Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Belated Gift 2: The Gift that Keeps on Giving ❯ To Mend A Broken Doll ( Chapter 2 )
Shigure woke a little while later, and stretched out his full length on the floor. "Ahhh...I slept well," he yawned. He sat up and leaned back on his hands, rolling his shoulders to work out the kinks.
He looked at the little ball Tooru had made of herself on the floor. She was curled around her arms and looked tinier than usual. He smiled at her state; she hadn't bothered to cover herself before succumbing to exhaustion. Her breasts were still free of her bodice and her skirt was a ruffled mess around her. Her thighs held traces of his and her dried juices and she had a thoroughly "well used" look about her.
Shigure lay back down, curling himself around her.
He lay as close as he dared and breathed deep. Like all of the Junninshi, he shared traits with the animal he was cursed by. Like the dog his sense of smell was keen. His scent was all over Tooru. Pervading her clothes, her hair, her skin... There wasn't a bit of her he hadn't marked.
My Tooru-kun, he thought sleepily, and drifted back to sleep.
When Shigure woke again several hours later it was because of long ingrained habit. When something got too close to him, too close to areas that might make him transform, his natural defenses kicked in.
Shigure jerked awake and sat up. He woke so quickly that it took him a moment to figure out what had happened. Tooru had shifted in her sleep to snuggle closer to his body. It was late afternoon now and the temperature had dropped.
She'd come almost close enough to touch him, and her near-ness had surprised him awake. Shigure ran a hand over his face, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
He looked down at the girl and smiled. She was pouting in her sleep, brow furrowed. She curled a little tighter, obviously missing his body heat. She was so cute that Shigure couldn't resist. Reclining back beside her he ran a hand up her arm to her shoulder and kissed it. She made a sleepy half-hearted mutter and snuggled into his touch.
Shigure frowned. Her skin was like ice! It was no wonder, he thought as he felt the wood beneath him begin to leech the heat from his body. Sleeping on the floor!
The sun had passed its peak and its rays no longer warmed the room. There was also a definite draft drifting along the floorboards. Shigure sat up. What was he thinking? Just yesterday Tooru had been in bed with a fever.
Shigure shucked off the top layer of his yukata, leaving himself in the shorter under-shift. He shivered a bit, and could only wonder at how cold Tooru must be, already half out of her skimpy dress. He draped it around her. He guilty watched her snuggle gratefully under it in her sleep. He should put her to bed, safe and warm under her coverlets. Shigure nodded and gently put his arms under her to lift her up.
She woke as soon as she started to rise. Shigure was careful to keep her suddenly struggling body away from his torso.
"Tooru-kun, be careful or I may drop you." He said gently but firmly.
"Ah, Shigure-san?!" Tooru blurted, blinking sleepily up at him.
Tooru blinked in confusion and tried to figure out what was happening. She was exhausted, and sore in places she usually didn't think much about. She laid her head wearily back against his strong arm. She was too tired and hurt to worry about it, and confined in the yukata Shigure had wrapped around her, she couldn't do much anyway.
Shigure looked down at her in worry. Her eyes were dipping closed again already. Was she really that exhausted? Well, he thought, color staining his own cheeks at the memory; they had had a pretty busy morning.
Tooru showed signs of it all over. She reeked of him and of sex, and was crusted with the after effects. Despite the perverse pleasure he got in seeing the traces of what he had done on her, Shigure realized that she needed another bath. He sniffed and caught a bit of his own sweaty body odor. He wrinkled his nose; he could use one as well.
Changing course from the bedroom, Shigure instead headed for the bathroom. He knew Tooru would hate to wake up in sheets dirtied from their earlier pleasure.
At the doorway he paused. "Tooru-kun." He said gently, "You have to wake up."
Tooru struggled to lift her head and blinked at him. "Hai?" She said sleepily.
"Come, my little maid-chan," he said affectionately. Tooru was so cute when she was sleepy. "Stand up for a minute. I need my hands."
Tooru nodded, and braced herself to stand. Shigure dipped his arms towards the ground and let her down gently. She was starting to wake up a bit more and wonder what was going on.
She stood swaying for a minute. Shigure held his arms out ready to catch her if she fell. She straightened fully with a small wince of pain and the dog frowned. He'd been out of control this morning, had he hurt her?
Tooru leaned against the doorway, eyes blinking as she struggled with remaining upright and awake. Once he was sure that she wasn't going to topple over, Shigure went into the bathroom and began to draw the water for her bath. He stepped back into the entryway of the bathroom a few moments later and discovered that Tooru had fallen asleep standing against the doorframe. He couldn't put her in the bath alone. She'd fall asleep and drown.
Gently he cupped his fingers under her chin, "Tooru-kun, Tooru-kun, wake up. The bath is ready."
"Bath?" Tooru looked up at Shigure's face sleepily. Was she supposed to take a bath? The man stepped back from her and she looked down at herself. Oh yes, she should. She peeked under the wrapping around herself. She was positively filthy!
Tooru looked at the cloth she was clutching around her. What was this? A blanket? It looked awfully familiar. She looked up to where Shigure had turned, pulling out soaps, shampoo and other bath necessities. He puttered around unselfconsciously in the thin short shift that went under his yukata.
