Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ love is hard ❯ chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yuki sat staring at the sun from his window watching as a flock of black winged birds flew under the sun in a “v” shape. Yuki sighed before coughing into his hands coughing his throat and sides to ache. ‘it’s been happening more frequently lately maybe I should call Hatori’ Yuki sighed again before getting up and stumbling down the stairs to the dining room occupied by a angry cat and a apologetic Tohru. ‘God how I envy Kyo how he can be so open around people I long to be like that too’
A scowl graced Yuki’s other wise perfect face as he walked in the room. “Shut up you damn cat I can hear you in my room” Yuki watched scowl still on his face redden obvious anger shining in his eyes.
“Shut up you stupid rat it isn’t my fault you need your prissy beauty sleep” Kyo said standing up defensively.
“this isn’t even worth my time” Yuki said giving a exasperated sigh seeing the look on a panicking Tohru’s face.
“STOP GIVING ME THAT HIGH AND MIGHTY ACT I HATE TAT; THINKING YOU BETTER THAN ME JUST CECAUSE YOU’RE THE SRUPID RAT…” Kyo yelled only to be interrupted by a bowl of food spilling all over his uniform.
“Ow my, my what a mess Kyo-kun I suppose that know you must go get changed while we enjoy Miss. Honda wonderful cooking.”
“Shigure you bastard you did that on purpose”
“Why Kyo how could you accuse little o’ me of something so hanis my hands simply slipped”
Yuki rolled his eye’s as he watched Kyo and Shigure bicker and quickly scarfed down his breakfast and hurried out side pulling Tohru along with him. “We’re going to school” he stated simply before closing the door.
“um. Yuki don’t you think we should stop them what if Shigure or Kyo hurt each other?” Tohru said looking over her shoulder at the two who had yet to notice them take there leave.
“Don’t worry Miss. Honda they’ll Tire them self’s out before that can happen” he said reassuringly trying to comfort the worried girl. “when will they just grow up” he mumbled to himself as he lost him self in thought.
10 Minutes later
Tohru sat in class Yuki 2 seats on her left and Kyo on her right all 3 deep in thought.
“…Right Miss. Honda” Mrs. Manaka said eyeing Tohru.
“UUH….Yeah of course” Tohru said absent mindedly. Mrs. Manada stared at Tohru who once again was staring blankly up at the board with a look of concern. Seeing that Tohru was oblivious to blatant staring Mrs. Manaka continued on with her lesson glancing at Tohru every few minutes.
After class ended Mrs. Manaka stopped Tohru, Yuki and Kyo at the door and held the back late.
“Is there something going on I don’t like when three promising students don’t pay attention during class. My job is to teach and I can’t do that when you distracted.” (Tohru’s been improving with the help of Yuki) Mrs. Manaka said her voice comforting but demanding.
“I’m sorry I zoned out” Tohru said bowing t the teacher.
“I am so sorry as well,: Yuki said
“Ch…Whatever” Kyo commented rolling his eyes before walking out of the classroom.
:Fine just don’t let it happen again” Mrs. Manaka said massaging her temples and sighing in frustration.
Yuki and Tohru nodded before walking from the room and starting down the hall being joined by Kyo who had been leaning on the locker outside the lockers.
“Stupid teacher I don’t even know why I come to this school” Kyo ranted but was quieted when Yuki didn’t yell at him about education or how he needed to be more responsible. Kyo frowned his brows creasing in confusion before trying again.
“Hay you stupid tat what’s wrong some one ram something where the sun don’t shine?” Kyo smirked when Yuki stopped and turned around to look at him.
“Kyo …” Yuki started only to be interrupted when they heard the loud screeching of Momiji “TOHRU-KUN” Momiji made to jump on her eyes shining and mouth stretching in a huge smile . Mid jump Kyo hit Momiji upside the head sending him crashing into the floor.
“AAH…KYOS HITTING ME” Momiji cried in a childish voice.
“Hay you stupid cat stop pickin’ on people younger than you coward” Haru said pushing Kyo up against the wall trapping his hand at his side not aware of the look of jealousy radiating off one of there members.
“Damn it Haru what pissed you off to turn you black” Kyo grunted before balling his fist at his sides waiting for Haru to do something like hit him.
“Ow hello Haru are you doing well!” Tohru said with a bright smile.
“Better now” Haru said raking his eye’s over Tohru while he backed up releasing Kyo from his grasp. “and you seem…well”
Tohru blushed turning her head “I’m doing well enough”
“Hay Tohru guess what dads going to let my sister come over” Momiji said practically radiating happiness.
“Ow that’s great Momiji” Tohru said her eyes wide with surprise “Now you and her can…”
Tohru stopped speaking suddenly when she noticed Yuki hadn’t talked “Yuki are you okay” she asked concerned. Some times she’s very observant.
“I’m fine Tohru don’t worry” Yuki said watching her turn around still un convinced by satisfied and continued her conversation. But unluckily Kyo seemed to be Observant to day to as her looked at him with a tad bit of concern that her would never admit. Just knowing that Kyo cared slightly made his cheeks flush but maybe that wad the fever he felt his jacket sticking to his back and black outlining his vision. He covered his mouth as a fit of cough’s racked his body. He moved his hand eye level and stared as if in a trance at his hand that was covered in blood. He Thought the others saying his name but couldn’t really focus on them. He felt himself wobble and fall forward as his legs gave out on him. He stopped falling and he felt his face land on something soft and to warm arms wrap around his waist
“Yuki, can you hear me don’t worry Haru’s calling Hatori”
Yuki’s eyes fluttered open to stare into the crimson eyes of Kyo and whimpered out his mane before passing out.

“Kyo..” Kyo looked down at Yuki as he said his name in a pleasing voice. He felt a ache in his heart but couldn’t understand why this effected him so much.
20 Minutes later
“Kyo please pick Yuki up and come with me to my car” Hatori spoke his voice demanding. Kyo stood Yuki in his arms following behind Hatori stepping into his car when the door was opened for him.
“Where are Tohru and the others at?” Kyo asked.
“There getting a ride with Shigure to the main house” Hatori said his voice giving nothing away.
“Kyo sucked in a sharp breath hearing where they were going. ‘Main house’ Kyo thought with mixed feelings of anger and fear. “Hatori Akito won’t allow me there” he said franticly.
“This is a special occasion your helping me care for Yuki”
This didn’t calm Kyo’s tensed body as he remembered the last time he was at the main house had to get 46 stitches and broke 2 ribs. Kyo’s disturbed thoughts turned back to the present situation when Yuki turned and snuggled into Kyo’s stomached with a grunt of pain. Kyo’s eyes softened the panic receding from his eyes and he ran his fingers threw Yuki’s soft gray hair trying to sooth him and being successful. The hole time Kyo did this, calming Yuki and himself a serene yet longing look settled over his face. Hatori watched the transaction with mild interest as he drove. Hatori pulled into the car lot at the main house before turning to say “Kyo bring him to my office I will be there momentarily” ‘ Shigure should be filling Akito in this could be bad’ he watched Kyo walk away and couldn’t help but be sympathetic
“Kyo you don’t know the pain your setting yourself up for” he said quietly to himself his face stricken with a pained look.