Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Every Single One ❯ Graduation Day; Part One: Nothing Special ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eighteen: Graduation Day
Part One: Nothing Special
A/N: Sorry about the long wait! I got Kingdom Hearts II when it came out, and I've been obsessed with the game lately (even though I have already beaten it). Oh, and then I tried writing this chapter two times before, and nothing was coming out right, which aggravated me to no end. Anyway, I would respond to reviews, but, that would delay my updating the story, so I think you will all make due with me just giving a general thank you. Thanks so much! Now, on to the story… : D
They were all gone. When Yuki walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, on his Graduation Day, he had expected that everyone would be there. That Tohru would have breakfast ready at the table, that Shigure would have made some perverted joke; and that Kyo would be angered by the said perverted joke. Yet, not single of the above was shown, as Yuki walked into the empty kitchen. In fact, the only sign that showed that anyone had even been inthe kitchen was a short note attached to the refrigerator.
Yuki walked over to the fridge and grabbed the note, which was written by Shigure:
Kyo and Tohru said that they were going to visit her mother's grave and that they would be back before you had to leave for your graduation. I'm over at the Main House and Tohru left you some breakfast to heat up in the fridge.
With a sigh Yuki opened the fridge and took out the food. Once the meal was re-heated, Yuki sat down and ate in silence. It was actually quite pleasant to just sit and eat without two idiots on either side of you, yet…He hated to admit it, but, he missed the “normal” events of breakfast. He severely missed them over this utter silence, for, the emptiness made it so his mind could only wander to thoughts that overwhelmed him. It led him to think, “What will become of me?”
His mind began to panic, and even though Yuki knew it would do him no good, he felt himself become lost in the thoughts of what the future could hold. The heavy emotion of uncertainty that weighs heavily downward upon one's chest, with such pressure it makes it seem, as if, you can no longer breathe.
Slowly, he heard the front door slide open. He figured that it would be Kyo and Tohru; yet, he was surprised to find Machi. She stood in the doorway, her eyes held slight embarrassment, but, overall she seemed content to be there. And, despite his worries of why she might be there, Yuki greeted her with a smile and kind words.
Once she was inside the house and seated at the kitchen table, Yuki didn't know what to do or say. Yet, he managed to get out a rather clichéd question, “What are you doing here, Machi?”
And he received an obvious answer, “I wanted to walk to school with you…to keep you company before you go off and get ready for your graduation.” Both moved their gazes to look down at their neatly folded hands. So similar, and yet, so different; that was how they were. One wished to be healed and the other wished to heal. Their relationship was based off of a naïve form of give and take that was, in some unknown way, different from the desperate give and take relationship between Kyo and Tohru.
The difference might have lain in the fact that Kyo and Tohru were two complete opposites; meanwhile, Yuki and Machi were very much one and the same. The only distinction was that Yuki was what Machi could become if she was given the chance to grow and flourish.
“By the way, where are Kyo-san and Honda-san?” Machi's voice was soft and delicate as she asked her questions. Such a voice made Yuki disdained, for, he knew that her tone of voice came about due to her mother. A mother who was so very much like his own that it pained him to no end; a mother who sought out their child-not out of love-but out of honor and a straightforward tool. He despised the notion that someone as sweet as Machi had to grow up in such a parallel way as him. That her mother tried to control her and shape her into a “model student”, yes, the muse itself sickened him to no end.
“They went to visit Tohru-san's mother's grave.” He wasn't quite sure when he converted from Honda-san to Tohru-san, and was even more baffled that the conversion happened so suddenly, for he knew that the day before yesterday (the day of the picnic) he had called Tohru by Honda-san still. Yet, with the weight of such things as graduation on his mind, trivial matters, such as, when he went from Honda-san to Tohru-san, no longer mattered.
Machi lowered her head, Yuki understood that she-most likely-didn't know what to say, so, he spoke up in her stead, “Kyo and Tohru-san should be back before we have to leave. So, I'm going to go upstairs and change into my school uniform, please, make yourself at home.” Change into this school uniform, for the last time, such a thing, made him feel depressed.