Tooru did a double take, looking down at the cloth wrapped around her and back at Shigure. She was wrapped in his yukata! She blushed as she watched his muscular calves flash from beneath the loose undergarment. She hadn't ever seen him this unclothed before.
Shigure looked over his shoulder at her. She was looking back at him, blushing and bright eyed. Finally, she was truly awake.
She looked very small clutching his yukata like a life support around her. He liked the way she looked with his clothing wrapped around her... He shook off his wandering thoughts. "The bath will get cold," He scolded. "Take off your things and get in."
"Ah! Y-yes." Tooru stammered, jumping. She had started to unwrap the yukata when she looked up and caught Shigure's eye. He was still watching her. She flushed and looked down. Was he going to watch her undress?
Shigure thought her embarrassment was deliciously adorable... so innocent after their debauch of the morning. But he respected her wishes and glanced away, busily putting together two little tubs of bathroom gear.
Tooru saw his eyes leave her and quickly shucked off the yukata. Shigure grinned as he watched her in the reflective surface of the mirror. She struggled a bit with the zipper of the dress. It was all twisted around from its abuse earlier. She bent a bit trying to reach it and gasped at a sudden sharp pain radiating up from below. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes, but she resolutely blinked them away and managed to finally struggle out of her dress.
Shigure's fingers clenched at the side of the carry tub as he watched her walk and wobble awkwardly about her half of the bathroom. She winced and gritted her teeth as she wrapped herself up in a towel. Had he really been that rough with her?
Tooru turned and looked at Shigure's broad back where he stood still facing the opposite wall. His shoulders looked tense and knotted under the thin fabric.
"Um...ah... Shigure-san...." Tooru said hesitantly. Was he going to leave now so she could take her bath?
"You go ahead," Shigure said, sounding strained. "I'll join you in a minute."
Join her? Tooru blinked, they were going to bathe together? She shivered. He didn't want to do...that... again, did he? Tooru took a few awkward steps towards the bathing area, wincing with each step.
The thought of it almost made her cry. She was so tired, and she was sore. Not just in that place that had hurt so much either. She felt raw in all her sensitive bits.
Shigure watched her weakly wobble into the bathroom and his brow darkened further. She looked like a beaten dog! She looked like she was going to burst into tears any moment. He just wanted to gather her up in his arms and kiss the tears away. But it was his fault. He was the one who caused that pain.
He quickly discarded his under-robe and picked up the bath things. He'd been a brute this morning. It scared him how quickly he'd gotten out of control. He never lost control.
Tooru stood at the edge of the tall tub seriously considering the rim. She put a hand on the edge and tried to lift a leg to step in. She hardly got it off the ground before a sharp pain made her drop it quickly before she fell over.
She was still trying to figure out how to get into the tub when she felt herself lifted into the air and settled into the bath. She gasped as the warm water wrapped around her and looked up. Shigure's hands were under her armpits. He'd easily been able to lift her into the tub.
Tooru quickly looked away from the grinning dog. His chest was bare! She'd hardly glanced down, but she hadn't seen a towel. "He's naked!" She thought desperately.
She glanced up. Shigure was looming behind her, leaning genially against the rim at her back. All she could comfortably see were the toned arms on either side of her. "Bare skin!" Tooru thought, "I can see Shigure's bare skin!"
"Ne, Tooru-kun," Shigure said gently, sensing her panic and wondering at its cause, "Lay back and relax a bit. I'll wash your hair for you."
Tooru screwed her eyes shut and leaned back against the rim stiffly. She slid a little bit down into the water. Relax? When he was behind her? Naked? And probably wanted to do that again?
Shigure clucked and placed a large palm on the top of her head, "Lean your head back," He instructed gently applying pressure. Tooru wasn't trying to fight, but Shigure definitely felt the resistance. Had he hurt her so badly earlier that she was completely frightened of his touch now?
Tooru kept her eyes shut as her head finally felt the back of tub. Shigure's hand left her head and her shoulders relaxed a bit, only to tense once more when he felt one of his arms reach into the tub to scoop up a tubful of water.
"Keep your eyes shut." Shigure said gently. All of her flinching and shrinking made him uncomfortable. He felt like a hulking beast. His poor Tooru-kun. He gently poured the water over her hair to wet it.
Tooru felt the warm water trickling through her hair and seeping down her shoulders. Her neck un-kinked a bit and her shoulders began to relax into the warm water. There was only so tense you could be in a nice warm bath. Still, she jumped a little when she felt Shigure's hands begin to massage the shampoo through her hair.
But soon the relaxing rhythm of it started to wear down her defenses. Shigure watched her bunched up shoulders relax more and more into the water. As they fell, she slipped further and further into the tub until her chin was slightly dipped into the water. His clever fingers worked through her hair and along her scalp. The warm water enveloped her and soothed her hurts and dissolved some of the grime and goo. Tooru started to drift off to sleep again.
"Keep your eyes closed, " Shigure repeated and scooped up another tubful of water.
"Hmph." Tooru agreed sleepily.
He poured the water over her, and then again to fully rinse out the suds. His fingers ran one last time through her hair making sure there was no lingering soap, no snags. She'd slid down so that her chin was dipped just below the water of the tub.
Suddenly the water rose and Tooru jerked awake as it rushed into her nose. She coughed and sat forward gasping. She winced as the sudden movement tugged at sore areas.
