Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Fading Memories ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kuu: Hiyaaaaa. I hope everyones ready for the angst? Yes? Good! -evil laughter- Now before you all bite my head off for having such a depressing story..You have to realize that in this particular story, without the angst, there would be nothing but boringness...Then you'de be reading a story you really don't want to but you do it anyway since you don't wanna hurt my feelings. -sniffles- lol Uh yeah, anywho. I added some fics to my site (Since I finally figured out how to work the html..) But if anyone has any particular fics (Not from I've got most of the ones I want from here I think..Unless I missed one.) Then give me the title and author..Or even better..A link to the fic! And I'll try to add it. Eheh. Thankies! Now I get to answer reviews! Woohoo!
01-FAD3D: Rofl. You don't need to thank me for updating. I love to update! I should be thanking you for reading! And yes. Kyo woke up. Better have your arms wide open for the suspense and angst I'm gonna dish out! Hehe. Thanks for the reviews by the way, they're fun fun silly willy in the pants.
BakaDen: Ah. I love the whole stuttering thing, it made me feel nice and guilty. Good job ((high five)) Rofl. I thought that particular was very nice..For me..Poor Haru though, first off he has no idea why sometimes that provocative with Kyo popped into his head, not to mention that he was practically whipped in that situation. Rofl. I didn't laugh at him misfortune, I drooled. ((Cackling)) Hahah I was actually thinkin' about the whole hard-on thing..I mean first, he attracts everyones attention by whipping up in his chair and accidently falling backwards. He's freakin' out because he had a naughty dream about Kyo and him. And to to make it ever better, he's aroused! WHATS GOIN ON? Rofl. But eh, Oh well! And don't worry, no, Kyo isn't mute. I woulda done that..But I love Kyo's voice, what can I say? Eheh
M.T dog: Wooo! You liked the dream too? Good! I'm not the only one! Heheh. And yeah yeah I'm updating, I'm updating. Calm down! Put the knife awayyyyyy! -Cowers-
Kaeleer: yeah. He is gonna have a hard time. -pets the neko- Eheh. I'm sorry if I almost made you late for school.. -chuckles innocently- I feel kind of special though, that you actually read them instead of leaving earlier though! I know that' evil, but I can't stop myself from feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. Teehee. -thumbs up back- I give you the 'good guy pose!' (Curtesy of Naruto! (Well..RockLee and Naruto?) -heart-
Aquabreeze: Yes, yes they are. Kyo can't just magically feel better though, ya know? And Haru will get more memories..I don't really remember if there are anymore that are naughtier then the one in chapter 10, but there will be more..
Kyo's#1Fan: Oiiii! yeah I threatened everyone. Because some people are mean weeners and don't review when they're done reading the chapter. -pouts- It's not very nice of them..Unless of course it someones re-reading the chapter and they can't review since they reviewed already..But yeah, it's not like I wouldn't actually not update chapter 11. Then you all would be left hangin'! I couldn't do that to my beloved reviewers, now can I?
Japanesenut: Uhm. You said what happened to Tohru happened to you once? What exactly are you talkin' about? -confused- I'm pretty stupid. I mean..I wrote the damn thing and I have no idea what part you mean? Are you talking about the part where Kyo ignores her when she's trying to help? Because if it is, AWW! Poor Japanese nut! -pets- Its okay? I know what you mean though, about being embarassed. That's if we're talking about the same thing though.. You're a masochist, eh? That's good, so am I, in case you haven't noticed yet. lol..Ehehe thanks for reviewin' though! There's more Kyo in this chapter for ya.
Muchaha: Well. I'm glad it was long enough to satisfy you. yeah Tohru does get called that alot, but you have to admit, the girl is ditzier then I feel kinda bad for Haru..I know it would piss me off if everyone was acting stupid around me and then wouldn't tell me why. I'de probably start twitching uncontrollably..Or Just snap and bust some heads together! muahahaha! OI AND NOO! Kyo did NOT get turned on by the mention of Yuki. BLARGH! I didn't mean for it to seem like that if it did! It was more of a possessive thing. It was like Kyo's way of saying "you're mine and mine only." Ya know? Eh.
