Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Hour ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tooru finished work early, and began to walk out of the room to a chorus of "Happy Birthday" from her co-workers. She smiled at them, thanking them, before entering the stairwell.

This would be the 3rd birthday that she had had without her mother. She sighed, trying to imagine what they would have done today. They probably would have watched a movie at home, after eating a special dinner cooked by her mother. Then they would invite Hana-chan and Uo-chan to spend the night and stay up all night talking, then eat a light breakfast. Kyoko would give them each a hug as they left. Tooru smiled at the thought.

But, if her mother was alive now, would she have met the Soumas still? She shook her head, her hair spilling onto her shoulder as she stared at her feet. So maybe everything works out for the best after all?

She was happy that she was able to meet the Soumas. She wouldn't trade that for anything. To know Yuki-kun, Kyo-kun and Shigure-san better. To try to heal Richan-san of his shyness, and to patch Yuki-kun's relationship with Ayame-san. No, she wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Oi, are you ready to go?" Kyo's voice broke Tooru out of her reverie. She looked up in surprise. She didn't remember walking down the stairs.

"H-hai!" She smiled brightly at him.

He led her off of the road and through their normal shortcut of the woods. He walked ahead of her. Tooru quickened her pace to match his strides.

Kyo looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, she was looking ahead with her face turned downward her hands. He sighed tensely.

"Happy birthday, by the way." Tooru looked up at Kyo in surprise. He shook his head with a slight smile at her sudden confusion. "Hanajima told Shigure."

Tooru looked ahead, her mouth forming a small "o". Inside she realized that she felt like crying at this information. All she wanted was to go upstairs and sit close to her mother's picture. And she knew that Shigure would want to celebrate, or something along those lines. Though she was grateful for the concern, she just wanted to rest. It had been a hard day.

"Doushita no?" Kyo asked softly, as though sensing her discomfort.

"Nothing, Kyo-kun."

He stopped and stared at her. She turned around when she realized that he was no longer walking. She tilted her head to one side, questioningly. He put his hands on her shoulders and held her at arm's length.

"Oi, the dog just let us know. I don't think he has anything planned for it." Silently, he added, 'And if he does, I'll kill him." This thought caused him to smile, earning an even more confused look from Tooru.

*********************************************************** ****************


Tooru fell back against the door in surprise. She looked quickly at each unique face in front of her. She smiled as she saw Uo and Hana, standing alongside a few of the Somas. She looked them, still in shock.

"A-ano?" She turned to Shigure. "Shigure-san?"

Shigure grinned widely, walking over to Tooru, and put his hand lightly on her shoulder.

"Happy Birthday Tooru-kun!" He leaned over to her ear, causing both Yuki and Kyo to send a death-glare at the inu. He waved them off nonchalantly, smiling, before he ran off to the kitchen.

Ayame smirked knowingly. "Ne, Ritsu-chan, why don't you help everyone to find their seats as I go to help Gure-san?"

Ritsu blushed deeply, bowing. He glanced at Ayame, his words catching in his throat. He nodded instead.

Ayame bounced toward the kitchen after Shigure, as Ritsu timidly walked up to Tooru.

"Sumimasen, Tooru-san, but would you like to sit down?" He looked nervous, so Tooru took gentle pity on the monkey.

"Hai, arigatou Richan-san." She looked at Uo and Hana and smiled at them. Their faces relaxed as they saw her expression. They followed Tooru and sat on either side of her protectively.

Before he could contain his disappointment, Yuki realized that he had let out a sigh. He knew that her friends were just protecting Tooru from the inu and hebi. But now, he wasn't able to sit close to her. Reluctantly, he sat down at the table opposite of her. He was seated by Ritsu, which, he realized, was better than having to sit beside Kyo.

Kyo stayed standing, leaning against one wall, with one of his feet flat against the vertical surface. He watched this whole scene with disgust. Then, when he felt that he wasn't able to stand it anymore, Kyo glimpsed Tooru out of the corner of his eye. He felt his face soften momentarily, before he realized that the nezumi was watching him intently, with no expression on his face. He took a step away from the wall and glared at Yuki.

"What are you staring at kuso nezumi?!" Kyo could feel his blood boiling.

"You are not worth staring at, bakaneko", Yuki calmly replied.

Kyo began to say something more, when he felt thick damp threads wrap around his neck and mouth. Suddenly a low voice hissed at him.

"Kyo, quit acting like an ass!"

Kyo stiffened with slight confusion and growing anger. Uo! When had she stood up? And where did she get that damn mop? His eyes darted left and right, as his body attempted to untangle his face. His eyes fell on the sad look in Tooru's eyes. Kyo took a breath and felt himself calm down. Apparently, Uo was satisfied for the time being, as she whipped the mop away and went to go take her seat again.

She continued to glare at him from where she was sitting.

********************************************************* ******************

Ayame smirked at the inu suggestively, as he watched Shigure prepare the drinks. He looked on as Shigure took out the small bottle and poured the hot liquid into the 9 glasses before him.

" that what I think it is?" Shigure turned to look at the hebi with a wide smile.

"ah... If it's what I think you think it is, then it is" The hebi matched his grin. He liked playing this game.

"If what YOU think I think it is IS what it is...." His voice droned out as both older men sweatdropped. "Uh, Gure-san, I forgot what we were talking about."

Shigure grinned slightly and turned back to the glasses. He put them on a leveled wooden tray, and picked it up by the handles. He nodded at Ayame.

"Grab the bottle and let's go"

"Do you have more than this one bottle?" Ayame looked slightly concerned.

"Maa, maa" He waved the concern off. "I have a whole box of them..." He began to walk back to where the group had gathered. Ayame flounced out behind him.

"Tooru-kun! Did you miss me?" Shigure put the tray down on the table and leaned close to Tooru, placing his fingers underneath her chin. She blushed.