"Sorry, sorry." Shigure apologize lightly from his side of the tub. "I should have warned you, but I didn't realize..."
Tooru gaped at him for a moment, shocked to see him there. She quickly looked back at the surface of the water. Shigure was in the tub with her. Naked! No towel!
Her cheeks burned and she felt silly. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen that before...the water stilled as Shigure relaxed in against the side of the tub. As the water calmed it became reflective, and Tooru could suddenly see the top half of Shigure's reclining form staring up at her.
Except... she thought to herself, she really hadn't ever really seen him.
She'd caught glimpses, when he transformed. She had seen parts of him earlier today and that day before... But she'd never really had the opportunity to really look at him.
Her eyes studied him in the safety of his reflection. His shoulders were broad and muscled. He wasn't sculpted, per se... but the were defined in a way his lazy life style didn't warrant.
He wasn't overweight at all she noted, following the line of his shoulder down over his chest...and he wasn't hairy. She didn't see a hint of hair until just below his belly button. She jerked her eyes back up. She didn't want to see what was below that. She knew what that lead to.
His cock, her mind whispered to her, reminding her of her morning lessons. That was what it was called.
She looked up and saw Shigure was regarding her with amusement, his wide mouth quirked into a slight smile. Had he been watching her study him? Tooru hunched a bit and slid downwards into the water as if she could disappear there. How embarrassing!
Shigure frowned slightly. Tooru was acting so timid. She was nothing like the wild innocent wanton of this morning. She wouldn't even *look* at him. She wasn't acting like her usual cheerful self at all. Had her fever returned? Her cheeks were flushed. Was that from the heat of the bath or some illness?
"Ne, Tooru-kun," he started to slide a little closer to her in the water.
Tooru flinched and drew back automatically. It was starting again!
Shigure froze at her reaction. What in the world was the matter with her? She looked like she expected him to beat her or hurt her.
Tooru was afraid to look at Shigure, afraid she'd see that dark wanting look on him again. She just couldn't do that again, not now... It was just too much. It wasn't that it hadn't felt good, well parts of it hadn't, but it was just so much to deal with. She hunched further, Shigure's words from earlier chasing though her mind.
"Greedy, Greedy, Tooru-kun," he'd said and he was right. She'd had her pleasure, but failed to give him his. He'd even had to punish her! Now he wanted more and she was denying him. But...she just *couldn't*.
"Ne, Tooru-kun," Shigure repeated, deciding to stay in place. "You should scrub up...We've had a busy morning."
"Yes." Tooru replied, still frozen in place. Shigure had put the tubs with their washcloths, soap and things on the ledge by his elbow. If she wanted to "scrub up" she'd have to approach him.
When Tooru didn't move, Shigure frowned again. He was starting to get seriously worried. Perhaps she was truly ill again? He shouldn't have let her lay on the floor like that.
"Tooru-chan..." He said gently, "Come here."
Tooru broke down. She buried her face in her hands and started to sob with big silent shaking shoulders.
Shigure sat up straight, completely horrified. She was crying. He started to move forwards towards the weeping girl. She drew her legs up protectively and seemed to disappear further into her hands. Undeterred he slid over and pulled her to him.
She made a little mew of protest when he placed and arm around her. When he pulled her up to sit across his lap she squeaked and let out a stream of apologies.
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry." She shuddered as he ran a calming hand through her sodden hair.
"Ne, Tooru-chan, you don't have to call me that now." It was awkward. He really wanted to draw her close and hold her tight. The best he could do was sling her across his lap and carefully loop a loose arm around her shoulders.
Embarrassed, Tooru hid her face in his shoulder. She was nothing but trouble!
"I'm sorry," she whispered again. Shigure was being so kind. She gave a heavy sigh and relaxed into his grip. Would she never be able to do anything for him? Big, fat tears ran freshly down her face. "I'm sorry."
"Ne, Tooru-chan," Shigure said as he rocked her back and forth soothingly in a slight, gentle rhythm. He laid his cheek against the top of her head. "What do you have to be sorry for?" If anyone should be apologizing it was he. He was the one who'd acted like a ravenous beast.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make Shigure-san happy." Tooru hiccupped brokenly. But she hadn't. She'd failed, again. "I'm sorry I wasn't any good."
Wasn't any- Shigure raised his head sharply and looked at the girl in his arms. How could she think he was anything less than pleased with her? She'd responded eagerly to his every suggestion; protested no whim he wanted to follow. How could she think she hadn't made him happy?
But, then, what had he done to make her think he was happy? What had he done? He'd taken his pleasure with no thought to hers. He'd scolded her. He'd punished her.
He hadn't known that she'd take so to heart, but he should have. She took the slightest recrimination like a heavy-handed blow. He'd been playing and she'd been suffering. He'd lost control and she'd paid the price, physically and emotionally.
His grip on her shoulders tightened and he brought his other hand around to her hip. He squeezed her tight for a moment, pressing her against his shoulder. His poor Tooru-chan.
"Tooru-kun is a good girl." Shigure said firmly, "I was very pleased."
"R-really?" Tooru sniffled looking up at him. Shigure was so glib. He wasn't just saying that to stop her tears?
"Really." Shigure nodded, something inside him pinging at her longing gaze. "I have to apologize. I told Tooru-kun to take it easy today and then made her do such strenuous stuff." His grip loosened so she could turn and look at him better. "Tooru-kun has worked hard, you must relax for the rest of the day."