Sam I am: Yeah..I think the whole getting...Naughty in the school was pretty hot. rofl. Thanks alot too, I'm glad you like my pictures! Ehehe. They're alright. I wish I could find some nice haruxkyo fanart. BakaDen's is perty! Other then that, there's nothing. So..I just gotta draw it and amuse myself, or wait for people to draw it and send it to me..I should have like a contest thingy..And make all my reviewers draw haruxkyo fanart...Then like..The person with the best one can..Uh..I dont know..Have a HaruxKyo fic dedicated to them o.O Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Then I could write..And have fanart at the same time..? -plots-
Windchaser90: Well yes, Kyo woke up. But no, I'm not going to allow Haru to go after Yuki again. Besides, Yuki is more of a good guy now, and he wouldn't do anything like that to Kyo, after seeing how Kyo reacted last time, ya know? That would be like taping his heart back together only to crush it into even tinier pieces.. he's not gonna go back into his little coma thing, but you're getting warm. lol.
flyingdaggers: Rofl. your review made me chuckle. that case..Me too! -flails!- Kyoo Haruuu! -sweatdrops- Okay..Now that I'm done with that.. I know what you mean..I have trouble staying awake sometimes, depends on if I went to sleep late or not. Other then that I do my work then work on my fic for the rest of the period..
Amberblood: Rofl I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was joking around! Calm downnn! Don't apologize ((Shakes fist)) Well yeah he had a nice dream..We all know he secretly enjoyed it! But of course this is the second time this has happened..He's bound to be suspicious by now!
BluDragon: Yup yup. Sad sad. Kyo..Yup..Sad..Yup..Momiji..Yep, he's cool. Uh huh. I love blonde rabbits. Especially german blonde rabbits. Hey, we don't judge fanart by how good it's drawn. So don't say you won't send it to me just because it's not as good as BakaDen's. Hell, hers is better then mine and I still put it on my site with my crappeh pictures. So please send it to me. I'de love to add it to my collection. Besides, I'm sure it's just fine. -bats eyelashes-
Syit: Woot. I'm glad you think it turned out good, thanks for your help. lol
Moonlit sonata: lol. I can't read with people next to me. It makes me fidgety, but that's just me and I'm claustrophobic. -twitch- Thank you for the review Koushi-Chan! Aishiteru!
Janey Jane: ok ok. I'm writing I'm writing! Sorreh if I made you sad though! Eheh And lemon..Hmmm. I don't really know the exact definition people use for it but it's pretty much just a naughty scene. lol. You have lemon, which is usually like..actual sex. I don't write that since I've never done it before because I'm nervous about sounding stupid and getting flamed. I guess mine us citrus-y..Which is just below lemon? lol Get that?
Aoi Umenokouji: Wow! lol. I'm glad you like it. I really like the anime I have it on dvd as well, although I don't really like Yuki's english voice. I prefer the japanese version way more, except I like Kyo's english voice more then his japanese one..The japanese one just sounds...Hmm..I don't know how to put it, i guess it makes his voice to deep. lol, I'm picky. But yeah, Haru and Kyo are my favorites if you haven't realized. Woot for angst! I'm a total angst fan. I'm glad you enjoyed it? Not everyone did. lol. I don't take it as an insult so don't fret, I don't really take alot of insults as insults, rofl. Yay for getting onto your favorites list! -feels special- Thankies!
Oiii. And before we start, I'de like to share this small conversation with you all. Just to take up space..-laughs evilly- Conversations with my Idea manager can be oh so very entertaining at times. -heart Syit-
Syit: Hahahaha... you amuse me so.
Ky0Kichi: o.o I do..?
Ky0Kichi: -runs away crying-
Ky0Kichi: HOW CRUEL!
Syit: lol cruel?
Syit: your funny
Ky0Kichi: I don't know.
Ky0Kichi: lol
Syit: Hahahaha...
Syit: so modest
Ky0Kichi: I was uh..Mimicking Shigure?
Syit: Haaaaaaaa
Syit: shigure
Ky0Kichi: FLAILS Oh..The horror!