Shigure grimaced as he felt sharp needlepricks on his hand. They stopped as soon as he had withdrawn his hand. He rubbed his skin thoughtfully, as he smiled slowly at the raven-haired girl that had caused him such pain. He liked pain. This could be interesting.

Hanajima watched at the inu watched her, with no readable expression on her face. Tooru looked at the glasses.

"A-ano? Shigure-san? What is that?" Shigure grinned, sensing an opportunity. He sighed dramatically, lifting one of the glasses close to his cheek.

"Music!" He grinned and traced the curve of the rim with his finger, making a soft howl fill the small room. Tooru giggled, while Hana and Uo looked at Shigure with disbelief. A grown man....acting like a little boy.

This act by Shigure had ellicited different feelings from the young men in the room. Kyo snarled as Yuki rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers on the table. Ritsu giggled appreciatively. Ayame grinned. Hatori coughed.

Ayame smiled widely. Shigure's head whipped around to look at the newcomer.

"Ha-san! So good to see you!"

Ayame bounced towards the doctor and leaned his head on his shoulder. He batted his eyelashes as he looked at the doctor. Tooru blushed lightly as Shigure gushed.

"Ha-san! You came after all! You couldn't bear not being with Tooru-kun on her birthday, ne?"

Hatori glared at the inu, and instead of giving Shigure the satisfaction of a reply, he turned towards Tooru and smiled.

"Happy birthday Tooru-san" Tooru blushed even more, shifting her gaze towards the glasses again. Her mouth was getting dry, and that liquid looked mighty tempting.

She leaned over to pick one of the glasses up and brought it to her face. She inhaled deeply. It smelled slightly like vinegar. She watched as steam rose from the glass, before putting it to her lips. With one hand around the cup and the other supporting the bottom, she drained the liquid all at once.

She coughed suddenly, bringing all eyes to her and the glass that was empty before her. Kyo and Yuki both stood up in shock, as Hana and Uo looked at Tooru with concern shadowing their eyes. Hatori looked slightly unnerved as Shigure and Ayame smiled at each other. What were they up to?

Ritsu looked confused, but also grabbed a glass after he saw Tooru take a drink. He drained one glass as well. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head as his stomach grew hot. The aftertaste of the fluid was sour, and his nose inhaled the vinegar aroma, making it cling.

"Tooru-san!" Yuki stared at her. She smiled at the mouse, before reaching for another glass. Once you got used to the weird taste, this stuff was actually pretty good.

Uo and Hana exchanged concerned glances behind Tooru's neck. Hana nodded at the inu and hebi who were still watching Tooru intently. Uo stood up, intending to have words with Shigure, but Tooru's hand on her sleeve stopped the blonde girl in her tracks. Uo looked at her friend, whose eyes were looking slightly heavylidded as she slowly shook her head. Tooru reached over and grabbed another glass, this time holding it up for Uo to drink from. Her eyes pleaded with Uo to take it.

Reluctantly, Uo sat back down and lifted the glass in the same way that Tooru had done to her first two glasses. Hana stared at Uo, but followed her lead.

Tooru pushed two glasses towards Kyo and Yuki. They growled as they caved in for her. Her eyes looked so sad. They glared at each other before taking their glasses and draining the steaming liquid.

Ayame and Shigure still looked at one another, smiling. Their expressions froze on their faces as a hand landed on each of their shoulders. They looked back to see Hatori glaring at them.

"What are you doing?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

Shigure and Ayame squirmed out of his grasp. Ayame looked innocently at Hatori and Shigure. Shigure reached down and refilled Tooru's glass and grabbed a fresh one for Hatori. Hatori refused it. Shigure flinched under the stern gaze of the doctor. Hatori might need a little "something" extra in his...

Shigure nodded to the kitchen. The three of them excused themselves and walked out of the room. Shigure smiled as he noticed Tooru reach for her third glass.

Tooru drained her third drink as she watched the Mabudachi leave the room. She stood up. She wobbled a little bit, but Hana and Uo both reached up to grab one of Tooru's hands, steadying her. She smiled down at them.

"Sumimasen, I need to go to the bathroom."

Tooru walked upstairs, not hearing the footsteps thudding softly behind her.

************************************************************* **************

Tooru slowly walked upstairs as the floor dipped and weaved oddly under her. She braced her body with a hand on the wall as she continued her slow and steady progress. Tooru slowly entered the bathroom and shut the door not noticing the shadowy figure lurking at the top of the stairs.

After washing her hands, Tooru looked at her reflection in the mirror. `That's odd. My eyes look different.' Shaking her head slightly, she giggled and walked towards the door. Just as she turned the knob, it jiggled under her fingers. Tooru let go and
stepped back with a gasp. The door opened slowly and Tooru saw Kyo holding the knob and blushing.

"Kyo-kun?" Tooru asked softly.

"Yeah it's me. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I think that damn dog put something in the drinks. My stomach is feeling all warm and weird."

Tooru giggled again. "Mine does to. It's actually a nice warm feeling. The floor shifting is what's getting to me." Tohru swayed and almost fell. Kyo placed his hands on her shoulders to brace her.

Tooru looked up into his face, which was closer than ever and sighed softly. Kyo cleared his throat and tried to distract himself from her parted lips. Tooru was drunk and he was getting there. He had to distract himself. "I'm sorry about the party. I really thought Shigure didn't have enough time to plan anything."

Tohru swayed again, but he kept her upright. Tooru took another step closer to Kyo. "It's okay. He was only trying to make me happy."

"Yeah, I guess." Kyo replied softly. `Would one kiss be so bad? She probably won't remember and this will probably be my only chance to get one from her that isn't on the cheek.' Kyo leaned down slightly and paused. He pulled back as his conscience over rode his intentions. "Let's go back to the party, okay?"

"Hai." Tooru's soft answer had Kyo kicking himself. Why did he stop? It was too late now to try. They reached the top of the stairs and Tooru swayed again, giggling. She leaned closer to Kyo and whispered, "The stairs are belly dancing."