Tooru blushed and ducked her head. The tension and fear she'd been clutching to her heart melted into the hot water of the bath. She felt guilty and a bit silly for thinking he wanted to do that again. What did she think? That he was some monster? That she was so desirable that he couldn't resist? Stupid, she berated herself. There was nothing about her that would make someone want her. Shigure was just being kind to her.
She was suddenly aware of the fact that she sat perched on his bare leg. She became fascinated at the hand she had braced against his upper arm. It looked so tiny in comparison. Her fingers were all splayed out but the still didn't cover one bunching muscle. The arm moved under her hand and she looked up at him.
When Tooru peeked up at him through her bangs with that heartfelt look of gratitude, he almost took back his promise to let her relax for the rest of the day. She made him want to make her do even more "strenuous stuff". Her slightest movements made him want to make her his all over again. How could she ever have thought that she was a burden to him; that she didn't make him happy?
Resolutely he picked her up off his lap and sat her in front of him in the tub. She gave a little "eep!" as he settled her down into the water. He drew up his long legs so that she couldn't escape. "I made a mess earlier." He commented dryly. In more way then one he reflected. He'd stomped all over Tooru's heart and feelings as well as using her body. He smiled lightly at Tooru. She'd twisted around to try to look at him. "I guess I'll have to take responsibility." He grabbed Tooru's tub of bathing supplies and began to lather up his hands. "Time to clean up."
Tooru gasped as she felt his hands lightly pluck the sodden towel from around her. Before she could process the fact that she was naked his hands descended again. Briskly, he smoothed the lather over her arms and down her back. His clever hands moved too quickly to be sensual, but the feelings weren't unpleasant.
It's like, Tooru thought as his hands scrubbed up one arm and down the other. It's like when Mother used to bathe me when I was little. She felt suddenly warm and taken care of. She placidly let Shigure scrub down her back her head leaning languidly on her knees. It was a sin, she was sure, to let him do so much for her. But it felt so warm and comfortable she couldn't find it in her to protest.
Shigure smiled as ran his hands roughly against her back. Tooru had a light smile on her lips and her color had improved. It was amazing, such simple words from him had such an effect. It works both ways, he reminded himself. When he praised her, she shone. When he scolded her, she collapsed. I'll have to be more careful, he thought.
He handed Tooru a washcloth and let her clean her front. He took up his own cloth to distract himself. There was no way that her scrubbing off their fun from before should be so erotic, but it was. He briskly washed his face and then scrubbed his arms and torso.
He lifted Tooru out of the tub and they quickly rinsed off with the waiting tubs of cold water.
"Ah!" Tooru gasped with a giggle. She'd been in the hot water for so long that the cold water felt icy against her heated skin. Her nipples tightened response to the shock. She felt so refreshed and squeaky-clean.
Shigure faced away guiltily and doused himself with his own tub of water. He was *not* going to take Tooru on the slick bathroom floor. He filled up another tub of the icy water and doused himself again with feeling. He wasn't.
Tooru glanced at Shigure who was still dripping from his second dousing. She watched the water run in waves down his back. Men are shaped so differently, she thought. Are they all like this? She studied his broad back and watched the muscles move under the skin. She didn't think that Kyou and Yuki were.
Shigure turned and was shocked by Tooru's frank and curious gaze. Her eyes were wandering up his legs to study the way the muscles joined into his hips. Her eyes skidded up to see him looking back at her. She became aware all over again that she was naked.
The dog watched in fascination as the blush spread out from her cheeks and chest to encompass her whole body. Full body blush, he thought, I've never actually seen it before.
Tooru brought he hands up self-consciously. It was inadequate to cover her from Shigure's laughing eyes. Shigure looked away from her and bit the inside of his cheek.
When he had control of himself he managed, "Why doesn't Tooru-kun go get into her pajamas? No need to get dressed if we're just relaxing around the house." He resolutely kept his eyes averted.
"Yes." Tooru agreed grateful for the excuse to flee the room. Her robe was still in her room from earlier so she grabbed a towel. Wrapping it protectively around herself quickly walked to her room.
She looked inside her closet and realized that she didn't have any pajamas to change into. Her set was still in the bathroom laundry basket. They were dirty from being her being feverish and in bedridden for days. What should she put on?
Shigure went to drop his yukata and under-shift into the hamper and spotted Tooru's pajamas. Jogging briskly down to his room he pulled out a fresh yukata for himself and a pair of seldom used pajamas of his own. Tooru had probably intended to do laundry earlier. She had so few things he couldn't imagine her having more than one set of sleepwear.
He knocked on her door and left the pajamas sitting outside. He had some things to attend to.
He made a few quick calls. First he called for expensive take out dinners for the both of them. He didn't want her bothered with cooking. Since it was just the two of them he could splurge a bit and go for more than just the usual bento lunch boxes. Second he called for someone to pick up and launder Tooru's special maid outfit. He'd really made a mess out of it this time. It took a bit to find someone who could promise to have it done by the next morning and was willing to come out so far to fetch it. It was reflected in the price quoted.
A bargain, Shigure thought as he handed the delivery boy the dress and cash, at twice the price. The boy's face flamed when he saw the kind of dress he was being handed and its condition. That expression alone was worth the price Shigure laughed as he turned back into the house.
