Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kyo's Need ❯ Kyo's Need ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kyo's Need for 'Him'

Author's Notes: I do not own Fruits Basket, or any of its sexii as HELL, male characters...oh yea nd the gurls too...but umm, Kyo got that urge that young males experience, but who will let him release his urge on them? KyoxYuki yaoi/lemony goodness**

"Damn not again, this is the second night in a row!" Kyo glanced at his now stained boxers and moaned silently with frustration; not just because those were the second pairs of boxers he ruined this week, but also because of the pain between his thighs that never went away without a fight. "When the hell is this going to end dammit!" Kyo grunted and removed his now stained boxers, and swiftly slipped out of bed and tip-toed to the door. "I hope no-one's awake, I'd hate to be caught in an embarrasing state like this." Kyo whispered to himself. Kyo slowly slid his door open, and as sly as a snake, made his way to the bathroom. He did the same routine as before, put his boxers in the sink to rinse, and took a cold shower. "4am in the morning and I gotta deal with this shit." He said as he scrubbed his body from the sweat caused by his wet dream and unintended orgasm.

He awoke to the sound of the showers creaky sound as the water made its way through the rusty pipes. "Who in their right minds would be up in this ungodly hour? I bet it's that baka neko, always doing something stupid." Yuki rubbed his eyes and yawned briskly as he glanced at the clock. "4am..." Yuki decided it was too early to get up and gracefully lied back down on his pillow as he tried to ignore the annoying sounds coming from the shower, but to no avail. It's always been like this, and shall always stay. Once Yuki wakes up, there's NO going back to sleep. Yuki gave a frusturated 'hmph' and gave his pillow a small punch in an attempt to release some anger. It didn't work. As Yuki made his way out of bed, he heard the shower abruptly shut off. "NOW he decides to turn the shower of..." Yuki yawned once more and pulled on a sweatshirt he found lying around his room. It read: High School Spirit! "Hm, must be Tohru's..." The grey head lazily opened his door, shoulders slacking and feet shuffling on the floor. As he made his way out, an angry Kyo stomped across the hall and pushed through Yuki with such hostility, the nezumi just wanted to sock him one. "Too tired..." He thought. Nothing was done for now, but later, that baka better be watching his back! The prince soon forgot about the incident, and instead decided to satisfy the calls of his stomach. He just wanted to eat right now.

"Damn, I didn't mean to be so rude to that damned rat, but I'm just not up for kindness right now. Not when I have my own personal issues to sort out." But when Kyo saw Yuki today, he felt, how should he say...different. As opposed to other times when all he wanted to do was beat his ass, today was different. He felt an almost need for him, but he didn't quite know what that need was yet. "I don't know what the hell is up with me! This horny business is making me freaking insane!" Kyo decided to drop the subject and instead get some food. His stomach was really starting to hurt, but not just from hunger..."Where the hell is my shirt?!" Kyo dug through his pile of clothes looking for his favorite tight, black shirt. He already had his khaki pants, he just needed that damn shirt! After much picking around, he finally found it half stuffed into the crook of his bead. "Ha, I found you ya damn shit." He quickly slipped it on and left his room, already smelling the scent of a diverse amount of food. "Is Tohru up already? I'm surprised." But the red head was even more surprised to see that it wasn't his princess producing such wonderful smells, but that damn rival of his. He glared at him with the usual haste in his eyes and began to question him. "Why are you up so early?" The question came out nicer then intended, but it was one of those rare times that Kyo was not up for a fight, and he didn't think Yuki was either.

"The same reason you're up." No way in hell he knows? but how-- "I'm hungry." He finshed. Kyo sighed inwardly and sniffed his way towards the food. "Doesn't look too bad."

"Ya mind if I take some of your food?" Kyo already had a plate in his hand assuming the answer would be 'yes'.
"Sure...I guess." Kyo didn't bother to say thankyou but instead scooped out the food greedily, not caring if there was any left for anyone else. After he felt his plate was quite proportionet, he awkwardly sat down next to Yuki and slowly began to eat. He noted that Yuki was almost done eating, but also, amazingly, wanted to talk to him about his little 'problem'.

"Yuki." He began a little nervously. Shit, how should I say this? We rarely ever talk, and hell, I don't know what to do!

"Yes." He said in his usual calm manner.

