Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ I never liked the Rain....... ❯ Who's She? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fruits Basket. I only own Anika.
`Is this the house?' A girl with red hair with white tips and green eyes asked herself. “Excuse me. I'm sorry, but I'm lost. Is this the Sohma house?” she asked when someone opened the door she knocked on moments before. “Yes, it is. Who are you looking for?” a brown haired girl asked. “I'm looking for Shigure Sohma. Is he here?” she looked confused as she answered. “I think so. Let me check. Come in, please.” “Thank you.” She wandered off as you sat down and took in her surroundings. ”Excuse me. What can I do for you?” She heard a male voice ask her. “I think you know, Shigure. You were expecting me. I am Sohma Anika.”
With Yuki and Kyo at school.
“What?!?” was Yuki and Kyo's reaction as they found out about the girl Tohru had met that morning. “Ah…….there she is.” She exclaimed as she saw the girl and Shigure walk into the school. “What's sensei doing here again?” Haru asked as he walked up with Momiji. “Oh, Hi Haru. I don't know. But is that……?” Yuki asked as he saw the red hair, but Momiji cut him off. “Yes, it is. But what is she doing here? Wasn't she in A…” He started, but was cut off by Haru, who finished his question. “America, yeah. What's she doing back?” Tohru butts in and asks.” Who? Who is she?” “We think she's Anika, our cousin and Hatori's younger sister. She was sent to America and hasn't come back for two years.” Momiji explains to Tohru as she drops her books and points. ”She's coming. Help.”
Anika's pov
I see five people staring at me and I recognize all of them. So, I walk over.” Hey. What's up? I noticed you all were staring and By the way, I'm Sohma Anika. Hello, Hatsuharu, Yuki, Kyo, Momiji. And you are?” “I-I-I'm Honda Tohru. Nice to meet you, Anika. Are you going to school here?” “Yes, I am. But first, I'm going to see my brother and Akito.” “Anika? There you are. And I see you have met Ms. Honda. Now, run along and see Ha'ri and Akito. Ask where you are going to stay, too.” “Yes, Shigure.”
I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be back soon.Please review
What you need to know
Me talking to you