Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ As The Sayings Go 2 ❯ Clouds in the Sky ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
There's a first time for everything...ah me, young love....
A Fruits Basket Lemon Fanfic

Written by: Miyu, Vampire Princess

Okay, I wanted to write a lemon and here it is. This follows "Solemn Vows". In this case, I would recommend reading "Solemn Vows" to better understand this story, but it's not absolutely necessary. I'm sure you'll understand what's going on after a while anyway. ^^ Unlike the previous stories, this one is NOT told from a single (or multiple) point of view.


Ureshii = Happy
Daijoubu = All right/It's okay

The leaves rustled as the wind began to pick up. The trees towered upward, leaving only a small circle in the center in which to view the sky. Clouds of white and gray drifted aimlessly through a sea of darkening blue. The sun was settling behind the horizon, causing the wind to cool. It was still a beautiful day.

And it was bound to be an even better night.

In the silence of the dawning night, two voices carried along the breeze. Their whispers meant only for their ears and the quiet watchers of the evening.

"Is this really all right, Yuki?"


"It's just...I feel badly for leaving. The party was planned just for us and--"

A chuckle. "We're not far, Tohru. We can still go back and rejoin the party."

There was a small silence before the happy reply, "Iie. Right here is just fine."

Yuki had thought that he and Tohru would take off to some hotel when they left Shigure's house and their wedding reception. They'd had no definitive plans for their wedding night. Hatori had offered the use of his car, but they had made no reservations of any kind. Not good planning on their part.

Instead they had walked to their secret base, also known as Yuki's garden. Well, what WAS Yuki's garden. It hadn't been just his for a long much of Tohru was there now as well. It was theirs. Their secret place to go to whenever they wanted to share something or just wanted to be alone.

So many things had taken place here. Here is where Yuki realized that he was in love with Tohru, no matter how undeserving. Here is where they shared their first kiss. Here is where Tohru had accepted his wedding proposal.

So many memories, Yuki had thought. Why not one more?

They had settled under the nearby trees. Discarding their shoes, they sat barefoot. Tohru rested on a large rock while Yuki sat on the ground in front of her. They were positioned just so that Yuki was slightly lower than Tohru. Together they watched the passing clouds go by as the sky darkened to a deep azure.

Because of their position, Tohru began massaging Yuki's shoulders. It was subconscious of her. Her new husband looked weary and she was worried about him. She knew he was susceptible to colds due to his bronchial condition. And the stress of the day had obviously worked on him. Her touch was tentative at first. She felt his muscles jump at the initial contact, then relax under her careful ministrations. Yuki offered no argument, so she continued.

Yuki closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Tohru's hands kneading his weary muscles. She has no idea, he told himself, just how good she is.... The thought was left unfinished as his mind gave in only to sensation. His head slumped forward and a low moan rumbled from deep in his throat.

For a moment, Tohru was afraid she'd hurt him. Or maybe he was falling asleep. She stilled her hands, concerned.

"Yuki? Daijoubu desu ka?"

He nodded in response, or at least tried to.

Lethargy threatened to consume him. He was feeling very relaxed, his muscles loosening under Tohru's nimble fingers. Heat poured through his body from where her fingers kneaded his skin. A light blush crept to his cheeks when he realized that he was also very aroused. Did she have any idea her touch could do that to him?

Half asleep and his mind in a haze, he leaned back. He was sitting low enough that the top of his head touched just below her chin. Thankfully Tohru's legs stopped him from falling completely into her.

His movement shocked and worried Tohru. One hand went to feel his forehead while the other rested on his shoulder to help support him. When he opened his eyes, she was looking down at him, surprised and concerned.

"Ai shiteru, Tohru," he said.

She smiled, bowing her head to look down at him. Her hair fell from her shoulders, creating a curtain around them. With one hand she gently pushed several stray hairs from his eyes. The other casually stroked his cheek. She sighed happily as he closed his eyes again. Very carefully she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on the very top of his forehead.

Yuki's eyes snapped open at the touch of her lips on his skin. It was unexpected but pleasantly so. His muscles began to tighten again and his entire body jumped. The lethargic state he'd been in was broken.

And his arousal was calling for attention.

Tohru blinked in surprise. Yuki had moved so suddenly. She was afraid she'd done something to upset him. She opened her mouth to apologize but was cut off by a finger pressed to her lips. She whimpered, sure she'd done something wrong, but stopped when Yuki shook his head. Her eyes widened as Yuki's finger slid across her lips seductively, lightly tracing their outline. Then her eyes closed, another whimper escaping her throat as he leaned forward, replacing his finger with his lips.

Yuki drank in Tohru's whimpers with deep kisses. His lips covered hers and when her lips opened, his tongue quickly rushed in to take possession. This was unlike any kiss they'd ever shared...and they'd shared MANY kisses in private. He was very demanding and Tohru was more than suppliant to his demands.