He felt the laughter choke in his throat when he saw Tooru standing uncertainly at the bottom of the stairs. She'd put on his sleepwear.
The pajamas were huge on her. The button down top practically reached past her knees, more of a dress than a shirt. She'd rolled the sleeves up almost half their length and they still dropped down past her hands. The pants were no better; they drooped around her like a tent. She'd rolled up the legs, but to no avail. She had to take slow shuffling steps to avoid tripping over them.
She smiled, and bowed over her folded hands. "Thank you, Shigure-san, for lending me your pajamas."
The shirt was buttoned up to the top, but the neckline had been designed for a man. When she bowed the light fabric flowed away from her body. The neck displayed much more than she realized. Shigure got an unexpected peek at her charms, the innocent-ness of it making it more attractive. She straightened and the embroidered "SS" initials on the shirt pocket settled over her breast. It was like she was marked as his property. He coughed into a fist. He was *not* going to take Tooru on the floor of the living room. Again.
Tooru fiddled nervously with the pajama top's shirttails. She'd been unexpectedly warmed by the fact that Shigure had thought to provide something for her to wear. It was nice to know that he thought of her. It was another thing to add to the list of things she had to thank him for. How was she ever going to make everything up to him?
"Ah!" Tooru looked up eagerly, "Dinner! I should get it started." It was one way that she could help out Shigure. And it would let her escape from the awkward way that he was silently staring at her.
"Oh, heh, heh," Shigure laughed weakly, willing himself to get a grip. "No need. I've ordered out, it should be here soon." Tooru's face fell. "So maybe you could just set the table?" He felt an answering smile light on his lips as she rushed off to do his bidding.
They spent a very pleasant dinner. Tooru was suitably awed at the dinner he'd bought. She exclaimed over the expensive sushi set. She would have just looked at it and admired its beauty if he hadn't scolded her to eat. Reminding Tooru that she'd been recently ill he filled a plate an insisted she eat every piece.
He'd had fun distracting her and adding pieces to her plate when she wasn't looking. When she'd finally caught him adding a fat piece of ahi on her plate she'd gone red and scolded him. Holding up the sushi with her chopsticks she playfully forced him to take it back. She blushed for another reason entirely when he leaned over the table and ate it off the end of her chopsticks.
When the sushi had finally disappeared between them they sat back from the table in companionable silence. Shigure took out a notebook and wrote out a few ideas that had been turning around in his head. Tooru took the dishes into the kitchen and tidied up.
She was yawning over the oatmeal pots in at the sink when Shigure popped up again. He thought she'd just gone into the kitchen to put things away. He was embarrassed to see her cleaning up his messes from the morning. She had an apron tied tight over the pajamas to protect them. The tightly fastened ties at her waist emphasized its slimness. The bow in back trained the eye right over her rear, defined even through the loose cloth. She sleepily rubbed wrist over her eyes, trying to keep a sud-soaked hand from depositing in her eyes.
She didn't notice Shigure until he was looming up behind her. She turned with a start and smiled, "Oh, Shigure-san, did you ne-" She was cut off as he leaned in and kissed her. It was a gentle thing, lingering and simple. Her eyes dipped closed as it continued. Shigure put his hand to her hip and pressed her back. She swayed into his kiss, hands dropping to the counter. Slowly her hand relaxed till the scrub brush she'd been holding clattered into the sink.
They jumped apart guiltily in surprise at the sound. Shigure kept her pinned between him and the sink while he recovered from the kiss. He was *not*, he reminded himself, going to take Tooru on the kitchen floor. He hadn't been able to resist the kiss however. She'd looked so sleepy, cute and lost in his baggy clothes. He took a steadying breath.
Tooru ducked her head; Shigure's chest was inches from her back. His arms steadied himself on either side of her the counter. She felt enveloped by his male presence. She'd enjoyed his gentle kiss and wondered where it would lead. This was a very different Shigure than the one she was used to.
The world turned on its side when Shigure impulsively swept the slight girl up into his arms.
"Ano, Shigure-san!" Tooru protested weakly. She still had on the apron from the kitchen tied around her. She had the sense not to struggle and cause a possible transformation but she was very confused. She tried not to touch him with her still soapy hands.
"It's time for good little girls and boys to go to bed." Shigure said cheerfully walking up the stairs.
"Ah, but Shigure-san, the dishes!" Tooru protested.
"Can wait." Shigure said with finality. Using his knee he prodded open the door to her bedroom. With his hands full he couldn't flip on the light switch, but it wasn't really needed anyway. He walked up to her large bed and laid her gently on the coverlet.
Tooru looked up at him with surprised eyes when he released her without even attempting a kiss. He turned and flicked on her beside lamp.
"Ne, Tooru-kun should take off her apron and get under the covers." Shigure kept his eyes adverted. The simple kitchen apron was tied around the neck and waist over her borrowed pajamas. She had it cinched tight, and it molded to her body intimately. I will not, Shigure reminded himself, take Tooru in the bed I bought her.
He heard a rustling and couldn't resist a peek. Tooru had removed the apron and had the covers drawn back. Concentrating on sliding between the sheets she didn't notice him looking. The loose neck of the top was sliding off one shoulder. It exposed a stretch of creamy shoulder and the top of one breast.