Kyo inhaled sharply, and in his mind tried to phrase what he was going to say. "Well, ummm..." He nervously scratched the back of his head and bit his bottom lip, causing it to bleed. Just say it Kyo dammit, he's a boy too!" Oh great, now he's arguing with himself in his mind. "Okay, well..." Kyo looked up at the prince who he had just noticed was looking directly at him with a puzzled look on his face and a cocked eyebrow. "You see..I...have this, problem."

Yuki exhaled and said, "Finally, I thought you'd never start talking."

The nezumi clenched his teeth and yelled, "Shutup, this is serious!" Yuki sipped his tea in an attempt to show Kyo he was certainly not afraid of his yelling. "Please just listen you damn baka." The prince simply nodded his head in a silent agreement that he could continue.

"As I was saying..I have this problem. And, what it is..." The cat huffed as he twiddled his fingers and decided to just blurt it out all at once. "Ivebeenreallyhornylatelyanddon'tknowwhattodo." Yuki was shocked after hearing this statement and just looked at Kyo for a moment. Then a smile appeared on his face, soon it evolved into a grin, and then a great hearty laughter. "I swear you damn rat if you tell anyone I'll---"

Yuki covered Kyo's mouth with his hand and said, "Oh Kyo, I never thought in a million years you'd tell me something like that! I haven't laughed like this in so long I almost forgot what it was like!" Yuki continued to laugh as Kyo gripped his knees to his chest and bowed his head. "I knew this wasn't a good idea, but I had to tell someone! Damn rat laughing at me, he'll get his one day..and I mean that literally. And then I can laugh in his face when he begs for MY advice." Kyo soon noticed the silence that surrounded him and saw that Yuki was no longer laughing. His face grew serious, and looked as though he was about to ask a question. Surprisingly he placed a hand on Kyo's shoulder and asked, "Kyo, I guess I'm sorry to hear about that but, what do you expect me to do about it?" Kyo pondered the question for a moment. "Man, what DO i expect him to do about it?" Kyo was about to answer his question when he saw a drowsy Shigure walk into the room.

"Hello boys. And what are you two up to this morning?" The perverted inu grinned at both boys, and both bit back with such fierce faces that Shigure tried helplessly cooing apologies. "Yuki, I see you made breakfast." He said, hoping he'd changed the subject.

"Wait a minute Shigure, how do you know I didn't make it instead of that damn rat!?" Kyo asked with all seriousness in his tone.

"Oh sweet, sweet Kyo," Shigure said "we all know you can't even come CLOSE to cooking that well." Kyo was about to comment when Shigure just remembered he had some saddening news. Kyo had no choice but to bite back his anger for now. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you both that Tohru has come down again with another one of those high fevers. Apparently she was so nervous about her test in school this morning she got sick. I'm going to be taking her to Hatori, so that will be leaving you too all alone. I hope you dont mind!" Shigure added with a happy grin.

"Mind?!" Kyo said angrily. "Why in the hell would I mind?! I'm only going to be stuck with this damn rat that I hate with a fucking passion, but other then that, I don't think I mind!" Kyo said with as much sarcasm he could muster.

"Kyo," Yuki gave him a death glare. "After what you just told me, I think you should watch what comes out of your mouth." Yuki finalized with all the hastiness in the world.

"You wouldn't dare!" Kyo retorted. "I swear to God I'd kill you for it!"

Yuki gave a small laugh, "Baka neko, you can't even get a punch off of me, let alone kill me."

Kyo stood up fast as the eye can see, "Okay you damn rat. I'm going to prove myself once and for all! Today is the day I beat your ass!"

"Okay, you two have fun, I'm leaving now." Shigure said not caring if the two quarreling boys heard him or not.

Yuki gracefully stood and replied, "Hn, where have I heard that one before? Oh yes, you say it almost every damn day yet I'm still standing Kyo. Doesn't that strike you as something odd?"

Kyo ground his teeth together. "Alright you girly-boy, you're on. And this time I show NO mercy!"

Yuki smirked. "Whatever you say little kitty."

Kyo charged at Yuki with more anger then he ever felt. "Arrrgghhhhh!!" Kyo went straight for his face with a balled fist, and Yuki easily avoided it with one pivot of the foot.

He stood there untouched. "Ha! Is that all you got kitty-kat. I could've sworn just a minute ago you were saying how you were going to take me down."

