Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Know Your Juunishi and Others Furuba style ❯ chapter three: Hatsuharu Sohma ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
SA: Serinity's Angel reporting for duty! well, orignally I planned to do Hiro next, but then all these Ideas came into my head for Haru, so he is !!!!
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(bright lights flash on Haru)

Haru: where am I? am I lost again? am I in jail?

Me: Know your stars, Know your stars, Know your stars, Hatsuharu Sohma, is a KLUTZ !!!

Haru: Actually I'm quite stable, thank you.

Me: Hmph, Know your stars, Hatsuharu Sohma, Hates, RIN SOHMA !!!!!!

Haru: NO!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!! (he went black, that's greaaaaat)

Me: If you don't hate her than why, were you eating, HORSE MEAT !!!!!!!!!

Haru: YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF THAT!!!!! ( I love to provoke his black side he's way hotter when he's black)

Me: Oh, really, (pulls out a picture of Haru eating a horse meat sandwich)

Haru: (returns to white mode) Ok, I admit! I couldn't help myself, It tasted so good!! Please, don't tell Rin. She'd never ever forgive me!

Me: Don't worry I won't. ( ok, ha ha I totally lied! I'm so gonna tell her when I interview her! heh heh)

Haru: Thank you.

Me: Your welcome, you can go now.

Haru: ok, bye.

Me: bye, sucker ( ha ha ha)

Haru: what did you say?

Me: nothing.

Haru: ok

(Haru leaves shutting the door behind him)

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Well, ha ha Haru thinks I'm not going to tell Rin! ha I so am! Anyways, In your review tell me who you want to see next and I'll see what I can do.

unitl next time,