started to explain everything to mark.

Lyn : Mark… you have the right to know… but I'm a… runaway princess…
Mark : …

Lyn : The guy outside is probably someone from a gang called the Black Fang. They've been hunting me for a while. I've ran from them… but I cant do that anymore… I will stand and fight. They will not take my happiness away from me. Which is why I don't want you to get involved… please just go home…

Mark : …

Lyn : Please…

Mark : … No… I will not stand by idly and watch the girl I love fight for her freedom alone…

Lyn : *blush* but…

Mark : I will be by your side through any danger you face… I will be with you ^_^

Lyn : *smile* If that is what you want… but I warn you… you could die…

Mark : That's ok, as long as the last thing I see is you…

They prepared. To Marks surprise they she had swords, knives, guns, whatever you could think of that would work as a weapon.

Mark : Erm, are you sure you can handle these weapons.

Lyn : ive had some practice with swords and guns should be easy. Just point and shoot right ^_^

Florina : They're inside…

Mark : >.> How does she know…

Florina : Mhmm it's nothing… erm… lets get going…

Mark : Okay then…
Mark grabbed a sword and a gun and headed out with Lyn and Florina.

Mark : They could be anywhere… any idea where they mi--

Suddenly a guy barged in through the wall. Lance in hand and heavily armored.

Mark : O_O His armor is from the medieval age…

Lyn : Weird… think we can take him down As she smirked at him.

While they were talking Florina already had a lance in an opening in his armor. Blood spurted from the wound as he fell to the ground.

Lyn : O_O Florina…

Florina : Mhmm… I had some practice with aim… err… shall we continue…

Mark : Uh… Okay…

They walked on towards the back door exit.

Lyn : There it is.

Mark : Wait… what about your grandfather.

Lyn : Oh he's not here today. Doctors appointment.

Mark : I see…

When they opened the exit door a cloaked man somewhere around his 20's stood there staring at them.

Mark : He cant be all good he's disarmed.

Lyn : Yeah we could probably just walk by hi--

The man had punched her stomach and stunned her instantly. She fell on his back.

Mark : NO!!

Mark swung his sword at him but he easily dodged each swing like they were nothing. Florina had stabbed him in the leg but it didn't stop his movements. He stared at her surprised at her aim. Then Florina turned and swung the end of her lance at him. He knew he couldn't dodge it and it hit him in the face having him fall to the ground dropping Lyn. In and instant he stood up and took out 2 blood red daggers. His eyes were bloodshot with rage. Before Florina could move he was 2 feet in front of her and about to stab her.

Florina : AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

She closed her eyes. She opened them and to her surprise mark was in front of her. A dagger in his leg. Lyn stood up and swung her sword at him. He noticed it instantly turned around and barely dodged it. The tip of her sword cut off his mask revealing Jaffar. Suddenly they heard a voice in the distant.

Little Girls voice : Jaffar!! Enough!! We have already failed. Lets go…

Mark : Who are you!!

The little girl came out of the shadows and revealed Nino. Jaffar had disappeared and appeared beside Nino. Nino chanted something and a fireball had appeared and hit the ground under them. After the smoke had cleared they were gone.

Mark : *pant* Did they have to make it so dramatic… Falls to the ground…
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