Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping A Secret ❯ Pancakes and Catnip ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Keeping A Secert


Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I don't own furuba. I only own Lizzi.

Authoress Note: This chapter will cover the next two days, (Thursday and Friday), then the next chapter will be Saturday the meeting with Akito-san. ^_^
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~~~The Next Morning (Thursday)~~~

Once Lizzi was up, she decided to make pancakes and write messages on them with one of those markers where you can eat the ink...(Yum!) Once everyone was up she placed everyones pancake in front of them. Heres what they said:

Shigures: 'Shigure, you if break my friends heart, I'll kill you personally.' Shigure sweatdropped.

Harus: 'Read Shigures...' So haru leaned over and read Shigures and sweatdropped as well.

Yukis: 'Hello! Good morning! Try and be nice to Kyou for once!' Yuki smiled and whispered a "Stupid Cat" under his breath.

Nikki: 'Hello, my friend! Good morning, what do U and Haru do when no 1s lookin? LOL!' Nikki blushed and grabbed the syrup and tried to cover it up.

Ravens: 'Hey! Y do U get 2 read those books? Y can't we? LOL! I have a feeling Y tho! XD' Raven laughed sliently, and grabbed the whipped cream.

Kyous: 'Morning, Kyou! U owe me 1 4 makin breakfast with out U! <3 Lizzi!' Kyou blushed and quickly cut up his pancake.

After everyone ate, Kyou did the dishes with out a fight. Lizzi walked into the kitchen and put her head on Kyou shoulder.

"Thank you! ^_^" Lizzi said.

"Yea," Kyou said, fighting off another blush. Once that was done, Raven went with Shigure to see Mii, so she didn't destroy his house when she would come to visit. Shigure had said it may be a while before they'd be back.

"Raven, don't do anything inappropriate in public," Lizzi said with a smirk and got a shoe flung at her head. Nikki started laughing and got the other shoe flung at her. Lizzi handed back the shoes and waved bye them. Yuki had went to his secret base to tend to his veggies. Nikki, Haru, Lizzi, and Kyou sat at the table starring at each other.

"So, what do you want to do?" Lizzi said, sounding as bored as hell.

"I don't know, do you Kyou?" Nikki said.

"No, Haru?"


"Lets sing a song! I know a song that gets on everybodys nerves, everybodys nerves, everybodys nerves, and this is how is goes..."

~~~30 Minutes Later~~~

They had sung the song over 50 times and were slurring there words together.

"I" they all had song their last song. Kyou had gotten up and grabbed a deck of cards a piece of paper. He split the paper into for pieces and handed one to each person.

"Write down a card game..." After everyone had written down a card game Kyou put them into a bowl and pulled one out.

"We're going to be playing...500 Rummy." (I love that game, and there already know how 2 play cuz I havent played it in a long time, I forgot how 2 play...-_-0)

~~~5 Hours Later Time: 5 PM~~~

Lizzi had won every game of rummy, Raven and Shigure had just walked through the door.

"Where the hell where you two?!" Kyou yelled.

"Mii...she almost killed us, and it took us a while to lose her" Shigure said.

"Ill go start dinner," Lizzi said.

~~~9:30 PM~~~

Everyone had slept in someones room, (LizziXKyou, RavenXShigure, and NikkiXHaru if anything happened imagine it...)

~~~Friday Morning~~~

Lizzi was again the first one up at 9:30 AM. Lizzi started to make breakfast, and she then raced off to answer the phone when it rang.

"Hello?" Lizzi said.

"Is Shigure there?"

"Ahh, hes well as everyone else in the house..."

"Tell him to call me."

"Yea, but I can't unless you tell me your name."

"Its Akito," and with that Akito hung up the phone. Lizzi nearly dropped the phone.

"Whats wrong with you? Who was on the phone?"

"I was talking to..A..kito..."

After breakfast, Lizzi told Shigure that, Akito wanted him to call him. Lizzi was constantly debating with her self in her head, if she should go or not.

~~~Conversation in Lizzi's head~~~

'I don't want to go though..'

'You have to and you know it'

'Hes going to erase our memories, like my mother said when I was little'

'Maybe he just wants to talk..'

'I have a feeling Akito's not one to talk, I think he gets right down to business...'

'Well, maybe your feelings wrong...'

'There never wrong! Maybe I could shock him...'

'That would only make him angrier'

'Shut up! Your supposeed to be on my side not Akitos! Im done talking to you!'

~~~End Conversation~~~

Lizzi and Kyou went into town again to but dinner, but before the started shopping, they got ice cream. They passed a pet shop and Lizzi considered buying Catnip, for Kyou, but decided against it....

After the finished shopping, Lizzi had Kyou stop and wait outside the pet store. She had a few bags so Kyou couldn't smell it.

'Kyou will be high on catnip tonight. This is going to be a funny sight...'

~~~Later that Night~~~

What Lizzi didn't know what that Kyou wouldn't leave her alone. Kyou the cat, was intertwining himself between Lizzi feet while she walked and when she sat down Kyou the cat would walk back and forth around her until he was petted and once he was petted he started purring. Hatsuharu, Nikki, Raven, and Shigure, were laughing so hard that they were crying. Lizzi on the other hand looked like she was about to kill herself for buying the catnip. When Lizzi went to get in the shower, she had to trap Kyou the cat under the empty trashcan and she had to set a couple towels on it so he wouldn't try and get in the shower. Once she finished her shower and changed into her pajamas she picked up her clothes and Kyou and walked back to Kyou's room.

'I am never doing that again' Lizzi thought as she drifted of to sleep, with a cat laying next to her.
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Authoress Note: I think this is longer then the past couple of chapters. I have a feeling the next chapter will longer...alot..RxR