He felt her relax and a smile passed his lips. His finger traced a path across her cheek, down her neck and across her shoulder. Moving of their own free will, his lips followed that path.

Tohru had to place her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. There was magic in his caress, in his kiss. She didn't want to break the spell by clumsily falling into him, transforming him into a mouse. How embarrassing that would be!

The air was calm yet electrified. One of Yuki's caresses sent a shiver of delight down Tohru's spine. Her grip on his shoulders tightened. Each touch, each caress, each kiss, each sensation was all so new to her. She was nervous knowing what was to come, but she was not afraid. This was her Yuki. She trusted him with her life, her heart.

"Yuki." His name was barely a whisper from her lips. Her head slowly fell backward, exposing unexplored flesh. Her fingers entwining behind his neck, half guiding, half pulling him closer to her.

Yuki smiled into her shoulder, pulling away momentarily. He stole a quick kiss, erasing the cute pout from Tohru's lips. He wasn't going to admit it, but his knees were digging into the rock and they hurt like hell. His desire had outweighed the pain until now. He needed a better position, something more comfortable.

Standing, Yuki shrugged himself free of his jacket. It took only a moment to find the perfect spot on the ground. Carefully he laid the jacket in the soft grass. He turned to Tohru, the same smile on his face and extended a hand to her. She reached for his hand somewhat shyly. With little effort, he pulled her to her feet. They stood there, in close proximity, staring intently at each other.

Tohru stood, breathless, staring back into Yuki's passionate gaze. Her conscious mind had lost all sense of time, their movements seemingly slow to her eyes. She recalled Yuki leaning into her, maintaining a safe distance, and kissing her again. And again.

She felt his hands on her body, stroking and caressing. On her shoulders. Her arms. Her hips. Her back. His touch was so feather-light that her body became sensitive to his caresses. So lost was she in the new sensations overwhelming her that, before she could recover her senses, she was stripped of her dress.

Yuki's deft fingers worked quickly to untie the binds of her dress. Ayame was quite crafty, he had to admit. With one last kiss he pulled the final tie free. Showering her neck and shoulders with kisses as light as his touch, he slipped the material from her shoulders.

Half-lidded eyes followed the material as it floated down Tohru's form and fell to the ground, forming a cloud of white around her ankles. Those same eyes trailed back upward, trying to memorize every detail. His eyes trailed up slim legs, over white lace panties to slightly rounded hips and a flat stomach. They rested briefly on rounded breasts, covered only by a meager piece of lace.

Oh, how he wished he could truly hold her!

Finally his eyes met Tohru's. He was surprised to see full trust shining in her brown eyes. There was no trace of fear, no hint of embarrassment. It was enough to take the last of his breath away.

"Tohru--" he began, but words escaped him.

She smiled sweetly, a light blush warming her cheeks. She had expected herself to be embarrassed, to want to hide herself from his roaming eyes. But the look he gave her, the want she saw in his eyes, gave her a sense of courage -- of power -- she never knew she had.

"Mou, Yuki. How unfair."

Yuki blinked, stunned. Did he do something wrong? Was she having second thoughts? Worry crossed his features. He swallowed hard before replying, "Unfair?"

Tohru nodded. She reached for the collar of his shirt with both hands. Carefully she undid the first button...then the second. "I shouldn't be the only one like this." Her voice had taken on a sultry air unfamiliar to her, almost surprising her. She pouted cutely, undoing the third button on Yuki's shirt. "It's unfair."

If it were possible, Yuki's jaw would've dropped to the ground. Who was this girl before him?! He watched as the buttons of his shirt were undone one by one until she had reached the waistline of his pants. He wanted to yank the rest of his shirt out of his pants, but Tohru beat him to it. Yanking gently she freed the remainder of the shirt and quickly undid the last two buttons.

A low moan escaped Yuki's throat as one of Tohru's hands tentatively reached for him, lightly touching his chest. His skin burned where her fingers touched and he wanted to touch her some more as well. He shrugged his shirt off, letting it fall where it may behind him.


Tohru shook her head. Daring than she ever thought she could be, she let her fingers trail a line down his chest, to his stomach, stopping at the waistband of his pants. She licked her lips unconsciously, pausing only a moment before undoing the button and the zipper.

Yuki wanted to melt. He couldn't believe that his Tohru was being this bold. Not that he wanted to complain. He sighed, swallowing audibly as Tohru slowly -- oh so slowly! -- tugged his pants down his hips and legs. Now they were both standing in the clearing with only their undergarments to cover them.

In a breathless tone Yuki asked, "Ureshii?"

Tohru smiled shyly, placing her hands on his chest and tracing little circles over his heart with a finger. Her courage seemed to disappear at the sight of her nearly naked husband. She nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment.

Yuki smiled. Without preamble he claimed her lips again, his hands grasping her hips. The urge to feel her pressed tightly to him burned through his body. He knew better however. Focusing himself on Tohru, his hands began to roam over her body again.