Ky0Kichi: lol
Syit: I can do that too
Syit: wann see
Ky0Kichi: Of course
Syit: Highschool girls, Highschool girls, Highschool Girls
Syit: -Bowl of rice hits head-
Syit: "shigure you dam pervert!"
Syit: -that was kyo-
Syit: KYO?
Syit: that was haru
Syit: kyo is now jumped
Syit: and haru is now kissing him
Syit: while his hand is...
Syit: ok... i'm done...
Syit: -sips tea-
Ky0Kichi: -is deprived- And you complain about my evil cliffies...
Warnings: Language. Angst. Yaoi? Sneaky jew ninjas! I need a drink. Damnit. (lol I bet you're like 'o.O wtf?' )
...¿Chapter 11?...

Kagura sat very quietly on the couch after the dragon explained to her what happened. It was just as she suspected, and she thought she'd been prepared for the information..But now that it was out in the open, she couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed. Anger and guilt bubbled around in her chest, but it was quickly stomped down by a large wave of sadness that swept throughout her body.
"I see." She murmured, her hands clenched together tightly in her lap. Hatori just sat quietly in the seat opposite from the boar. He hadn't really been surprised to find the girl waiting for him when he returned home from the dogs house.

Hatori put the car into park once he finally reached the main house. He'd spent the night at Shigure's to insure that everything was okay, or as 'okay' as things could get. He didn't really plan on leaving, but Shigure had practically pushed him out the door saying something about he 'needed rest' and he also said something along the lines of 'your brooding is starting to wear me out, it's already tense here as it is, shoo!'. Then he'd proceeded to shove him in the doors direction. When the dragon objected the dog assured him that he'd call as soo as Kyo began showing signs of life again, and until then he just needed to go home. After a while of badgering, he reluctantly accepted the preposal since he could use a little relaxation anyway...
Pulling himself from his thoughts, he opened the car door and stepped out, making sure to lock the car behind him. He wasn't really worried about someone breaking into while he was at the main sohma estate, but it was a habit.
He slowly made his way in the direction of his house, pausing here and there when something caught his attention. He wouldn't necessarily called it 'stalling'. He was just taking his sweet time.
He wasn't veryshockedto seeKagura sitting by his door when he arrived. She sat quietly with her knees drawn up to her chest, her head resting on her arms which were folded lazily over her knees. He couldn't really tell if she was asleep or not from his point of view.
Kagura had searched everywhere for the dragon the day before. But after Momiji imformed her that their older cousin was at Shigure's, she gave up her seach and went to her room to brood, deciding that she would get up early and
wait for the doctor until he returned.
So, just like she'd planned, she woke up early, got dressed, grabbed a quick breakfast and set out to Hatori's house. But after waiting about an hour and a half, she realized that getting up so early was a stupid idea. So, with a yawn, she settled down against the wall and got comfortable, she could at least take a nap while she waiting, couldn't she?
A couple of hours later, she was yanked out of her light doze by the sounds of footsteps heading toward her, which immediatley exstinguished the sleep still lingering in her eyes. She looked up when the stressed dragon approached the door. He paused when he saw her.
"Hatori, we need to talk." She stated impatiently. "About Haru." She added unsurely.
Hatori sighed and nodded. It wasn't like he could just tell her to come back later, since she'd obviously been sitting there for a while. Not to mention she would probably refuse to move until he told her, she deserved to know anyway.
"I ran into Haru in town yesterday..Something was off." She explained.
Hatori arched a brow thoughtfully.
Well. That explained why Haru was so irritated when he came home. He had already realized that everyone was acting differently around him, even if they weren't meaning to, and he was obviously unnerved about it. He was also mad that the dragon had refused to tell him what was missing in his memory, claiming 'it'll come back on it's own if you give it time'. The cow had just mumbled a curse at the doctor and stalked out of the room.
The girl followed him into the small house and watched as he sat down and pulled out a cigarette.
"Sit down and I'll explain." He said tiredly.
-End Flashback-

"So..What now?" The boar wondered aloud.
"Nothing." The dragon replied, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray on the coffee table. "Haru continues to live at Shigures." Kagura's head snapped up at the comment.