As he walked up the stairs he came upon multiple realizations. After this day, he would no longer be in high school this first realization was plain to see. He told himself that after this day he would be done with his required education; that his life would no longer be a set path of next year-next grade. No, his life was bound to become much more complicated, and in that moment, he felt completely overwhelmed.
Thus, with a heavy mind, Yuki closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes. He needed to calm down, for, if he let such vivid emotions control his brain, countless minutes and seconds were sure to be lost and forgotten. Once the hazy fog of insecurity cleared, Yuki continued up the staircase.
Finally, Yuki made it to his room, where he got dressed in the, now common, black high school uniform. The desire to never take it off was rather powerful; nevertheless, Yuki could sense the need for growth and change in the air. He was no longer bound and chained to the curse, and so, he could no longer find comfort in the past; cruel and unknown the future was his only chance towards peace between his body and mind.
Dressed and ready to go, Yuki made his way back to the kitchen where Machi waited for him, Tohru and Kyo were still absent. “Kyo and Tohru, they aren't going to make it back here…I say that we head to the school without them.” Yuki's voice held indifference.
“Oh! But…ah…um…w-wouldn't that be rude-not to wait for them-I mean…” Machi's tone was that of surprise, yet, her voice died out by the end of her sentence. Her eyes were wide and her mouth still open, but no other movement was made.
“Don't worry, I believe that those two figured they wouldn't make it back to the house on time, they are probably already dressed in their uniforms and ready to go.” Yuki paused and then grabbed Machi's hand, “Come on, we have to get going, or else I'll be late.” The sudden move went unacknowledged at first, that was, until their hands interlaced. The slight show of affection made both teenagers blush lightly, yet, neither one wanted to let go of the warmth and love felt in that simple hand embrace.
They didn't talk all that much as they slowly walked to the school. Even so, with their hands still connected Yuki heard Machi's voice beside him, “When I graduate, Yuki…” She drifted off for a second, a forlorn glint in her eyes, “will you be there-in the crowd? Will you stay by my side and not leave me for your new found freedom? You won't leave me all alone, will you?” Her voice began to crack half way through her rush of questions and then a flood gate of tears slipped down her pale face. Her hand squeezed Yuki's tightly, with the need for reassurance.
He wrapped his arms around her and brought her close to his warm body and, as he held her so close, he could only thank the heavens. No curse was on his skin and soul anymore, so, he could hold her close like this whenever he wanted to. “I'll be in the front row, on your Graduation Day, you'll be able to easily spot me among the crowd. I'll never leave your side, not now, not when I can hold you close like this, forever.”
Machi gingerly looked up at him and he placed a tender kiss on her pink lips. He poured all his worries and anxieties about his future into that love filled touch, for, in that moment, the only thing his mind seemed to care about…was to be their for the only person who truly needed him.
Yuki was amazed at how fast the whole graduation ceremony had been, and how quickly all the words that had been said were forgotten. Was this how real life was? Would he suddenly just loose any and all memories of these precious high school days? Yuki severely hoped not.
He stood on the grounds, for; the students were released from their classrooms after their teachers had given them sage words about real life. Yet, not a single student would remember these so called “vital” words of advice. After all, the words could be spoken, comprehended, and mused over; but without any previous or similar experience to relate it to-the words stayed words alone. Spoken memories that were then stored into the darkest depths of one's mind and simply forgotten; or, at least, that was how Yuki viewed it.
People, most of whom, had all been students only hours before, bustled around him as they talked to friends and families. Yuki, on the other hand, just stood there, not quite sure what to do. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a flash of orange and watched as Kyo dragged Tohru away from the crowd of people. What the two were up to, Yuki could care less, but he felt slightly envious over the fact that both of them had somewhere to go-something to do.