Tooru looked up in surprise as she felt Shigure's weight shift. As her head tilted up her mouth met his descending lips. Tooru felt like she was dissolving, disappearing into an awareness that only existed of Shigure's mouth and his clever tongue.
He slowly guided her so that she was reclining against her overstuffed pillows. His hand moved of it's own accord and began to massage her breast through the silky fabric of her clothing.
Suddenly the hand and mouth were gone, the warm weight shifting away.
"Ne, Tooru-kun," Shigure sounded strangled, "You should snuggle under the covers. It's cold." He kept himself resolutely turned away. He was NOT going to take her in the bed he bought for her.
Tooru did as she was told, her breathing irregular from the sensations he'd waken in her. She snuggled under the covers and looked up at the broad back sitting on the edge of her bed.
His face turned a little towards her and she was surprised all over again how handsome Shigure was. His features were so fine, sharp like a fox. His dark eyes were a mystery as usual. She couldn't read him at all. His shaggy hair flowed over the back of his yukata and fell into his eyes.
It was silky-soft she remembered.
Her eyes wandered down over his expressive mouth. The lips didn't look as full as they felt when they were pressed against her. She touched her still tingling lips. She liked his kisses.
Shigure shifted his weight again. It was time for him to go. He should leave her to rest, to recover. He started to rise, hand reaching for the lamp at the edge of the table. "Tooru-kun should sleep well-".
He stopped when he felt a little tug on his yukata sleeve. Tooru's little hand was clutching the fabric tightly. Tooru looked into her bed sheets, cheeks flaming. Her hand had moved before she could think about it.
"Tooru-kun?" Shigure's eyebrows flew up.
Tooru bit her lip. Now she had to say something. She didn't want Shigure to go... but it was rude of her to ask him to stay. She had to say something though. "It-it's lonely tonight with the house so empty."
Shigure felt his insides flop around. "Isn't Tooru-kun tired? Don't you want to rest?" He settled back onto the bed, this time facing her. He braced an arm over her hip so that he was hovering over her intimately.
Tooru felt her nipples tighten at the warmth his body was exuding. His dark eyes were laughing at her and she was sure he thought she was a silly girl. But worse then him thinking her silly was the thought of her alone in her large bed. It felt abruptly terrible to think of her alone up here, with the feelings he'd awakened in her... and him below downstairs.
"Yes..." She whispered, "I'm tired..." She was suddenly weary. She didn't know what was going on inside her. On one hand she was still frightened of him. Every movement seemed to resonate in her so strongly; she didn't know how to deal with it. On the other hand... she looked up at him with needy eyes. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts tonight.
Shigure could read the confusion on her easily. Ah, how he wanted a midnight snack. But to press now, when she was so vulnerable could only damage her. Even if she didn't know it herself that it would.
He couldn't leave her looking like that though. The thought of that sweet needing face would haunt him to his grave. He smiled lightly and said, "Trouble falling asleep?" He flicked off the light, "Why don't I tell you a story?"
Tooru squeezed her eyes shut to keep the tears from flowing. He was going to stay.
"Yes, please." She said softly.
Shigure had to look away from her again. Such a simple thing shouldn't make her so happy. "Get settled and I'll begin." Shigure tried to inject a smile into his words. Tooru settled down under the covers and drew herself into a ball, scootching back on the bed.
She looked at him with expectant eyes.
He stood and faced away from her, pacing in the dark around her bed. Much more of that and all promises were gone. "What story should I tell..." he mused. He was aware of Tooru's eyes on him as he walked, although only the newly risen moon illuminated him.
He couldn't do this if she kept watching him that way. He walked around to her back and climbed on the bed. "Ne, Tooru-kun, you don't mind do you? I'm a little tired." He lay down so that he faced her back. When she started to roll over he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Better stay as you are, you'll fall asleep quicker."
And this will help me to control myself, hopefully, he thought.
Tooru could feel his warmth at her back even though he lay above the coverlet. It felt like he was shielding her from the darkness around her, and his rumbling voice near her ear was soothing.
"Okay.." she said softly, but couldn't resist snuggling back a bit, closer to his warmth. Shigure watched her wriggle closer, and swallowed thickly. Control. "Ne, How about Red Riding Hood? Does Tooru-kun know it?"
"Yes," Tooru said sleepily into her pillow. It hadn't ever been one of her favorites, but she knew it.
"Probably not the real story...." Shigure said playfully, lowering his voice. "I'll tell you."
"Once upon a time there was a young woman, she was very flashy. Every day she wore a bright red riding hood. She wore it so often that that was what she was called.
One day, Red Riding Hood was off to visit her grandmother with a basket of goodies. She'd been warned not to talk to strangers, but when a handsome wolf approached her she couldn't resist. Red Riding Hood was a tease you see... She couldn't resist flirting with handsome things."
Tooru giggled into her pillow, Shigure had leaned close to her ear as if he was imparting an important secret.
"I empathize with her", Shigure continued, drawing back a little. "The wolf was very handsome, and it would have been very hard to resist him."
"Where are you going? Do you have some time to play?" asked the wolf.
"Oh, no, no time to play." Red Riding Hood exclaimed winking to show how sorry she was that it was so. "I have to visit my grandmother, and bring her this hamper of food."
