Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Easily Broken ❯ Haven't I Suffered Enough ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Four
Haven't I Suffered Enough

Why? Why did it have to be this way? I had made my decision; I wouldn't let what happened change me. Than why is it , I can't move or even speak? I can't ignore him either.

"Akito!" He stood there in the door way. His eyes were stroked with surprise and fear, unlike any before. He was panting heavily, probably from running all the way over here. Then did he know? Did he feel I was up to no good? Had he really came with the pure intentions of stopping me? "Akito! Let them go!" He exclaimed loudly, quickly taking my arm in both of his hands. He shook it viciously, hoping it would free the girl's hair from my grasp, but I held on tight. "Please, Akito!" His voice struggled to release those simple words, but merely cracked under pressure. His head dropped in remorse and his grip tightened. "Let them go." He muttered, his own hands shaky as the realization of his actions sunk in.

"Why are you protecting them?!" I yelled out. I tried to wiggle my arm free in a failed attempt, he would not give up without a fight. "Get off of me right now!" I bellowed, forcing him to slip slightly with my constant moving. He gasped when he lost his footing, but still used my arm as support.

"Leave them alone! They haven't done anything to you!" He tried to convince me of their innocence. "Please." Shigure begged sorrowfully. His head slowly fell and he rested his forehead on my arm. "Just let them go...."

Anger rose in me. I was furious with them and him, but I couldn't hurt them. Gradually, I loosened my grip around the woman's hair, allowing her to slip free unscathed. She fell to her feet and crawled back over to the breathless man. And without exchanging another heartfelt glance to me, they scurried out of the room like two terrified mice. I sneered in frustration, clutching my hands into fist. I turn to the frantic man at my arm, still holding on for dear life. He wouldn't dare look at me after doing that. I jerked away from him grasp and fearsomely shoved him onto the floor.

He hit the ground violently with a rough thud and a painful shriek. Weak with dread, his head daggled nervously between his high should blades. Long veins clouded his eyes and scared expression. I watched as he struggled to his feet, wobbly at first but eventually sturdy. "If you are angry, take it out on me." He replied bravely, never looking me in the eye. I gladly took that offer and slapped him. He had surprisingly managed to stay on his feet after a moment of rickety balance.

I just wanted to holler at him for no apparent reason. I wanted to punch him until my knuckles turned red with blood and sores. I wanted to throw things and ransack the place. Anything. I just wanted to do something. My breathing had grown hesitate with fury. The raising and falling of my chest were no longer gentle and steady but horse and frantic. I winced in fear, tears would soon follow. I had to do something or else I would erupt in unmatched fury and chaos.

"Akito..." His voice came slow and calming, like before. He approached me cautiously. I was steaming when his arms rose and formed a protective covering around me.

"NO!" I yelled. I would not let it happen again. I pushed him away hard as I could with a loud grunt, but he wouldn't budge. I tried once more, but he only got closer, shaking the pain off. I couldn't avoid it anymore. I had to admit...I have no strong foundation. In slow motion, those arms engulfed me again, tightly and comforting. I wept silently to myself. "Why...why won't you leave me alone?" I cried softly, clenching his shirt roughly. I knelt my head on his chest and watched as my tears cascaded down my pale cheeks. "I hate you." I mumbled angrily.

He smiled, not allowing the comment to faze him. "But I'll forgive you for it, Akito." He replied friendly, laying his right hand on my head to soothingly brush down the mangled threads of hair, and his left hand on my shoulder.

This only reminded me more of why I hated him. Here I had push, shoved, and slapped him, but he never hated me for it. He never even hit me back. He allowed me to hurt him, and yet he still was kind enough to forgive me. I had never asked for his mercy or his friendship...but I guess those come without words. I really want ho, to hate me back, I really do. But he won't. He plans to hurt me more. But my fragile heart can only take so much betrayal.

"I'm sorry..." His soft murmur, brought me from my tears as my head shot up in astonishment. I looked into those two bronzed eyes for an explanation. What reason could he possibly have to apologize for? He gave me a phony smile. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have tried to comfort you." My head lowered in acceptance. I knew it. I knew he was unwilling to put up with me yesterday. What had made me doubt it even for a moment? "At the moment it felt like the right thing to do." Laughing softly, he continued. "But I guess it was just cruel on your part. I shouldn't have touched you." It hurt to hear these words from his mouth. Of course I had told them to myself a hundred times but hearing it from the real thing is just...painful. "I didn't realize you would be this angry with me." He whispered. My ears twitched in anticipation. What did he mean? "I thought I was helping...but I only made things worse." I smiled for some strange reason. It made me happy, he didn't understand why I was truly angry. He thought I was mad with her for torturing me. But I was mad with myself for allowing such things to happen.

