Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Bouncing Baby Boy ❯ Baby ( Chapter 1 )
Yuki would never be sure what exactly had happened. In fact, to this day he never really managed to understand it. All he knew was that there had been leeks, Hanajima, Shigure, Honda-san and more than a little bit of oddity involved.
The silver haired boy glanced down at the warm bundle in his arms. The baby was wrapped in a blue tablecloth. Yuki was taking care of it, since Honda-san had understandably gone into a fit.
Very understandably.
Yuki himself might have been in bed with a cold cloth over his head and an aspirin if Honda-san hadn't nearly fainted. But she had, and Hanajima, and Shigure had taken her over to Hatori. It was not just for Tohru's sake, but also for the sleeping child. The baby whimpered a little and twisted in Yuki's arms. The boy started in surprise, so engrossed in his thoughts that the movement startled him considerably. The child's eyes opened at the jolt that Yuki gave him.
His eyes were red.
They met Yuki's lavender orbs for a moment, and the baby laughed, and reached out a small dark hand to Yuki's pale face.
"Oh my god…" muttered Yuki, bending over the baby, "Oh my god… Kyou…"
Hatori spilt the cough medicine all over the floor. Tohru hurried to mop it up, but Hanajima forced her to keep still. Tohru's face was still dangerously white, though two specks of red flecked her cheeks. Momiji hovered by Tohru's side, not daring to leave. Shigure was standing near Hatori, talking in a low, unusually intense voice. What he had told the doctor caused Hatori to spill the medicine he had previously been pouring calmly into the bottle.
"I said," growled Shigure, "that Kyou-kun has been transformed into a baby."
"You're joking." But he wasn't, Hatori could tell that from Shigure's face.
"How did it happen?" demanded Hatori, already beginning to pack his bag up. Shigure wanted him to go to his house and examine Kyou. Magic and certainly, black magic, was nothing new to the cursed Sohmas, but this was a first, oh yes, this was definitely a first. Shigure continued to whisper intensely into Hatori's ear:
"I fear that Hanajima Saki thinks she is responsible for Kyou-kun's transformation. You might want to give her and Tohru-kun a sedative."
Hatori looked over at the Goth girl. Her face was undeniably paler than normal. And her hands as they attended to Tohru were shaking ever so slightly. As for Tohru, she wasn't even smiling. Tears had gathered in her large brown eyes and were dropping steadily into her lap. Momiji looked distressed too.
"Yuki-kun is at home, looking after Kyou."
At that, Hatori's mouth twitched. "Yuki? Are you sure he won't poison Kyou?"
For once Shigure was the serious one. "Come on Ha-san, this is a real problem. I don't want Akito told. I know he seems to hate Kyou, but I believe he is protective of all the Jyuunishi, and hearing of Kyou in this condition might lead him to blame someone, like Hanajima, or Tohru-kun."
Hatori was brought down to earth with a flump. "Yes, yes, you're right. But leaving him like that… with Yuki?"
Shigure frowned and shrugged. "He was the only one I dared leave alone."
Hatori nodded. "In that case, we'd better get back. I'll examine Kyou."
He pulled away from Shigure and walked towards Hanajima and Tohru and Momiji. Tohru looked up at him tearfully. "Is it my fault?" she asked. "I-I didn't k-know he would react to l-leeks l-like that…"
Hanajima looked impassive as usual, but observant Hatori noted a tinge of guilt in her face. He knew she was thinking that if it wasn't Tohru's fault, then it would undoubtedly be hers. Hanajima had been blamed many, many times.
"It's neither of your faults," said Hatori soothingly. "I'm going back with Shigure to check on Kyou and Yuki. Momiji, I'm leaving you in charge of the clinic." Hatori went to a shelf and shook some pills out of a large glass bottle. "Take these." He held them out. "Momiji, make sure they take it."
With that, he and Shigure were gone, walking briskly out of the room.
"Now `Gure," demanded Hatori as they got into the car. "Tell me how the hell it happened."
Shigure looked upset as well. Hatori realized that he had had to be strong for Hanajima and Tohru, but now the shock was beginning to tell on him. "I-I don't know… I have no idea…"
Hatori took a hand off the wheel and patted Shigure comfortingly, not wanting the dog of the zodiac to have a nervous breakdown. He would talk to Shigure later when he wasn't feeling so unhappy. "Never mind `Gure. You can tell me later."
When they entered Shigure's house, Yuki was still seated at the table, but Kyou -
Hatori's eyes widened.
Yuki turned, and his lavender eyes looked weary. "Shhh," he snapped. "I just got him to sleep."