"She's bedridden and I have to attend her." She continued meaningfully, "The poor woman can't get out of her bedroom. She's deaf too..." She looked at the wolf in a come hither way.
"The poor dear! Where does she live? Maybe I'll send flowers."
"The wolf was so kind hearted," Shigure said snuggling a bit closer so that he could smell Tooru's freshly washed hair. "He didn't deserve the bad reputation he had around town."
"Touched by his offer, or maybe the wandering hand at her hip, Red Riding Hood told him where her grandmother lived. The wolf looked at her with a laughing smile, and Red Riding Hood was suddenly afraid she'd taken her teasing too far."
"Oh, dear, look at the time! Grandmother will be waiting." She said and rushed off.
"The wolf considered for a bit, he knew that Red Riding Hood would be distracted by some other pretty thing long before she reached her grandmother's house. He'd best go on ahead and check on her."
"When he got to the house, it was dark and cold. Grandmother was a true invalid, not even able to turn on the lights by herself."
"Grandmother," He said genially, surprising her in her boudoir. "I've been sent to take care of you."
"He fluffed her pillows. He tucked her into bed with an extra blanket for warmth. He read to her a bit, and fed her some porridge. The old woman was delighted with her company. It wasn't often she got attended by such handsome beast as the wolf."
"I have a granddaughter you know." She said. "She's single." She added meaningfully.
"Really?" the wolf said, "How nice." He kept grinning as he watched the sleeping pills he'd ground into the porridge take effect. Red Riding Hood said her grandmother was deaf, but why chance things? This way she'd sleep peacefully through the night."
Shigure leaned close into Tooru's ear again. Had she fallen asleep? "Ne, they always say that the wolf killed the grandmother...but it's not true... she was just sleeping."
Tooru smiled sleepily, his warmth and low voice making her feel relaxed and boneless. Of course the handsome wolf wouldn't have killed the grandmother. He was too kind.
Shigure continued his version of the familiar tale, "Red was very late coming to Grandmother's. The wolf was upset because he had to wait so long."
Bad girl, thought Tooru, half asleep. She was supposed to come straight to Grandmother's house.
Red was surprised to see the handsome wolf. "Grandmother?" she whispered.
"Sleeping." The wolf said with a toothy smile. "You can take care of me instead."
"Red, laughed, willing to play his game."
"She's so playful, ne?" Shigure's lips tickled the back of her ear as he added his little side comments.
"Why, Grandmother..." she said coquettishly, "What big eyes you have." She removed her signature hood and hung it on the post by the door.
"All the better to see you with, my dear." The wolf said following her curves with his eyes."
Shigure ran a hand up Tooru's curves, and leaned forward to continue in his throaty whisper. Tooru burrowed into his touch turning a bit, eyes still closed.
"Grandmother," Red said again, approaching the wolf slowly. "What big ears you have." She straddled his lap and stroked his ears.
"The wolf moaned and clasped her tight, "The better to hear you with, my dear." Though he seemed more focused on his sense of touch than his sense of hearing."
Shigure's hand mimicked the wolf's sliding up to gently knead Tooru's breast through the thick coverlet. Tooru gave a little moan and rolled on her back. Shigure was so close that this placed her head on the arm he was supporting himself on. Her face was very close to his whispering lips. The coverlet tugged down from her movement, and Shigure played with the nipple that was suddenly accessible through the silken cloth of the pajamas.
Shigure gazed into her unguarded sleepy eyes. "My, Grandmother," Shigure whispered, "What big teeth you have."
He leaned down and kissed her, his long thighs pressing up against her through the coverlet. He broke the kiss and Tooru gasped. His head dipped down to kiss lightly down her neck. "All the better." he continued between kisses, "to *kiss* eat *kiss* you *kiss* with."
He gently unbuttoned her top and kissed her again between her breasts. She was now almost fully beneath him and squirming at the touch of his hands. His hand snaked below the cloth and played with the taunt nipple.
"S-shigure-san..." she said softly, enjoying the gentle rolls of arousal he was sending through her.
"Yes..." Shigure drawled lifting his head. He didn't stop the movement of his hand, and he shifted so that his other wasn't trapped below her head any more.
"D-didn't...wasn't...ah..." Tooru arched a bit as his clever fingers pinched at her nipple. "...Wasn't Red Riding Hood saved?"
"Saved?" Shigure rumbled, laughing. He took her lips again. "Do you really think she wanted to be saved?" He asked rubbing his nose affectionately against hers.
She looked into Shigure's wolfish eyes and giggled. "No."
Shigure kissed her again. How was he expected to keep promises when she was like that?
He fumbled with the coverlet trying to get closer to her. He finally threw it towards the bottom and stretched out next to her. He ran a hand caressingly down the side of her face and she leaned into his touch.
He ran his thumb over her mouth. Her tongue peeked out in an automatic response, wetting her lips. He took it as an invitation to pop his thumb inside. Tooru suckled it gently, the feel of her tongue over the callused digit more erotic than he thought it would be. Everything about Tooru was more erotic than he thought it would be.
He took his hand from her breast, ignoring the mew of protest she made around his thumb. He pushed up her shirt and found the loose elastic of her waistband. He pushed the pants down and massaged at her silky soft thigh. She moved her legs apart for him. He took the invitation to reach up to her slit, no underwear under the pajamas.