Slowly, carefully, Tohru was maneuvered to the ground. In the process Yuki divested her of her bra, the clasp coming open easily behind her. She gasped, surprised by a rush of cold air. Then the cold air was replaced by one of Yuki's questing hands.

Sharply she inhaled, exhaling in a low moan. She weaved her fingers in his hair as his kisses trailed down her chin, her throat and to the valley between her breasts. Then Yuki's hand was replaced by his lips and Tohru nearly screamed at the sensation.

It was Yuki's turn to feel power. He'd had a small taste of it at the party, just before they'd left. But this...this was much more.

His lips blazed a trail on Tohru's body. Yuki left no place untouched. Her breasts, her hips, her stomach. All fell victim to his caress. He couldn't get enough of her. And where his hands went, his lips followed.

Tohru's underwear was discarded sometime...oh she wasn't keeping track! Her fingers were still entwined in Yuki's hair, pulling him closer, wanting more of the sensations he was deliberately causing. Her legs parted as his kisses drew nearer to her center, allowing him access without complaint. Her hips rose off the ground, wanting something she couldn't even voice.

Yuki carefully released her fingers from his hair as he traveled further downward. Tohru groaned in protest but made no other argument, too caught up in the sensorial onslaught he was providing. Smiling, he placed kisses along Tohru's thighs, all the way down to her knees and back. Then he placed a kiss on her mound, inhaling the sweet scent of her sex.

Tohru's body tensed, a wave of heat washing through her middle and rushing outward to her limbs. She lifted her hips again, wanting more of his kisses, more of his touch, more of...him. Yes, that's what she wanted! But every time she opened her mouth, no sound other than a gasp would come out. She groaned, writhing under her lover's ministrations, unable to voice her need.

But it was unnecessary.

Tentatively Yuki inserted one finger into Tohru. He heard her groan and moaned himself. Gods she was tight! Fear mixed with need. He didn't want to hurt her, although it was inevitable. The best he could do was make her more comfortable.

He trailed a line of kisses upward over her stomach and inserted a second finger into her. She moaned his name and he groaned in response. Cautiously he moved his fingers in and out of her until she practically screamed his name. Her hips bucked upward, her hands clenched tightly to the jacket under her, and he knew she was ready.

Discarding his own undergarments, he rose to his knees between her legs and sat back on his heels. He gazed down at Tohru's wanton features and his heart melted all over again. She looked like an angel, sent to deliver him from all the pain and torment in his life.

Gods, he had to have her now!

"Tohru?" Her name was a question. They both knew what was to come, and he was concerned for her. She gazed up at him, smiling through the haze of love and lust encompassing her.

Oh, how she loved him!

"Daijoubu," she told him, reaching a hand to caress his cheek. He leaned into it, taking encouragement from it.

"Aa," he replied.

Grasping her hips, he lifted her until her butt was off the ground and she straddled his hips. He was certain there were other positions that could've been employed, but there would be plenty of time for experimenting later. He could keep a safe distance this way and he would be in control. There would be no transformation if he could help it.

Yuki pulled her hips closer, adjusting himself so that he was poised at her entrance. Closing his eyes he offered a small prayer to the gods. He inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, then thrust himself into her.

She was finally his. TRULY his.

Tohru cried out, wincing at the pain his quick possession caused. Tears streaked her cheeks and her fingers held a death grip on the jacket beneath her. She heard him calling her name, felt his lips on her cheek. His voice was soothing, calm and apologetic. She felt her body mold to his, begin to relax. That's when the pain began to subside and the lust in her body took over once more.


The pain would wash away, he kept reminding himself. He was not happy with hurting his beloved but there was no way he could stop now. He started to move, his thrusts slow and tentative until he felt her relax beneath him. When she started moaning again, her hips rising to take more of him, he buried himself to the hilt and set a faster pace for them both.

Tohru thrashed about beneath Yuki. The warmth in her stomach returned and the heated rush through her body was building. She wanted it to go faster, wanted more of it. Then Yuki's pace quickened yet again and she found herself rushing to keep up.

Their passion built to one intertwined climax. Yuki slammed himself into Tohru and she could do nothing but scream for more. With one final thrust, the blue sky above suddenly turned white and they called out each other's name.

Tohru's vision was somewhat hazy. She knew that Yuki was there, lying beside her in the grass. She wanted to turn to him, but her body felt heavy. Lethargy crawled at the edge of her consciousness and she sighed contentedly.


He barely heard Tohru say his name. He went to turn his head and found he couldn't. His body felt heavy, and he had no wish to move from her warmth. Instead he inched himself closer, resting his head on her shoulder.


"Ai shiteru, Yuki," she whispered as she finally gave in to sleep.

Yuki smiled, managing enough strength to prop himself on his elbow. He gazed down at his wife and felt a wave of comfort and contentment spread through him. The perfect ending to the perfect day, Ayame had once said.

Never were words so true.

Of course, this WAS all HIS fault, Yuki thought with a snicker.

But he'd argue about it in the morning.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^