'What? You mean Haru is staying there?" She exclaimed. Hatori looked kind of miffed at the outburst but sighed and relaxed a bit against the couch, running a hand through his hair.
"That's correct." He drawled.
"B-But..What about Kyo..?"
"Akito thinks of it as some kind of punishment, Haru doesn't remember being with him, and Kyo is forced to live with watching him from afar."
"That's..Terrible..He can't do that.." She stated, on the verge of tears. She knew the family head was cruel..But this..It was..Unreasonable..How could someone be so heartless?
"So I'm assuming Kyo was told this as well..?" She asked, only continuing after a nod from the dragon. "And how is he..?"
Hatori frowned slightly, he wasn't exactly sure how to explain that to her, she was the type that wore her emotions on her sleeve..She wouldn't get mad at him would she?
Kagura saw the change in the mans facial expression. That was usually a bad thing.
'Wait. Didn't Haru say something about Kyo passing out or something?' She thought in a panic.
"Haru was saying something about Kyo passing out in the kitchen, is he okay?" She asked again in a worried and desperate tone. The dragon nodded.
"He's okay, as far as I know." He retorted. "When I told him the day before yesterday he went into shock and when he saw Haru he had a pretty bad anxiety attack, he's been unconcious ever since." He added quietly. Kagura jumped up and rushed toward the door.
"Where are you going?" The dragon asked from across the room. Kagura glanced over her shoulder as she opened the door.
"Shigure's. Kyo needs someone. I want to help.." She trailed off. "I don't want Kyo to be hurting anymore.." She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Oh..Kagura! Hi." Tohru greeted warmly after she opened the door to see who was there. "I didn't know you were coming over today.."
Kagura tried to muster up any kind of smile but she was feeling too worried and nervous. She could only hope that she didn't look too strained. "Sorry. I guess I could have called first.." She chuckled halfheartedly.
Tohru's eyes widened a bit at the apology and shook her head, stepping aside to allow the girl to enter.
"No, no! It's fine! Come in, would you like some tea? Yuki and I were just having some.." She explained as she followed the boar into the dining room.
Yuki watched as Tohru and Kagura took their seat at the table, carefully taking turns pouring the steamy liquid into their own respective cups. There was a long silence, but fortunatley, it was a comfortable one. Yuki was still silently wondering what Kagura was doing there, and Tohru was doing her best to keep from fidgetting.
"Uhm.." Kagura wondered outloud. "Where's Haa-kun..?" Tohru looked up at the girl but remained silent, not really sure if she should say anything since she wasn't sure how much Kagura really knew. Yuki glanced at his watch for a moment.
"Well, school will be out in a few minutes. He'll probably be here in about a half hour." He told her with a curious look. "Why? Did you come to see Haru?"
Kagura clenched her fists on the table and stared atthem with sad eyes.
"No..I came..To see Kyo." She murmured. Yuki narrowed his eyes and frowned.
"Kyo..He's..He's only been down once since he woke up. He won't talk to anyone, or even leave his room for that matter." He said quietly.
"I want to try anyway." She said determinedly. Yuki just nodded and said nothing more, he couldn't really stop her from seeing the cat. Kagura stood to leave, but was stopped when Tohru grabbed her hand, a pleading look on her face.
"Please Kagura, Kyo-kun is so sad..And he hasn't eaten anything since he woke up.. We're so worried..." She said. Kagura nodded slightly and gave her a small smile. She left the room and walked up the stairs quietly, growing more and more nervous. Taking a deep breath when she came to the redheads closed door she knocked softly, knowing she probably wouldn't get an answer. So, building up her courage, she slowly opened the door and stepped in.
"Kyo?" She asked to what seemed like no one. The room its self seemed gloomy. The lights were off and the blankets and pillows on the bed were in disarray. The only light entering the room were a few rays of warm afternoon sunlight that snuck past the closed curtains. Kagura paused for a moment. For some reason she had expected the cat to be laying in bed with his back to the door when she entered..But seeing as the bed was empty..