Kyo snorted softly before chuckling. That was an odd comment and something only a drunk person would say. "Are they now?"

"Hai." Kyo slowly realized he and Tooru were face-to-face whispering. Their lips were barely an inch apart. He didn't wait for his conscience this time. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.

Tooru gasped at his sudden action. Kyo's lips moved softly against hers, caressing them in a gentle way.

Kyo felt her soft sigh just before her lips softened and began to move against hers. He lost himself in the innocent caress. He didn't notice when Tooru's arms slipped around his waist and wrapped tight against him until it was too late.

"Chikusho!" snarled the orange neko in Tooru's arms.

"Kyo-kun, I'm so sorry. I forgot." Tooru apologized as she bordered on tears.

"It's not your fault, Tooru. Go on and go back to the party. I will be down as soon as I change back. Just tell the others I'm using the restroom or something." Kyo sighed and jumped down. He grabbed his clothes and pulled them to his room.

Tooru turned to face the weaving stairs, again. She placed both hands on the wall and slowly began to descend. Every time she felt dizzy she would stop. She was almost halfway down when she stopped again. Closing her eyes she leaned her forehead against the wall. A cool hand touched her cheek.

*********************************************************** ****************

Ayame giggled as he tipped a bottle, allowing the intoxicating contents to spill once again into Saki's cup. The girl blinked, looking down at the seemingly bottomless cup. Hair had escaped her braid and gently brushed her red cheeks. She turned to Arisa
in an attempt to get another's opinion about her mysterious cup situation, but the taller girl was concerned with other things.

Arisa leaned back against the kitchen counter. The last she had seen of Tohru, the girl hadn't looked good at all. A half-full cup of liquid made its way to her lips; it was definitely alcoholic, but not as strong as some of what she downed when she was in her biker
gang. Arisa sighed, again feeling regretful for her decision to go into the kitchen. Yuki wanted to keep an eye on the two immature men; after a minute of sitting alone with Ritsu, Saki and Arisa had decided to join him, leaving the monkey to sit by himself. Once the two girls walked into the kitchen, and after Arisa had given them
all a challenging glare, Ayame pounced on the closest victim he could see ¬ Saki. The dark girl had grown a quick liking for the drinks she was given, and while it was amusing for Arisa to witness, she could tell already that later in the night it wouldn't be nearly as amusing.

If Tohru were there, Arisa thought that then she could focus on happier things. When she was surrounded by much-too-serious men and stupidly-giddy men, she needed a friend to make things bearable ½ and the only friend in the room was either drunk or quickly on her way there.

"I wonder when my little Tohru will come back down," Shigure echoed Arisa's thoughts. "I have yet to give her the most spectacular gift ever!" he bewailed as Ayame nodded in sympathy.

"I don't see how her birthday could possibly be complete without it," Ayame agreed. He added to Saki, "Come on now, everyone must drink-drink!" He smiled widely when he saw her eyes were unfocused.

"What are you talking about?" Yuki growled. He was standing in a corner near Hatori looking as if he wanted to start drinking just to block out his brother.

"One of my very own creations, made especially for Tohru," an odd gust of wind made its way into the kitchen and ruffled Ayame's hair dramatically. Yuki already knew he wasn't going to like the present one bit. "A lovely outfit that only Tohru could wear!"

"I could fit into a lot of Tohru's clothes," Saki commented.

Arisa looked her over and added, "I suppose that's true."

"But could you wear," Shigure pulled out a thing of black and white out of no one but Shigure knows where, "*this*?"

Saki nodded gently. "Yes."

Arisa screwed up her face in disgust. "There's not much there to fit into."

Yuki clenched his fist, apparently agreeing with Arisa's disgust at the sexy little french maid's outfit that was presented to them. He glided up to Shigure and snatched the outfit away before the older man knew what was happening. "You're not going to give this to Tohru, Pedophile," he yelled, his face red from having to handle the offensive object.

"My creation..." Ayame whimpered uselessly.

Yuki put one hand to his forehead in frustration. "Don't give such things to young girls! It's indecent!" He made a move to rip the dress apart.

"Wait!" Shigure shouted, effectively stopping Yuki from destroying the maid outfit. "It would be such a terrible waste to destroy Aya's beautiful work."

The mouse growled and ignored Shigure. Arisa, however, leaned over and snatched the dress out of his hands. "It is well made," she said after looking at the frilly thing closely. "Isn't there something we can do with it? ¬ Besides giving it to Tohru," she added, giving
sharp looks to Ayame and Shigure.

"What else can you do with it but wear it?" Yuki shrugged, eyeing the dress with distaste. "And who would wear that thing?"

"Maybe if it were longer..." Saki leaned forward to get a closer look at the maid's outfit. She shook her head as if making up her mind. "Not quite my style."

"That's too bad," Ayame told her in a sugary tone. "Here, drink up." He again filled up her cup, having remembered his previous goal.

"Good idea!" Arisa snapped her fingers, suddenly inspired. "What we need is some more excitement tonight. I propose a bet: whoever loses has to wear that thing until the party's over." She smiled triumphantly.

"Lose at what?" Saki asked dully, looking at a patch of blank wall.

"I dunno," Arisa put a finger to her lips, thinking for a moment. "Cards or something, I suppose."

"Ou! Fun, I want to play!" Ayame clapped his hands excitedly.

Shigure sighed dramatically. "It's not as good as seeing Tohru dressed as my very own sexy maid," he wiped the melancholy look off his face at Yuki's glare, "but I'm always up for a bet."

"Leave me out of this," Yuki scoffed.

"Aw, but you'd look so cute as a maid!" Ayame gushed.

The younger brother's eye twitched, and before anyone could blink the older brother was on the floor sporting a red mark on his cheek. "Shut up," Yuki ground his teeth in annoyance.

