Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Letters ❯ Daze ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dear Kagome,

Yep it's me! Your widely known famous novelist friend Shigure! As you know my writing has been on a hot streak and I myself have been fine. I'm not sick or have been the only thing that bothers me is that everyday my house becomes destroyed by everyone. Even though Yuki and Kyo don't fight anymore at least not physically these days. Sometimes they do but now rarely isn't that surprsing?! Yes I know what could have caused this mirlacous turn out? Well it's our flower in the bush Tohru. Oh yes she is the exact clone of you my dear sakura. Even though the destruction of my house comes from Kyo and Kagura's moment of love. She presents her love in such a way it would confuse any scienctist.

Now to think you are to return I can't wait honestly. It seems to be the best thing to ever happen. Do you look differently? You most likely do it has been five years or so hasn't it been?Most likely you are already fully grown into those limbs and slims. Oh yeah, yes of course these little lechrous thoughts in my head. Hahaha, I am such a wonderful person aren't I. To think it has been so long since I've seen you. Kagome, things truly haven't been the same without you here. I have missed you and it is only a little longer until we are to once again unite. Only less than a day and we are to meet all together. It is a family reunion only without Akito. I am sorry but he isn't coming he has spoken against it completely yet then again you are probably going to visit him no matter what he says right? Please Kagome don't push yourself. Remember you can still live your life to the limits yet don't push over the limits.

Also to tell you something Kagome, it seems as though Kisa and Hiro are becoming close to each other and Akito of course wouldn't accept that no matter what. You know him better then I do, he's this voide without you and with you he's this ice berg. Without a word just a solid cold wall. Don't take it personally Kagome. Even though the reason for him making you leave all this time is shrouded you know he has a good reason hidden back in his confusing smile. You'll be fine, you're already fine. Graduated at 19, working for the goverment at 19, and perfectly strong and dependent since birth.


Shigure xoxoxox hahaha

I smiled folding the letter and slipping it into the envelope rising from my study and walking outside to the mailbox. I felt a cold shift in the air around me then looked around confused. The door was open and Kyo was just standing there looking out into the abyss of white completely in a daze as I walked over. I slipped the letter into the mailbox with crossed my arms smiling to Kyo and looking up into the cloudless dark sky," Kyo I am sure she didn't want to leave the way she did it was most likely the only way she could. She did explain that to you didn't she?"

I felt that was the only way to get into his head and weave through without an angry outburst. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and whispered in response," Yeah she did, but i just ignored it and wrote back ignoring the whole thing. It wasn't fair. I hated Akito before but then I just wanted to kill him and Hatori. It was his fault she had to leave it was his...."

I know he choked on the rest of it. Kagome had lectured him and soothed him trying to brush away those words from his heart and head. Yet it seemed without her physically being there it never really worked. She knew it, Kyo's hand then turned into a fist his knuckles turned white. I heard him breathe through his gritted teeth. I sighed then grabbed his head and dragged him inside. He turned yelling," What the hell Shigure?!"

" You're going to get sick and then Har'i is going to blame me when he calls in for you. And the worst part is that you'll miss an actual one on one reunion with Kagome. Put it together Kyo!"

He noticed what I was saying as I saw it on his face. He then pulled away and walked up to his room. I honestly didn't want him outside like that forthose reasons but the fact that Har'i would get mad is a fact. He is very scary at this time of the year. Colds turning into fevers and then that would add up to poor Har'i ending up in a bad mood. Yet knowing Kagome Hartori wouldn't be mad for long.

I walked over to the kitchen. Tohru was cooking off as usual for today and tomorrow. I smiled to myself then turned around and headed upstairs opening the door to Yuki's room. He was just staring out the window. The wind in the room was cold just like downstairs. Obviously they were spacing out completely I spoke before shutting the door," Stare any more you'll melt the snow."

He stopped as I shut the door turning. I guess Kagome was a really big impact in everyone's lives espically my own. Kagome was about a couple years younger then Aya, Har'i and myself. Yet even though she was this light upon the world, upon the downcasted shadows. She was an inspiration actually if you were to think of things such as this in writer's memory. I smiled to myself then sat down in my study. I was walking in the hallways when I saw Har'i and Aya standing around this girl. I did live in the Sohma main house at the time yet it was a very big place you weren't expected really to know everyone except everyone in the zodiac if you were one. I smiled to myself back then thinking to ask her out yet then Hartori sent me a cold glare as if knowing what I was thinking. As Aya ran toward me in a sing song voice introducing me to Kagome Higurashi. Hatori told me she had been living with the Sohmas for a while and me finally hearing about it was predictable. I laughed then jumped up speaking to Kagome a little longer. The longer I spoke with her the more she grew on me and the more she became this important person to me. That sickness I found out about was pushed away and ignored at her wish and time when on, Yet then after school years I moved out she was there to see me off and settle me in yet then that was it we talked on the phone and then I heard she was kicked out of the Sohma world sadly. I then received a letter from her explaining a little and then I called Hatori who told me no comment and that was it.

I know she was hurt due to this and I knew Hatori was hurt due to this also so I dropped it. Then Yuki moved in and he too brought a distraught feeling. Everyone I saw had that feeling but glady Tohru came to remind us of Kagome. I was relieved to end this kind of speechless mourning. Afterall she wasn't dead.

Fin, sorry for spelling problems and short ness but I'm trying to put this up in a hurry!
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