Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kinden no Panse ❯ Kinden no Panse part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I've found a few errors in the prologue, and I'll try to fix them. Hopefully, this one won't have so many errors. The prologue errors were just little ones, but they were little word changes…every fiber in Theme's body is not observed for Rene, they are reserved…little things like that.


Kinden no Panse

Part 1

Chapter 1


"I'm not going!"


Kyo sat on the porch, hugging the banister, refusing to let go. Today was no special day…Momiji had just, somehow, managed to persuade Akito to have an all day picnic and night out with the whole zodiac. Kyo was just unfortunate enough to be ordered to go.


"You should go, Kyo," Tohru said, leaning on the banister.


Yuki stared at her. Tohru leaning anywhere was uncharacteristic for her. She picked up her head, and ran back inside, Shigure, Hatori, Yuki, and Kyo looking at her, everyone of them thinking the same thing: she had been acting strangely the whole morning.


She reappeared. "Hurry up! You don't want to be late!" She handed Hatori a picnic basket…quite forcefully actually.


"I…I think it's going to rain," Kyo said, making up an excuse on the spot.


"Here's an umbrella!" Tohru made the umbrella appear as if she just imagined it from thin air. She handed the rather large umbrella to Hatori as well. "Now, you boys have fun!" She slowly backed into the house, waving, and closed the door. She wiped her brow as she walked to the kitchen.


She watched with slight amusement as the three zodiac members dragged the cat into the car. She smirked. "He's acting as if he's going to the vet's to get neutered." She laughed as the car drove away.


`They're gone!' she thought. She looked at her reflection in a pot.


Tohru's appearance began changing. Brown hair turned to black, green eyes turned to blue, pale skin turned even paler, and smooth, white teeth became sharp.


A blonde vampire appeared in the kitchen, carrying a potato sack filled with something other than potatoes.


"Did you tell her?" the vampire, who used to be Tohru, asked.


The blonde vampire nodded. "She's willing to cooperate."


"And the boy…?"


"He's a family member. How he persuaded the head of this family, I haven't the slightest clue…and I don't think I want to know." She put the down the potato sack.


The black haired vampire nodded at the sack. "How'd you get in undetected?"


"I didn't have to go in. She was out on her own. This is going to be easier than I thought!"


"Theme will be proud. Now all we have to do is wait until night, and make our new family!"


"What I can't understand is why Theme couldn't kill Shii on her own when she was in France."


"Maybe Rene was around her all the time?"


"Rene can't stand to be around Theme all the time…and he can't even stand to touch Shii!"


"That is strange. You'd think he'd be more close to his daughter after his wife's death, not further away."


They looked at each other, and shrugged.


The day was ending quickly, thankfully for Kyo. Kagura had been on him all day, and he just wanted to end it.


Around supper time, Kyo hung in a tree.




Kyo looked down at the ground. He was ready to jump higher if his visitor was Kagura. It wasn't, but Momiji was just as bad.


"Kyo, its suppertime!"


"I'll starve, thank you."


Momiji shrugged and walked away. "Okay, your loss."


The two vampires watched from the shadows.


"That cat is very stubborn," the black vampire said. "Crystal, when does she usually wake up?"


"I'd say about when everything is completely dark."


"Do you think we should take care of them first, or her?"


"Send out the others to take care of them. We'll take care of…" Crystal picked up the potato sack, and stared at it. "Oh, shit, uh, Mimiru?"




"We have a problem." Crystal held up the bag, and stared at Mimiru through a hole that had been cut through.


Mimiru swore. "Where'd that little shit go?"


Crystal looked around frantically. "She shouldn't be awake right now! Theme told me she didn't wake until the sun went down and the sky was completely dark!"


Mimiru swore again. "Hold everyone. We have to find her!"


Momiji looked up from his drawing, his eyes wide in alert.


"What's wrong, Momiji?"


He looked over and found Kisa staring at him, eyes wide. She had been drawing next to him. He shook his head. "Nothing. Thought I heard something." He went back to his drawing, humming his song.