"Hatori wants to play," Shigure turned teasingly on his friend.

"Don't drag me into your games," Hatori replied coolly. Tohru wasn't going to be victimized anymore so his responsibility had already ended.

"Alright then," Arisa laughed, feeling slightly giddy from all the alcohol she had, "I'll get the cards½"

She was cut off by the sudden insertion of several thuds and a couple crashes.

"What was that?" Yuki said, alarmed. Yuki, Arisa, and Hatori rushed over to the source of the noise to find Tohru and a monkey.

"Are you alright?" Yuki instantly knelt beside Tohru, who was rubbing her head and back.

"I ¬ I'm okay, I think," she replied with a small smile.

Hatori looked Tohru over for any major injuries. "What happened?" he asked after he had found nothing serious.

"Um, why is there a monkey?" Arisa pointed at what she thought was an obviously odd addition to the scene.

"Monkey?" Tohru looked shell-shocked. Her head shook to and fro until she finally settled on Ritsu in his cursed form.

"Ah! Ayame!" Shigure's laughing voice suddenly came from behind Arisa. "You didn't tell me that you brought your monkey!"

"I didn't ¬ " Ayame stuck his head out of the kitchen, but stopped as soon as he saw Ritsu. "Oh, he must have followed me here! He loves me soooo much, you know."

"You have a monkey?" Arisa raised an eybrow.



"I'll take him upstairs so he's out of the way," Yuki picked up Ritsu and did as he said, forgiving Shigure and his brother for the silly story as long as Arisa didn't ask any more questions.

"So what happened?" Arisa asked again for Hatori.

"Oh! Well, Ritsu wanted to make sure I was okay, so he touched my cheek. But it startled me and I lost my balance and we fell down the stairs..." Tohru trailed off weakly, slightly embarrassed at what had happened.

"Ritsu? Where is he?" Arisa asked, puzzled. "And how did a monkey factor into this?"

Tohru giggled nervously, feeling uneasy about lying to her friend. The silence stretched and she feared that it was help feed Arisa's skepticism. Her still slightly addled mind searched for an answer.

********************************************************** *****************

"Gomen nasai! Gomen *hiccup* nasai, Yuki-kun. I'm so sorry. *hiccup* I really...I mean, I d-don't really *hiccup* kn-n-n-now what happened. It-t-t was quick an-and *hiccup* GOMEN NASAI!"

Yuki shook his head, placing Ritsu on his bed with a resigned sigh. Tohru's party was quickly turning into a circus. He was certain Ritsu was not trying to harm Tohru in any way. That was Shigure and Ayame's doing. What was it they were putting in the drinks anyway?

He smelled the alcohol as soon as Tohru had offered him his first cup. He didn't want to have to drink it, but who was he to deny the beautiful, caring, sweet and cute Tohru anything.

Wait...weren't beautiful and cute the same thing, he wondered with another shake of his head. Maybe it should be loveable, adorable, delectable and luscious Tohru. No, no no. That was worse yet. Well, not really. Kami what was he thinking?! Perhaps he was more affected than he wanted to admit.

"It's all right, Ritsu-san," Yuki managed a reply through the jumbled thoughts now running through his head. He sighed again. "You're clothes are by the door. I picked them up on the way so I don't think anyone saw. Just get dressed after you transform back. Shigure and Ayame are going to start a game downstairs."

Ritsu seemed to calm down, his cheeks flushed from the embarrassment of transforming and from the alcohol he had already consumed. The monkey smiled shyly, nodding in answer to Yuki's explanation. He blinked his large eyes at Yuki, his tail swaying back and forth as he opened his mouth to ask:

"What kind of game?"

Ritsu jumped -- literally -- as Yuki whirled to find Kyo standing in his doorway. The orange haired boy pointed to the monkey. "And what happened to him?"

Yuki glared at Kyo. "Baka neko. Tohru accidentally hugged him. They fell down the stairs.

"Gomen nasai! I was only *hiccup* trying to m-m-make s-s-sure she wa- was *hiccup* all right," Ritsu muttered. "Gomen."

Kyo snorted but said nothing. What could he say? Tohru had done the same thing to him. Of course, he really hadn't minded too terribly after it was all said and done. Another kiss would've really made up for it though. "And what about the game?"

Yuki shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think Uo suggested cards."

Kyo suddenly smiled, raising an eyebrow in question. "Honto ni?"


Yuki blinked, surprised by Kyo's hasty retreat. Oh well, it saved him from having to pummel him.



"I'll leave you to get changed," the younger man said, turning and walking out of his room. He looked down the hallway, started heading for the stairs, but then turned and ran for the bathroom. He was definitely more affected by the alcohol than he admitted.

******************************************************** *******************

"Ano...." Tohru began, her mind trying to form a coherent thought, but all she could manage after that was a giggle.

"I think she needs more to drink," Hanajima suggested as she downed the rest of her glass. She placed it on the counter in hopes that it might fill itself back up again. Ayame tried not to laugh out loud as he poured more into the cup.

Tohru shook her head. She didn't need any more to drink, at least not yet. But she was starting to get hungry. She opened her mouth to speak again when a loud stomping noise stopped her.

Kyo's entrance took everyone's attention from the question at hand. He stomped down the stairs like a madman and walked into the kitchen. His hands were on his hips, his eyes blazing in an unspoken challenge. Standing in the doorway, he laughed haughtily.

"I want in on your game," he stated, eyes glaring at Uo.

Uo merely laughed.

"But of course," Ayame said, making a grand gesture with his free arm. He handed Torhu another cup, in which she muttered a tiny "arigato".

"But Kyo-kun, you have no idea what is at stake," Shigure said with a mock frown. He was actually very excited about this game, and picturing Kyo in the maid uniform, while not exactly pleasing, was a hilarious jest.

"I don't care, as long as I beat HER." Kyo pointed to Uo.