She jerked out of her thoughts with a soft squeak as something brushed against her leg. Nuku gave a soft mew as he rubbed against the inside of her ankle before turning and heading across the room. She watched the small feline sneak across the floor until it paused to jump into someones lap..
'Wait, someones lap?'
Kyo sat at his desk, his shoulders drooping and his arms hanging limply at his sides. His gaze was fixed on a spot on the wall in front of him. The only sign that he was even alive was the hand that absently came up to run down the cats back as he nestled into his lap. The boar approached him and knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder to let him know she was there.
"Kyo..?" She asked softly. The cat went rigid at the contact and turned bewildered eyes to the girl beside him, as if he just realized she was there.
"I hear you've been in here all day..Let's go for a walk, ne?" She asked hopefully with a small smile. Kyo stared at her dumbly for a moment before giving a small nod in agreement. Satisfied, she stood up and took a hold of the boys wrist to help him up, knowing that if she didn't, he wouldn't move. Tohru and Yuki watched as Kagura walked past them, leading a still silent and distraught looking Kyo toward the door by his wrist. What was even wierder was that fact that the cat was following her obediantly. Yuki blinked. He didn't think Kyo would actually leave his room. And from the looks of it, she hadn't forced him to either.
This could be a good thing... Or a bad one.

Kagura and Kyo silently walked along a trail in the woods. After a few minutes of being pulled behind the girl, Kyo had freed himself from the boards grasp. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and stared down at his feet as he walked.
"It's pretty nice out, huh?" Kagura asked with a small smile as she took in the various shades of red all around them. From the setting sun, to the leaves falling from the trees. Autumn was always such a beautiful season to her.. She glanced over at the neko, still a hint of a smile on her face, trying to lighten the mood a bit, not knowing she was probably just making it worse.
"Not really.." He answered quietly. It was the truth. Even though it felt nice out and the sky was darkening as evening set in, everything seemed dull to him. Nothing was as lively as he once thought it was. As much as he wanted to enjoy it, he just couldn't. He wasn't meant to enjoy anything it seemed.. He felt a familiar stinging in his eyes and blinked the tears away. He didn't want Kagura to see him so helpless, having everyone at Shigure's see him like this was bad enough.
'The cat doesn't deserve pity' was all he tried to tell himself when he felt this way.
"Let's stop here" The brunette said as they walked under a large tree. Kyo leaned against the tree, lifting his his head to watch as the leaves swayed in the wind. A single leaf fell and swept away in the breeze, twisting and twirling but never hitting the ground.
'Sometimes, I wish I could be a leaf..Maybe then I could get swept away by the wind and be gone forever..' He thought to himself sadly, and snorted. Ha, yeah right. As if he would be that lucky.. He absently kicked at the orange and yellow leaves at his feet, the unlucky ones who were left forgotten on the ground. With his luck, that's probably where he would end up as well..
"If you disappeared..Everyone would miss you, Kyo.." Kagura said sadly, standing a few feet away. Kyo blinked and looked up at the girl, not realizing he'd just announced his thoughts out loud. He looked off to the side, avoiding the girls eyes. He was beginning to regret leaving the solitude of his room.
"Kyo? Do you want to talk about it..? You might feel better..." she tried.
No answer.
"It's even harder on you if you hide how you feel.." She murmured, taking a step toward the boy. The cats eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he looked up at her.
"Autumn was his favorite season. He always said the colors reminded him of me.." He smiled sadly, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. "But that doesn't matter anymore.." He said, this time with a smaller voice. A couple of stray tears fell from his eyes and his hands shot up instantly to wipe them away before anyone saw them. Kagura observed the younger boy sadly and before she knew she'd even moved, she had her arms wrapped around the taller boy.
"You're allowed to be sad you know.." She whispered. "Letting someone see you cry doesn't make you weak.."
Kyo, who'de gone tense when the girl approached him, relaxed. And much to her surprise he slowly returned the embrace. He wrapped his arms around the smaller girl and buried his face in her shoulder, allowing a few stray sobs to escape.
"What am I supposed to do..?" He wept. "I can't live like this.."
