Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting the others ❯ Meeting Emma ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N : Alright you lovely people here's the real first chapter!
Summary : After 10 years, Tohru finally get's to see her ants! But they come baring news, maybe not all good, but definetly different. "Hey, what do you meen Angels and Demons?!" "Wings....??"
Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket sadly, : ( But the new characters are all mine and my cosines so back off!! : P
Chapter one: Meeting the family
"Well another school day over!" exclaimed Tohru walking out of school with Kyo, Yuki, Uo and Hana.
"Finally! Damn, I thought it would never end!" shouted Kyo.
"Shut up, your giving me a headache." muttered Yuki while he rubbed his head.
"Why don't you SHUT UP, you damn rat!"
"I said shut up, you stupid cat!"
"I agree with the Prince why don't you shut up, your very lound!" said Uo.
"Yes, very" Hana said quietly.
"Hi Tohro, how was your day at school??" said a mysterious new character!! (A/N: HE HE!!)
"Emma....." Tohru said as she turned around.
"Yup!! The one and only!!" Emma said with a huge grin.
"But what are you doing here? Not, that I don't want you here. It's just very unexpected, I mean i haven't seen you in ten years!" Tohru said in a hurry.
"Whoo, breath, I know, it's been a while just thought i'd come say hi and see how your doing, now a days."
"Ohhh, well HI! It's great to see you too!" Tohru exclaimed.
"Thanks, well anyways, just thought i'd tell you that i'm stay for a while and that your ants are here aswell, ohh and let's not forget Mamaya." she said laughing.
"Mamaya's here!?"
"Humm...Miss Honda, who is this?" Yuki asked quietly.
"Ohh, Yuki this is one of my really close friends, Emma Amori, we grew up together, but she had to move away, and I haven't seen her in ten years. But i'm very glad she's bac!" she said with exitement.
"Oohh" Yuki wispered quietly.
"Uo, Hana, Yuki and Kyo I'd like you all to meet Emma. Emma I'd like you to meet Arisa Uotani, Saki Hanajima, Yuki Sohma amd Kyo Sohma." Tohru said in a rush.
"Hi! nice to meet you all!"
"Yeah, hi" Uo said.
"Yes, it's very nice to meet you." Hana said.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Yuki said.
" ..." Kyo said or didn't say.
"He doesn't say much does he." Emma said.
"Hey what do you mean by that!" Kyo shouted.
"Ooh, look he talks." Emma said laughing. "Anyways, Tohru I went to your granpa's house but he said that you had moved in another house with Sohma's, and that if I wanted to see you that I sould come here, since you weren't done school yet." Emma said. "So are these the guys you moved in with??"
"Yes, I also live with Shigure." she said happily.
"Well that's good, I'll have to tell the others. For now I got to go, i'll promise i'll come visite soon! But now i got to go babysit for Chika! So ta-ta, it's nice meeting you all!" Emma souted as she ran in the opposite durection.
"Alright, bye Emma" Tohru shouted to her disapearing back
And that's the end!! Soooooooooo whadda think?? Well i got to go, sleep is calling me! So tata for now until next time.