"Oh don't you worry rat boy, it's commin'!" Yuki simply laughed and avoided the jabb heading straight for his stomach. Yuki gracefully landed on his feet after avoiding the punch.

"Damn rat!" Kyo went for another hit, and Yuki decided he was done playing games. But an idea struck him as he thought of just finishing him off. "Ivebeenreallyhornylatelyanddon'tknowwhattodo." Yuki thought back on those very words, and as Kyo lashed at him grabbed his wrist and pinned him to the wall.

Kyo's eyes dialated. "What the hell are you doing you damned rat!" Yuki ignored him and instead slipped a thigh between his legs. "No, stop!" Kyo began to squirm, but Yuki held him firmly to the wall.

Yuki leaned his head to Kyo's ear and whispered, "I thought about it for a while baka, and I think this can help." Kyo shivered at the feel of Yuki's hot breath caressing his most sensitive spot at the moment, his neck. He slowly and intimately began to grind against Kyo's firm body and gained a well deserved gasp from the read head. "You like that, don't you?" Yuki whispered seductively.

"Yuki...ahnnnn." Kyo became mush under Yuki's touch. "Faster. If you're gonna fuck me, do it faster!"

"Ah, ah, ah Kyo. Who said anything about fuck. I was just teasing you, you know." Yuki quickly gave Kyo an open mouth kiss that had Kyo wanting more of Yuki, but he quickly pulled away and whiped his lips. Kyo just stood there, trying to control his blood pressure from rising any higher then it was. "Why...." he started catching his breath after losing it from that mind blowing kiss. "Why..are this?" Kyo was still panting a little but it soon died down into steady breathing.

"Why, you ask? Maybe because I don't help people who hate me. Nor do I help people that don't deserve my help!" Yuki then turned on his heel and ran up into his room without hesitating to slam the door.

"Oh." was Kyo's own response. "I guess...I guess I'm sorry, Yuki." Kyo then shut his eyes and slid down the wall as he contemplated the situation.

A couple hours had passed since the incident, encounter, or whatever the hell you wanna call it. Shigure was still gone, but he had called once or twice after the fight. Kyo lay on the couch and was flipping through channels as his stomach began to get that 'feeling' again, and then soon enough it was evident what Kyo wanted to do. "Shit, not again. Damn it all to hell." He said quietly, yet his voice still carried that anger. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wonder how..oh gosh...Yuki, is...".

Meanwhile, Yuki was up in his room engrossed in his book called Dummies Guide On: How to Live with a Cat That Has a Bad Ass Attitude and a Perverted Dog Whose Just Perverted **And on occasions dumb as all hell**. Ha, how convenient was that book? Yuki sighed and started thinking about todays earlier events and what he had said. Why, you ask? Maybe because I don't help people who hate me. Nor do I help people that don't deserve my help!" Yuki began to investigate more into his thoughts and started to feel guilty but tried to convince himself that it wasn't his wrong doing. "Oh c'mon Yuki, you know it's not your fault. It's that damn cat. He always has something to say, and...." But then another thought emerged into his brain about what Tohru had said to him one time, just recently too.


Yuki and Tohru had been walking in the woods, as it was a beautiful spring evening. The air was warm and crisp, and precious flowers were springing from the ground as the two teens walked hand in hand, as they do normally. "Yuki." Tohru looked at Yuki with the brightest smile on her face and Yuki returned it. "Yes, Tohru." She paused for a moment, like she was thinking about how she was going to say whatever was on her curious mind. "I've been thinking lately. The other day, I had a conversation on the roof with Kyo. And, I've come to realize something about him. A lot of the times he's around you, and Shigure or Momiji, he always feels he has to act so stern because that's his nature." I nodded for her to go on. "But, that night, when I spoke to him, he revealed to me a side I've never seen him show anyone ever before. He seemed so... happy, and excited. Like he'd been wanting to talk to someone for so long. He just didn't know how. But, what I'm trying to say is maybe, if you give him a chance, you two could maybe get along. Kyo is probably always going to be stubborn. And there's nothing you or I, or anyone else but Kyo could do about it. Deep down, he probably longs to be your friend, he's just afraid, afraid you'll reject him. He's afraid of being hurt like he has soo much in the past." A tear slid down Tohru's tender face. I noticed this and almost instinctively brushed it away with my finger. I tilted her chin up with my thumb so she could look at me. I looked deep into those pools of soft brown eyes and replied:

"We'll see." I think we both understood what that meant and the rest of the walk home was silent.