Her hands moved, reaching up to his shoulders. She gingerly tried to push off the heavy weight of his yukata. His skin had felt nice earlier; she wanted to feel it again. She couldn't get it off, it was too securely fastened and she had no leverage. She settled for threading her hands under the cloth, running her fingers over his skin.
So warm, she thought, and arched as he teased with a finger at her entrance. She was still a bit raw, a bit sore from earlier. But he was going so slowly.
Shigure moaned at the feeling of her hands running over his skin. He leaned and bit her gently on the neck, delighting in her squeal...
He sat up a bit and shrugged his arms out of his yukata. He braced his arms on either side of Tooru's head and kissed her. He was thrilled when he felt her hands running up and down the smooth skin of his arms.
He pressed himself down and began trailing kisses down her neck Her hands traced over his back, and he shivered in response. It was like she was trying to memorize his form with her hands.
They moved down his side and he stopped his kisses to mutter a quick warning. "Not the chest..." Tooru's hands obediently moved away from that sensitive area.
He put a knee between her legs and felt the warm wetness that joined her together rubbing eagerly against him.
He positioned himself better and slowly slid in. Tooru winced; she was still sore. Shigure kissed away the frown mark between her eyebrows and then began another passionate kiss. He was willing to stay still till she was ready for more.
He broke the kiss, and then trailed wetly down her neck to her chest. He freed a breast and needy taunt nipple from her shirt. He nipped at it and lazily licked around it with his tongue.
Tooru's hands came up to clench in his hair. It was as silky soft as she remembered. She spread her legs and drew up her knees.
With the little leverage she gained she pushed upwards instinctively trying to get the rhythm she wanted. Shigure took his cue and began to move slowly.
He abandoned her nipple and sat up, his hand slid down to the knee that was pressing into his side. He massaged it for a time, letting her adjust to the friction he was building. He lifted her leg finally and slung it over his shoulder, he pushed deeper into her leaning forward so that she was bent upwards.
Her other leg moved of its own accord, draping itself over his other shoulder. He'd moved out of her hand's reach, but her legs locked him in a tight grip.
He was so deep inside her! Tooru moaned, she felt boneless in pleasure, her hands draped over her head. "Shigure!" She moaned.
Shigure pressed deep, his balls slapping against her ass. God, his name sounded good on her lips. He buried his head in her shoulder. Kissing and sucking on the side of her neck he marked her as his.
"Again," Shigure breathed into her ear, "Say it again."
"Shigure!" Tooru cried out. "Shigure!"
Shigure came inside her and Tooru arched. Her own orgasm overtook her. She was happy for once that he had come first.
Shigure took a deep steadying breath and looked at Tooru. Her eyes were half shut in sleepy satisfaction. She felt his eyes on her and blinked at him. Still aware of him inside her she blushed hotly.
He kissed her lightly on the nose and shifted her legs off his shoulders. He was careful to keep himself inside her, she was still throbbing inside... it felt delicious. He lay on his side and kept her as close as he dared, entwining his legs with hers. She sleepily kept her eyes trained on his face as he continued to watch her.
Her eyes dipped closed and then open again... she was trying so hard to stay awake. She loved that he was so warm, that he was still inside her, that he was so close. She wanted to stay in this moment.
"Ne, Tooru-kun still can't sleep?" He took her hand in his and threaded his fingers through hers. His hand dwarfed hers. He brought their hands between them and bopped her lightly on the nose with a knuckle. "This time I'll tell you a story you know the end to...that way you won't feel the need to stay awake."
"Once upon a time, God invited all the animals to a banquet..."
"On no account be late..."
Tooru drifted in and out of sleep as she listened to the familiar tale.
"The mouse told the cat..." Shigure paused, frowning at the sudden smile that played around her lips. He knew who she had to be imagining playing the rolls of the cat and mouse.
He snuggled a little closer to her, pressing himself inside her, reminding her who was in bed with her now.
"Ne, Tooru-kun did you know? Really... the cat killed the mouse... that's why he wasn't allowed to come to the party."
He nibbled at her ear, "Cats aren't so good, right? Dogs are much better."
"And the mouse... he was so underhanded. Did you know that in some stories the dog was second? Right behind the mouse? He would have been first if the mouse hadn't cheated. So unfair."
"What..." Tooru looked at him sleepily, yawning but enjoying his nuzzling and nibbling at her neck, "happened?"
"The dog got so mad that he bit the horse... and God sent him to be second to last for it..." Shigure rumbled kissing at the mark he'd made on her neck.
The mark would last for a while; it would be an angry purplish red tomorrow. He considered making another.
"Why..." Tooru whispered shifting her fingers in his for a better grip, "...did he bite the horse?"
Shigure laid his forehead against hers. "Because she was there I suppose."
"Oh." Tooru said in a small voice, finally unable to keep her eyes open. Shigure laid his head back against the pillows and watched her breath deepen into true sleep.
Shigure looked her over. He loved these moments, when she was asleep and displayed for him. Her breast was still free of her shirt, and the other one nearly exposed as the unbuttoned top slipped further open. He could see his love-mark on her neck, and he was still entrenched inside her.
He'd broken his promise, but he didn't think it had been too strenuous for her this time. He just couldn't resist her, this girl.
