Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Every Single One ❯ Loyalties ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Fifteen: Loyalties
A/N: Hi everyone. ^.^ I don't have that much to say, I just want to thank all of my readers and reviewers, oh, and I dedicate this chapter to the weather yesterday. You see; if it hadn't been for the snow, I wouldn't have gotten the previous day off, and then, I wouldn't have updated. So, everyone, thank the snow in your review!
Her fingers blended the rice together, with ease, and her face held the emotion of contentment. It had been far too long since she had made any form of food for the Sohma family; she missed it so much, and she hadn't even realized that fact before this moment. A smile crawled onto her face, with such a thought, and she completed the simple rice ball. Today, her plan would flourish into full bloom, and the curse would forever be lifted off every Sohma member. For some reason, she knew that the only Sohma still cursed was Akito. Once she was freed; the curse would die.
Tohru paused in her actions of food preparations; her body tired from the long hours of work. Yet, mere minutes later, she was back in her craze, as she prepared food for the picnic. A small comment from her aunt made her eyes light up, “My god! You've been cooking for hours now, what for? And don't you have school to get to?”
Her hand twirled contents inside the bowl, which she now held in her arms, as she replied, “Yes, I do have school today; I'm all ready to go, all I have left to do is finish this one dish up, then I will be on my way. Oh, and this food is for the New Year's banquet that I put together for this afternoon.” She left it at that as she placed multiple dishes into the refrigerator for later use.
And as Tohru headed out of the kitchen, her aunt's question entered her ears and settled in her brain, “A New Year's banquet? But, it's April, you should be having a picnic at a park instead.”
Tohru grinned as she left her aunt's question unanswered, nevertheless, in her head the thought, “The picnic was just a cover up, that all thirteen members of the zodiac are going to be at the New Year's banquet this time, along with their goddess and outsiders.” Yes, today she wasn't to attend a picnic, but a glorious New Year's banquet.
School-even though it was only a half day-seemed to be torture in its pace. The time ticked by in a motion that one would describe as slow. The fact, of which, ate away at Tohru, yet, she kept her patience in tack. No matter how much she was to change; manners could never leave her. Tohru tried her hardest not to look at the clock, for she knew full well that it only made time pass at an insanely slow speed. It could drive anyone to the brink, even the most patient of peoples.
While Tohru wished for the bell to ring-the teacher rambled off one thing or another-but Tohru only felt her eyes search the classroom. There! It was Kyo, she looked over in his direction, and they met each other's eyes. His crimson eyes held doubt in them, but her brown ones just reflected the smile that played on her face. Not before long, Kyo's features were graced, with a smile, as well and Tohru felt more determined then ever before to make this whole fiasco work out. It just had too, or else, Tohru didn't know what she would do.
Long brown strands of hair fell in front of her eyes as she turned her gaze away from the orange haired young man, and they landed on the clock. She knew that it would only make the minutes become hours, but the temptation to see the time overwhelmed her. Just one glance, and then, he eyes widened. There were just seconds before the bell would ring, which would signal the end of the school day.
A mixture of emotions swelled up in the pit of her stomach. Whatever happened today, whether good or bad, Tohru would face it head on.
The bell rang.
Two pairs of hands were interlaced. One belonged to Tohru and Kyo-the other-Yuki and Machi. While the orange and brown haired couple headed back to Tohru's house (to pick up the food for the “picnic”) the other couple paused just a ways away from the school structure.
A quick kiss on the lips was what started the conversation, as Yuki's lips left Machi's, “I was wondering…My family's getting together for a picnic today, and can come?” His tone was one of uncertainty.
A squeeze of the hand brought such nerves to rest as Machi nodded her head in acceptance, “I can't wait to meet some more of your family members.”
Yuki's face shown shock, “Even after meeting Ayame, you want to meet more of my family members?”
“You must be crazy.”
They laughed.
“Right away, boss!” Mine's voice rang throughout the, rather large, store. For, she was in the store room and in the middle of a search for a certain color thread, and Ayame had just asked (politely) for her to hurry up.
“Forget about it, Mine, we don't have the time to finish this dress. We shall have to complete this magnificent creation at a later date. What a shame!” His voice, so loud and deep, filled her ears. Thus, what he said was done, and Mine placed all the boxes back into their rightful places. The clicked close behind her as she exited the storage room and made her way to the store front.
