Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen ❯ My One and Only ( One-Shot )
Frozen by Darkangel Rose
Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket. Amen.
A/N: From the *baka neko's* persepective. Yaoi implied. Hope you like it, please R&R any suggestions or comments, I live on feedback (it tastes quite good, actually)...
~~ Frozen (Song by Madonna -- I am not by Madonna)
H is name goes through my head like a pulse of aching redness and a longing so acute it stings --
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be?
You're frozen
When your heart's not open
You're shut off like a fan
better than the rest of us
like a god that no one can touch
you only see what you want to see
you can't accept pain
because you're above that, now, aren't you?
you've erased all of those weak things i like to call emotions
it hurts less that way, doesn't it?
it helps you to forget -
but without a heart to beat you cannot be alive...
and without truth you are blind
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with
Pain and regret
You're broken
When you're heart's not open.....
Yuki, you've lost the ability to feel
you keep thinking about all those terrible things...
all those terrible things you can't let yourself forget
you're wasting yourself and letting him win, Yuki
you're letting him win again.
and you've taken your fragile glass heart and buried deep inside keeping it only for yourself
you're afraid to give yourself away
but I need you
If I could melt your heart
We'd never be apart
Give yourself to me
You are -
the key....
If only I could break through your icy shell and
maybe, just a bit?
to ease the pain you won't admit is there
then maybe you would let me stay
just for a while
just to feel needed
If you could let me in then maybe we could beat this
don't be so disillusioned as to think that you're the only one who has ever hurt...
Now there's no point in placing the blame
And you should know I suffer the same
If I lose you
My heart will be broken....
You blame yourself for what he did
but it's not your fault
not at all
i know all about your walls Yuki
i've been climbing them all my life but you always push me away
i need training of the soul and not the body
you can't hide forever
you can't run from the past
don't try, Yuki
don't deny yourself any more.
Love is a bird
She needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside of you die
You're frozen
When your heart's not open
i know you don't want me
not for one minute
but i'm not like you, Yuki
i need to say this.
i need my heart to beat and i need to cry sometimes
it's hard for me to say why i love you
and i don't really think there is a why
there just is....
i love you.
so look at me, Yuki
look at me!
can't you see what you're missing here?
you can't just let yourself die like this.
you aren't living, you just exist.
is that what you really want
you know, deep down in that thing you used to have
a soul?
If I could melt your heart
We'd never be apart
Give yourself to me
You are -
the key....
i can't do it, though
i can't force myself in like so many others
trying to open a coffin without moving a single nail
without tearing a single thread
but maybe if i can convince you to let yourself out
it's warmer here in the light, Yuki.
won't you come see?
If I could melt
Your heart.........