Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Say the Darndest Things ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I own Fruits Basket! And look up in the sky! It's a flying pig!
SPOILER WARNING: If you don't know about Akito's secret from chapter 98, this entire fic is kinda a spoiler.
Kids Say the Darndest Things
“Kureno,” said the eleven year old girl to her older cousin.
“Yes Akito?” said Kureno looking down at the girl he sat next to on the porch.
“Tell me, where do babies come from?” said Akito, her gaze fixed on the sky and her legs kicking back and forth.
Kureno's eyes widened and he almost fell over in shock.
“Ah, um, w-what, what was that?” Kureno said uneasily.
“Where do babies come from?” Akito repeated, still looking up at the sky.
“Oh, well, that's a…good question. Um, what brought this up?” said a very flustered Kureno who was trying very hard to avoid the question.
“I've heard, that the rabbit's mother is having another child.” Said Akito, “And I want to know, how do people have children?”
How was he supposed to answer her? Why did she have to ask such difficult questions? She had asked him some pretty difficult questions before but nothing like this. This was THE question, the mother of all hard questions. Why did she have to ask him? Well, she was too young to be told by Akira before he passed away. And of course Ren wasn't an option.
While Kureno tried to think of a way to avoid the question, he saw some people who might be able to help.
“Shigure-nii! Hatori-nii!” Kureno called out to his cousins who, lucky for him, were walking by.
“Hi Akito, Kureno, how are you?” said Shigure as he walked up to them.
“I'm doing fine.” Said Kureno.
“Kureno,” said Akito, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention and looking him straight in the eye. “Quit avoiding the question and answer me. Tell me where babies come from.”
Shigure burst into hysterical laughter and Hatori looked somewhat surprised, but regained his composure quickly.
“Akito, maybe you shouldn't be asking Kureno this.” Said Hatori.
Thank you, Hatori-nii. Thought Kureno.
“Well then who do you expect me to ask?” Akito said crossing her arms.
“I-I'll t-tell you.” Said Shigure trying not to laugh.
“Shigure,” Hatori said giving the dog a stern look. “Remember she is a child. And this is a very important matter. I will not have you filling her head with perversion and idiocy.”
“Why do you have so little faith in me Haa-san? I won't say anything wrong.” Said Shigure.
“For some reason I seriously doubt that.” said Hatori.
“I don't care who it is, but somebody tell me.” Said Akito impatiently.
“Okay Akito,” said Shigure, “I'll tell you. Babies come from…the stork.”
“Stork?” Akito said curiously cocking her head to the side.
“Idiot.” Said Hatori.
“You see, storks are birds. But not just any bird, they're magic.” Said Shigure, “When a man and a woman marry they call the stork and he brings them they're baby.
“Really?” Akito asked, listening intently with wide eyes.
“Yes, but it takes nine months for him to deliver it. Storks are kind of slow birds.” Said Shigure, seeming more and more amused with every word she believed.
“So where do the storks get the babies from?” Akito asked.
“Um, they…” said Shigure thinking of an answer. “They hatch them from eggs.”
“Eggs?” Akito questioned, “I thought baby birds were the only things that hatched from eggs.”
“But storks have special eggs.” Said Shigure.
“Hmm,” said Akito deep in thought. “Are you lying to me, Shigure?”
“Of course not!” said Shigure, as if what the child said was complete nonsense.
“That's enough Shigure,” said Hatori, “I think we need to go now, Akito.”
“Okay,” said Akito, “Come Kureno, let's go.”
“Don't tell her things like that,” said Hatori once they were far enough away from Akito that she couldn't hear them. “What will you do when she finds out that you lied?”
“What was I supposed to do?” Shigure asked his cousin with a slight shrug, “Would you prefer I tell her the truth?”
Hatori considered this for a moment. He realized that it wasn't a very good idea to leave Shigure in charge of Akito's sexual education. Maybe the stork story was the lesser of two evils.
“Whatever, just don't make a habit of doing things like this.” Said Hatori, “But it does make me wonder why she would be asking questions like that.”
Shigure simply shrugged and said: “Kids.”
Author's note!
Yay! It's done! This was a kinda weird (very short) fic. I've really been wanting to make an A-chan centric fic lately, a few nights ago I just decided I would write one no matter what. I was planning on making a more serious fic than this, but then I got this idea and I had to write it. I love A-chan, she's so adorable >_<. She seems a bit naïve for her age in this fic, but she believed that thing about the box when Akira-san died so maybe it's like she said. Things that seem like common sense to others were never taught to her so how is she supposed to know? Please review! And thank you for reading! I hoe you enjoyed it! ^_^
P.S. this fic is supposed to be before Shigure hated Kureno, just so ya know.