Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Melting the Frozen Snow ❯ Melting the Frozen Snow ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Well, let's, I own everything!!! *a giant guy in a suit comes stomping into the room* I TAKE IT BACK, I TAKE IT BACK!!!!!! THEY'RE NOT MINE!!!!!!!! I SWEAR!!! *pauses, to suit-guy* Hey, you're Japanese, right? Can u teach me sum karate moves?


A/N: Mwahaha! I have another important school project I should be researching, but I'm writing fanfictions instead! Yatta! It's just a quick little thing I made up. I am like, the Angsty-Procrastinative Queen of Amazingness. Ph34r m3. Besides, I'd rather take flames than good grades any day!


Summary: Hatori still dwells on things that have happened in the past. Ayame's kept his feelings bottled up inside him for a long time. When they finally come out, how will Hatori take it? Ignore the crappy summary and READ! AyaXHari. Sum OOCness, but that's not my problem! Well, maybe it is, but yeah.....Oh, and a lime alert, too.





Melting the Frozen Snow





`"Hatori is like snow. He's cold, like snow......"


Those are the words that still seem to linger in my mind. Even though Kana and Tohru both have dispelled some of those unfeeling thoughts, Akito's words are still there, haunting me. I don't know what to do. After Kana, I don't think I can ever love again..........'


"Hari-san?!" Ayame's voice rang through the dreary house. Hatori paused, hastily snapping his book shut as Ayame Sohma stepped into the room. "There you are, Hatori! Why didn't you answer me?"


Hatori's face was devoid of emotion as he answered, slipping the small leather book into his desk. "Because I didn't really want you to find me at the moment, Ayame."


Ayame's smile dropped a little, but he quickly regained his usual flamboyant attitude. "That's no fun, Hari. Is it because I accidentally dropped your medical book on the stove? Or when -"


"No, Aya. I just wanted some peace," Hatori muttered, before Ayame could go through his list of things he had done to annoy Hatori in the past week. "Tell me what you came here for and then leave."


"But Hari..." Ayame whined. "I wanted to come and do some redecorating with this drab place! You need some homey touches."


"Aya, I don't need or want any `homey touches'. I'm trying to work, if you haven't noticed."



Ayame frowned, placing his hands on his hips. "You know, Hatori, you've been acting like a real bastard for the longest time. I though that was just Kyon-kyon's job, but you seem really good at it now. What's your problem?!"


"What's my problem?" Hatori replied, not losing his cool. "At the moment, it's you."


Hatori knew at once that that was not the best thing to say. Ayame stopped what he was beginning to say, looking crestfallen. Hatori had shown at times that he had been annoyed with the snake spirit, but never outright said that he was getting on his nerves.


"Oh. If that's all then......" Ayame trailed off, running his fingers through his platinum colored hair. "I'll be leaving now........" He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.




`Oh Gods, what had I done? I best of all knew that Ayame couldn't take rejection well. What if he does something stupid, like transform in public? Damn him, and this damn curse.....'


Hatori raced out of the room, calling after his friend. "Ayame, come on! I didn't mean it!" After a minute, he found Ayame sitting on the porch, staring out at the frozen ground.


"I know you didn't mean it, Hari......." Ayame whispered as he heard the dragon approach. "I'm sorry, getting upset like that. I shouldn't have called you a bastard.......I'm the one who's been acting different lately."


"It's all right. You don't need to apologize," Hatori responded, placing a hand on Ayame shoulder. "I shouldn't have been, so harsh."


Ayame sniffled, and Hatori realized that Ayame had been crying. He sat down next to him and asked, "Ayame, you're crying. What's wrong......?"


"Oh, it's nothing," answered Ayame. "It's just cold out, that's all."


"Aya, you're a horrible liar."


"Oh yeah? Well, you're worse," Ayame said, forming something close to a smile on his face. "'re right. That's not why I'm crying." He paused, looking out past Hatori, at the tall buildings in the background.


"Well.....?" Hatori prompted him. "What is it?"


"Hari, I-I love you."


`It was so sudden. Like the shock of getting hit by a bus. There was nothing that I could have done to have prepared me for that. Ayame never let out his true feelings. Almost like me......And then I went and did the worst thing I could have done. I transformed.'











"Hari? Are you awake, Hari?"


Hatori moaned, sitting up as he rubbed his head. `Ah, that's right. I transformed when....' Looking around he saw that Ayame had set him on his bed. Ayame was over in a corner, sitting on a chair with his arms wrapped around his knees.




Ayame leapt out of his seat and came over to the bed. "Hatori, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to -"


"Shhh," Hatori murmured, placing a hand on Ayame's lips. He stopped talking, startled. "It's alright, Aya."


"But-but, you hate me now, don't you?" Ayame was on the verge of tears again.


"Why would I hate you for telling me how you feel? Even if it is something that I never could do......"


`It was true. I didn't hate Aya. In fact, it was more of the complete opposite. I loved him back.'


"Come here, Aya......" Hatori said softly. Ayame moved a few inches closer, apprehensively. In one swift movement, not really caring that he wasn't wearing anything under the blankets, Hatori enveloped Ayame in an affectionate embrace. "You've really helped me, Ayame."


"What, I, but-" Ayame stammered. "What did I do?"


"......You've helped me see that it's not good to keep your feelings bottled up. And I know, Kana and Tohru helped me along there, but you, Ayame.......I've never felt this way before. Kana made me feel happy and liberated from this cursed place, but you......there is no way to put into words what I feel now."


Ayame felt tears start to fall. Hatori had actually felt something back for him. Smiling, he looked down at the man. Surprise ran across Ayame's face. Hatori was crying. "Hatori........."


"Ayame, thank you. Thank you so damn much."



Hatori took Ayame's chin in his hands, and leaned forward to kiss him. Ayame returned the kiss passionately. It was like a fire had spread across the two, unlocking something that had been hidden deep inside.



The day turned to night, and the dragon and the snake forgot about the outside world. Hours later, they lay together on Hatori's bed, keeping that single moment in their heads forever. Ayame sighed and rolled over to Hatori.


"Hari.....are we going to tell Akito?"


"Hmph. Chances are, Akito already knows. But if he doesn't, then we won't be the ones to hurry and tell him," Hatori managed to grin. "I don't know about you, but I'd like this to last at least a little bit longer......"


"For once, I agree," Ayame smiled, wrapping his arms around Hatori and giving him a peck on the cheek.


"So, when are we going to start on those `homey touches?'"






As I stare out this broken window,

The snow falls down

And the earth changes

To ice.

Like the temperature of my frozen heart,

That white which encases me

And shuts me away from the world.

Only the warmth,

Of a Spring day

Can break the barrier

And lead me to a better place

Where flowers can bloom

Where the snow will finally melt

Where the cold will be gone








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A/N: ........Screw the sex scene. You use ur own imagination. Mine just broke.



KAWAII! Okay, I want reviews now!!! Got it?! Give me a reward for not doing my homework!


Oh yeah, that poem at the end was written by me. I was inspired by, guess who? Hatori! Then, the poem inspired me for this story! Well, that and all these other FB fics I found on this great site. Yay!