Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Another Generation ❯ The cat and the Operation ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He nodded gently knowing the Cat would never be at the main house willingly and would be at her own home instead. He was about to speak to ask if she knew the number but felt a needle in his arm, looking over to the nurse who held it she smiled and said he would have to go to sleep now.
He tried to stay awake for as long as he could but was soon unconscious. The nurse rushed Shadow out the room handing her some clean clothes and shut the door behind her. The doctors crowded around him and were soon deep into the operation trying to find where the blood flow was coming from and re-inflating his lung which had been punctured and collapsed.  
Shadow looked surprised but reluctantly left, going over to the phone. She started to think of what the Cat's number was. She closed her eyes and thought about it. Suddenly she opened her eyes quickly and her fingers danced over the buttons. She waited for her to pick up while listening to it ring.  
I must be suicidal to be coming this way... The Cat hadn't any real understanding to as why she'd decided to take the path from work that lead past the Sohma estate, not that the uniform aided at all in the situation. Each article of clothing seemed far too tight in her opinion, though was in fact loose compared to what other girls had been wearing. The indigo tube top supported the bar's logo, a crimson moon accompanied by a wine glass beside it; ebony tuxedo pants fell to the grounds, stopping just after her ankles to show off the false ruby studded high heels she was forced to wear.

Her silver ring and chain covered hands played with her cell phone, a gift from her fellow bartenders for her birthday. She smiled at the black devil cat charm that dangled from the antenna. Now to actually use the thing... As if on cue, the Star Wars digital theme song burst from the small item, driving a yelp of shock from the owner. "Hello?" she asked, voice sharp with curiosity as she racked her brain to figure out who'd she'd given the number to.  
"Kailey? Its Shadow, I need you to do something for Kane" She said on the other line. She knew that Kailey wasn't too fond of her...not many of the 12 shi were. She glanced in the direction of the operating room.
"I need you to sneak into the main house and gather Kane's things. Then meet me half way to the hospital." Shadow paused, "Will you do that?"
A nurse exited the room carrying a bag that seemed to be full of blood and handed it to Shadow while she was on the phone. "These are his clothes; we had to get rid of them because of all the blood on them. We'll get him a pair of scrubs once the operations done. I didn't know what to do with these so I thought you should have them; he might still want the pants so I stopped them from throwing them away.
She left Shadow without another word and returned to the operating room where they were still working on Kane trying their best to save his life. They were able to find where the blood was coming from and were now trying to patch the hole up while the others were sorting out his lung.
 Shadow looked at the bag and let her arm drop limp, still holding the bloodied clothes.
"I'll wash this later, bleach out the blood" she thought, returning her attention to the phone call.
Kane... The Hospital... Her mind couldn't seem to comprehend what the elder girl meant, but answered, "Pft, whatever. I'll see ya then." Without waiting for any other confirmation of her cousin, she ended the conversation. Though she lacked a mirror, she felt her icy orbs darken in colour, her pace quickened as she neared the estate.

Like the Cat that rest within the cage of flesh and bone, she leapt with ease over the walls that locked the family away from civilization. Landing in silence, she crept through the shadows and slowly neared the main house. Should she have had her tail then, the limb would have been trice its normal size, bristled in wary warning as she peered into each window in search of the Rooster's room. A smirk signalled she'd discovered it. Thankfully there wasn't any lock to be found and soon found herself to be stuffing a bag full of clothes. "Anything else he'd need...?"
Yukita went into the kitchen. She began searching for something to eat since she skipped lunch again. She knew there was nothing but had some food somewhere. She found some popcorn and started to pop it. She sat on the counter as she thought she heard something. She looked out of the kitchen door. She scanned the area before she heard the popcorn was done. She got it and started to eat it. She moved out into the main room of the estate and walked outside. She sat out on the steps as she looked at the sky.  
The nurse came out once again to see Shadow hanging up the phone. "Were you able to get hold of someone to pick up his things? You should go and change and I'll meet you friend if you like. It's not good to be walking around the place covered in blood." She found out what Kailey looked like and left the hospital to meet her.

Inside the doctors were working to get Kane's heart started again after it had stopped during the process of stitching the hole he'd been bleeding from. His face was pale now from the lack of blood flowing through his body. A small weak beep was heard and his heart started again to the doctor's relief. His lung was being patched up after they'd found the hole the knife had made.
Kailey sighed, rechecking the window to make sure it was closed before back tracking. After taking a look at her mental map, she grumbled at the thought of even more walking to the Hospital. "Why did that mutt have to call me? What could have possessed her to-" She stopped, eyes locked on another being seated on the steps. "Yukita...?" Carefully, she continued on, hoping her cousin wouldn't spot her. As it was, she wasn't in the mood to face any questioning to as why she was there.
She left the estate via the main entrance, suddenly hit with a bold streak. Her mischievous, victorious grin gave her a cocky appearance, the outfit neither helping to distinguish it or add to it. Upon catching sight of the nurse, however, her attitude shifted into that of a worried teen, immediately questioning his current condition the moment she neared the woman.  
Yukita was in the middle of putting popcorn in her mouth when she turned her head in the direction of Kailey. She didn't see her but didn't give much of a thought about it. She didn't want to think much about anything. She still looked at the blood and wandered whom. She finally got up from where she was sitting and went into the kitchen. She was tired of looking at the blood that was in the house. She spent the rest of her time cleaning it that way no one who came home would haft to worry about it.  
The nurse smiled kindly and ushered her inside before talking. "He's been attacked but won't say who done it. We don't even know how old he is, he wouldn't answer any of our questions and we had to hurry anyway. He's in theatre now, we had to operate or he would've died on the bed, this way we've given him a chance. His heart stopped but the doctors were working on him still when I left."

The nurse led her to the door of the operating room so she could see him through the window. The doctors were still working on him although they seemed to be more relaxed now and didn't rush the job any more. "Ah, he must be a little more stable now. He was bleeding internally and his lung had collapsed so we had to open him up to fix it. You can see him after they're done if you want."
Memory flashed in her mind's eye and she turned from the sight, the sickening feeling of one's stomach twisting overcoming her. "How- how long till he'll be out?" she inquired, finding herself somewhat desperate to talk to him. "I need to ask him a few questions myself." Her tone had neutralized, once more the distant ice queen she often seemed to be. Once last glance was stolen, half hoping to see him awake and fine. She's pushing the line...  
The nurse looked in to see how much they had left to do before smiling at Kailey. "The doctors are almost done in there now, after we'll take him to the HDU, oh that's High Dependency Unit, and we'll wake him up. He should be awake about and hour after they've finished in there but he might not be able to talk and will be in a lot of pain."
Note: Well that's another chapter done! Luckily Kane's been able to survive the op but how will he recover? We didn't meet anyone new this time but next time we'll meet the kind nurse Alice.