Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Cats ❯ Ch 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Remind me again why we have to be here?”
“Because, you idiot, Miss Honda wanted to meet some of her old friends and asked us to be here. No one's forcing you to be…”
The two bickering cousins turned sharply to see Tohru being tackled to the ground by a blue blur. They were shocked to hear peals of laughter coming from the grass verge where Tohru and another girl were rolling around.
“Miss Honda, are you okay?” Yuki asked as he ran towards her, Kyo hot on his heals.
Skidding to a halt before the girls, Yuki grabbed Tohru's hand and pulled her away while Kyo pulled the other girl in the opposite direction. The purple-haired girl squeaked in surprise as her arm was pulled backwards painfully. Before Kyo could do anything else though, someone else collided with his side, sending him to the ground.
“Rei, he didn't hurt me that bad!”
“But he shouldn't have pulled your arm like that!”
“Sure, but he didn't deserve to be kicked for it!”
Kyo cracked his eyes open to see that a blonde girl had now joined the group, arguing with the smaller of the two newcomers. Yuki and Tohru were standing to the side, looking as confused as he felt.
“Apologise to him Rei!” the smaller one said.
“Do I seriously have to?”
“Fine,” was the grumbled reply. Kyo stared as the blonde glared down at him before bending slightly, grabbing his wrist and pulling him up. His eyes were drawn to the ring of beads around her wrist. The same as his. Giggling caught his attention and he glanced up.
“Well, that's about as close to an actual apology as you're going to get from Rei,” the purple-haired girl said to him. Tohru just continued laughing.
“Takao, you didn't say you would be bringing anyone else with you,” she finally managed.
“That's because I talked to you a week ago. Rei turned up four days ago!”
“Now, now, what's going on here then? Are you getting into another fight Rei?”
The teens turned to see a red-haired woman standing behind them.
“No Kyoto, of course I'm not. This idiot deserved to get hit for hurting Takao,” Rei drawled.
“Hey! I am not an idiot!” Kyo yelled at her.
“Yes you are.”
They looked ready to start a proper fight when Kyoto stepped in.
“Come on, little kitten. I'm sure that he didn't really deserve it. It was obviously just an accident,” she told Rei in a hushed voice. The blonde's eyes drooped half shut and she dropped her guard.
“Kyoto, I've told you not to do that to her anymore!” Takao whined.
“But it's so fun!”
Everyone stopped talking as laughter burst from Tohru. Yuki looked at her with worry.
“Miss Honda, are you okay?”
“Yeah I'm fine. It's just…Kyoto and Rei remind me of Shigure and Ritsu. It's so funny!”
Kyoto's ears perked up in interest.
“Shigure?” Her eyes travelled from Yuki over to Kyo. “You mean Shigure Sohma? The novelist?”
“Yeah, that's the one. He's Kyo and Yuki's older cousin. They all live together in Shigure-san's house.” Tohru smiled up at Kyoto. “Why?”
“Are you kidding me? He's Kyoto's idol!” Takao said from her new point, hanging from around Tohru's neck. “She would do anything to meet him!”
The two boys looked at each other in confusion.
“Whoa whoa! Would someone please tall me what's going on?” Kyo asked.
“Yes. I would also like to know just who these people are, Miss Honda,” Yuki added.
“Oh!” Tohru blushed. “I'm sorry. This is Takao Mitsuji. I knew her when we were still in elementary,” she waved an arm towards the bouncing girl beside her, then swept it to the red-haired woman, “and this is Kyoto Mitsuji, Takao's older cousin!”
“So who's she?” Kyo asked, indicating the blonde who was standing beside him.
“That's my one of my other cousin's!” Takao said happily. “She turned up just four days ago. Up until then, I hadn't known my aunt had had a kid.”
“And her name is..?” The blonde was now playing with Kyo's hair like a cat with string.
“Oops! Silly! That's Rei. And don't worry, she'll stop playing with your hair in a minute. It's just that Kyoto said that to her and for some reason it sends her back.”
“Sends her back..?” Tohru looked at Takao in confusion.
“Yeah, like regression. Except it's just her actions it affects. Oh, it's nothing serious,” Takao added seeing the shocked look from the Sohma's and Tohru, “it's just a little weird. Ritsuke's already checked her over. Come on! Let's get some ice cream, Tohru.”
Takao grabbed Tohru's hand and started to pull her toward an ice cream parlour. She glanced back at Rei who was trying desperately to bat at Kyo's hair again, hindered by him holding her wrists. Takao smiled. She thinks it's a game.
“Kyo,” she called back. “You're going to have to take her hand to get her to follow us. Don't worry. She won't bite you.”
“You've got to be kidding me!” Kyo moaned, but he felt a tentative hand lip into his own and looked up to see Rei blushing and looking up at him through her bangs. Small fangs poked over her bottom lip as she grinned up at him. He sighed.
“Fine. Come on then, if you want some ice cream.”
Rei's grin spread further as she started to walk after Kyo, swinging her arms. Takao looked back and smirked. She'll have a fit when she remembers this.
Rei's Neko_gurl: Well there it is. The first attempt at my very first Fruits Basket fic. Tell me what you think.