And, it just so happened to be, that at that moment, Ayame ran over to Yuki and tackled him in a hug. Pure shock graced Yuki's rather princely features as his brother held him tightly in his arms, and a confused jumble of joyful words flowed from Ayame's mouth. These courses of actions, while they normally reduced Yuki to rather painful headaches, gave him a slight jolt of happiness and content. That was, until she spoke up behind Ayame, “Really, Ayame stop this nonsense at once! It's bad enough that I have to been seen in public with you when your mouth is shut; having to be seen in public with you when you ramble off like some idiot is just plain torture!”
That harsh tone, those sharp words, his mother.
The glee that had shone in his deep purple eyes, over his brother's naïve pride in his completion of high school, vanished in an instant. He didn't want her here! Not now, not when he finally had things right! Not when his mind was clear on his own path in life! Not now…not when the freedom he had always longed for was, at last, in his firmly closed hands. But, she was here, and he had to tell her, he had to break any stray chains that may have still latched him onto her. This moment was his last, and only, chance.
Ayame, it would appear, had realized this, as well. He ignored his mother and continued to clutch his brother close to him. “I told you to stop, Ayame! This is just like last time, you aren't listening to me! You're disobeying me again!” Her eyes grew frantic, “Yuki doesn't want you bothering him like that. He doesn't! So, stop!”
“No.” The short reply came, not from Ayame, but from Yuki. “I don't mind Ayame hugging me like this. I've learned to accept Ayame the way he is, and I, even enjoy his company. At first, I couldn't stand him, because I felt like he was smothering me and I didn't know how to deal with him. But, now, I've taught myself how to deal with his stupidity and flamboyant nature-I even enjoy it now.”
“It's just like at that Parent-Teacher conference, only now…Now you two are even closer, it's like, you aren't even my children anymore. You've both become horrible children who have both disobeyed their mother. I forbid this! I forbid all of this! Ayame, you aren't suppose to be allowed to be so close to something so special as,” and here she hissed out the word, so no one else could hear, “the rat.”
By now, Ayame had let go of Yuki, but stayed close to his side. “You don't know. The curse is broken.” Yuki's voice was calm and cool as he told his mother this, “And you…You aren't my mother, not truly. You may share the same blood as me, but…” He glanced behind his shoulder and there was Tohru, Machi, and Kyo just a ways away. “You never went through any of the motions of a mother, you never cared for me, and you only used me as a tool. That was all I was to you, and Ayame was seen as something even less, you are no mother to either of us-not anymore.” His eyes were hard as he finished his rant.
Yuki's mother did not respond, she just glared at the two brothers with wide eyes and an open mouth.
“Yuki-kun, Yuki!” The sound of both Machi and Tohru made Yuki retch his eyes away from the, now pitiful, form of the woman who claimed to be his mother. His dark eyes landed on the two young women, both of whom held smiles upon their faces. He sensed his mother as she observed his every move, yet, he no longer cared.
He just strolled over to the two females and caught Machi's hand in his own, and out of the corner of his eye, saw Kyo grasp Tohru's. “Can you believe it, Yuki-kun! We've graduated, I've kept my promise to mother!” Tohru's eyes lit up with delight, “I'm so proud of Kyo-kun and you, too, Yuki-kun!”
A grin plastered itself onto his face as he heard Ayame rush up from behind and join in on the conversation, Machi's silent presence continued to soothe him. Then, quite suddenly, the pleased group of individuals passed Yuki's powerless mother…Yuki didn't even bother to give her a small glance. No, not when he walked next to the only person he could truly call his mother. Not when his fingers were laced with an “outsider” who loved him. Not when his simplistic, and yet, brilliant brother stood by his side. Not when he was so near a person who so desperately wished to be like him, but could only hate him.
Not when he was surrounded by people who knew that he was-nothing special.
A/N: Well, there is the end to another chapter, but, that was only half of the graduation, next chapter we get a glimpse at Kyo and Tohru's side of the day. Just what happened at the graveyard to keep them so long, and what transpired when Kyo dragged Tohru away from the groups of graduates. You'll just have to wait for the next chapter, which (not including the epilogue) will be the final chapter. I'll try to get the next chapter and the epilogue up as soon as I can, but I won't promise anything. Anyway, please tell me what you think in a review and take care. : )