The girl snickered. "You couldn't win against me to save you life."

"We'll see about that."

"All right then," Ayame spoke up. "Since we're all in, what are we playing?"

"Wait! Gomen, Aya, but I'd like to play too!" Ritsu appeared in the doorway, fully dressed. He looked shyly at the gathered crowd.

Ayame smiled and nodded, waving for Ritsu to join them. "Of course, Ri-chan! Of course you can play!" He looked at Shigure and winked. This was going to get more interesting by the minute.

"Do we have any suggestions for a card game, then?" Shigure asked.

*********************************************************** ****************

Hatsuharu angrily dropped his upraised fist to the door yet again, after he realized that his sixth round of knocking was unsuccessful. When he heard Shigure mention card games, he wondered. When he heard Ayame mention alcohol, he stopped wondering and started planning.

Everyone was talking at once, suggesting games that everyone could play. Nobody noticed the returned presence of Yuki, nor the returned occupancy of his place at the table.

»So, what are you playing?¡ A chorus of greetings met Haru as he entered.

»Weºre not sure, but-»

»Weºre sure now. Who the hell wants to play a card game with all this booze around?¡ A devious smirk lit up Haruºs face.

»Uh, Haru, whatºs wrong this time? Who are you mad at?¡ Hatori was the first to notice Haruºs more aggressive personality. It was instantly recognizable, at least to anyone who knew Black Haru.

»Itºs not my fault Akito wanted to know where you were, Hatori.¡

»Ok, what do you suggest, Haru? A better game?¡

»Of course. Itºs called «I Never.º Everyone fill up their drinks and we can begin.¡

Haru cleared his throat. »This game is pretty simple. The loser--the loser is the last one drunk.¡

»But Ayame-»

»Ayame doesnºt count. He always acts drunk. Or at least on something.¡

»Hey! I-»

»Iºll start the practice round. I will say something Iºve never done, and then anyone who has done that thing will drink. Not the whole thing, but You know what I mean. For example, I never have stayed up all night planning ways to torment my editor.¡ Haru paused for a quick laugh to himself. »Shigure has to drink.¡ Mixed feelings were displayed on the faces around the table. »Ok, letºs go.¡

»Iºve never made up a song about high school girls.¡ Kyou grinned when Shigure shot him a look of extreme displeasure.

»That was cheap.¡

»Iºve never sulked on a rooftop.¡

Kyou threw back a swallow of whatever he was drinking. »Shut up, Haru.¡

»Iºve never worn girlsº clothes. Unless, of course, you are a girl.¡

Ritsu and Yuki shared a glance. As one, they sipped their drinks and glared at Hatori. »I canºt believe you.¡

»Iºve never had a real relationship with anyone.¡ Hana was vaguely surprised when Hatori silently took a drink.

»I never apologize for things that werenºt my fault.¡ Shigure smiled widely when Tooru, then Ritsu, slowly downed gulps of the contents of their cups.

»Iºve never lied to get something I wanted.¡ Ritsuºs eyes widened when almost half of the tableºs glasses were lifted and placed back down. »Iºm sor-»

»Ritsu, donºt say it. Weºll make you drink again.¡

»Iºve never liked being alone.¡ Nobody was taken aback when every cup stayed flat on the table at Tooruºs «I Never.º

»Iºve never let another personºs opinion of me bother me.¡ Ayame believed that Yuki should have taken a drink with Kyou and Haru, but he didnºt say anything.

»I never have dammit I never have Can I forfeit?¡


»Fine. Can it be stupid?¡

»I donºt care.¡

»Ok then. Iºve never read one of Shigureºs books.¡ Uo heaved a sigh of relief and didnºt even notice who drank or didnºt drink.

»Iºve never been kissed.¡ Yuki raised his eyes hopefully to Tooru. He didnºt expect her to be lifting her glass, a blush staining her cheeks.

********************************************************** *****************

Yuki stared dumbfounded at Tooru. She took a drink? She was kissed before? Maybe it was like someone like her Mother, but her blush said something all together. The room was suddenly feeling dizzy and he really needed some fresh air.

"This is a stupid game. And what is this rule the loser is the last one drunk? Shouldn't it be the winner the last one drunk?" He softy said as he stood up. He didn't want to show his disappointment in front of Tooru so he kept his voice low and quiet.

Tooru looked at Yuki and felt suddenly bad. She did kiss Kyo.

Arisa eyed the two warily. "So you don't like the game? Why didn't you speak you before? We can always play my game."

Everyone looked at Arisa.

And what is the game, yankee?" Kyo sputtered out. He was feeling very uncomfortable now that Tooru was blushing so hard after that drink. And he took a drink too. He downed the whole thing not thinking because of that look that Tooru gave and now his stomach felt like it was a sinking stone. Kuso! He wasn't planning on getting drunk, but it was too late. He was.

Arisa eyed the redhead. "Why, five card stud poker, Orange head. A real game and with the loser having to do something. And...I don't want to be so under the table I can't enjoy it."

Hatsuharu looked at Arisa. "So you don't like my game, ne? Why don't you like it? And an American game? Poker?"

Arisa laughed, "And your game is Japanese? Cowboy? Are you afraid you can't win?" She was looking at his leather chaps he was wearing and spotted open shirt and dark vest. A modern cowboy with necklaces looped around his neck and a ring on almost ever finger. And Arisa was staring at his crotch... then looked up. Damn, alcohol was making her look at a younger class man that way.

Hatsuharu smirked, " do have a wicked tongue. Do you know how to use it in other ways?"

Kyo glared at Haru "Shut up you dumb cow!"

"Oh? So you have something for the blond? Kitten?"

"Don't call me that!"

Arisa looked at the two going at each other as she was suddenly ignored. "Cows, kittens? What the hell? You in a damn zoo?"

And Kyo...was the cowboy right? Was the Orange head acting protective? She looked down at her drink. Yep, alcohol makes you think strange things.

