Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting the Sohma's ❯ Aki's Day ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/n: Hello! I feel so pathetic, see the Disclaimer. Anyway the story. This is will be Aki's P.O.V. If you have any ideas mail me, cuz Im running low. And Im changing the plot line of the story. -_-0. It'll be shorter, cuz I think im gonna stop at chapter 10, Im not sure yet.

Disclaimer: Even though I love Akito Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Kyou Sohma, Ritsu Sohma, and Ayame Sohma, they don't belong to me or anyone else except their creator. TT_TT

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[Aki's P.O.V]

~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~(Thursday)

Damn, what time is it? I reach for the clock, Ugh! It's only 8:30 AM. I throw the clock down and pull the covers back over my head. I try to fall back asleep, but Cori, Lizzi, and Solita, come by to get me for breakfast. I tell them I'll be out in a couple of minutes. I take my time in the shower and everything. By the time I get out there it's 9:45. We only have 15 damn minutes to get to the dining room. That damn Momiji, who the hell did he think he was throwing food at me. We get there and eat. Once again for the 3 time this week, I hang out with Ayame. He has me trying on clothes...-_-;;. Some of the outfits he has are....weird. After hanging out with him....and one, ONE incident with the curse thing. That damn curse is annoying. It has to be awful for them, not being able to hug anyone outside the Zodiac. But that is sorta a cool curse if you think about. Ayame has me pick out colors for an outfit he made. Of couse I chose the beautiful dark colors. After arguing a little bit of the damn colors of the damn outfit.

Ugh! This has been the most interesting and weirdest spring vaction ever! Though it seems we all got boyfriends. Lizzi and Kyou, Cori and Yuki, Solita and the creppy Akito. (Me: Say another thing like that about a guy I like and you shall feel my wrath.) And then I got the loud mouth Ayame...though he is cute. Though sometimes I wonder about him...Lizzi comes by and gets me and Ayame for lunch. And of couse she just happens to walk in while he's in his Zodiac form...-_- Then *Poof!* he changed back. Lizzi quickly turned around as I did as well. "Well, hurry to lunch...." Lizzi said trailing off. She left closing the door behind her. I told Ayame I'd see him in a few minutes, staying close to the wall, and looking at the floor. I walk outside and try to get rid of the blush on my face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Kyou said.
"None of your damn business, Lizzi is calling you," I say. "Wha-? You damn bitch, your lucky it's luch time, and their having something I like. If they weren't I'd knock you on your ass!" Kyou yelled. "Riight, neko" I say. Kyou stalks off. I wait for Ayame to come out of his room. Together we walk to lunch. Lunch was exceedingly (is that a word?) quiet for once.

Lizzi makes me help her today. Ugh!'ve been sayin' 'Ugh!' alot today...I wonder why? I wash the dishes and Lizzi for once dries them. She says 'The water is affecting her electric waves...' whatever the hell that means. I hand her the last plate and drain the water. I then look out the window, it look's like its going to rain. I hear someone scream, Shigure is on the floor twitching. "What the hell happened?!" I say. "This pervert...touched me...he must pay," Lizzi says, calmly..and eerie-ly.. I hold her back why drag her out of the room to keep her from killing the pervert. I drag her outside into the rain. She walks calmly back to her room. I decided to go back to my room, to see Ayame standing outside of it. I see Shigure peeking around the corner of the house. Only God knows what these two together, or what they plan when they get together. Lizzi comes around the corner, shocking Shigure a couple of times. "I told you that you would pay..." she says. She spots me, and then Ayame. Shigure is passed out twitching every now and then. It serves the damn pervert right. "Aki, Ayame, hello," She says. I nod and Ayame goes over to check to 'Gure' as he calls him. "Ayame, Aki, Shigure, would you like to play Dai Hin Min with Kyou and I?" she says. I nod, Shigure and Ayame say/shout "OF COURSE!!" In a few seconds they're on the ground twitching, "Let's go..."

After playing about 15 games, the score was: Ayame: 1, Me: 1, Shigure: 1, Kyou: 6, and Lizzi: 6. "How the hell do you win 6 damn games, Lizzi?!" I yell. She says calmly, with an eerie aura, "Do yuo really want to know?" We all shake our heads. "That's what I thought," she says. Ayame says, "Do you want to see my most amazing and beautiful design that I ever created?!" Without waiting for an answer he pulls out a dress that looks like.....something....Lizzi's face sorta looked like: o_o and Kyou's was the same expression. Mine was -_-0. "Oh, Aya, its beautiful..." Shiugre says. Lizzi get's up and leaves. "Where are you going?" I say. Without turning around she says "To my room." Well, for the past couple of days Lizzi has sure been acting weird. I wonder why? Oh well, I could care less. After getting into another verbal fight with that damn Kyou, I went to my room to wait for dinner.

I felt someone waking me up.."Aki, wake up! Dinner is ready." I groan and turn over. "Ayame is waiting for you to wake up, so he can escort you to dinner..." Lizzi says. I am awake instantly, "OK!" I run a brush through my hair, and walk outside. I grab his arm. As we approach the room, I let go of his arm so people don't suspect anything. Though Lizzi and Kyou walk in arm in arm. I think it's cuz of Lizzi's damn electric waves. I don't think anyone would mess with her unless they want to be knocked out for a few hours.

~~~~~~~Night Time~~~~~~~

Ayame walked me back to my room and gave me a kiss goodnight. I blush faintly and kiss him back. I say goodnight and enter my room. I know for a fact Lizzi and Kyou are on the roof again. I can hear them. Well, I know their gonna share a couple of kisses. I also know for a fact that Cori and Yuki shared a kiss because Cori was in a daze when we walked by her room. Solita stayed after dinner, so her and Akito probably shared a kiss. I waited outside for her to come by. "So Solita, did you and Akito share a kiss?" I say. "Uh, wat makes you think that?" Solita says. "You face, its red, like an apple," I say plainly. She nods and starts power walking down the hallway.

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Ending A/n: I know its short, Im running out of ideas. Everyone happy? You got to kiss your bishies! *shifty eyes* Heh, in my next story one of my characters are gonna get Ritsu, and the other ones gonna get Kyou, and if I can come up with another character their gonna get Akito. So I won't need any people for the next one...maybe....But please continue to read and review my stories. *teary eyed*
Me: Ritsu, deep breaths. No deep breaths = heart attack = me TT_TT
Ritsu: *takes deep breaths* ...
Me: *huggles Ritsu*
About above, me and my friend were roleplaying and everytime Ritsu started freakin out I said 'Ritsu! Deep breaths! If you don't take deep breaths you'll have a heart attack! And if you have a heart attack, then I'll never forgive you.' Then everytime he listened I would huggle him....