Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Beginnings ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
I don't own Fruits Basket, however, when I rule the world I plan on writing over full ownership to me, and me alone. If you review nicely, I may just cut you into the deal and pass on one of the jyuunishi- say maybe Haru or Momiji all grown up. *sigh* Why won't they make a second season? *sobs into the wind* Ahem. On with the angst.
Twilight had crept upon the Sohma house almost without warning. The late summer evening breeze swept across the grounds, little whirlwinds of leaves left dancing in its wake. Everything was so quiet; there were none of the normal sounds of arguing between Kyou and Yuki, nor the familiar scratching of Shigure's pen across paper. None of the lights had been lit, and as Tohru knelt to pull off her shoes, she hesitated. Something in the air felt wrong, almost threatening. With a shake of her head, she ignored the strange feeling and stepped into the small entrance room. Glancing up the stairs, she called up softly.
"Yuki-kun? Kyou-kun? Is anyone home?"
Tohru waited for some response, but only silence met her. With a small sigh, she pushed up the sleeves of her uniform and walked into the kitchen. They probably had to leave suddenly for something important. And they'd be hungry whenever they returned. Now, what could she make that they all liked? Focusing on making the meal, Tohru didn't hear the door open softly and then close.
Humming under her breath, Tohru placed a small pot to boil and started cutting up some of the fresh vegetables Yuki had harvested from his garden. A creak behind her made her start. A little spooked, she walked back into the dining room. No one was there.
"Shigure-san? Did you come home?" Tohru asked while opening Shigure's study. Again only silence and an empty room greeted her. "I guess I'm just hearing things."
Back in the kitchen, Tohru started to think about her mother. She had been so amazing- a great mother, so brave, so beautiful, so smart. She must do her very best to keep her promise to her mother.
"Mother, I really miss you sometimes. But I'm not going to stop working hard! I promised you that I'd finish high school and I will. I'm so glad that I have Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun to help me. I'm so stupid sometimes. Mother…I hope you're proud of me."
Speaking aloud to her mother just felt so natural whenever Tohru was alone. Yes, she knew her mother was dead, but talking to her made her memory more alive. Someday, she'd be able to let go, but for now, this was a small comfort.
The sound of hissing woke Tohru from her thoughts. The pot had boiled over.
"Stupid Tohru…"
With a small cry, Tohru dropped the pot, spilling cut vegetables and hot water all over the floor. A stab of pain went through her as some of the water landed on her bare legs. The pain was quickly forgotten though when a thin cold hand was pressed tightly against her throat, and a cool breath tickled at her neck.
"Stupid, stupid Tohru…talking to your dead mother. How could such a stupid girl think she could change the Sohma family?" The voice sounded so familiar, like Yuki's but cold, angry, and something else, something frightening.
"Hmm, Tohru, aren't you going to say something, quote your dead mother, have some maxim to better your situation?" The cold voice cut sarcastically at her. Another hand crept up her thigh. Immediately, Tohru stiffened. Who was this?
"Come on Tohru, say something. I could do anything to you right now and there'd be no one to help you, no one at all. Say something and I'll leave you alone and let you finish making your dinner for your precious Kyou and Yuki."
The man's fingers dug into her neck, holding her immobile, while the other hand began to pull at her shirt. Tohru trembled in his hands. Who was this that was doing such horrible things to her?
The man's lips pressed against her ear and whispered, "Say something Tohru…"
"I'm so sorry…" she stuttered. The grip against her throat loosened and then with a hiss, the man threw her to the ground. Tohru didn't lift her head as the man began to punch and kick at the cabinets.
"Sorry? You say you're sorry! That's your great words of wisdom- your words to save yourself? Fool!"
Tohru's head was jerked back by his hand on her hair. Tears started to fall, as his fists slammed into her back again and again. A kick landed in her ribs, pain streaking through her entire body. His words cut into her mind as she slowly started to fall into darkness, away from the pain.
"…stupid fool, stupid fool…to think you could save us…"
And then all was black.