Kisa shrugged, and also went back to her drawing, and Momiji heard the sniff again. It sounded like a child sniffing, just on the brink of tears. He knew it wasn't Kisa…she was smiling and drawing a tiger.


"Well, we need more firewood," Shigure said. "Since I'm out to use the little boy's tree…" He laughed at his own joke. "Well, I'll be back with firewood so we can roast those marshmallows!"


"That is if Ayaa doesn't eat them all," Hatori said, walking out of the food tent, a bag of marshmallows in his hand, Ayame trailing behind him, his head held down.


Shigure left, humming a cheerful tune, Momiji and another pair of vampire eyes watching him.


When he was sure he was far enough away, he relieved himself, not noticing that someone watched him from behind, listening as he made pleasure noises from having to hold it in for so long. When he finished, he sighed, and turned around to look for firewood, muttering how much he couldn't wait until he had some roasted marshmallows.


He looked up from the ground, and let out a tiny shriek. He leaned on the tree for support. A little, pale girl stared at him, a panda teddy bear hanging from her right hand.


He gulped, looked around, and gently eased off the tree, smiling a little. "Hello."


She stared at him, her strangely dark eyes looking sad.


"Are you lost?"


The girl nodded.


He awed, and walked up to her. "Don't you worry your little self! Help Shigure Ojii-Chan gather firewood, and I'll take you to our camp, okay?"


The girl looked around her feet, bent down, picked up a stick, and held it out to him. Shigure awed again.


"That's right! Now, if we can pick up a lot of those sticks, we'll be able to eat as many marshmallows as we want!" Getting inspired, he quickly began picking up any and all sticks that he could find, the girl picking up sticks as well.


When they were finished, they headed back to camp, Shigure in front, the girl in back, both holding enough sticks to last the next week or two. He looked back to see if she was still there, and he saw the bear riding on her pile of sticks. He smiled, and turned back to the path.


He led with a marching song: "Marshmallows, marshmallows, just for me, marshmallows!"


When they reached the camp, the girl hid closely behind him, hiding herself from any of the other family members.


"Let's set the firewood over here," he said, walking towards the fire pit. "Set down the wood here. Are you hungry? Would you like some marshmallows? Some sushi? Onigiri? Curry?"


"Who are you talking to?" Yuki asked.


Shigure and the girl set down the wood. "I found a girl in the woods," he said, moving over so they could see the girl, but she stayed hidden behind him. She clutched his sleeve. He looked down at her, and awed some more. She looked up at him with her big eyes, mysterious, violet eyes that he could now see because of the fire light. He ushered her towards his tent, ignoring all the questioning stares he received.


Momiji shivered. He didn't see the girl, but he knew that she wasn't a normal girl lost in the woods. As soon as he thought this, the coppery aroma of blood proved she wasn't a normal girl.


He stood up, and slinked away from the group unnoticed. He called Mimiru with his mind. `I found her.'


`Kill her! Kill her! KILL HER!'


`I can't.'


`And why not?'


`She's under protection of my uncle.'


`Then kill him!'


`I can't.'


`You don't mean she…'




`God damnit! That little bitch! I'm sending Crystal to help you kill her.'


"Momiji!" Said blonde vampire pat the young boy on his head. "Lead the way!"



Next chapter: A plan to kill the girl may just go all the way…


Me: Okay, I realize that whenever they talk with `mind link', it isn't very long. Well, it takes lots of energy for that, so it never really lasts long. Notes:

Mimiru has a short temper.

Shigure's marshmallow song is the same tune as his `High school girls' song in the anime.

The reason why Shii is so clutchy to Shigure will be explained later…in the next part, I think. Well, if you want me to tell you why, tell me. Otherwise, wait until then!

When Shigure is "relieving" himself, just to point out, it doesn't mean that he's jacking off, got it? He's peeing!

Shigure's marching song about marshmallows is the same tune that he sings about high school girls in the anime. "high school girls, high school girls, just for me, high school girls."