I had allowed myself to fall into his trap. He was forever weaving my fate in his loom, and I was to obey each step on command. Was this how it felt to be ruled? To have someone pulling all the strings? To have someone control everything you do? It felt hopeless. I have subdued myself into his game of emotions. I had been merely digging my own grave. Shigure had simply been assisting me.

But no longer! I will not be the vulnerable, weakling I have allowed myself to be. No longer will I suffer, no longer will I feel pain. Only those around me shall know my untimely wrath. And with vengeance I will set myself free.

"You're right!" I yelled, breaking viciously from his hold. Without warning I flung him back roughly and stood my ground. "You have made things worse, for yourself." I replied coldly. I could tell he was in disbelief by the surprised expression on his face. I must have really looked stupid to him, with the essence of tears still clear in my eyes and pain in my heart still open from attacks. "You have yet to feel my wrath..."


There was a frail whimper from behind the door. Hatori, who had been tending to his work, walked from his seat and slide open the door. But nothing had prepared him for what he had seen in his doorway. "Shigure! What happened?!" He exclaimed, rushing to his desk and grabbing a scrapped cloth and wet it in a bowl of cold water. He hurriedly applied the damp fabric to the reddening face before him. "Who did this to you?" He asked remorsefully.

Shigure, never one to place blame, lowered her head. His eyes were glazed heavily over with confusion and emptiness. In all of Hatori's years of working as the Sohma's doctor, he had never seen the man so isolated. Rather than answering him, like he'd hoped, he kept his thoughts to himself. A sickening anger, bubbled in Hatori's stomach as he compressed the cloth into the man's swollen eye. "Shigure, speak to me!" He encouraged, wetting the cloth once more. He picked up his hands, to inspect the damage, but he was startled by there reddening color at his fingertips. His palms were dark from struggle, at least he that's what he thought.

Shigure's palms were quivering with nervousness. "Did...did Akito do this to you?" Hatori asked concerned. When her shoulders tensed at the question, he had his answer. He was fairly disappointed in Akito. Everyone knew that he had feelings for the guy, but merely misunderstood the feeling as intimidating. So why had he allowed him to hurt him. "Shigure...why did you let him hurt you?"

"I am in no position to stop him Hatori." He muttered raspy, probably from shock of what had happened himself. "If he wants to hurt the only people who care about him, than let him." He whispered hostilely.

"What happened Shigure? You would never speak like that." Hatori wasn't easily convinced that Shigure would give up on him. Somehow he knew that Shigure hurt Akito more than he hurt him.

He smiled regretfully and shook his head. The brown eyes met Hatori's one visible eye. "Maybe I shouldn't have hit him..." He laughed shortly.

"You hit him!" Hatori retorted in astonishment. Surely Shigure should have returned with more than a swollen eye. Anyone who tried to defend themselves against Akito, were sure to walk out of here with a cast and a bloody nose.

"I think I hurt his pride more than his body." He chuckled. He had seemed so carefree now as he thought everything through. He was completely unfazed by the reddening eye he had received for his actions. "You might want to go check up on him though, he's going to a sore shoulder for quit awhile, after how hard I pushed him." He replied to himself, ignoring Hatori's speechless presence. "I came here to tell you to help him, not to help me really." He laughed softly once more. "I'm sorry for making your job harder Hatori. I wasn't thinking it would be you hearing all his nagging after I beat him up." He teased, standing up and taking his leave. Just as he made it to the office's doorway, he stopped. "Oh and if he happens to mention the bloody nose, tell him 'that' was an accident."


Sitting up on the floor, I tried to leave my dazed thoughts. "Akito!" I could hear Hatori's distraught voice yell from the hall. I averted my eyes nervously as he burst into the room in a panic. I had quickly turned from him, fearing to hear his laughter. Shigure had no doubly told him the truth and he was so astounded by the truth that he had come here to witness the great spectacle. Akito the fearsome Sohma ruler was beat up, but not by just anyone, by an incompetent dog. It would be spread through the Sohma household in no time.

"Akito?" He repeated, approaching me carefully.

"What?!" I bawled angrily. The moment I had faced him, I could see the disbelief and humor in his expression. Sneering poisonously, I crossed my arms and grunted. "Does it look that bad?" I asked, trying to sound not as turbulent as I really was. He released a brief horrendous laugh and grabbed a hand mirror from the dresser in the far corner of the room. He presented the intimidating reflection to me, making me hiss with resentment.