End of Flashback:

"Was she right, maybe?" I layed back onto my bed and began to think some more. I soon heard a very faint, almost deaf knock on my door. I didn't think I had to ask but I did anyways. "Who is it?"


"Hmm, Kyo?" He stared at the door and watched as it slid open.

"How did you ever know?" Kyo said with a grin barely tugging at his lips.

"The prince knows everything." Yuki said with a laugh.

"Oh yea, I almost forgot to bow, prince." He the walked into his room without bowing, that comment just being a joke, and sat on the floor. "So, what have you been doing up here?" He asked trying to spruce up a conversation.

"Reading a book." He said directly. Yuki then held up the book to show Kyo the cover. He read it silently and laughed.

"Oh how that applies to you baka." Kyo then shifted into a more comfortable position that would hopefully sustain him for quite a while.

"Umm, Kyo...about, what I said before. I...I'm sorry. It's just that, sometimes that tension between us becomes unbearable, and I felt the only way to release that tension was through anger. Which in this case involved me teasing you..." Kyo stared at Yuki slightly confused. Yuki rose from his bed and croutched down next to Kyo in an attempt to create better communication between the two. Kyo began to feel strange, being the fact that Yuki was terribly close to him. "Kyo, I'm saying...if you want my help, I'll give it to you. But afterwards it must stay mutual neko." Kyo was a little saddened by the idea, but he guessed it was for the better of things. Yuki then placed a gentle hand on Kyo's tense thigh and slowly began to caress it. The feeling sent shivers down Kyo's spine and straight to his groin, making it explode in a rush of erotic heat he had never felt before. "Yuki, how are we..." Kyo blushed because he had to ask Yuki for help, but Yuki didn't seem to mind at all.

Yuki placed a pale hand on Kyo's shoulder and encouraged him to lie back. He silently did as told. Yuki spread Kyo's thighs and pressed his body in between those luscious legs, and simply molded with his body. "Ahh, Yuki, your body feels so...good on mine." Yuki blushed a little.

"Just wait neko, it gets better." Yuki began to caress Kyo's erection with a blind hand, and muffled his moans with another one of his spectacular kisses. Yuki licked Kyo's bottom lip for permission to enter, and Kyo obliged with no hesitation. They began a battle of dominace with their tongues, and soon both young boys were out of breath and gasping for air. Yuki quickly removed his and Kyo's clothing, leaving only skin to skin contact. Yuki began the slow rythem by thrusting his hips toturusly into Kyo's pelvis.

"Oh gods, Yuki.." Kyo moaned, lips slightly parted and puffy. Yuki then ducked his head and began to suckle on one of the cats taunt nipples, making it harden even more. As he did so Kyo began to rithe underneath him even more, arching his back to allow more access.

"Kyo?..." The rat said in between his ministrations.

"" Kyo barely managed to reply. Yuki attacked the other nipple but still managed to speak.

"Have you ever..." He sucked the nipple once more, earning a moan from the horny cat. "you know...with a boy?" For a brief moment, Kyo ignored the pure ecstacy he was now experiencing and nodded his head 'no'. Yuki wasn't surprised though, but he was curious to know.

"Who cares you damned rat...please just keep going..." Yuki obeyed, surprised to hear the begging, and threw a leg over one of Kyo's thigh and started to grind on it, seeking out his own sweet release. That only heightened Kyo's pleasure, and soon, both boys reached their climax with two loud grunts. Yuki collapsed onto Kyo, spent from that luxurious experience. Both were panting and were heaved from their actions. "Yuki...oh gosh Yuki..." Kyo was still panting and experiencing the after effects of an orgasm. Yuki also lay there, face hidden in Kyo's neck.

"There you cat....I hope you feel better now." Yuki said in a raggid voice but still in a joking manner.

"Oh hell yea...I've never felt better." Kyo kissed Yuki one last time and silently fell asleep. Yuki noticed this and stood up. He gently pulled the covers over Kyo, and as he did so heard an obviouly happy Shigure and Tohru walk in. The prince slipped his clothes on quickly, as to avoid the chance of being caught, and went straight to the shower. But before he left he silently whispered to Kyo, knowing he wouldn't hear:

"Ai shiteru baka neko." And with that he left.


Depending on my reviews I will either continue or not...