Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ friends? or even more? ❯ next ( Chapter 11 )
Hi there! I'm back, thanks to everyone who reviewed I really appreciate it, I t makes me know that someone cares about me ( even if it's only to know the end of the story) it makes me forget about my "supposed" depression ( just kidding, I'm not a depressing freak, but I'm a CINNAMON HEARTS freak :D hehehe)
For Kakarika Seiya who hates his French teacher : " you are so lucky that you don't go to a French school, I do and I can't change my French teacher (who is really making me mad…) and I'm stuck with a period of French every DAY!!!
And sorry that it took me so much time to update…but I was really busy I have a competition saturday …. (synchronized swimming) and I only leraned about it last week…. And I wasn't ready…neither the teem with whom I swim…. AND we still aren't ready!!! …. Wish me luck cuz I'll needed… it will be my first no-prepared competition…. But today I miss school and I will have all next monday to write.. so I hope that I'll come up with a next chapter or two if I'm really lucky!!!
For linku : thnx for you reviews! I really enjoy them ! :D by the way did I really sound like Momiji??? O_O
For : ssjgoddesschico : well you didn't guess completely wrong last time… :D you'll see what I mean in 3-2 chapters later…
For everyone else who did review, THANKS!!! (I wanted to thank you !!! you people RULE ( but I will rule the world , in my dreams, like minus and cortex … :D hehehehe)
Ok now I will stop talking random and will go on with the story
Disclaimer : I'm anti-disclaimer posted on every chapter so move your fingers to go back on chapter one to read it…
****2 lonely weeks and one meeting on the roof*********************
Two weeks have passed, without any contact with and Yuki, well there was contact, but it was always fighting or yelling. Surprisingly it was fun; always saying the opposite thing of him, I was creating fights all the time, and I was having fun doing it, because this time the fights weren't serious…
It made me discover how careless Yuki can be, I guess I played some pretty nasty tricks on him, but later he usually got me back…
On the first day of that week, I went to the bathroom and made some modifications to his toothpaste ; I cut the tube in the end, emptied it, put shaving cream instead, to know if he'll see the difference… he didn't until later when he was using the shaving cream…
"BAKA NEKO!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" we could hear him yelling …
The second day I got beaten up because of him ; well it was partly my fault, in the morning while he was talking to Tohru… I went trough his school bag… and put some of Shigure's favorite magazines in there… in class when he opened his books, he became as red as a pepper and gave me the death look. At that time I was laughing my head off.
"what do you find so amusing Mr. Sohma?" our teacher asked me, I couldn't answer so I got expelled from class for that day. I went home
The next days Yuki got his revenge…
He went to his garden, took all the leeks and asked Tohru if she could make something with leeks in it, that's how one supper I ended up sick. Because everything on the table had leeks in it, and it was making me got nuts. But then Tohru came in the action :
"Kyou-kun, gomen-nasai, I should've made everything with leeks, I understand if you will never want to talk to me again! I'm such a bad person" she said with tears in her eyes.
"stop apologizing every time… I will find something else to eat!" I yelled, I had to say something, because if I didn't she was never going to stop saying sorry…
Yuki was smirking, he had a huge smile on his face, he was looking at me with the look 'it's not over yet' I was getting scared, because he told me he had a surprise for me…
"No! tell me it isn't your doing!!!!" I yelled at Yuki, he was smiling and I could hear Kagura get closer…
Why is everyone always calling to Kagura to surprise me?! do they really think that kagura is a nice surprise?! Or do they like to see me suffer?!?
"get the hell of me! Nobody told you to come!" I yelled at her, but it was a bad idea because then Kagura turned in her normal self … ( the dangerous one)
and…. And…. And……. Almost killed me! after looking at the poor me, lying on the floor, she hugged me and started to cry.
"who did this to you? who had the nerve to hurt my poor sweet Kyou-kun?" she asked.
Why does she always come so close to killing me and after starts hugging me and crying and promising to kill the person who did that to me?
I learned my lesson. Not playing tricks on the rat, his vengeance is terrifying!
But later I had my time of vengeance… I made sure that Ayame would spent some days at Shigure's place, only to make sure he would really annoy Yuki.
But in the end we've overdone it because we got a lot more attention than usual, well, we were fighting every two seconds… but at least it made the time go really fast.
One night, I was lying on the roof thinking about my mother, how she treated me, how she was always scarred that other people will see me, how she was always making sure I had my bracelet on… after my thoughts went to Hater, I always wondered why he served Akito, why he was always doing what that jerk ordered him, he knows better than anyone that Akito is crazy, he took the only thing that Hatori ever loved… and still Hatori was kind to Akito and always at his service, but I must admit that I can't be mad at Hatori, he made a lot of things to improve Yuki's life, and now he is keeping our secret…
Well in résumé, I wasn't going well, all I was able to think about was how I suffered or other people suffered in the past and now, but someone made everything go well. Well not at first, at first I had the fear of my life.
