Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ American Zodiac ❯ Next stop. . . . . . . America! ( Chapter 1 )

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American Zodiac
Chapter I: Next stop… America
“Haru-chan, slow down.” Momiji said as he tried to fallow Hatsuharu through the dense forest.
“Keep up Momiji-kun.” Was Haru's only reply as he stepped over a few small bushes.
“I can't you're going to fast.”
“Look if you can't keep up we'll be late.
“Hatsuharu-san, Momiji-kun over here!” Tohru yelled trying to get her friends attention.
“TOHRU!!!” Momiji yelled running to his friend.
“Dang Haru what took ya so long?” Kyo said slapping his cousin in the back of the head.
“Shut up Kyo.”
“Where's Kisa and Hiro?” Yuki asked walking up with Rin.
“Kisa-kun went to get a drink and Hiro-san went with her.” Tohru said holding rabbit Momiji.
“We're back stupid woman.” Hiro said walking up with Kisa.
“Hiro-kun you said you would be nice to Onee-chan on this trip.” Kisa protested reminding Hiro of the promise he made her.
“We're back children!” Ayame said laying across Yuki.
“Get off.” Yuki snarled shoving him away.
“Where's Hatori?” Momiji asked as he poofed back. Tohru spun around so fast she knocked him over.
“Sorry Momiji-kun”
“It's alright.”
“Are you guys ready or not?” Hatori asked standing next to the entrance.
“Come on come on come on.” Shigure said stamping his feet behind Hatori.
`Ugh… why do I suddenly feel like a babysitter?' Hatori thought looking at the group in front of him.
“Where are we going anyway?”
“America, baka neko.” Yuki said picking up Tohru's bag for her.
“Shut up you stupid rat.”
“Sorry didn't quite catch that.” Yuki's carry-on made contact with the back of Kyo's head.
“That's enough you two.” Hatori said smashing Yuki and Kyo's heads together.
“Can we go now?” Haru asked picking up Tohru's carry-on which Yuki dropped when he and Kyo collided.
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On the Plane
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“Are we there yet?” Ayame complained.
“No Aya we haven't even left the gate.” Hatori said sharply. He was developing a migraine Aya's complaining wasn't helping.
“Haaaaaa- saaaaannnn, I'm bored”
`And I care why?' “What would you like me to do about that?”
“Switch seats with Gure-san.”
`Gladly' Hatori though as he stood up and walked down to Shigure and Hatsuharu. Haru also looked like he wouldn't mind trading Shigure for someone quieter, or going black and skinning him alive.
“Shigure, Aya wants you to sit with him.”
“Oh OK.” Shigure said and scurried off to find Ayame.
`Two weeks on America with them, God help us all.' Hatori thought sitting down.
“What's wrong, Hatori-nii?”
“Nothing Haru, just a headache.” Hatori answered leaning back and closing hie eyes.
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Yuki and Momiji
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“Momi-kun, I'm gonna take a nap, alright? Wake me up when the sturdiest comes by with drinks.” Yuki said pulling out an iPod.
“Ok Yuki-kun, I will.” Momiji said pulling a lollypop out of his candy bag.
“Gah!” Yuki said turning off the iPod.
“What's wrong?”
“Tohru's iPod.”
“OH, what song?”
“Shut up.”
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Next chapter, we meet this mysteries pen pal and there family.