Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kyou's Birthday Surprise ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ÿþKyou s Birthday Surprise:

A Fruits Basket fanfic by

Chevy Camargo

(Author s Note: There was supposed to be some hentai in this fic, but (a) It didn t fit the story,

(b) It was very poorly written, and (c) I wouldn t be able to publish it here, so it has therefor been

cut from this fic PERMANENTLY!)

Part 1

It was a peaceful morning at the old house. The sun was an orange-yellow ember that made the

dew on the leaves and budding flowers glisten, sparkling with the hope of a brand new day.

Tohru popped her head out of the kitchen door to see Yuki and Shigure for the first time that

morning, although she was the first in the house to wake. That s work ethic for you. With the

sweeping, scrubbing, cooking breakfast, and whatnot, all she had time for before breakfast was a

glass of water, half a glass if you count the fact that she stopped in mid-gulp to unload the

laundry. But she was done with all of that now, or at least enough to put on standby until after

she was done with her morning meal. She raised her gaze to those sitting at the table, and with all

the perk of a 5 year old child in a toy store, she spoke,

 Good morning, everyone! .

 Yes, good morning, Miss Honda. Yuki responded.

Shigure swallowed his mouthful of food quickly and responded to her in the way only he could,

 Ah yes, but it certainly dims in comparison to this fine meal!

Tohru nodded and smiled,  Why thank you, Shigure, but where s Kyou?

Shigure sighed  Probably sulking on the rooftop, as usual. He snuck another bite into his mouth,

 You d best not bother him, not today at least. He should be smelling breakfast right about 

He was inturrupted by the orange-haired boy storming in with his eyes to the floor. He said not a

word as he snatched the plate from his place at the table. Then he turned back around and headed

for the roof .

 Umm, Kyou? Shigure uttered.

 WHAT?! Kyou whipped back to face Shigure and shouted this in an anger greater than usual,

that seemed to Tohru to be mixed with a sad loneliness.

 You forgot your eating utensils. Shigure calmly stated.

Kyou lowered his head,  Oh.....

As he started to walk back to the table, Yuki couldn t help but chuckle,  Stupid Cat.

 DUMB RAT!!! Kyou screamed as he lunged for the Prince, stopped, of course, by an uppercut

to the chin. After peeling himself off the floor, being unwilling to spend any more time in the

presence of anyone, Kyou retreated to the roof, leaving his meal behind.

 What s wrong with Kyou? Tohru asked, dumbfounded. She looked at Kyou s meal, still

miraculously intact, more or less. She made a mental note to deliver it to him after she was done


 Oh, don t mind Kyou, Shigure sighed as he brought his coffee mug to his lips  He gets like ths

a few days every year. It seems the term  Happy Birthday doesn t apply to him.

As usual, this sudden announcement sent poor little Tohru into panic mode,  It s his birthday?! I

didn t even get him a card! What do I do?! What do I do?! I know! I ll make him something! But

wait! I don t have time to make him something! I have to mop, and dust, and sweep and 

Yuki interjected calmly,  Calm down, Miss Honda. It s two days from now. You have plenty of

time. Yuki, one of the only failsafes used to abort Tohru s panic mode, did his job splendidly.

Tohru sighed,  Well that s good, but what do I get him? Tohru pondered this all day, as she

cleaned, ate, and rested and as she was making that night s beef stew, it came to her............

End of Part 1

Part 2

 What? Kyou said, as he rolled over on the roof to face Tohru, who was holding a brightly-

colored ticket in front of her. You want to what?

 Id like you to come to the amusement park. Tohru said with confidence and a smile. It ll be

lots of fun!

Kyou looked up and asked  Where did you get the money to take us all 

Tohru interrupted,  Well, actually, my overtime check only covered you and me so, I thought you

might want to go with me tomorrow, since it is your  At this point, Shigure overhears them and

decides to eavesdrop.

Kyou snapped back at her,  SHUT UP! I M NOT GOING! TAKE THAT DAMN YUKI!

Tohru backed away looking dejected and uttering apologies quietly. Kyou had rolled over so that

his back was to the ladder, he heard Tohru s apologies, followed by Shigure and Tohru

screaming and the both of them tumbling down the ladder, and then silence. He silently cursed


<... for being such an idiot....>

He pulled out of his pocket a folded piece of paper and unfolded it.

<...for pushing her away...>

He read the words  Happy Birthday Kyou and a tear streamed down his face.

<...for being weak.....for being Kyou.....>

The next morning Kyou was on the roof as usual, when Shigure joined him.

Kyou looked at him,  ...................................... ...........................What the hell do you want?

Shigure looked very serious as he said  Miss Tohru is leaving in two hours. Alone.

Kyou scoffed,  So?