Shigure and Ayame were looking on with great interest with what was being said. The kids were getting testy but in a good way.

Ayame chimed in, "This game is going so well. Little brother you are just sad you were not kissed before, ne."

Yuki moved over to grab his brother's collar. "That is not it!"

"But it is...But I can fix that! I know all about man's romance and can foster this so you can kiss the princess!" Ayame pointed at Tooru causing her to go into stunned shock mode with wide eyes and gaping mouth.

Yuki shook his brother hard. "Dumb snake!" Then let go. "I think we all need some food. All this drinking on empty stomach is not good." He smiled weakly at Tooru and turned to leave but was blocked by Saki.

"So you were not kissed? A prince? Would you turn to a frog if you were or stay the same? I'd like to test this." Before he could protest Saki was so very close and her mouth a whisper from his. Her skin was pale, yet the flush of alcohol pinked her cheeks. Her dark hair was in loose waves framing her face as she leaned in.

"Hanajimi-san?" Yuki breathed out just before her lips meet his. She was very drunk and he was hazy himself. Her mouth moved over his and he felt an electrical charge running through his body. Was it her dempa? Or was this just what kissing a girl was like. Her lips were so very soft which was surprising and he closed his eyes and kissed
her back.

The room became so very, very quiet. Finally, Shigure cleared his throat. "So, how is she?"

Yuki's eyes flew open and he stepped back from Saki. He could also see the startled look in her brilliant purple eyes. He never realized that she looked very pretty. He really was drunk. His first kiss was with the weird electrical girl in his living room in front of everyone! But most important, in front of Tooru! Yuki really wanted to leave the
room. Wanted to just leave it, walk, run, and go to his garden and weed every freaking weed there! He was feeling so frustrated and confused. He liked Saki's kiss. He really liked it. But, Tooru.

Tooru made his heart filled with happiness. And he still had not given her birthday gift. He didn't forget. He brought her something. It wasn't much but he couldn't give it to her in front of everyone. But the he just made a fool of himself in front of Tooru. In front of everyone. Yuki looked down and turned away.

Saki turned away hiding the darkening blush on her fair cheeks. She just kissed a boy and it was very nice. And she didn't think anyone noticed that she didn't take a drink when Yuki asked his question.

"I've never been kissed."

********************************************************* ******************

Saki was still a little dazed from the kiss. She knew that the prince had feelings for Tohru but she still couldnºt stop from blushing.

Suddenly, it seemed as if Arisa wasnºt feeling very good. She looked rather pale. Haru noticed that.

"Are you okay?" Haru put his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh my god," Arisa moaned. Covering her mouth with her hand, she dashed up the stairs.

"Get away Yankee!" Kyou jumped up. "Get away!"

"Iºll go assist her." Shigure grinned.

"You do that," Ayame nudged him in the ribs.

"Pervert," Yuki sighed.

The bell rang.

"Iºll go get it," Tohru said.

Clumsily she reached the door and opened it.

Kagura was outside and she gave her a big hug.

"Tohru-kun! (Thatºs what she calls her right?) Kagura greeted cheerfully. "Happy ..."

She stopped at sound of the younger girl wheezing.

"Oh, sorry," the older girl apologized.

"Itºs okay." Tohru smiled.

Tohru could have sworn she heard something rushing up the stairs.

"Whereºs my Kyou-kun!" Kagura yelled rushing forward. "Did anybody see him? Anybody?" She moved her head, searching for him frantically. Saki was a little intimidated by her behaviour but it seemed as if everyone was used to it. She seized Ayame by the collar.

"Did you see where Kyou-kun went?"

"No," Ayame replied rather nervously. "But I have a good guess."

"Alright, alright, show me!"

"Come along," he chimed pleasantly as she clung to his arm.

Yuki shook his head, Haru let out a snort and Tohrushrugged. Souma Ayame would never be redeemed.

"Does anybody want to help me in the kitchen?" Yuki asked hopefully. He looked at the faces, none of which looked very eager.

"I will," Saki said confidently.

Yuki blushed.

"Alright then letºs go. Honda-san, are you feeling okay?" Yuki looked at her nervously.

"Just fine." She replied nodding her head. "You two go along."

She smiled at them. They looked so strange.

"Maybe itºs just me," Tohru told herself quietly, shaking her head.

"So," Black Haru smiled. He moved closer to Tohru. "Do you know about a game called spin-the-bottle?"

"Huh?" Tohru looked at him wide-eyed. "I don't think so." Tohru shook her head.

"Let me get a bottle."

"Iºll help you!"

************************************************************ ***************

Hatori scowled at the so-called party before him. Lighting another cigarette, his eyes moved quickly amongst the youths. Yuki and the denpa were walking - or rather, Hatori noted with a slight twinge of concern - staggering to the kitchen. He shook his head when he wasn't able to tell who was leading whom.

Haru had grabbed Tooru by the hand and was pulling her towards the kitchen. Hatori could tell, even if Tooru could not, that this was Black Haru that was making his presence so well known. He stood up and stretched. Perhaps he should watch over them a little closer. He began to walk toward the kitchen, before his attention was snagged to a sudden sound outside.

¡L-O-V-E YUKI!! L-O-V-E YUKI!!¡ He rolled his eyes. He could have sworn that he heard chipmunks.

¡Oi, Yuki, you have company outside. Take care of them.¡

Yuki lifted his mouth from Sakiºs. Hatori noted the swollen lips with decayed interest. Yukiºs eyes were heavy lidded and dark. It seemed to take a moment to grasp the sudden vocal interruption.

Yuki looked at Saki with disappointment before he reclaimed his composure and began to walk out towards the front door. On an impulse, Saki grabbed his hand and followed her partner out.