My shoulder length black hair, was haphazardly thrown across my face every which way. My left eye was red and puffy, much like Shigure's when he left. There was an offense split in my bottom lip, that showed a visible streak of blood. But the most detestable feature of my new appearance, was the unsophisticated amount of blood rippling down from my nose. It was shameful and embarrassing to see myself looking so homely. I growled and pushed the mirror from my view. "He'll pay for this." I hissed dangerously, my hands balling into fist as the words became a careful plan within my mind. I thoughtlessly wiped the red fluid onto my long sleeve and walked back to the outside porch.

"So what happened?" Hatori asked, disturbing my peaceful plotting of revenge. Seeing this as a chance to become familiar, Hatori sat beside me. What nerve! He thought this one moment of open conversation would establish him a safe friendship in the near future. Well I hate to burst his bubble, but there shall be no such thing. I see the results for my friendship with Shigure, so I not to particularly pleased with seeking more companionship. For now, I am happy with my solitude. But tonight I will be haunted with the fragments of this event. This day will somehow plague me for the rest of my life...

"You have yet to feel my wrath..."

Shigure stood up and gave me a serious glare. Knowing him, he would allow my punishment. But I was most frustrated. It would all be for nothing if she did not fear the pain. Why did he always stand strong when I threatened him? Am I a threat in his eyes. Was I even worth his time? "I'm waiting..." He said firmly. When I delivered a daggered stare, he countered with her own. "If you truly want to hurt me, than do so. I am not going to stop you." He announced, straightening his position, making him seem more gallant in his belief. "Go ahead! Be the hated person you dread. I guarantee you will receive no satisfaction from-"

I had quickly silenced him with the palm of my had. His face was turned in the direction of the force that had met his eye. I had hit him, wanting to prove he was wrong, but once again he was left with the last laugh. I felt nothing from it. No pleasing pride, not anger from him unresponsive state, nothing. The emotion was empty...

"Happy now?" He muttered, finally returning his eyes to mine. "Your expression now says you aren't satisfied. Do you need more violence to quench your hunger. Will it be enough when you have beaten me?" When I gave no answer and averted my glance from his, he smiled. "I thought so." It remained quiet for what seemed like forever.

My sulking didn't really help in the silence. But when I lifted my head to console him of my apology, I was met with a gruesome blow to the gut. I cringed in pain, kneeling before him as I held my aching stomach. That was certainly unexpected. I looked up at him startlingly, he was smugly grinning.

"What? You didn't think I would actually think I would let you get away with hitting me and not return the favor, did you?" He smirked and laughed as if the punch had been apart of my imagination. "Now that my debt is settle, I'll be leaving." He pronounced, heading for the door.

I couldn't let him get away that easily. I ignored the sharp pain in my stomach and launched for him just as he headed for the door. But I wasn't expecting him to fight back, when he turned around and shoved me to the floor. My shoulder, unfortunately eased my landing against the hard wooden floor. I shrieked in pain, holding the sore bone as I curled on the floor. "What was that for?!" I yelled back.

"Oh, you do expect me to defend myself as a man? My bad, I didn't know I was suppose to let you surprise attack me." He chirped mockingly. When I glowered at him furiously, he sighed and walked toward me. "You're such a baby." He whined, kneeling down before me. Shigure reached for my shoulder, but I quickly flinched from his touch.

"I don't need your help!" I spat venom at him in my words, but she wouldn't accept that declaration. He lodged for me suddenly, but I pushed him back once more. "Leave me alone!" In refusal, he jerked my other hand away so I could no longer protect myself. I tugged and struggled in his grip.

"Stop fidgeting you big baby! I'm not going to hurt you anymore." But of course I did listen. I only squirmed more, kicking and punching randomly with my sore arm. "Urgh!" Shigure growled loudly as he jerked both of my hands away. This time when I tugged back, I had mistakably pulling his flailing arms at myself. I had heard him gasp when his elbow unexpectedly collided with my face. "Akito!" He hollered, flinging my arms away and examining my face. His brows now furrowed in fear, I graced my face with my fingers to access the damage. A sneaky, wet crimson liquid was seeping down the side of my face from my nose as I laid of the floor motionless. I examined my slick fingers now covered in the wine like substance. I'm sure Shigure was startled by how dilated my eyes became at realizing my own blood was covering my face. "I'm so sorry Akito!" He wailed, rushing to his feet. "I'm going to get Hatori!" He yelled, racing out the door before I could say another word.

A/N: I’m so sorry for not updating in so long, I’ve been so busy. But I made this the longest chapter so far! So I hope you all like. I know Shigure seems a little out of character but I just building him for future chapters,lol, see ya soon. I bet everyone thought Akito beat the mess out of Shigure, didn’t you? Well its humor since the story has been all drama and angst for awhile so I could resist the fight^_^