Shigure nodded,  Hmm, yes. I m sure she ll be fine, but......

Kyou lifted his head, showing a faint concern,  But what?

Shigure put one hand on his heart and raised the other in a poetic pose, and in a dramatic voice

said,  But I hate to think of what could happen to our poor Tohru skulking around that park,

alone, heartbroken, and vulnerable to any attack by some lust-crazed monster, not to mention

getting a cold from the frigid night air!

Kyou blinked twice, then with a determined look on his face he shouted,  That s it; I m going!

End of Part 2

Mini Skit:

Shigure: Goodbye Miss Honda!

Yuki: It was nice of Hatori to take them. What do we do now?

Shigure: Let s play Mouse Trap!

Yuki: *grumble* I hate that game......

Shigure: Or, we could clean the house....

Yuki: Give me the damn dice

Shigure: No! You re rolling the dice all wrong! You have to close your eyes!

Yuki: Okay....*closes eyes*

Shigure: *takes pictures* Heh heh heh.......

End of Mini Skit

Part 3

Off they rode in Hatori s car. Tohru s hair wafted in the breeze from the open car window. Kyou

found himself stealing glances at Tohru while she looked out the window at the beauty which

was nature. Kyou s fingers began almost involuntarily moving towards Tohru s hand, which sat

in-between where both of them were sitting. Slowly, the fingers started crawling, wanting

desperately to feel the warmth of her grasp. They were almost

there..........almost........SCREEEE EETCH! The car made a sudden stop and Kyou went flying up

against the back of the driver s seat.

Pissed off beyond measure, Kyou stuck his head out the window and screamed at the car that

startled them. @$$HOLE!!!

Eventually, they reached the park. Tohru got out of the car and gazed in awe at the grandiose

scale and called Kyou to join her,  Kyou! Let s go on the Ferris Wheel! We can see the whole

park from there!

 Fine, fine. Kyou said showing hints of a smile.

At the top of the Ferris Wheel, the cab stopped. Tohru was amazed at the size of the park and

how small everyone looked. Then she fell to her knees and put her hands tho her head.

Kyou, obviously worried, ran up to her.  Tohru? Are you okay?!

 I m fine,  Tohru said,  Just a little dizzy. We should be going back down soon, anyway.

It soon became apparent to them that the ride was broken, when a man with a megaphone said

 remain calm. We ll have you down in about three hours! .

Tohru, upon hearing this, curled up into a ball and started crying,  This is my fault! It s my fault!

I ruined your birthday! I wanted to help!, but look at this! I m sorry, Kyou!

 Tohru.... Kyou, overcome with compassion, embraced the crying ball that was Tohru. He

transformed with a cloud of orange smoke. That didn t stop Kyo from saying what he had to say.

With a sigh, the orange neko spoke,  Don t apologize. I might not look it, but........I m having a

good time.....really.

Tohru sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes,  But we could be here for hours!

Neko Kyou smiled,  Look at me, Tohru. I m a cat. If the wheel starts moving now, how are you

gonna explain this little magic trick, huh? He mumbled the last part  Besides, I like being alone

with you.....

Tohru perked up,  What? .

Neko Kyou, now on the defensive, nervously said,  I didn t say anything!

 I heard what you said Tohru smirked, and she picked Kyou up and hugged him with the force

of a vice grip.

 C mon! Put me down! Neko Kyou squirmed in her grip.

And right there, he transformed back.

After he re-clothed himself, he turned to Tohru and said,  Ever since the curse started, whenever

a zodiac member had a birthday they d have a special birthday party with all the rest of the

zodiac members, except the cat...

Tohru gasped,  Except you? Just like the story; All the animals went to the party except the cat!

Kyou sighed,  Once, on Yuki s birthday, I waited outside until midnight, when everyone started

leaving, and there was that damn Yuki, the last one, with so many presents, Aya had to help him

carry them. But that s not what I wanted. I wanted to be accepted. And you do. That s why I m

having fun. Tears streamed down his cheeks that he d been holding far too long.

 Kyou.... Tohru wiped the tears from his face and paused to look in his eyes, their faces parallel.

Kyou pressed his luck and leaned into her mouth. There it was, his first kiss. Not as elegant as

he d imagined, but he d also half imagined he d never get one. What was this? Hands were

sliding through his hair, pulling his head forward. Someone wanted more. He mumbled her name

into her cheek. Nothing needed to be said. They both knew their feelings, each-other s. And what

was that distant whirring? A cherry-picker? Yep, two hours early. And soon they were free to

explore the park, again.

Tohru looked up into Kyou s eyes,  So, what s next?

Kyou smiled,  How about one of those roller coasters? I ve always wanted to go on one.

Tohru looked up at the leering coaster and started to feel weary,  Sure, I guess.

The End