"You still on the roof? It's late you know Baka Neko!" said Yuki.
I didn't even hear him getting on the roof and now he was sitting next to me… his voice made me jump, if he hadn't take my hand I would've fell.
"Nothing only thinking," I answered, looking at him.
It seems that every time I look at him I find him more sexy and beautiful than before.
"You always think too much, here let me think for us both for a while" he said laughing,
"Now that I think of it, what are you doing on the roof ? I thought that everyone was sleeping… what will happened if we get caught?" I asked him
"Don't you know? You really are stupid… I'm here because I wanted to do this….." he didn't finish my sentence, no it was more like he wasn't able to finish his sentence , his mouth was occupied kissing me.
Joy spinned trough every part of me, I wasn't prepared for that, I thought that he was there to tell me to wait some more time… but I'm glad that I was wrong. I kissed him back passionately.
After I don't know how much time, we calmed ourselves a little, we were now sitting on the roof together, Yuki' head was laying on my chest and I had my arms wrapped around him. We had spent all the night on the roof, but we weren't tired, we were happy and excited, now we could be together, we could spend some good time together, in secret!
In the morning, when the sun was rising, I told him to go back to his room because in no time everyone would wake up.
"Oy! Wait…" I suddenly said
"What ?" he asked, getting up.
I didn't have to answer the second he was up he saw down on the ground a mass of mice and a mass of cats being together, not fighting, playing.
"shit… since we are lovers they are friends!" I somehow said. I was as shocked as Yuki, he stayed 2 more minutes with me, and we were observing our friends playing on the ground.
I think that this was the best morning I ever had, because in the morning I'm grumpy, and Yuki is never able to wake up, but this time we were happy and alert.
Later, after breakfast we went to school, on the road we were handing hands with Tohru. For once we didn't fight. I think that Tohru understood that something had changed but I thank her not to have told anything, and pretend like everything was usual.
At school we met Momiji and Haru, we went outside, to meet Tohru's friends and spend time talking and fighting. Tohru didn't fight she was only laughing, but the Yankee was calling me 'orange-top' in the worst moment, so we had a little fight, but she won, then I had one with Yuki ( we were only having fun, and so nobody would know about us). During the time Yuki was beating me, like he always does, I saw Haru's face, he was happy that I had problems with Yuki, since he considered that only he had the right to love Yuki. But he doesn't know that Yuki loves me and not him.
So later when I was with Haru, he went black, I don't know why, and another fight started… ( it was my third, and I was really pissed off)
" what dumb cow you think that you know everything? About everyone?" I yelled at him
"well at least I'm not hated or made fun by anyone, like someone I know!" he said
We didn't have the time to talk more because after that, I wasn't responsible of my acts, I was kicking the hell out of him, he had improved, he is stronger than before but not as strong as me and will be never equal to Yuki. When I had enough of punching him, I told him :
"if you think you're so smart, then tell me why, Yuki doesn't care about you like you about him, why for him you're only the cousin with whom he grew up, who was always getting lost?" I said, I knew that it was a deeper punch than anything physical could've been, but I had the urge to prove him that Yuki didn't really care about him.
After hearing my words he stopped, and went normal. But I could see that he was sad. I felt selfish after that last fight that day, everyone knew that he really loved Yuki, and I had the nerve to tell him that for Yuki he was almost nothing! If someday someone could tell me that about Yuki's feelings towards me, it would destroy me interiorly…
But Yuki, saved the day for Haru and me. After the first period he knew that something was wrong with me so he put a little note in a paper that he gave me, it said ' meet me in 2 minutes in the guys bathroom' I obeyed.
In the bathroom after making sure that no one was there I kissed him, put he pulled away after a few seconds and said :
" this isn't why I asked you to meet me, could you explain what happened between you and Haru?"
"we had a fight and I said something really harsh… and I feel bad about it…"
"what did you say?" he asked and I told him everything about the fight and what had been said.
He laughed and looked at me and said
"don't worry about it, I'll go and talk to Haru later, but you weren't lying to him, all that you said was partly true, I care for him but not the way he wants."
He kissed me once again, and left the bathroom. I came out of it a few minutes later.
AND Tohru's weird friend was waiting in front of the bathroom door to freak me out.
ok for this time this is it.
Tell me what you would like Hana to tell Kyou in the next chapter? Or what do you want to happen?
Oh and by the way did you like this chapter? I tried to make it look less serious I hope it worked :D
Now do you know what time it is? I do……….
You time to review!!!! :D ………now you do too…. :D