Kagura tightened her grip on the boy and rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him. She felt her eyes swell with tears as the redhead continued to cry on her shoulder, clinging to her desperately. She couldn't bear to see Kyo this miserable...
"It's okay Kyo.." She said soothingly. Kyo tried to stop the tears falling from his eyes, but he couldn't hold them back anymore...

Haru walked lazily down the path that lead him to Shigure's house. He'd had..An odd day at school.. Momiji had acted strangely at first..And then he'd asked him about Kyo, just like Kagura had.. And then he had that wierd dream when he fell asleep during class...
But it didn't feel like a dream. It felt real..Like it had actually happened...
Not to mention the effects it had on his body.. It would have been pretty bad if everyone who was staring at him had noticed..
'Oh man, that woulda sucked..' He mentally grumbled to himself. He paused for a moment when he heard something.
'It sounds like someone crying..?' he thought, as he walked off his path slightly to investigate. He peaked around a tree branch and saw two people standing in a small opening. It looked like.. Haru squinted a bit..Kagura..And Kyo?
It would have looked pretty intimate if Kyo weren't practically bawling.. Kagura had her arms around his stomach, rubbing his back while his face was buried in her shoulder, his body racking with sobs.. He could see the boars lips moving, but he couldn't hear what was being said. Haru furrowed his brows.
'Who said she could hold Kyo like that anywa- Wait..Why do I care.. This is none of my business.' Haru tried to tell himself, ignoring the wave of jealousy that swept over him. Why had he felt so..irritated at seeing the sight before him? He shouldn't even care what the cat does, right? Could this have something to do with his dream..? Maybe?
Well.. Obviously Kyo was awake now.. But that doesn't mean she has to jump in and be all lovey-dovey like that... She was always getting in the way when it came to Kyo he just wanted to-
'What's goin' on wih me?'
Maybe he should talk to him later? He nodded to himself and pushed himself away from the tree he was leaning on and turned back to the path, deciding that he probably shouldn't spy on them with the high risk of getting caught. The last thing he wanted to do was have to explain himself to them at that moment. He began heading back toward his destination but a sudden throbbing in his head made him pause. He winced as a particular scene swept through his head.

Haru followed Kyo out of the grocery store.
"Uhhh..So..Are you gonna tell me what's up, or what?" Haru drawled from beside the cat. Kyo arched a brow at the cow before giving his answer.
"I'm exacting my revenge on that stupid dog." He stated simply as they walked down the trail, pausing in a small opening not far from the dogs house. Haru looked around for a moment.
"Huh?" He asked, still confused. Kyo sighed in irritation as he knelt down and started digging through the bag.
"Well. Being the perv he is, he's gonna try and spy on us, so the plan is to act like we don't know he's there..And then when he's not expecting it, bam, we'll have him in our trap." He explained handing the ox a blanket. "Put the blanket down right over there." He pointed to a bare spot. Haru did as he was told, and sat down once he was finished, Kyo joined him a few seconds later.
"Okay, so after you uh..Get him in your 'trap' what is it you plan on doing?" He asked curiously. Kyo gave him an evil smirk.
"I'm gonna tie him to a tree and leave him there." He stated, his eyes gleaming with mirth. Haru chuckled at the cat's playful yet malevolent tone.
"Ahh. I love you." He stated with an amused sigh. Kyo could be so deliciously evil sometimes...
"Shh. He's here." Kyo stated, looking off in the opposite direction. He stood up and brushed himself off before giving the ox a lopsided smile.
"Stay here, so he doesn't get suspicious. I'll be right back." He ordered before turning and disappearing behind the trees. Haru remained seated, stairing up at the clouds, it was a really nice day. But he was distracted when there was a yelp and a loud thump in the distance. A few minutes later, Kyo strolled out of the trees, dragging an unconcious Shigure by his leg.
"Okay. We're done here." He stated happily. Haru arched a brow as the older boy sat the dog with his back against the tree and pulled a rope out of the bag he'd been carrying. Haru wasn't sure if he should be scared of the evil grin on the cats face or not..