Hatori looked around the darkened room until his eyes found rest on Tooru. He sighed a prayer of thanks, she was still ok. He stayed silent in the corner for a moment while Haru rummaged around in one of the paper bags for a bottle. A clinking sound soon betrayed that he had found one. Hatori watched as Haru again grabbed Tooruºs hand and began to drag her out of the room.

Tooruºs eyes were glazed over from the sake that she had consumed. She must have drunk about 4 glasses. And she had never drunk alcohol before. Black Haru didnºt even pay attention to Hatori as he led Tooru out of the room. Without a moment to think, Hatori grabbed at Tooruºs hand as she passed.

»A-ano? Hatori-san?¡ Tooru looked extremely confused.

Haru felt himself come to an undesired halt in movement. He turned towards Tooru and roughly pulled on her hand. Seeing it didnºt move, Haru leaned nearer to Tooru. He glared when he saw Hatori scowling at him.

So a challenge was what the doctor wanted, eh? Well, he would be more than willing to give it to him. Haru smirked a warning, bringing his free fist to Hatoriºs face.

Hatori automatically grabbed Haruºs wrist and turned it around, his thumb pressing on the pulse point. Applying a small amount of pressure, he saw Haruºs eyes roll back into his head as he fell to the ground. Hatori took the opportunity to pull Tooru completely out of range of Haru.

»Hatori-san? Whatºs wrong with Haru-san?¡

»Donºt worry, Tooru-kun. Heºs only lost consciousness for a few moments. When he comes to, he should return to «White Haruº.¡

»That wasnºt «Whiteº?¡ Tooru blinked.

Hatori frowned. The alcohol must be moving pretty quickly through her system. He was actually surprised that she was able to stand so steadily.

»Tooru-kun, why donºt you come with me. Iºll get my bag and get you some medicine for that alcohol poisoning?¡

»Alcohol poisoning?¡

Hatori nodded. »Youºve had a lot of alcohol within the last hour. Far more than you are used to. I want to get something in you before you get really sick.¡

Hatori was so concerned, that he didnºt notice the innuendo. But it didnºt slip Tooruºs mind. Something clicked there, as her eyes drooped seductively. She walked as closely to Hatori as she could, wrapping her finger in his tie, effectively forcing him to lean very near to her face.

»I know what medicine I want inside of me...Hatori-san...¡ She moved her free hand around to the back of Hatoriºs trousers, rubbing the firm muscle of his buttock slowly. She squeezed lightly as she moved her hips until she could straddle one of Hatoriºs legs. She rubbed rhythmically with her caresses. She gazed at Hatori with eyes filled with pent-up desire and frustration.

Hatori gasped at the dampness moving across the leg of his trouser. Tooru took the opportunity to stand on the tips of her toes to reach Hatoriºs mouth. She brushed her lips softly at first, then more firmly as her lips created a suction around Hatoriºs tongue. She backed down slightly and looked at him. »Do you want me to stop?¡

Hatori growled his answer, as he bent over and reclaimed her mouth. He knew that this was wrong. But he was a man too! With needs and desires that have long since been met. She obviously wanted it. Still, she was drunk... Of course this inner-argument did not last long as he tasted the honey sweetness of Tooruºs kiss.

One of his hands roamed down and pushed up her skirt. He moved his fingers to caress against the lacy lining of her panties. He hooked one finger inside the waistband and pulled the panties down to the floor. Intrigued by the warmth of her hot skin against his calloused hand, he moved his hand around the back until he was cupping one of her rounded buttocks. He squeezed slightly, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Tooru.


He gladly complied. He moved his fingers along side the center of her rear, and slid down to find the hidden center. He gently pushed one finger in. She moaned, and he sighed.

He was amazed at how hot she was. And wet. It was easy to maneuver a second finger inside. Gasping, she reached back to grab his hand. She paused her action when his hand was between them.

Hatori felt like he could not handle this torture for much longer, as his arousal throbbed with each lick that Tooru had given to his fingers. He pulled his hand back before she cleaned the last finger. He had to taste her. He licked her essence off of his hand, as he held Tooruºs hungry gaze.

He had to have HER. He wanted to be inside of her right now.

His impulses took over as he lifted Tooru up so that she had her legs wrapped around his waist and was hanging loosely off of his body. While she held on to his shoulders with her hands, he reached below to unzip his pants.

With a sigh of relief, he pulled his erection free of the confining trousers. He rubbed himself apologetically for a moment. It had been too long since a hot cradle had held his little baby. That was going to be remedied in a matter of seconds. Tooruºs heat, and his hunger would see to that.

Holding Tooruºs gaze with his own, his eyes seemed to apologize for a moment before he pushed through her maidenhead. He captured her lips, and stifled her cry of pain with a kiss so intense it would put Shigure to shame.

Her walls contracted around his length after a moment, and he began to thrust gently. She was so tight around him - she felt so nice. And it had been WAY too long for him. He placed his hands on her hips and began to help her find a steady rhythm.

Hatori could feel her orgasm rapidly approaching his own. He quickened the pace as he tilted his head backwards and cried out in pleasure, sending his seed to her womb.


****************************** *********************************************

Uo flung open the door and swiftly knelt before the toilet quickly losing the contents of her stomach. She was vaguely aware of a warm body kneeling behind her and pulling her long tresses out of the way as she continued to heave.

A cool hand brushed over her flushed forehead as she slowly sat back on her heels. "Arigato." She said shakily as her stomach tried to settle. She was still unsure of who was behind her, but still was too sick to care.

"Your welcome. Can I get you some water to rinse with?" Uo stiffened as she recognized the writer's voice. Of all the people, the pervert had to help! She slowly nodded as her stomach roiled again.

Uo swiftly rose to her knees and leaned forward as her stomach began to heave again. Nothing came out.

