FLCL Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary ❯ Haruko ( Chapter 1 )
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Disclaimer: I don't own Fooly Cooly.
Not yet…
Dear Diary,
I know, a little too cliché for me but it feels…or felt so right to start this way. Anyway, I came back. I don't know why I did but I did. I haven't caught Atomsk but that didn't…doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm back in the little town a boy once said nothing amazing happens in. I thought I came back for him but when I got here I knew I didn't…well I did but not yet. I came back to brood…to weep… I know it's not my style to do either but it is now…and I did it. I came to that child's house. The one who said it is all ordinary. He never did lock that window. Anyway, I climbed in and there it was…the guitar. It was in the corner as it always was. No dust had gathered but I knew it never moved…as nothing ever did…ever does. So, I picked the guitar up and sat on the window sill. I wish I had a mirror to see my own look but I didn't. I remember wondering where the boy was and then not caring…not not caring about him but not caring where he was. I always cared…always do care about him. Those words were…are mine and I'll hold him to them some day…but not yet. You know the ones…he said he loved me and he meant it. I loved him then and do now but it isn't time yet. Anyway…on to the tears. The guitar was there and I was there and I smiled…yes, smiled. As I smiled it happened…tears. They fell so easily…a couple landed on the guitar and we cried together…the guitar and me. My hands moved by some force other than me…at least the strings. I plucked the first string and the others followed. I played and I cried and it was great…it was beautiful. The song echoed throughout the town and it stopped…not the song but the town…the ordinary. Hell, maybe it all stopped…the world…the cosmos…everything…all of it was baring witness…to the song and to the tears. I would swear I stopped too but the song continued so I must have continued. The tears burned my face and my fingers stung from the strings…that was beautiful too. So everything stopped and listened and the song made it happen…then the song stopped and in it's wake it left a few tears and drops of blood. Then, as it all moved again rain fell…in that little town or everywhere, I don't know but there it fell…and I returned to the room. He was there…the boy…no, the man. He was still stopped. Why? I don't know but it was right…it always is. So, I returned the guitar that never moved and walked away. As I walked I cried again…and so did he…and maybe we all did. Maybe only one tear but that's enough. I walked and this time I told him that I loved him…and I do…but not yet…not yet.