After the redhead finished tying the dog securely to the tree, they waited for him to wake up, so they could rub it in his face. It was Kyo's idea, of course. After about an hour or so, the dog groaned and opened his eyes. Haru, who'de been pacing boredly behind the the cat, came to his side and crossed his arms over his chest in the same fashion his kitten was and arched a brow at the dog.
Kyo gave a small chuckle at the distressed look on the inu's face.
"See? I told you it would work." He boasted, giving the ox a victorious grin. Haru arched a brow and nodded.
"So it would seem.." He retorted. "So, shall we get going?"
Kyo nodded. "Yeah, it's getting late and I'm tired." He said and turned to leave. Haru began to follow but paused to give the dog an amused look.
"See you later, that's if you make it out of the woods alive." He taunted before turning to catch up with his kitten. Once he caught up with the neko, he draped an arm over his shoulder to pull him closer.
"So how long do you plan on leaving him out there?" He asked curiously as he pulled away. The cat shrugged nonchalantly.
"I don't know, a day or two..?" He laughed. "Then we'll call Hatori." He said as he laced his fingers with Haru's.
-End flashback-

Haru winced as the pain shot through his head again, he brought his hands up to cradle his forehead. His vision went black and he stumbled a few steps backwards, tripping on something on the ground and landing hard on his back.
He remained on the ground with his eyes closed, as he took a series of deep breaths to compensate for the breath that was knocked out of him.
What the hell was going on? Why did he keep getting these...Thoughts? Were they memories? Or just figments of his imagination? And why the hell did they have to hurt do much??
He could feel his head pounding and tried to ignore the pain as he attempted to stand, but it was no use, he couldn't even move his legs. Darkness was creeping up the edge of his vision and he was getting dizzier.. He limply fell onto his back again with a thud and closed his eyes.

Yuki walked along the path as he made his way back home from tending to his garden. He furrowed his brows as he saw something in the trail ahead.. It looked like..White hair? His eyes widened as he saw Haru lying on his back in the middle of the path with his eyes closed. He ran over in a panic and knelt beside the boy.
"Haru! Haru, are you okay?" He asked. Haru cracked an eye open when he heard someone calling to him.
"Uhh..." Was all he could muster at the moment. Yuki heaved a sigh of relief when the ox replied sleepily, then proceeded to help him stand up.
"Can you walk?" The rat asked worriedly. Haru pushed away from the boy and nodded. They made their way back towards the house silently. Yuki was tired and had nothing to talk about, while Haru was lost in his own thoughts.
"Yuki." he said to get the boys attention.
"Yes?" The nezumi asked, giving the cow a sideways glance.
"Tell me." He stated simply, in a neutral voice. Yuki arched a brow at the boy.
"Uhm, tell you what exactly?" He wondered. They were walking through the backyard when they paused. Yuki gave the ox a questioning look. Haru rolled his eyes at the rats ignorance. What else could he possibly be talking about?
"Tell me why everyone has to act like they're walking on glass around me?" He asked, getting slightly annoyed. "Or how about why Kyo is crying his eyes out? Or about these wierd ass visions I keep getting!" He asked, his voice getting louder with every question. Yuki looked at the white haired teen with a shocked expression for a minute. Haru was having visions? Did he mean vision of Kyo..? Or what?
But this was his chance to tell Haru about everything..
Determined to explain, Yuki opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when the backdoor opened and Shigure popped his head out.
"Haruuuu. Hatori just called, he said you've gotta go to the main house in a while. He's on his way to pick you up!" He chirped happily. Haru nodded and gave the rat a scowl before shoving his hands in his pockets and stalking into the house.
Shigure arched a brow and gave Yuki a suspicious look..
To be continued.

Bleh. My wrist hurts from writing and typing. There I corrected some of the typos. ARE YOU HAPPY??????? lol
So was this chapter worthy of you guys? NE NE? Review and tell meeehhh! hehehe. By the way.. I was supposed to end this chapter when Haru walked away from Kagura and Kyo..But I didn't read my notes so I uh..Forgot, so don't whine if the next chapter is kinda short okay? It's not like I update REALLY slow anyway..
I dont do i? -puppy dog eyes- ANYWAY. Review! GOGO