As she stood next to him, she looked up and saw a serious expression upon his face, such things as that were never any good-that was-when it concerned Ayame. “I know that you have plans, but what exactly are they? I don't like the expression on your face; it doesn't sit well with me.”
“Oh, don't worry my sweet Mine! You shall find out soon enough-my plans for today-that is. For, the honor of accompanying such an amazing person as myself, has been stow upon you.” The overconfidence flowed heavily from his lips.
But such a thing as that was not what had the said woman frantic, “Oh no, I can't go anywhere with you looking like this!” Her eyes widened behind her glasses; her outfit consisted of her normal maid dress, which was fine for her job or even every day things, yet, not for special occasions, and anytime she went somewhere, with Ayame, was considered special to her.
While her mind panicked, her eyes didn't even notice as Ayame maneuvered himself around to the backside of her body, rather than, her front. Lest her eyes held astonishment, as long and (un-thought of) strong arms, encircled her waist. “I have a weird sense about today, so, I just want you there-by my side-in what you wear right now.” She felt as he gently kissed her jaw; her eyes closed. The touch left as soon as it came; her eyes snapped open, only to see Ayame's long mane of silver hair slip through the (now open) door.
She sighed. What was she to do with him?
“Hey boss, wait up!” Her black shoes hit the floor hard as she ran to catch up with him. The door (which Ayame had locked before he had left) closed silently behind the two of them.
Mayu held the phone in her hands, “What's going on, Hatori? I saw the way Honda-san and the two Sohma boys couldn't wait to leave class today.”
“The family is having a picnic today; they're just anxious.” Hatori's voice replied, as Mayu took in the words he spoke over the phone piece.
“I see, well, I think I'm going to go.” A-slightly-evil smile was carved onto her face as she placed the phone back on the hook.
She didn't even let Hatori give her an answer; she would be there, no matter what.
As the warm waters of the Sohma's hot springs washed over Mii's skin and relieved her frazzled mind, for when one is the editor for Sohma Shigure, one tends to have a rather messed up mental state; the thought of such relaxation felt like a dream come true. A relaxed mind and body would also be needed for event that was to take place later that day.
A happy sigh escaped her lips along with a short diminutive giggle. The thought of Ritsu the other day-words stammered-as he asked if she would like to go to a family picnic with him the next afternoon, played over in her mind, he was so modest and sweet. How could she ask for more?
And, as her body sunk deeper into the hot depths of the water that surrounded her, she could easily think up another reason Ritsu made such a great boyfriend. Her eyes closed a light laugh left her lips. Yes, Sohma men made perfect boyfriends, indeed.
“We're late!” Kyo's voice was filled with annoyance as he yelled at poor Tohru. “I still don't get how you can get lost from the school to your aunt's house! It's just…” Here he paused and looked over at the said person, “It's so like you.” His anger diminished and a large sigh fell from his mouth.
“I-It's not my fault! I'm still not used to walking to Hana's house…and when I was walking with you Kyo, I just forgot that I was living there now, my feet were automatically leading me to Shigure-san's house…” Those words weren't meant to be Tohru's defense and what was on her mind, yet, she still added an, “I'm sorry,” in the end.
Kyo laughed. Tohru would always be Tohru, didn't matter if she were her true self or her “fake” self, she would always be his Tohru. His laugh was echoed by the young woman next to him, who thought the same thing, as Kyo draped one arm over her shoulders (the other held some of the food), Kyo had matured. Yes, that was true, but he still got angry and he still yelled and he stilled blushed deeply and with ease, so, no matter how mature he got-to Tohru-he would always be the same Kyo who fell into her life so long ago (literally); always.
“Come on; let's get to this picnic before all this food gets cold.” Tohru nodded her head in agreement as they picked up the speed of their gait, Kyo's arm still wrapped around her shoulder blades. Tohru hesitantly leaned into the side embrace, yet was careful of the overload of foods, which she carried in her arms.
Once they got to the specified park, they spotted the rest of the Sohma family effortlessly. A mismatched group of people to be sure, yet, they were all related in one way or another. And, before Tohru made her presence known, she watched the scene in front of her. She could feel the joy well up inside her as the people, whom she had long ago considered to be part of her family, laughed, smiled, and joked with each other; a New Year's banquet like no other-to be sure.