Shigure kept his grip on her hair as she shivered with each dry heave. He began to run a hand soothingly up and down her back. He'd forgotten what it was like to worship the porcelain goddess at parties. It had been such a long time ago that his tolerance had been as bad as hers. He almost felt bad but then her soft backside rubbed over his crotch as she shivered with another heave. Almost

Uo rested back on her heels as her stomach subsided again. A masculine arm reached past her to push down on the handle to flush. Uo watched in morbid fascination as her stomach's contents swirled down and were gone.

She slowly began to check her body to see how it was responding. She tensed her arms and shoulders before relaxing them. She started to tense her legs, but froze as she realized she wasn't just sitting on her heels. She was sitting against Shigure and so aligned that she could feel his arousal pressing into the crack of her ass.

Uo slowly turned her head feeling her hair slide out of the writer's loose grip as she did so. She met his dark gaze with her own curious one. Never one to beat around the bush she said "Is it the throwing up or are you always this horny?"

Shigure smiled and stood up with out answering. Uo's face was now level with the object of her question. She swallowed hard and looked down. Shigure walked to the sink and filled a glass with water. Walking back, he handed the cup to Uo so she could rinse.

"Arigato." Uo quickly rinsed and spat into the toilet before handing the cup back to the older man. "Do you have a spare toothbrush? Rinsing just isn't enough. I can still taste it." Uo grimaced smacking her lips in distaste.

"You can use mine" Shigure began. Uo stood and swayed. Shigure braced her and walked them to the sink. He handed her his toothbrush and watched as she quickly began to brush.
Uo watched him in the mirror as he watched her. His observant eyes took in every action she made. Uo quickly finished her teeth then brushed her tongue. She had to get rid of the taste. She brushed as far back as she could, removing all traces of her bile and the soured sake.

Shigure's eyes became hooded as the toothbrush went deep into the recesses of the Yankee's mouth. `I wonder if she could do that with other things?' He saw her eyes watching him as he watched her. He raised a brow but said nothing. She knew what he wanted.

Uo set the brush in its holder before she rinsed and spat. She turned around and rested her hips against the sink's counter. She'd seen his gaze change as she'd brushed. Was that what he wanted? She slowly looked over his body. Her eyes traced down pausing over her favorite areas. Her gaze settled on the crotch of his trousers. He had a good-sized tent going on, but you really couldn't tell size until the clothing was removed.

Shigure smirked as her gaze raked over him, pausing on his chest, and crotch. Her eyes moved back up to meet his. He saw no resistance at all. He stepped forward and leaned down to kiss the Yankee. She stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. "What?"

"Just so you know This means nothing more than it is." She said seriously. Uo saw the writer smirk as he resumed his previous actions. His lips met hers in a fiery kiss that had no preliminaries. The velvet gloves were off, so to speak.

Uo broke the kiss gasping. Kneeling, she quickly unzipped his trousers. "You want to know how far I can go? So do I" Uo sighed softly as her hand encountered his erection. She slowly licked over the head of his arousal enjoying the soft, velvety texture of the tip.

Shigure groaned and closed his eyes as her lips slowly began to slide over his length.

Uo slowly began to work her way down him. Every little bit she went down she would back up then go a bit further with her next motion. One of Shigure's hands clutched her hair. The other was braced on the counter behind her. Uo mentally smirked as she felt his hips twitch as he tried to hold still.

Shigure opened his eyes as she engulfed most of his length. He wanted to watch her mouth slowly slide over him. He moaned at the erotic sight. If she didn't hurry up and go as far as she could, he was going to stop her so he could take her. Shigure moaned again as she slid all the way down his length. She did it!

Uo pulled back and stood. "Now we know. I CAN go all the way down on you." The blonde turned as if she was going to leave but Shigure still had her hair captive. She met his heated gaze with her own.

"Surely you aren't going to leave us both like this?" Shigure asked, half laughing.

Uo smirked. "Why not? What could possibly motivate me to finish?"

Shigure grinned and pulled her in. He slowly lowered his face stopping just short of actually kissing her. "You'd miss the most incredible sex you'll ever have in your life. Plus, this" He finished closing the distance between their lips. He slowly rubbed his over hers in the softest of caresses.

Uo sighed gently at the soft touch. Shigure's tongue darted in to gently explore her mouth. Uo gasped as the writer skillfully plundered her mouth. She slowly began to respond. Maybe he could make this worth her while.

Shigure bit back a smile of triumph as the Yankee finally responded. Her lips demanded more so more he gave. Uo pulled his hips firmly into hers. Shigure moaned as his erection brushed over her clothing. He swiftly boosted her onto the counter, sliding between her legs.

As he continued to kiss her, he pulled her long skirt up over her legs. He slid his hands up her thighs and stopped. Uo broke the kiss with a glare. "Why the hell did you stop? Are you unable to back up your claim?"

Shigure smiled and slid one hand the rest of the way up. "Doesn't this get a bit drafty?" He asked when he found no underwear.

"As drafty as your robes, I'm sure." Uo retorted over his lack of underwear as well. Shigure swiftly slid a finger in, effectively cutting off her tirade. She was more than ready for him. He quickly positioned himself and slid home.

They moaned as one. Shigure pulled her hips closer to the edge and tilted them up a bit more. Uo leaned back against the mirror to counter balance. Shigure kept his grip on her hips as he slowly pulled back and thrust in even deeper than before. Uo moaned softly and locked one hand in his hair as the other continued to brace her body.

Shigure continued to thrust, but kept shifting in small increments as they both approached orgasm. Shigure was panting slightly from holding back when he found it. He quickly focused his thrusts on that one sweet spot driving the Yankee to and over the edge of her release.

Shigure moaned as her inner muscles milked him forcing his own release. He slowly released her hips and slid out of her as he tried to slow his breathing.

"Most incredible, eh?" Uo tried to sound cocky but her voice was still soft from her mind-numbing orgasm. "Let me get a bit more experience and then we'll see if you are so memorable."

"You liked it. You know you did!" Shigure smirked at her attempted bravado. He KNEW he'd blown her mind.