Yet, the moment her presence (along with Kyo's) was known, all such previous acts were brought to a halt. The silence and tension was caked over the air, which made the awkwardness almost seeable. They all knew who Tohru was, nevertheless, the only one who knew that they all knew Tohru-was Hatori. The rest were as clueless as could be. Therefore, it was Hatori who finally brought an end to the long stillness, “Honda-san, it has come to my knowledge, that we all remember you…and that we are all free from the curse. I'm also guessing, since Kyo is rather close to you, that he remembers you and has had the curse broken as well. Am I correct?”
At that comment, Kyo and Tohru's faces both turned bright red, yet not a single movement was made; Kyo's arm stayed put. Then Tohru nodded her head to confirm Hatori's assumption. With that, the icy silence was broken and laughter filled the air.
An hour into the “picnic” and a stranger whom happened to look upon their event would not even be able to tell that memories had been forgotten. It was just like old times for them all. The food was devoured, at which, Tohru was told a multitude of times, of how much they had missed the way she cooked. Along with that, Tohru weaved in and out among the large group of people.
She had talked to Momiji about Momo and his mother, both of whom, still do not (and will never) know that they were related to the blond haired young man through blood; Momo just say Momiji as an older brother through name. Tohru had never seen Momiji happier.
Then Kagura told her of how she was now satisfied, with her life, and how the weight of Kyo and her love for him was a relief to be gone. She had then congratulated on the realization of their love for one another and, the moment Kyo left, spoke to Tohru about how she was happy that Kyo was, at last, happy. A thank you by Kagura was given.
After that Tohru made her rounds to almost every Sohma and Sohma brought guest. The only ones she had yet to talk to were Shigure, Kureno, and Akito-the latter two-were not even there. But, the food was eaten and small talk was through, the bouquet was over-or so it seemed-yet, right at that given moment when everyone was ready to leave, Akito showed up; Kureno was by her side.
And just like how everything had paused when Tohru had shown up, everything froze with Akito's appearance. Her eyes held shock at the site before her, but soon enough, anger flared deep within their black depths; at the sound of Shigure's laughter.
“Akito, I'm so glad you made it. Didn't I tell you this would be what you would find?” One of his true smiles littered his face as he walked toward the infuriated goddess.
“Oh, come now, you don't look all that happy to see your lovely zodiac animals, my goddess.” A tease was in his tone and looked as if he was about to speak some more, until a question from Yuki interrupted such a process.
“What do you mean by goddess, Shigure?”
“I mean just that. Akito is female; therefore, she is not our god, but our goddess.” All was said in a voice of I-Know-Something-You-Don't-Know. At which point, silence ranged supreme, once again.
“Don't you see what Tohru-chan is Akito? She is our hope, and you are our despair. Now, tell me, what shall you do? Tohru has thrown her own New Year's banquet-the cat and outsiders included-Kyo has beaten Yuki; not in a fight, but he got Tohru. Can't you see, Akito? They all betrayed you; they all left you in the end.” His voice was soft and dangerous. He spun manipulation with each word.
Akito made to run, but Shigure was fast, and caught her arm. Then he whispered, for her ears alone, “Tohru is the hope, the key to break the curse, and what shall bring true freedom to the name of Sohma. For, we may be partially free and no longer have the physical part of the curse on our bodies, but we still have chains around our wrists-invisible ones-but they are there none the less. Meanwhile, you are the lone goddess on her throne-the bird with its wings clipped and locked in the cage-who doesn't want to be saved.” He pulled his lips away from her ear, but kept his hold upon her.
This time he spoke louder, so everyone could hear him, “But, I'm forever by your side Akito, I'll never leave. How could I, when my plan worked out so splendidly? I used all of these people around me, just so I could have you all too myself-breaking the curse was just a bonus. Today was wonderful, just like every other day because…
I always get what I want.”
A/N: Okay, that's the end of the chapter. Please tell me what you think of it in a review, and I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I possibly can. Though, the CAPTS (a statewide set of tests I have to take at my school) will probably drain me of any creative thoughts.--.— Anyway, here is the preview for chapter sixteen:
Chapter Sixteen: You Can Only Have Me
The members of the zodiac, plus Kyo, Tohru, and the other “outsiders”, leave Akito and Shigure alone. It is then that Akito realizes that Shigure truly loves her and that the bond she thought she had with the zodiac members is false. But then, Akito must face her mother-Ren, and break away from her own curse.
Until next time. : )